Computing and saving diagnostics

I want to compute and output a diagnostic variable

From a YAML file

If you configure your simulation with YAML files, there are two options that are important to know about. When output_default_diagnostics is set to true, the default diagnostics for the given atmospheric model will be output. Note that they might be incompatible with your simulation (e.g., you want to output hourly maxima when the timestep is 4 hours).

Second, you can specify the diagnostics you want to output directly in the diagnostics section of your YAML file. For instance:

  - short_name: rhoa
    output_name: a_name
    period: 3hours
    writer: nc
  - reduction_time: average
    short_name: rhoa
    period: 12hours
    writer: h5

This adds two diagnostics (both for rhoa). The period keyword identifies the period over which to compute the reduction and how often to save to disk. output_name is optional, and if provided, it identifies the name of the output file.

For multiple diagnostics with the same specs, it is also possible to directly pass a vector of short_names, as in

  - short_name: [rhoa, ua, ta]
    reduction_time: average
    period: 12hours

The default writer is NetCDF. If writer is nc or netcdf, the output is remapped non-conservatively on a Cartesian grid and saved to a NetCDF file. Currently, only 3D fields on cubed spheres are supported.

From a script

The simplest way to get started with diagnostics is to use the defaults for your atmospheric model. ClimaAtmos defines a function default_diagnostic. You can execute this function on an AtmosModel or on any of its fields to obtain a list of diagnostics ready to be passed to the simulation. So, for example

model = ClimaAtmos.AtmosModel(..., moisture_model = ClimaAtmos.DryModel(), ...)

diagnostics = ClimaAtmos.default_diagnostics(model)
# => List of diagnostics that include the ones specified for the DryModel

Technically, the diagnostics are represented as ScheduledDiagnostic objects, which contain information about what variable has to be computed, how often, where to save it, and so on (read below for more information on this). You can construct your own lists of ScheduledDiagnostics starting from the variables defined by ClimaAtmos. The DiagnosticVariables in ClimaAtmos are identified with by the short and unique name, so that you can access them directly with the function diagnostic_variable. One way to do so is by using the provided convenience functions for common operations, e.g., continuing the previous example

push!(diagnostics, daily_max("air_density", "air_temperature"))

Now diagnostics will also contain the instructions to compute the daily maximum of air_density and air_temperature.

The diagnostics that are built-in ClimaAtmos are collected in Available diagnostic variables.

If you are using ClimaAtmos with a script-based interface, you have access to the complete flexibility in your diagnostics. Read the section about the low-level interface to see how to implement custom diagnostics, reductions, or writers.

The low-level interface

Check out the documentation for the ClimaDiagnostics to find more information about the low level interface.

The NetCDF output

The NetCDF writer in ClimaAtmos saves different diagnostics to different files in the same output folder. Files are named after a combination of the diagnostic variable short_name, and the details of the temporal reduction. Inside each NetCDF file, there is only one diagnostic variable, along with the various dimensions (e.g., lat, lon, and z/z_reference).

When topography is present, a new 1D dimension is defined z_reference. This dimension does not have direct physical meaning but can be assumed to be the "z" axis. Along with dimension, a new variable z is saved to the NetCDF file. In this case, z is a multidimensional array (in general 3D). z[i, j, k] which defines the elevation on the sea level of the point of indices [i, j, k].

I want to add a new diagnostic variable

Diagnostic variables are represented in ClimaAtmos with a DiagnosticVariable struct. Fundamentally, a DiagnosticVariable contains metadata about the variable, and a function that computes it from the state.


The metadata we currently support is short_name, long_name, units, comments. This metadata is relevant mainly in the context of how the variable is output. Therefore, it is responsibility of the output_writer (see ScheduledDiagnostic) to handle the metadata properly. The output_writers provided by ClimaAtmos use this metadata.

In ClimaAtmos, we follow the convention that:

  • short_name is the name used to identify the variable in the output files and in the file names. It is short, but descriptive. We identify diagnostics by their short name, so the diagnostics defined by ClimaAtmos have to have unique short_names.

  • long_name: Name used to describe the variable in the output file as attribute.

  • standard_name: Standard name, as in CF conventions

  • units: Physical units of the variable.

  • comments: More verbose explanation of what the variable is, or comments related to how it is defined or computed.

In ClimaAtmos, we follow the CMIP6 MIP table for short names and long names where available. Standard names in the table are not used.

Compute function

The other piece of information needed to specify a DiagnosticVariable is a function compute!. Schematically, a compute! has to look like

function compute!(out, state, cache, time)
    if isnothing(out)
        return ... # Calculations with the state and the cache
        out .= ... # Calculations with the state and the cache

The first time compute! is called, the function has to allocate memory and return its output. All the subsequent times, out will be the pre-allocated area of memory, so the function has to write the new value in place.

Diagnostics are implemented as callbacks functions which pass the state, cache, and time from the integrator to compute!.

compute! also takes a second argument, out, which is used to avoid extra memory allocations (which hurt performance). If out is nothing, and new area of memory is allocated. If out is a ClimaCore.Field, the operation is done in-place without additional memory allocations.

If your diagnostic depends on the details of the model, we recommend using additional functions so that the correct one can be found through dispatching. For instance, if you want to compute relative humidity, which does not make sense for dry simulations, you should define the functions

function compute_relative_humidity!(
) where {T}
    error("Cannot compute relative_humidity with moisture_model = $T")

function compute_relative_humidity!(
) where {T <: Union{EquilMoistModel, NonEquilMoistModel}}
    if isnothing(out)
        return TD.relative_humidity.(thermo_params, cache.ᶜts)
        out .= TD.relative_humidity.(thermo_params, cache.ᶜts)

compute_relative_humidity!(out, state, cache, time) =

This will return the correct relative humidity and throw informative errors when it cannot be computed. We could specialize compute_relative_humidity further if the relative humidity were computed differently for EquilMoistModel and NonEquilMoistModel.

In ClimaAtmos, we define some helper functions to produce error messages, so the above code can be written as

compute_relative_humidity!(out, state, cache, time) =
    compute_relative_humidity!(out, state, cache, time, cache.atmos.moisture_model)
compute_relative_humidity!(_, _, _, _, model::T) where {T} =
    error_diagnostic_variable("relative_humidity", model)

function compute_relative_humidity!(
) where {T <: Union{EquilMoistModel, NonEquilMoistModel}}
    thermo_params = CAP.thermodynamics_params(cache.params)
    if isnothing(out)
        return TD.relative_humidity.(thermo_params, cache.ᶜts)
        out .= TD.relative_humidity.(thermo_params, cache.ᶜts)

The ClimaAtmos DiagnosticVariables

ClimaAtmos comes with a collection of pre-defined DiagnosticVariable, index with their short_names. If you are extending ClimaAtmos and want to add a new diagnostic variable, go ahead and look at the files we include in diagnostics/Diagnostics.jl. You can add more diagnostics in those files or add a new one. We provide a convenience function, add_diagnostic_variable! to add new DiagnosticVariables. add_diagnostic_variable! take the same arguments as the constructor for DiagnosticVariable, but also performs additional checks. Similarly, if you want to retrieve a diagnostic from ALL_DIAGNOSTICS, use the get_diagnostic_variablefunction.