Scraping SNOTEL Data

This tutorial shows you how to make use of the code developed for scraping SNOTEL site data in order to generate datasets for use in training artificial intelligence models for seasonal snow forecasting. The code below contains a commented version of the code used to produce cleandata.csv, which is used in the base tutorial for snow forecasting, as well as the paper. However, exploration of the optional arguments or requesting of alternative SNOTEL data codes offers additional utility in creating alternative data sets for further investigation.

We begin by importing the data tools module, as well as other required packages:

using ClimaLand
using DataFrames, CSV, HTTP, Dates, Flux, StatsBase, cuDNN

The code lives in an extenson that we have to manually load. The extension can be loaded only if "CSV", "HTTP", "Flux", "StatsBase", "cuDNN" and "ClimaLand" are loaded.

DataTools = Base.get_extension(ClimaLand, :NeuralSnowExt).DataTools
ModelTools = Base.get_extension(ClimaLand, :NeuralSnowExt).ModelTools

We then define constants that will be used in the cleaning of the SNOTEL data, such as conversion constants from imperial to metric units, and the sensor limits defined in the SNOTEL Engineering Handbook. Some SNOTEL sensors measure in imperial units, and some measure in metric units, and the data portal will round converted values if a sensor stream is requested in units other than its original measurement. Therefore, we will scrape data in the originally measured units to limit systemic errors.

const inch2meter = 0.0254
const kmphr2mps = 5.0 / 18.0

filter_val = Dict{Symbol, Tuple{Real, Real}}(
    :SWE => (0.0, 250.0),
    :z => (0.0, 420.0),
    :precip => (0.0, 250.0),
    :rel_hum_avg => (10.0, 100.0),
    :sol_rad_avg => (0.0, 1500.0),
    :wind_speed_avg => (0.0, 216.0),
    :air_temp_avg => (-55.0, 60.0),

scales = Dict{Symbol, Real}(
    :SWE => inch2meter,
    :z => inch2meter,
    :precip => inch2meter,
    :rel_hum_avg => 0.01,
    :wind_speed_avg => kmphr2mps,

We next proceed to outline which stations will be scraped by defining a dictionary of station IDs, paired with the date range to be scraped. "start" refers to 1850-01-01 or the first available date, while "end" refers to 2023-01-01 or the last available date. Most of these stations are commented out for the sake of speed and readability in generating the tutorial, but can be uncommented to yield the full dataset found in cleandata.csv used in the base tutorial. Stations were selected based upon their availability of the features utilized in creating the model used in the paper.

good_stations = Dict{Int, Tuple{String, String}}(
    1030 => ("start", "2016-01-01"),
    1053 => ("2010-01-01", "end"),
    #=1083 => ("2013-01-01", "end"),
    1105 => ("start", "2012-06-01"),
    1122 => ("start", "end"),
    1123 => ("start", "end"),
    1159 => ("start", "end"),
    1168 => ("start", "end"),
    1170 => ("start", "end"),
    1254 => ("2018-01-01", "end"),
    1286 => ("start", "end"),
    306 => ("2013-01-01", "2020-01-01"),
    316 => ("start", "end"),
    344 => ("start", "end"),
    367 => ("2022-09-01", "2023-04-01"),
    395 => ("start", "end"),
    457 => ("2008-01-01", "end"),
    482 => ("start", "2010-01-01"),
    491 => ("2013-01-01", "end"),
    532 => ("2013-01-01", "2022-01-01"),
    551 => ("start", "end"),
    571 => ("start", "end"),
    599 => ("start", "end"),
    608 => ("start", "2018-01-01"),
    613 => ("2007-01-01", "2015-01-01"),
    665 => ("start", "2022-01-01"),
    734 => ("start", "end"),
    737 => ("start", "end"),
    744 => ("2014-01-01", "2016-01-01"),
    832 => ("start", "end"),
    845 => ("2014-01-01", "end"),
    854 => ("2019-01-01", "end"),
    857 => ("start", "end"),
    921 => ("2019-01-01", "end"),
    922 => ("2015-01-01", "2018-01-01"),
    942 => ("2009-01-01", "2018-01-01"),
    969 => ("2011-01-01", "end"),
    974 => ("start", "end"),
    978 => ("2005-01-01", "2018-01-01"),=#

We also extract a DataFrame matching station ID to various station metadata, in order to automate some of the scraping process and pass some station metadata that is used for analysis in the paper. This resulting DataFrame can also be used to see other available SNOTEL station IDs for scraping, in order to create custom datasets.

metadata = DataTools.snotel_metadata();
metacols = ["id", "state", "elev", "lat", "lon"]
DataFrames.rename!(metadata, Symbol.(metacols));

We then loop through each site to scrape and follow an automated data pipeline, consisting of:

  • Extracting the daily and hourly timeseries from the site
  • Applying the sensor bounds over each data timeseries (i.e. remove sensor error)
  • Converting the hourly dataset into a daily dataset
  • Filling holes/features in the daily series with the hourly series
  • Scaling all data to the appropriate metric units
  • Restricting data to complete cases
  • Making the differential variables ( $\frac{dz}{dt}$, etc.)
  • Removing negative precipitation cases (i.e. where the water year resets, or sensor error)
  • Attaching appropriate metadata
allsites = Any[];
for site in sort(collect(keys(good_stations)))
    state = metadata[metadata[!, :id] .== site, :state][1]
    start_date = good_stations[site][1]
    end_date = good_stations[site][2]
    daily = DataTools.apply_bounds(
            start = start_date,
            finish = end_date,
    hourly = DataTools.apply_bounds(
            start = start_date,
            finish = end_date,
    hourly_d = DataTools.hourly2daily(hourly)
    gap_daily = DataTools.rectify_daily_hourly(daily, hourly_d)
    daily_scaled = DataTools.scale_cols(gap_daily, scales)
    daily_clean = daily_scaled[DataTools.completecases(daily_scaled), :]
    daily_clean = DataTools.makediffs(daily_clean, Day(1))
    good_vals = daily_clean[!, :dprecipdt] .>= 0.0
    daily_clean = daily_clean[good_vals, Not(:precip)]
    #show(describe(daily_clean), allrows = true, allcols = true)
    #print("\nSIZE: ", nrow(daily_clean), "\n")

    daily_clean[!, :id] .= site
    daily_clean[!, :elev] .= metadata[metadata[!, :id] .== site, :elev][1]
    daily_clean[!, :lat] .= metadata[metadata[!, :id] .== site, :lat][1]
    daily_clean[!, :lon] .= metadata[metadata[!, :id] .== site, :lon][1]

    push!(allsites, daily_clean)

With the sites complete, we condense all sites into a single DataFrame,

totaldata = deepcopy(allsites[1])
for site in allsites[2:end]
    append!(totaldata, site)

and a final CSV.write("newcleanfiletestdata.csv", totaldata) call will save the file.

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