Developing with ClimaComms

This page goes into more depth about ClimaComms in CliMA packages.

First, we will describe what Devices and Contexts are.


Devices identify a specific type of computing hardware (e.g., a CPU/a NVidia GPU, et cetera). The Devices implemented are

Devices in ClimaComms are singletons, meaning that they do not contain any data: they are used exclusively to determine what implementation of a given function or data structure should be used. For example, let us implement a function to allocate an array what on the CPU or on the GPU depending on the Device:

import ClimaComms: CPUSingleThreaded, CUDADevice
import CUDA

function allocate(device::CPUSingleThreaded, what)
    return Array(what)

function allocate(device::CUDADevice, what)
    return CUDA.CuArray(what)

If we want to allocate memory on the GPU, we would do something like:

julia> allocate(CUDADevice(), [1, 2, 3])
CUDA.CuArray([1, 2, 3])

Low-level CliMA code often needs to implement different methods for different Devices (e.g., in ClimaCore), but this level of specialization is often not required at higher levels.

Higher-level code often interacts with Devices through ClimaComms functions such time or sync. These functions implement device-agnostic operations. For instance, the proper way to compute how long a given expression takes to compute is

import ClimaComms: @time

device = ClimaComms.device()  # or the device of interest

@time device my_expr

This will ensure that the correct time is computed (e.g., the time to run a GPU kernel, and not the time to launch the kernel).

For a complete list of such functions, consult the APIs page.


A Context contains the information needed for multiple devices to communicate. For simulations with only one device, SingletonCommsContext simply contains an instance of an AbstractDevice. For MPI simulations, the context contains the MPI communicator as well.

Contexts specify devices and form of parallelism, so they are often passed around in both low-level and higher-level code.

ClimaComms provide functions that are context-agnostic. For instance, reduce applies a given function to an array across difference processes and collects the result. Let us see an example

import ClimaComms

context = ClimaComms.context()  # Default context (read from environment variables)
device = ClimaComms.device(context)  # Default device

mypid, nprocs = ClimaComms.init(context)

ArrayType = ClimaComms.array_type(device)

my_array = mypid * ArrayType([1, 1, 1])

reduced_array = ClimaComms.reduce(context, my_array, +)
ClimaComms.iamroot(context) && @show reduced_array

@import_required_backends is responsible for loading relevant libraries, for more information refer to the Backends and extensions section.

In this snippet, we obtained the default context from environment variables using the context function. As developers, we do not know whether this code is being run on a single process or multiple, so took the more generic stance that the code might be run on several processes. When several processes are being used, the same code is being run by parallel Julia instances, each with a different process id (pid). The line julia mypid, nprocs = ClimaComms.init(context) assigns different mypid to the various processes and returns nprocs so that we can use this information if needed. This function is also responsible for distributing GPUs across processes, if relevant.

In this example, we used mypid to set up my_array in such a way that it would be different on different processes. We set up the array with ArrayType, obtained with array_type. This function provides the type to allocate the array on the correct device (CPU or GPU). Then, we applied reduce to sum them all. reduce collects the result to the root process, the one with pid = 1. For single-process runs, the only process is also a root process.

The code above works independently on the number of processes and over all the devices supported by ClimaComms.

Backends and extensions

Except the most basic ones, ClimaComms computing devices and contexts are implemented as independent backends. For instance, ClimaComms provides an AbstractDevice interface for which CUDADevice is an implementation that depends on CUDA.jl. Scripts that use ClimaComms have to load the packages that power the desired backend (e.g., CUDA.jl has to be explicitly loaded if one wants to use CUDADevices).

When using the default context and device (as read from environment variables), ClimaComms can automatically load the required packages. To instruct ClimaComms to do, add ClimaComms.@import_required_backends at the beginning of your scripts. ClimaComms can also identify some cases when a package is required but not loaded and warn you about it.

Using non-trivial backends might require you to install CUDA.jl and/or MPI.jl in your environment.

Note: When using context to select the context, it is safe to always add ClimaComms.@import_required_backends at the top of your scripts. Do not add ClimaComms.@import_required_backends to library code (i.e., in src) because the macro requires dependencies that should not be satisfied in that instance.

Technically, ClimaComms backends are implemented in Julia extensions. There are two main reasons for this:

  • optional packages (such as CUDA and MPI) should not be hard dependencies of ClimaComms;
  • implementing code in extensions reduces the loading time for ClimaComms and downstream packages because it skips compilation of code that is not needed.

If you are implementing features for ClimaComms, make sure that your backend-specific code is in a Julia extension (in the ext folder).