Available diagnostic variables

Autogenerate table of available diagnostics:

│ Short name │ Long name       │ Units    │ Comments                         │ Standard name   │
│ rsdscs     │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling clear-sky shortwave  │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Downwelling     │          │ radiation at the surface         │ ling_shortwave_ │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │                                  │ flux_in_air_ass │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ uming_clear_sky │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ lmixb      │ Environment     │ m        │                                  │                 │
│            │ Static          │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Stability       │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Mixing Length   │          │                                  │                 │
│ waerror    │ Error of        │ m s^-1   │ Error of steady-state vertical   │ error_upward_ai │
│            │ Upward Air      │          │ wind component                   │ r_velocity      │
│            │ Velocity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ turbentr   │ Turbulent       │ s^-1     │ Turbulent entrainment rate of    │                 │
│            │ entrainment     │          │ the first updraft                │                 │
│            │ rate            │          │                                  │                 │
│ mmrbcpo    │ Hydrophobic     │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │                 │
│            │ Elemental       │          │ hydrophobic black carbon         │                 │
│            │ Carbon Mass     │          │ aerosol particles in air.        │                 │
│            │ Mixing Ratio    │          │                                  │                 │
│ watero     │ Total Water of  │ kg       │                                  │                 │
│            │ the Ocean       │          │                                  │                 │
│ rhoa       │ Air Density     │ kg m^-3  │                                  │ air_density     │
│ rldscs     │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling clear-sky longwave   │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Downwelling     │          │ radiation at the surface         │ ling_longwave_f │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │                                  │ lux_in_air_assu │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ ming_clear_sky  │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ taen       │ Environment     │ K        │                                  │                 │
│            │ Air Temperature │          │                                  │                 │
│ pr         │ Precipitation   │ kg m^-2  │ Total precipitation including    │ precipitation   │
│            │                 │ s^-1     │ rain and snow                    │                 │
│ rhoaup     │ Updraft Air     │ kg m^-3  │ Density of the first updraft     │                 │
│            │ Density         │          │                                  │                 │
│ hurvi      │ Relative        │ kg m^-2  │ Integrated relative humidity     │ relative_humidi │
│            │ Humidity        │          │ over the vertical column         │ ty_vi           │
│            │ Saturation-Weig │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ hted Vertical   │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Integral        │          │                                  │                 │
│ uapredicte │ Predicted       │ m s^-1   │ Predicted steady-state eastward  │ predicted_eastw │
│ d          │ Eastward Wind   │          │ (zonal) wind component           │ ard_wind        │
│ rld        │ Downwelling     │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling longwave radiation   │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ ling_longwave_f │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ lux_in_air      │
│ waup       │ Updraft Upward  │ m s^-1   │ Vertical wind component of the   │                 │
│            │ Air Velocity    │          │ first updraft                    │                 │
│ reffclw    │ Effective       │ m        │ In-cloud ratio of the third      │ effective_radiu │
│            │ radius for      │          │ moment over the second moment    │ s_of_cloud_liqu │
│            │ liquid clouds   │          │ of the particle size             │ id_particles    │
│            │                 │          │ distribution. Set to zero        │                 │
│            │                 │          │ outside of clouds.               │                 │
│ zg         │ Geopotential    │ m        │                                  │ geopotential_he │
│            │ Height          │          │                                  │ ight            │
│ mmrdust    │ Dust Aerosol    │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ Mass Mixing     │          │ dust aerosol particles in air.   │ f_dust_dry_aero │
│            │ Ratio           │          │                                  │ sol_particles_i │
│            │                 │          │                                  │ n_air           │
│ wa         │ Upward Air      │ m s^-1   │ Vertical wind component          │ upward_air_velo │
│            │ Velocity        │          │                                  │ city            │
│ hfes       │ Surface Upward  │ W m^-2   │ Energy flux at the surface       │                 │
│            │ Energy Flux     │          │                                  │                 │
│ prw        │ Water Vapor     │ kg m^-2  │ Vertically integrated specific   │ atmospheric_mas │
│            │ Path            │          │ humidity                         │ s_content_of_wa │
│            │                 │          │                                  │ ter_vapor       │
│ clivi      │ Ice Water Path  │ kg m-2   │ The total mass of ice in cloud   │ atmosphere_mass │
│            │                 │          │ per unit area.                   │ _content_of_clo │
│            │                 │          │ (not just the area of the        │ ud_ice          │
│            │                 │          │ cloudy portion of the column).   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ It doesn't include               │                 │
│            │                 │          │ precipitating hydrometeors.      │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ clwvi      │ Condensed       │ kg m-2   │ Mass of condensed (liquid +      │ atmosphere_mass │
│            │ Water Path      │          │ ice) water in the column         │ _content_of_clo │
│            │                 │          │ divided by the area of the       │ ud_condensed_wa │
│            │                 │          │ column                           │ ter             │
│            │                 │          │ (not just the area of the        │                 │
│            │                 │          │ cloudy portion of the column).   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ It doesn't include               │                 │
│            │                 │          │ precipitating hydrometeors.      │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ ua         │ Eastward Wind   │ m s^-1   │ Eastward (zonal) wind component  │ eastward_wind   │
│ uaerror    │ Error of        │ m s^-1   │ Error of steady-state eastward   │ error_eastward_ │
│            │ Eastward Wind   │          │ (zonal) wind component           │ wind            │
│ ke         │ Total Kinetic   │ m^2 s^-2 │ The kinetic energy on cell       │ total_kinetic_e │
│            │ Energy          │          │ centers                          │ nergy           │
│ rsdt       │ TOA Incident    │ W m^-2   │ Downward shortwave radiation at  │ toa_incoming_sh │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │ the top of the atmosphere        │ ortwave_flux    │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ cli        │ Mass Fraction   │ kg kg^-1 │ Includes both large-scale and    │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ of Cloud Ice    │          │ convective cloud.                │ f_cloud_ice_in_ │
│            │                 │          │ This is calculated as the mass   │ air             │
│            │                 │          │ of cloud ice in the grid cell    │                 │
│            │                 │          │ divided by                       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ grid cell.                       │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ mmrbcpi    │ Hydrophilic     │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │                 │
│            │ Elemental       │          │ hydrophilic black carbon         │                 │
│            │ Carbon Mass     │          │ aerosol particles in air.        │                 │
│            │ Mixing Ratio    │          │                                  │                 │
│ thetaaup   │ Updraft Air     │ K        │ Potential Temperature of the     │                 │
│            │ Potential       │          │ first updraft                    │                 │
│            │ Temperature     │          │                                  │                 │
│ rsucs      │ Upwelling       │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling clear sky shortwave    │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation                        │ ng_shortwave_fl │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ ux_in_air_assum │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ ing_clear_sky   │
│ o3         │ Mole Fraction   │ mol      │                                  │ mole_fraction_o │
│            │ of O3           │ mol^-1   │                                  │ f_ozone_in_air  │
│ rsu        │ Upwelling       │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling shortwave radiation    │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ ng_shortwave_fl │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ ux_in_air       │
│ hussfc     │ Surface         │ kg kg^-1 │ Mass of all water phases per     │ specific_humidi │
│            │ Specific        │          │ mass of air in the layer         │ ty              │
│            │ Humidity        │          │ infinitely close to the surface  │                 │
│ energya    │ Total Energy    │ J        │                                  │                 │
│            │ of the Air      │          │                                  │                 │
│ mmrss      │ Sea-Salt        │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ Aerosol Mass    │          │ sea salt aerosol particles in    │ f_sea_salt_dry_ │
│            │ Mixing Ratio    │          │ air.                             │ aerosol_particl │
│            │                 │          │                                  │ es_in_air       │
│ tke        │ Environment     │ m^2 s^-2 │                                  │                 │
│            │ Turbulent       │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Kinetic Energy  │          │                                  │                 │
│ rv         │ Relative        │ s^-1     │ Vertical component of relative   │ relative_vortic │
│            │ Vorticity       │          │ vorticity                        │ ity             │
│ odsc550aer │ Ambient         │          │ Aerosol scattering optical       │                 │
│            │ Scattering      │          │ depth from the ambient aerosols  │                 │
│            │ Aerosol         │          │ at wavelength 550 nm             │                 │
│            │ Optical         │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Thickness at    │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ 550nm           │          │                                  │                 │
│ vapredicte │ Predicted       │ m s^-1   │ Predicted steady-state           │ predicted_north │
│ d          │ Northward Wind  │          │ northward (meridional) wind      │ ward_wind       │
│            │                 │          │ component                        │                 │
│ rlut       │ TOA Outgoing    │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling longwave radiation at  │ toa_outgoing_lo │
│            │ Longwave        │          │ the top of the atmosphere        │ ngwave_flux     │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ edt        │ Eddy            │ m^2 s^-1 │ Vertical diffusion coefficient   │ atmosphere_heat │
│            │ Diffusivity     │          │ for temperature due to           │ _diffusivity    │
│            │ Coefficient     │          │ parameterized eddies             │                 │
│            │ for Temperature │          │                                  │                 │
│ thetaa     │ Air Potential   │ K        │                                  │ air_potential_t │
│            │ Temperature     │          │                                  │ emperature      │
│ rsuscs     │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling clear-sky shortwave    │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Upwelling       │          │ radiation at the surface         │ ng_shortwave_fl │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │                                  │ ux_in_air_assum │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ ing_clear_sky   │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ husup      │ Updraft         │ kg kg^-1 │ Specific humidity of the first   │                 │
│            │ Specific        │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│            │ Humidity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ evu        │ Eddy Viscosity  │ m^2 s^-1 │ Vertical diffusion coefficient   │ atmosphere_mome │
│            │ Coefficient     │          │ for momentum due to              │ ntum_diffusivit │
│            │ for Momentum    │          │ parameterized eddies             │ y               │
│ prra       │ Rainfall Flux   │ kg m^-2  │ Precipitation including all      │ rainfall_flux   │
│            │                 │ s^-1     │ forms of water in the liquid     │                 │
│            │                 │          │ phase                            │                 │
│ rsd        │ Downwelling     │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling shortwave radiation  │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ ling_shortwave_ │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ flux_in_air     │
│ rlu        │ Upwelling       │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling longwave radiation     │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ ng_longwave_flu │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ x_in_air        │
│ lmixtke    │ Environment     │ m        │                                  │                 │
│            │ TKE Balanced    │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Mixing Length   │          │                                  │                 │
│ prsn       │ Snowfall Flux   │ kg m^-2  │ Precipitation including all      │ snowfall_flux   │
│            │                 │ s^-1     │ forms of water in the solid      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ phase                            │                 │
│ detr       │ Detrainment     │ s^-1     │ Detrainment rate of the first    │                 │
│            │ rate            │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│ aren       │ Environment     │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Area Fraction   │          │                                  │                 │
│ arup       │ Updraft Area    │          │ Area fraction of the first       │                 │
│            │ Fraction        │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│ strain     │ String Rate     │ s^-2     │                                  │                 │
│            │ Magnitude       │          │                                  │                 │
│ hur        │ Relative        │          │ Total amount of water vapor in   │ relative_humidi │
│            │ Humidity        │          │ the air relative to the amount   │ ty              │
│            │                 │          │ achievable by saturation at the  │                 │
│            │                 │          │ current temperature              │                 │
│ vas        │ Northward       │ m s^-1   │ Northward (meridional) wind      │ northward_wind  │
│            │ Near-Surface    │          │ component at the bottom cell     │                 │
│            │ Wind            │          │ center of the atmosphere         │                 │
│ husra      │ Mass Fraction   │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ of Rain         │          │ of rain water in the grid cell   │ f_rain_in_air   │
│            │                 │          │ divided by                       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (dry air +       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water vapor + cloud condensate)  │                 │
│            │                 │          │ in the grid cells.               │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ rsutcs     │ TOA Outgoing    │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling clear-sky shortwave    │ toa_outgoing_sh │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation at the top of the      │ ortwave_flux_as │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │ atmosphere                       │ suming_clear_sk │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ y               │
│ bgrad      │ Linearized      │ s^-2     │                                  │                 │
│            │ Buoyancy        │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Gradient        │          │                                  │                 │
│ lmix       │ Environment     │ m        │ Calculated as smagorinsky        │                 │
│            │ Mixing Length   │          │ length scale without EDMF SGS    │                 │
│            │                 │          │ model,                           │                 │
│            │                 │          │ or from mixing length closure    │                 │
│            │                 │          │ with EDMF SGS model.             │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ cl         │ Cloud fraction  │ %        │                                  │                 │
│ rlucs      │ Upwelling       │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling clear sky longwave     │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation                        │ ng_longwave_flu │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ x_in_air_assumi │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ ng_clear_sky    │
│ hus        │ Specific        │ kg kg^-1 │ Mass of all water phases per     │ specific_humidi │
│            │ Humidity        │          │ mass of air                      │ ty              │
│ mmrso4     │ Aerosol         │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass of sulfate   │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ Sulfate Mass    │          │ (SO4) in aerosol particles as a  │ f_sulfate_dry_a │
│            │ Mixing Ratio    │          │ fraction of air mass.            │ erosol_particle │
│            │                 │          │                                  │ s_in_air        │
│ rsut       │ TOA Outgoing    │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling shortwave radiation    │ toa_outgoing_sh │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │ at the top of the atmosphere     │ ortwave_flux    │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ uas        │ Eastward        │ m s^-1   │ Eastward component of the wind   │ eastward_wind   │
│            │ Near-Surface    │          │ at the bottom cell center of     │                 │
│            │ Wind            │          │ the atmosphere                   │                 │
│ mmrocpi    │ Hydrophilic     │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │                 │
│            │ Organic Carbon  │          │ hydrophilic organic carbon       │                 │
│            │ Mass Mixing     │          │ aerosol particles in air.        │                 │
│            │ Ratio           │          │                                  │                 │
│ tauv       │ Surface         │ Pa       │ Northward component of the       │ downward_northw │
│            │ Downward        │          │ surface drag                     │ ard_stress      │
│            │ Northward Wind  │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Stress          │          │                                  │                 │
│ haup       │ Updraft Air     │ m^2 s^-2 │ Specific enthalpy of the first   │                 │
│            │ Specific        │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│            │ Enthalpy        │          │                                  │                 │
│ taup       │ Updraft Air     │ K        │ Temperature of the first updraft │                 │
│            │ Temperature     │          │                                  │                 │
│ od550aer   │ Ambient         │          │ Aerosol optical depth from the   │ atmosphere_opti │
│            │ Aerosol         │          │ ambient aerosols at wavelength   │ cal_thickness_d │
│            │ Optical         │          │ 550 nm                           │ ue_to_ambient_a │
│            │ Thickness at    │          │                                  │ erosol_particle │
│            │ 550nm           │          │                                  │ s               │
│ loadss     │ Load of         │ kg m^-2  │ The total dry mass of sea salt   │ atmosphere_mass │
│            │ Sea-Salt        │          │ aerosol particles per unit area. │ _content_of_sea │
│            │ Aerosol         │          │                                  │ _salt_dry_aeros │
│            │                 │          │                                  │ ol _particles   │
│ massa      │ Total Mass of   │ kg       │                                  │                 │
│            │ the Air         │          │                                  │                 │
│ watera     │ Total Water of  │ kg       │                                  │                 │
│            │ the Air         │          │                                  │                 │
│ cliup      │ Updraft Mass    │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │                 │
│            │ Fraction of     │          │ of cloud ice in the first        │                 │
│            │ Cloud Ice       │          │ updraft divided by               │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ first updraft.                   │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ entr       │ Entrainment     │ s^-1     │ Entrainment rate of the first    │                 │
│            │ rate            │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│ thetaaen   │ Environment     │ K        │                                  │                 │
│            │ Air Potential   │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Temperature     │          │                                  │                 │
│ ta         │ Air Temperature │ K        │                                  │ air_temperature │
│ husv       │ Vapor Specific  │ kg kg^-1 │ Mass of water vapor per mass of  │                 │
│            │ Humidity        │          │ air                              │                 │
│ ha         │ Air Specific    │ m^2 s^-2 │                                  │                 │
│            │ Enthalpy        │          │                                  │                 │
│ wapredicte │ Predicted       │ m s^-1   │ Predicted steady-state vertical  │ predicted_upwar │
│ d          │ Upward Air      │          │ wind component                   │ d_air_velocity  │
│            │ Velocity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ clvi       │ Vertical Cloud  │ m        │ The total height of the column   │                 │
│            │ Fraction        │          │ occupied at least partially by   │                 │
│            │ Integral        │          │ cloud.                           │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ rsdcs      │ Downwelling     │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling clear sky shortwave  │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation                        │ ling_shortwave_ │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ flux_in_air_ass │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ uming_clear_sky │
│ dsevi      │ Dry Static      │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Energy          │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Vertical        │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Integral        │          │                                  │                 │
│ tauu       │ Surface         │ Pa       │ Eastward component of the        │ downward_eastwa │
│            │ Downward        │          │ surface drag                     │ rd_stress       │
│            │ Eastward Wind   │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Stress          │          │                                  │                 │
│ rsds       │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling shortwave radiation  │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Downwelling     │          │ at the surface                   │ ling_shortwave_ │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ flux_in_air     │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ clwup      │ Updraft Mass    │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │                 │
│            │ Fraction of     │          │ of cloud liquid water in the     │                 │
│            │ Cloud Liquid    │          │ first updraft divided by         │                 │
│            │ Water           │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ first updraft.                   │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ haen       │ Environment     │ K        │                                  │                 │
│            │ Air Specific    │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Enthalpy        │          │                                  │                 │
│ mmrocpo    │ Hydrophobic     │ kg kg^-1 │ Prescribed dry mass fraction of  │                 │
│            │ Organic Carbon  │          │ hydrophobic organic carbon       │                 │
│            │ Mass Mixing     │          │ aerosol particles in air.        │                 │
│            │ Ratio           │          │                                  │                 │
│ hussn      │ Mass Fraction   │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ of Snow         │          │ of snow in the grid cell         │ f_snow_in_air   │
│            │                 │          │ divided by                       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (dry air +       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water vapor + cloud condensate)  │                 │
│            │                 │          │ in the grid cells.               │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ evspsbl    │ Evaporation     │ kg m^-2  │ evaporation at the surface       │                 │
│            │ Including       │ s^-1     │                                  │                 │
│            │ Sublimation     │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ and             │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Transpiration   │          │                                  │                 │
│ clwen      │ Envrionment     │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │                 │
│            │ Mass Fraction   │          │ of cloud liquid water in the     │                 │
│            │ of Cloud        │          │ environment divided by           │                 │
│            │ Liquid Water    │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ environment.                     │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ ts         │ Surface         │ K        │ Temperature of the lower         │ surface_tempera │
│            │ Temperature     │          │ boundary of the atmosphere       │ ture            │
│ rlds       │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling longwave radiation   │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Downwelling     │          │ at the surface                   │ ling_longwave_f │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ lux_in_air      │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ huren      │ Environment     │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Relative        │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Humidity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ lmixw      │ Environment     │ m        │                                  │                 │
│            │ Wall            │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Constrained     │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Mixing Length   │          │                                  │                 │
│ energyo    │ Total Energy    │ J        │                                  │                 │
│            │ of the Ocean    │          │                                  │                 │
│ lwp        │ Liquid Water    │ kg m-2   │ The total mass of liquid water   │ atmosphere_mass │
│            │ Path            │          │ in cloud per unit area.          │ _content_of_clo │
│            │                 │          │ (not just the area of the        │ ud_liquid_water │
│            │                 │          │ cloudy portion of the column).   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ It doesn't include               │                 │
│            │                 │          │ precipitating hydrometeors.      │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ rhoaen     │ Environment     │ kg m^-3  │                                  │                 │
│            │ Air Density     │          │                                  │                 │
│ clw        │ Mass Fraction   │ kg kg^-1 │ Includes both large-scale and    │ mass_fraction_o │
│            │ of Cloud        │          │ convective cloud.                │ f_cloud_liquid_ │
│            │ Liquid Water    │          │ This is calculated as the mass   │ water_in_air    │
│            │                 │          │ of cloud liquid water in the     │                 │
│            │                 │          │ grid cell divided by             │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ grid cells.                      │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │
│ va         │ Northward Wind  │ m s^-1   │ Northward (meridional) wind      │ northward_wind  │
│            │                 │          │ component                        │                 │
│ husen      │ Environment     │ kg kg^-1 │                                  │                 │
│            │ Specific        │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Humidity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ pfull      │ Pressure at     │ Pa       │                                  │                 │
│            │ Model           │          │                                  │                 │
│            │ Full-Levels     │          │                                  │                 │
│ tas        │ Near-Surface    │ K        │ Temperature at the bottom cell   │ air_temperature │
│            │ Air Temperature │          │ center of the atmosphere         │                 │
│ rlus       │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling longwave radiation at  │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Upwelling       │          │ the surface                      │ ng_longwave_flu │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ x_in_air        │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ orog       │ Surface         │ m        │ Elevation of the horizontal      │ surface_altitud │
│            │ Altitude        │          │ coordinates                      │ e               │
│ rldcs      │ Downwelling     │ W m^-2   │ Downwelling clear sky longwave   │ surface_downwel │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation                        │ ling_longwave_f │
│            │ Longwave        │          │                                  │ lux_in_air_assu │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │ ming_clear_sky  │
│ vaerror    │ Error of        │ m s^-1   │ Error of steady-state northward  │ error_northward │
│            │ Northward Wind  │          │ (meridional) wind component      │ _wind           │
│ rsus       │ Surface         │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling shortwave radiation    │ surface_upwelli │
│            │ Upwelling       │          │ at the surface                   │ ng_shortwave_fl │
│            │ Shortwave       │          │                                  │ ux_in_air       │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ rlutcs     │ TOA Outgoing    │ W m^-2   │ Upwelling clear-sky longwave     │ toa_outgoing_lo │
│            │ Clear-Sky       │          │ radiation at the top of the      │ ngwave_flux_ass │
│            │ Longwave        │          │ atmosphere                       │ uming_clear_sky │
│            │ Radiation       │          │                                  │                 │
│ reffcli    │ Effective       │ m        │ In-cloud ratio of the third      │ effective_radiu │
│            │ radius for ice  │          │ moment over the second moment    │ s_of_cloud_ice_ │
│            │ clouds          │          │ of the particle size             │ particles       │
│            │                 │          │ distribution. Set to zero        │                 │
│            │                 │          │ outside of clouds.               │                 │
│ hurup      │ Updraft         │          │ Relative humidity of the first   │                 │
│            │ Relative        │          │ updraft                          │                 │
│            │ Humidity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ waen       │ Environment     │ m s^-1   │ Vertical wind component of the   │                 │
│            │ Upward Air      │          │ environment                      │                 │
│            │ Velocity        │          │                                  │                 │
│ clien      │ Environment     │ kg kg^-1 │ This is calculated as the mass   │                 │
│            │ Mass Fraction   │          │ of cloud ice in the environment  │                 │
│            │ of Cloud Ice    │          │ divided by                       │                 │
│            │                 │          │ the mass of air (including the   │                 │
│            │                 │          │ water in all phases) in the      │                 │
│            │                 │          │ environment.                     │                 │
│            │                 │          │                                  │                 │