Getting Started
Every calibration requires
- a forward model, which uses input parameters to return diagnostic output
- observational data, which can be a Vector or an
- a prior parameter distribution. The easiest way to construct a distribution is with the
Implementing your experiment
Forward Model
Your forward model must implement the forward_model(iteration, member)
function stub.
Since this function only takes in the iteration and member numbers, there are some hooks to obtain parameters and the output directory:
returns the ensemble member's output directory,
which can be used to set the forward model's output directory.
returns the ensemble member's parameter file, which can
be loaded in via TOML or passed to ClimaParams.
Observational data
Observational data generally consists of a vector of observations with length d
and the covariance matrix of the observational noise with size d × d
If you need to stack or sample from observations, EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl's Observation or ObservationSeries are fully-featured.
An observation map to process model output and return the full ensemble's observations is also required.
This is provided by implementing the function stub observation_map(iteration)
. This function needs to return an Array arr
where arr[:, i]
will return the i-th ensemble member's observational output.
Here is a readable template for the observation_map
function observation_map(iteration)
single_observation_dims = 1
G_ensemble = Array{Float64}(undef, single_observation_dims..., ensemble_size)
for member in 1:ensemble_size
G_ensemble[:, member] = process_member_data(iteration, member)
return G_ensemble
Every parameter that is being calibrated requires a prior distribution to sample from.
EnsembleKalmanProcesses.jl's constrained_gaussian provides a user-friendly way to constructor Gaussian distributions.
Multiple distributions can be combined using combine_distributions(vec_of_distributions)
For more information, see the EKP documentation for prior distributions.
Experiment Configuration
A calibration consisting of m
ensemble members will run for n
A good rule of thumb is an ensemble size 10 times the number of parameters.
Now all of the pieces should be in place:
- forward map
- observation map
- observations
- covariance matrix of the observations (noise)
- prior distribution
- ensemble size
- number of iterations
And we can put it all together:
calibrate(ensemble_size, n_iterations, observations, noise, prior, output_dir)
Lastly, you need to set the output directory, ensemble size and the number of iterations to run for. A good rule of thumb for your ensemble size is 10x the number of free parameters.
n_iterations = 7
ensemble_size = 10
output_dir = "output/my_experiment"
Once all of this has been set up, you can call put it all together using the calibrate
calibrate(ensemble_size, n_iterations, observations, noise, prior, output_dir)
For more information on parallelizing your calibration, see the Backends page.
Example Calibration
A good way to get started is to run the example experiment, surface_fluxes_perfect_model
, which uses the SurfaceFluxes.jl package to generate a physical model that calculates the Monin Obukhov turbulent surface fluxes based on idealized atmospheric and surface conditions. Since this is a "perfect model" example, the same model is used to generate synthetic observations using its default parameters and a small amount of noise. These synthetic observations are considered to be the ground truth, which is used to assess the model ensembles' performance when parameters are drawn from the prior parameter distributions.
It is a perfect-model calibration, using its own output as observational data. By default, it runs 20 ensemble members for 6 iterations. This example can be run on the most common backend, the WorkerBackend, with the following script:
using ClimaCalibrate
include(joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaCalibrate), "experiments", "surface_fluxes_perfect_model", "utils.jl"))
@show ensemble_size n_iterations observation variance prior
eki = calibrate(
theta_star_vec =
(; coefficient_a_m_businger = 4.7, coefficient_a_h_businger = 4.7)
["coefficient_a_m_businger", "coefficient_a_h_businger"],