Initial conditions
— TypeInitialCondition
A mechanism for specifying the LocalState
of an AtmosModel
at every point in the domain. Given some initial_condition
, calling initial_condition(params)
returns a function of the form local_state(local_geometry)::LocalState
— TypeIsothermalProfile(; temperature = 300)
An InitialCondition
with a uniform temperature profile.
— TypeDecayingProfile(; perturb = true)
An InitialCondition
with a decaying temperature profile, and with an optional perturbation to the temperature.
— Functionhydrostatic_pressure_profile(; thermo_params, p_0, [T, θ, q_tot, z_max])
Solves the initial value problem p'(z) = -g * ρ(z)
for all z ∈ [0, z_max]
, given p(0)
, either T(z)
or θ(z)
, and optionally also q_tot(z)
. If q_tot(z)
is not given, it is assumed to be 0. If z_max
is not given, it is assumed to be 30 km. Note that z_max
should be the maximum elevation to which the specified profiles T(z), θ(z), and/or q_tot(z) are valid.
Plane / Box
— TypeConstantBuoyancyFrequencyProfile()
An InitialCondition
with a constant Brunt-Vaisala frequency and constant wind velocity, where the pressure profile is hydrostatically balanced. This is currently the only InitialCondition
that supports the approximation of a steady-state solution.
— TypeDryDensityCurrentProfile(; perturb = false)
An InitialCondition
with an isothermal background profile, with a negatively buoyant bubble, and with an optional perturbation to the temperature.
— TypeRisingThermalBubbleProfile(; perturb = false)
An InitialCondition
with an isothermal background profile, with a positively buoyant bubble, and with an optional perturbation to the temperature.
— TypeDryBaroclinicWave(; perturb = true, deep_atmosphere = false)
An InitialCondition
with a dry baroclinic wave, and with an optional perturbation to the horizontal velocity.
— TypeMoistBaroclinicWaveWithEDMF(; perturb = true, deep_atmosphere = false)
The same InitialCondition
as MoistBaroclinicWave
, except with an initial TKE of 0 and an initial draft area fraction of 0.2.
— TypeMoistAdiabaticProfileEDMFX(; perturb = true)
An InitialCondition
with a moist adiabatic temperature profile, and with an optional perturbation to the temperature.
Cases from literature
— TypeNieuwstadt
The InitialCondition
described in [7], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [8], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [9], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [10], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [11], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [12], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
— TypeRico
The InitialCondition
described in [13], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
The InitialCondition
described in [14], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
— TypeLifeCycleTan2018
The InitialCondition
described in [15], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
— TypeBomex
The InitialCondition
described in [16], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
— TypeSoares
The InitialCondition
described in [17], but with a hydrostatically balanced pressure profile.
Implicit Solver
— TypeImplicitEquationJacobian(
Y, atmos;
approximate_solve_iters, diffusion_flag, topography_flag, sgs_advection_flag, transform_flag
A wrapper for the matrix $∂E/∂Y$, where $E(Y)$ is the "error" of the implicit step with the state $Y$.
When we use an implicit or split implicit-explicit (IMEX) timestepping scheme, we end up with a nonlinear equation of the form $E(Y) = 0$, where
\[ E(Y) = Y_{imp}(Y) - Y = \hat{Y} + Δt * T_{imp}(Y) - Y.\]
In this expression, $Y_{imp}(Y)$ denotes the state at some time $t + Δt$. This can be expressed as the sum of $\hat{Y}$, the contribution from the state at time $t$ (and possibly also at earlier times, depending on the order of the timestepping scheme), and $Δt * T_{imp}(Y)$, the contribution from the implicit tendency $T_{imp}$ between times $t$ and $t + Δt$. The new state at the end of each implicit step in the timestepping scheme is the value of $Y$ that solves this equation, i.e., the value of $Y$ that is consistent with the state $Y_{imp}(Y)$ predicted by the implicit step.
Note: When we use a higher-order timestepping scheme, the full step $Δt$ is divided into several sub-steps or "stages", where the duration of stage $i$ is $Δt * γ_i$ for some constant $γ_i$ between 0 and 1.
In order to solve this equation using Newton's method, we must specify the derivative $∂E/∂Y$. Since $\hat{Y}$ does not depend on $Y$ (it is only a function of the state at or before time $t$), this derivative is
\[ E'(Y) = Δt * T_{imp}'(Y) - I.\]
In addition, we must specify how to divide $E(Y)$ by this derivative, i.e., how to solve the linear equation
\[ E'(Y) * ΔY = E(Y).\]
Note: This equation comes from assuming that there is some $ΔY$ such that $E(Y - ΔY) = 0$ and making the first-order approximation
\[ E(Y - ΔY) \approx E(Y) - E'(Y) * ΔY.\]
After initializing $Y$ to $Y[0] = \hat{Y}$, Newton's method executes the following steps:
- Compute the derivative $E'(Y[0])$.
- Compute the implicit tendency $T_{imp}(Y[0])$ and use it to get $E(Y[0])$.
- Solve the linear equation $E'(Y[0]) * ΔY[0] = E(Y[0])$ for $ΔY[0]$.
- Update $Y$ to $Y[1] = Y[0] - ΔY[0]$.
If the number of Newton iterations is limited to 1, this new value of $Y$ is taken to be the solution of the implicit equation. Otherwise, this sequence of steps is repeated, i.e., $ΔY[1]$ is computed and used to update $Y$ to $Y[2] = Y[1] - ΔY[1]$, then $ΔY[2]$ is computed and used to update $Y$ to $Y[3] = Y[2] - ΔY[2]$, and so on. The iterative process is terminated either when the error $E(Y)$ is sufficiently close to 0 (according to the convergence condition passed to Newton's method), or when the maximum number of iterations is reached.
: the state of the simulationatmos::AtmosModel
: the model configurationapproximate_solve_iters::Int
: number of iterations to take for the approximate linear solve required whendiffusion_flag = UseDerivative()
: whether the derivative of the diffusion tendency with respect to the quantities being diffused should be computed or approximated as 0; must be eitherUseDerivative()
instead of aBool
to ensure type-stabilitytopography_flag::DerivativeFlag
: whether the derivative of vertical contravariant velocity with respect to horizontal covariant velocity should be computed or approximated as 0; must be eitherUseDerivative()
instead of aBool
to ensure type-stabilitysgs_advection_flag::DerivativeFlag
: whether the derivative of the subgrid-scale advection tendency with respect to the updraft quantities should be computed or approximated as 0; must be eitherUseDerivative()
instead of aBool
to ensure type-stabilitytransform_flag::Bool
: whether the error should be transformed from $E(Y)$ to $E(Y)/Δt$, which is required for non-Rosenbrock timestepping schemes from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
— TypeColumnInterpolatableField(::Fields.ColumnField)
A column field object that can be interpolated in the z-coordinate. For example:
cif = ColumnInterpolatableField(column_field)
z = 1.0
column_field_at_z = cif(z)
This function allocates and is not GPU-compatible so please avoid using this inside step!
only use this for initialization.