Sub-grid scale equations
This describes the EDMF scheme equations and its discretizations. Where possible, we use a coordinate invariant form: the ClimaCore operators generally handle the conversions between bases internally.
Dycore variables
- $\boldsymbol{\Omega}$ is the planetary angular velocity. We currently use a shallow-atmosphere approximation, with
\[\boldsymbol{\Omega} = \Omega \sin(\phi) \boldsymbol{e}^v\]
where $\phi$ is latitude, and $\Omega$ is the planetary rotation rate in rads/sec (for Earth, $7.29212 \times 10^{-5} s^{-1}$) and $\boldsymbol{e}^v$ is the unit radial basis vector. This implies that the horizontal contravariant component $\boldsymbol{\Omega}^h$ is zero. - $\boldsymbol{u}_h = u_1 \boldsymbol{e}^1 + u_2 \boldsymbol{e}^2$ is the projection onto horizontal covariant components (covariance here means with respect to the reference element), stored at cell centers.
- $\Phi = g z$ is the geopotential, where $g$ is the gravitational acceleration rate and $z$ is altitude above the mean sea level.
- $\rho_{\text{ref}}$ is the reference state density
- $p$ is air pressure, derived from the thermodynamic state, reconstructed at cell centers.
- $p_{\text{ref}}$ is the reference state pressure. It is related to the reference state density by analytical hydrostatic balance: $\nabla p_{\text{ref}} = - \rho_{\text{ref}} \nabla \Phi$.
Prognostic variables
- $\hat{\rho}^j$: effective density in kg/m³. Superscript $j$ represents the sub-domain. $\hat{\rho}^j = \rho^j a^j$ where $\rho^j$ is the sub-domain density and $a^j$ is the sub-domain area fraction. This is discretized at cell centers.
- $\boldsymbol{u}^j$ velocity, a vector in m/s. This is discretized via $\boldsymbol{u}^j = \boldsymbol{u}_h + \boldsymbol{u}_v^j$ where
- $\boldsymbol{u}_v^j = u_3^j \boldsymbol{e}^3$ is the projection onto the vertical covariant components, stored at cell faces.
- $\hat{\rho}^j e^j$: total energy in J/m³. This is discretized at cell centers.
- $\hat{\rho}^j q^j$: moisture tracers. $q^j$ stands for the sub-domain total (liquid, ice, rain, snow) specific humidity in kg/kg. This is stored at cell centers.
- $\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j$: other tracers (aerosol, ...), again stored at cell centers.
We make use of the following operators
- $I^c$ is the face-to-center reconstruction operator (arithmetic mean)
- $I^f$ is the center-to-face reconstruction operator (arithmetic mean)
- $WI^f$ is the center-to-face weighted reconstruction operator
- $WI^f(J, x) = I^f(J*x) / I^f(J)$, where $J$ is the value of the Jacobian for use in the weighted interpolation operator
- $U^f$ is the 1st or 3rd-order center-to-face upwind product operator # fix link
Differential operators
- $D_h$ is the discrete horizontal spectral divergence.
- $\hat{\mathcal{D}}_h$ is the discrete horizontal spectral weak divergence.
- $D^c_v$ is the face-to-center vertical divergence.
- $G_h$ is the discrete horizontal spectral gradient.
- $G^f_v$ is the center-to-face vertical gradient.
- the gradient is set to 0 at the top and bottom boundaries.
- $C_h$ is the curl components involving horizontal derivatives
- $C_h[\boldsymbol{u}_h]$ returns a vector with only vertical contravariant components.
- $C_h[\boldsymbol{u}_v]$ returns a vector with only horizontal contravariant components.
- $\hat{\mathcal{C}}_h$ is the weak curl components involving horizontal derivatives
- $C^f_v$ is the center-to-face curl involving vertical derivatives.
- $C^f_v[\boldsymbol{u}_h]$ returns a vector with only a horizontal contravariant component.
- the curl is set to 0 at the top and bottom boundaries.
- We need to clarify how best to handle this.
- $\mathcal{P}$ is the direct stiffness summation (DSS) operation, which computes the projection onto the continuous spectral element basis.
Auxiliary and derived quantities
- $\tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j$ is the mass-weighted reconstruction of velocity at the interfaces: by interpolation of contravariant components
\[\tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j = WI^f \left( \rho^j J, \boldsymbol{u}_h \right) + \boldsymbol{u}_v^j.\]
Technically, from mass conservation, the weighting factor should be $\hat{\rho}^j J$. However, in order to avoid issues coming from close to zero sub-domain area fractions, we can instead use $\rho^j J$ or even $\rho J$.
$\bar{\boldsymbol{u}}^j$ is the reconstruction of velocity at cell-centers, carried out by linear interpolation of the covariant vertical component:
\[\bar{\boldsymbol{u}}^j = \boldsymbol{u}_h + I_{c}(\boldsymbol{u}_v^j),\]
$\boldsymbol{b}^j$ is the reduced gravitational acceleration
\[\boldsymbol{b}^j = - \frac{\rho^j - \rho_{\text{ref}}}{\rho^j} \nabla \Phi,\]
$K^j = \tfrac{1}{2} \|\boldsymbol{u}^j\|^2$ is the specific kinetic energy (J/kg), reconstructed at cell centers by
\[K^j = \tfrac{1}{2} \left(\boldsymbol{u}_{h}^j \cdot \boldsymbol{u}_{h}^j + 2 \boldsymbol{u}_{h}^j \cdot I_{c} (\boldsymbol{u}_{v}^j) + I_{c}(\boldsymbol{u}_{v}^j \cdot \boldsymbol{u}_{v}^j) \right),\]
where $\boldsymbol{u}_{h}^j$ is defined on cell-centers, $\boldsymbol{u}_{v}^j$ is defined on cell-faces, and $I_{c} (\boldsymbol{u}_{v})$ is interpolated using covariant components.
$\nu_u$, $\nu_h$, and $\nu_\chi$ are hyperdiffusion coefficients, and $c$ is the divergence damping factor.
No-flux boundary conditions are enforced by requiring the third contravariant component of the face-valued velocity at the boundary, $\boldsymbol{\tilde{u}}^{v,j}$, to be zero. The vertical covariant velocity component is computed as
\[\tilde{u}_{v}^j = - \frac{u_{1}g^{31} + u_{2}g^{32}}{g^{33}}.\]
Equations and discretizations
Follows the continuity equation
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j = - \nabla \cdot (\hat{\rho}^j \boldsymbol{u}^j) + RHS.\]
This is discretized using the following
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j = - D_h \left[ \hat{\rho}^j (\boldsymbol{u}_h + I^c(\boldsymbol{u}_v^j)) \right] - D^c_v \left[WI^f( J, \hat{\rho}^j) \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}^j} \right] + RHS.\]
Uses the advective form equation
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \boldsymbol{u}^j = - (2 \boldsymbol{\Omega} + \nabla \times \boldsymbol{u}^j) \times \boldsymbol{u}^j - \frac{1}{\rho^j} \nabla (p - p_{\text{ref}}) + \boldsymbol{b}^j - \nabla K^j + RHS.\]
By breaking the curl and cross product terms into horizontal and vertical contributions, and removing zero terms (e.g. $\nabla_v \times \boldsymbol{u}_v = 0$), we obtain the vertical momentum equation. The horizontal momentum equation is only solved in the grid-mean.
Vertical momentum
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \boldsymbol{u}_v^j = - (\nabla_v \times \boldsymbol{u}_h + \nabla_h \times \boldsymbol{u}_v^j) \times \boldsymbol{u}^h - \frac{1}{\rho^j} \nabla_v (p - p_{\text{ref}}) - \frac{\rho^j - \rho_{\text{ref}}}{\rho^j} \nabla_v \Phi - \nabla_v K^j + RHS .\]
This is stabilized with the addition of 4th-order vector hyperviscosity
\[-\nu_u \nabla_h^2(\nabla_h^2(\boldsymbol{u}^j)),\]
projected onto the third contravariant direction.
The $(\nabla_v \times \boldsymbol{u}_h + \nabla_h \times \boldsymbol{u}_v^j) \times \boldsymbol{u}^h$ term is discretized as
\[(C^f_v[\boldsymbol{u}_h] + C_h[\boldsymbol{u}_v^j]) \times I^f(\boldsymbol{u}^h) ,\]
and the $-\frac{1}{\rho^j} \nabla_v (p - p_{\text{ref}}) - \frac{\rho^j - \rho_{\text{ref}}}{\rho^j} \nabla_v \Phi - \nabla_v K^j$ terms as
\[-\frac{1}{I^f(\rho^j)} G^f_v[p - p_{\text{ref}}] - \frac{I^f(\rho^j - \rho_{\text{ref}})}{I^f(\rho^j)} G^f_v[\Phi] - G^f_v[K^j] ,\]
The hyperviscosity term is
\[- \nu_u \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h (\mathcal{G}_h (\psi) ),\]
\[\psi = \mathcal{P} \left[ \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h \left( \mathcal{G}_h (w^j)\right) \right].\]
Total energy
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j e^j = - \nabla \cdot((\hat{\rho}^j e^j + \frac{\hat{\rho}^j}{\rho^j}p) \boldsymbol{u}^j) - \frac{p}{\rho} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j + RHS\]
which is stabilized with the addition of a 4th-order hyperdiffusion term on total enthalpy:
\[- \nu_h \nabla \cdot \left( \hat{\rho}^j \nabla^3 \left(\frac{\rho^j e^j + p}{\rho^j} \right)\right).\]
The equation is discretized as
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j e^j \approx - D_h \left[ \left( \hat{\rho}^j e^j + \frac{\hat{\rho}^j}{\rho^j}p \right) \left( \boldsymbol{u}_h + I^c(\boldsymbol{u}_v^j) \right) \right] - D^c_v \left[ WI^f(J,\hat{\rho}^j) \, \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j \, I^f \left(\frac{\hat{\rho}^j e^j + \frac{\hat{\rho}^j}{\rho^j}p}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right) \right] - \frac{p}{\rho} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j - \nu_h \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h( \rho \mathcal{G}_h(\psi^j) ) + RHS .\]
\[\psi^j = \mathcal{P} \left[ \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h \left( \mathcal{G}_h \left(\frac{\rho^j e^j + p}{\rho^j} \right)\right) \right]\]
Need to change this to first order upwinding.
Moisture tracers
For a sub-domain moisture scalar $q^j$, the density-weighted scalar $\hat{\rho}^j q^j$ obeys the conservation law
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j q^j = - \nabla \cdot(\hat{\rho}^j q^j (\boldsymbol{u}^j - w_q^j \hat{\boldsymbol{k}})) + RHS .\]
where $\hat{\boldsymbol{k}}$ is the vertical unit vector and $w_q^j$ is the terminal velocity.
This is stabilized with the addition of a 4th-order hyperdiffusion term
\[- \nu_q \nabla \cdot(\hat{\rho}^j \nabla^3(q^j))\]
This is discretized using the following
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j q^j \approx - D_h[ \hat{\rho}^j q^j (\boldsymbol{u}_h + I^c(\boldsymbol{u}_v^j))] - D^c_v \left[ WI^f(J,\hat{\rho}^j) \, U^f\left( \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j, \frac{\hat{\rho}^j q^j}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right) \right] - \nu_\chi \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h ( \hat{\rho^j} \, \mathcal{G}_h (\psi^j) ) + sedimentation + RHS.\]
\[\psi^j = \mathcal{P} \left[ \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h \left( \mathcal{G}_h \left( \frac{\hat{\rho}^j q^j}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right)\right) \right]\]
Currently we use the central reconstruction
\[- D^c_v \left[ WI^f(J,\hat{\rho}^j) \, \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j \, I^f\left( \frac{\hat{\rho}^j q^j}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right) \right]\]
Need to change this to first order upwinding.
Write down the discretization for sedimentation. Assume the sedimentation velocity is zero for now.
Other tracers
For a sub-domain scalar $\chi^j$, the density-weighted scalar $\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j$ follows the continuity equation
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j \chi^j = - \nabla \cdot(\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j \boldsymbol{u}^j) + RHS .\]
This is stabilized with the addition of a 4th-order hyperdiffusion term
\[- \nu_\chi \nabla \cdot(\hat{\rho}^j \nabla^3(\chi^j))\]
This is discretized using the following
\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \hat{\rho}^j \chi^j \approx - D_h[ \hat{\rho^j} \chi^j (\boldsymbol{u}_h + I^c(\boldsymbol{u}_v^j))] - D^c_v \left[ WI^f(J,\hat{\rho^j}) \, U^f\left( \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j, \frac{\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j}{\hat{\rho^j}} \right) \right] - \nu_\chi \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h ( \hat{\rho^j} \, \mathcal{G}_h (\psi^j) ) + RHS.\]
\[\psi^j = \mathcal{P} \left[ \hat{\mathcal{D}}_h \left( \mathcal{G}_h \left( \frac{\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right)\right) \right]\]
Currently we use the central reconstruction
\[- D^c_v \left[ WI^f(J,\hat{\rho}^j) \, \tilde{\boldsymbol{u}}^j \, I^f\left( \frac{\hat{\rho}^j \chi^j}{\hat{\rho}^j} \right) \right]\]
Need to change this to first order upwinding.