

Logging is a crucial tool for debugging, monitoring, and understanding the behavior of your applications. ClimaComms extends Julia's built-in logging functionality (provided by Logging.jl) to work seamlessly in distributed computing environments, particularly with MPI.

Julia's Logging System

Julia's standard library provides a flexible logging system through Logging.jl. Key concepts include:

  • Logger: An object that handles log messages, determining how they are formatted and where they are sent
  • Log Level: Indicates the severity/importance of a message
  • Log Record: Contains the message and associated metadata (level, module, line number, etc.)

The default logger in Julia (as of v1.11) is Logging.ConsoleLogger(), which prints messages to the console. You can check your current logger using:

using Logging; current_logger()

ClimaComms Logging Features

ClimaComms builds upon Julia's logging system by providing specialized loggers for distributed computing.

To set any of the loggers below as the global logger, use Logging.global_logger(logger):

using ClimaComms, Logging

ctx = ClimaComms.context()
logger = ClimaComms.OnlyRootLogger(ctx)


OnlyRootLogger(context) returns a logger that silences non-root processes. If using MPI, this logger is enabled on the first ClimaComms.init call.


FileLogger(context, log_dir) writes to stdout and to a file log_dir/output.log simultaneously. If using MPI, the FileLogger separates logs by MPI process into different files, so that process i will write to the rank_$i.log file in the $log_dir directory, where $log_dir is of your choosing. In this case, $log_dir/output.log is a symbolic link to the root process logs. In other words, you can always look at $log_dir/output.log for the output. Logging to stdout can be disabled by setting the keyword argument log_stdout = false.

using ClimaComms, Logging
ctx = ClimaComms.context()
logger = ClimaComms.FileLogger(ctx, "logs")

with_logger(logger) do
    @warn "Memory usage high"  # Written to rank-specific log file

This will output the following in both the REPL and logs/rank_1.log:

┌ Warning: Memory usage high
└ @ Main REPL[6]:2


MPILogger(context) adds an MPI rank prefix to all log messages:

using ClimaComms, Logging
ctx = ClimaComms.context()
logger = MPILogger(ctx)

with_logger(logger) do
    @info "Processing data..."  # Output: [P1]  Info: Processing data...

Log Levels

Julia provides four standard log levels, in order of increasing severity:

  1. Debug: Detailed information for debugging
  2. Info: General information about program execution
  3. Warn: Warnings about potential issues
  4. Error: Error conditions that might still allow the program to continue

See Julia documentation for more detailed information.

You can define custom log levels using LogLevel:

const Trace = LogLevel(-1000)  # Lower number = less severe
@macroexpand @logmsg Trace "Very detailed trace message"

To disable all log messages at log levels equal to or less than a given LogLevel, use Logging.disable_logging(level).

Filtering Log Messages

LoggingExtras.jl provides powerful filtering capabilities through the EarlyFilteredLogger(filter, logger), which takes two arguments:

  • filter(log_args) is a function which takes in log_args and returns a Boolean determining if the message should be logged. log_args is a NamedTuple with fields level, _module, id and group. Example filter functions are provided below in the Common Use Cases.
  • logger is any existing logger, such as Logging.ConsoleLogger() or MPILogger(ctx).

Common Use Cases

How do I save log output to stdout and a file simultaneously?

ClimaComms.FileLogger logs to files and stdout simultaneously. For full customization, LoggingExtras.TeeLogger(loggers) composes multiple loggers, allowing for multiple loggers at once as shown below.

using Logging, LoggingExtras

io = open("simulation.log", "w")
loggers = (Logging.ConsoleLogger(stdout), Logging.ConsoleLogger(io))
tee_logger = LoggingExtras.TeeLogger(loggers)

with_logger(tee_logger) do
    @warn "Log to stdout and file"


How do I filter out warning messages?

using Logging, LoggingExtras

function no_warnings(log_args)
    return log_args.level != Logging.Warn

filtered_logger = EarlyFilteredLogger(no_warnings, Logging.current_logger())

with_logger(filtered_logger) do
    @warn "Hide this warning"
    @info "Display this message"
[ Info: Display this message

How do I filter out messages from certain modules?

We can create a custom filter that returns false if a log message originates from a list of excluded modules.

The same pattern can be reversed to filter messages only coming from certain modules.

using Logging, LoggingExtras

module_filter(excluded_modules) = log_args ->
    !(log_args._module in excluded_modules)

ModuleFilteredLogger(excluded) =
    EarlyFilteredLogger(module_filter(excluded), Logging.current_logger())
# To test this logger:
module TestModule
    using Logging
    function log_something()
        @info "This message will appear"

excluded = (Main, Base)
with_logger(ModuleFilteredLogger(excluded)) do
    @info "Hide this message"
[ Info: This message will appear