The Sample stage
The "sample" part of CES refers to exact sampling from the emulated posterior, in our current framework this is achieved with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC). Within this paradigm, we want to provide the flexibility to use multiple sampling algorithms; the approach we take is to use the general-purpose AbstractMCMC.jl API, provided by the Turing.jl probabilistic programming framework.
User interface
We briefly outline an instance of how one sets up and uses MCMC within the CES package. The user first loads the MCMC module, and provides one of the Protocols (i.e. how one wishes to generate sampling proposals)
using CalibrateEmulateSample.MarkovChainMonteCarlo
protocol = RWMHSampling() # Random-Walk algorithm
# protocol = pCNMHSampling() # preconditioned-Crank-Nicholson algorithm
Then one builds the MCMC by providing the standard Bayesian ingredients (prior and data) from the calibrate stage, alongside the trained statistical emulator from the emulate stage:
mcmc = MCMCWrapper(
The keyword arguments init_params
give a starting step of the chain (often taken to be the mean of the final iteration of calibrate stage), and a burnin
gives a number of initial steps to be discarded when drawing statistics from the sampling method.
If one has several samples of conditionally-independent data (that is, $p({y_1,\dots,y_n}\mid\theta)$ is a product of $\prod_i p(y_i\mid\theta)$), then one can feed in truth_sample
as a vector of these samples, or a matrix with these samples as columns. The resulting sampler will evaluate the likelihood at all y_i
for every sample step.
For good efficiency, one often needs to run MCMC with a problem-dependent step size. We provide a simple utility to help choose this. Here the optimizer runs short chains (of length N
), and adjusts the step-size until the MCMC acceptance rate falls within an acceptable range, returning this step size.
new_step = optimize_stepsize(
init_stepsize = 1,
N = 2000
To generate $10^5$ samples with a given step size (and optional random number generator rng
), one calls
chain = sample(rng, mcmc, 100_000; stepsize = new_step)
display(chain) # gives diagnostics
The return argument is stored in an MCMCChains.Chains
object. To convert this back into a ParameterDistribution
type (which contains e.g. the transformation maps) one can call
posterior = get_posterior(mcmc, chain)
constrained_posterior = transform_unconstrained_to_constrained(prior, get_distribution(posterior))
One can quickly plot the marginals of the prior and posterior distribution with
using Plots
or extract statistics of the (unconstrained) distribution with
mean_posterior = mean(posterior)
cov_posterior = cov(posterior)
Further details on the implementation
This page provides a summary of AbstractMCMC which augments the existing documentation ([1], [2]) and highlights how it's used by the CES package in MarkovChainMonteCarlo. It's not meant to be a complete description of the AbstractMCMC package.
Use in MarkovChainMonteCarlo
At present, Turing has limited support for derivative-free optimization, so we only use this abstract API and not Turing itself. We also use two related dependencies, AdvancedMH and MCMCChains.
Julia's philosophy is to use small, composable packages rather than monoliths, but this can make it difficult to remember where methods are defined! Below we describe the relevant parts of
- The AbstractMCMC API,
- Extended to the case of Metropolis-Hastings (MH) sampling by AdvancedMH,
- Further extended for the needs of CES in Markov chain Monte Carlo.
A Sampler is AbstractMCMC's term for an implementation of a MCMC sampling algorithm, along with all its configuration parameters. All samplers are a subtype of AbstractMCMC's AbstractSampler
Currently CES only implements the Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm. Because it's so straightforward, much of AbstractMCMC isn't needed. We implement two variants of MH with two different Samplers: RWMetropolisHastings
and pCNMetropolisHastings
, both of which are subtypes of AdvancedMH.MHSampler
. The constructor for both Samplers is MetropolisHastingsSampler
; the different Samplers are specified by passing a MCMCProtocol
object to this constructor.
The MHSampler
has only one field, proposal
, the distribution used to generate new MH proposals via additive stochastic perturbations to the current parameter values. This is done by AdvancedMH.propose(), which gets called for each MCMC step()
. The difference between Samplers comes from how the proposal is generated:
does vanilla random-walk proposal generation with a constant, user-specified step size (this differs from the AdvancedMH implementation, which doesn't provide for a step size.)pCNMHSampling
for preconditioned Crank-Nicholson proposals. Vanilla random walk sampling doesn't have a well-defined limit for high-dimensional parameter spaces; pCN replaces the random walk with an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck [AR(1)] process so that the Metropolis acceptance probability remains non-zero in this limit. See Beskos et. al. (2008) and Cotter et. al. (2013).
Generated proposals are then either accepted or rejected according to the same MH criterion (in step()
, below.)
In Turing, the Model is the distribution one performs inference on, which may involve observed and hidden variables and parameters. For CES, we simply want to sample from the posterior, so our Model distribution is simply the emulated likelihood (see Emulators) together with the prior. This is constructed by EmulatorPosteriorModel
Sampling with the MCMC Wrapper object
At a high level, a Sampler and Model is all that's needed to do MCMC sampling. This is done by the sample
method provided by AbstractMCMC (extending the method from BaseStats).
To be more user-friendly, in CES we wrap the Sampler, Model and other necessary configuration into a MCMCWrapper
object. The constructor for this object ensures that all its components are created consistently, and performs necessary bookkeeping, such as converting coordinates to the decorrelated basis. We extend sample
with methods to use this object (that simply unpack its fields and call the appropriate method from AbstractMCMC.)
The MCMCChain package provides the Chains
container to store the results of the MCMC sampling; the package provides methods to for quick diagnostics and plot utilities of the the Chains
objects. For example,
using MCMCChains
using StatsPlots
# ... from our MCMC example above ...
# chain = sample(rng, mcmc, 100_000; stepsize = new_step)
display(chain) # diagnostics
plot(chain) # plots samples over iteration and PDFs for each parameter
Internals: Transitions
Implementing MCMC involves defining states and transitions of a Markov process (whose stationary distribution is what we seek to sample from). AbstractMCMC's terminology is a bit confusing for the MH case; states of the chain are described by Transition
objects, which contain the current sample (and other information like its log-probability).
AdvancedMH defines an AbstractTransition
base class for use with its methods; we implement our own child class, MCMCState
, in order to record statistics on the MH acceptance ratio.
Internals: Markov steps
Markov transitions of the chain are defined by overloading AbstractMCMC's step
method, which takes the Sampler and current Transition
and implements the Sampler's logic to returns an updated Transition
representing the chain's new state (actually, a pair of Transitions
, for cases where the Sampler doesn't obey detailed balance; this isn't relevant for us).
For example, in Metropolis-Hastings sampling this is where we draw a proposal sample and accept or reject it according to the MH criterion. AdvancedMH implements this here; we re-implement this method because 1) we need to record whether a proposal was accepted or rejected, and 2) our calls to propose()
are stepsize-dependent.