One of the most challenging tasks that users have is: debug a large simulation that is breaking, e.g., yielding NaN
s somewhere. This is especially complex for large models with many terms and implicit time-stepping with all the bells and whistles that the CliMA ecosystem offers.
ClimaCore has a module, ClimaCore.DebugOnly
, which contains tools for debugging simulations for these complicated situations.
Because so much data (for example, the solution state, and many cached fields) is typically contained in ClimaCore data structures, we offer a hook to inspect this data after any operation that ClimaCore performs.
Print NaNs
when they are found
In this example, we add a callback that simply prints NaNs found
every instance when they are detected in a ClimaCore
To do this, we need two ingredients:
First, we need to enable the callback system:
import ClimaCore
ClimaCore.DebugOnly.call_post_op_callback() = true
The line ClimaCore.DebugOnly.call_post_op_callback() = true
means that at the end of every ClimaCore
operation, the function ClimaCore.DebugOnly.post_op_callback
is called. By default, this function does nothing. So, the second ingredient is to define a method:
function ClimaCore.DebugOnly.post_op_callback(result, args...; kwargs...)
if any(isnan, parent(result))
println("NaNs found!")
If needed, post_op_callback
can be specialized or behave differently in different cases, but here, it only checks if NaN
s are in the given that.
Note that, due to dispatch, post_op_callback
will likely need a very general method signature, and using post_op_callback (result::DataLayouts.VIJFH, args...; kwargs...)
above fails (on the CPU), because post_op_callback
ends up getting called multiple times with different datalayouts.
Now, let us put everything together and demonstrate a complete example:
import ClimaCore
ClimaCore.DebugOnly.call_post_op_callback() = true
function ClimaCore.DebugOnly.post_op_callback(result, args...; kwargs...)
if any(isnan, parent(result))
println("NaNs found!")
FT = Float64
data = ClimaCore.DataLayouts.VIJFH{FT}(Array{FT}, zeros; Nv=5, Nij=2, Nh=2)
@. data = NaN
NaNs found!
NaNs found!
NaNs found!
This example should print NaN
on your standard output.
Infiltrator.jl is a simple debugging tool for Julia packages.
Here is an example, where we can use Infiltrator.jl to find where NaNs is coming from interactively.
import ClimaCore
import Infiltrator # must be in your default environment
ClimaCore.DebugOnly.call_post_op_callback() = true
function ClimaCore.DebugOnly.post_op_callback(result, args...; kwargs...)
has_nans = result isa Number ? isnan(result) : any(isnan, parent(result))
has_inf = result isa Number ? isinf(result) : any(isinf, parent(result))
if has_nans || has_inf
has_nans && println("NaNs found!")
has_inf && println("Infs found!")
# Let's define the stack trace so that we know where this came from
st = stacktrace()
# Let's use Infiltrator.jl to exfiltrate to drop into the REPL.
# Now, `Infiltrator.safehouse` will be a NamedTuple
# containing `result`, `args`, `kwargs` and `st`.
# sometimes code execution doesn't stop, I'm not sure why. Let's
# make sure we exfiltrate immediately with the data we want.
FT = Float64
data = ClimaCore.DataLayouts.VIJFH{FT}(Array{FT}, zeros; Nv=5, Nij=2, Nh=2)
@. data = NaN
# Let's see what happened
(;result, args, kwargs, st) = Infiltrator.safehouse;
# You can print the stack trace, to see where the NaNs were found:
ClimaCore.DebugOnly.print_depth_limited_stack_trace(st; maxtypedepth=1)
# Once there, you can see that the call lead you to `copyto!`,
# Inspecting `args` shows that the `Broadcasted` object used to populate the
# result was:
julia> args[2]
Base.Broadcast.Broadcasted{Base.Broadcast.DefaultArrayStyle{0}}(identity, (NaN,))
# And there's your problem, NaNs is on the right-hand-side of that assignment.
While post_op_callback
may be helpful, it's not bullet proof. NaNs can infiltrate user data any time internals are used. For example parent (data) .= NaN
will not be caught by ClimaCore.DebugOnly, and errors can be observed later than expected.
is called in many places, so this is a performance-critical code path and expensive operations performed in post_op_callback
may significantly slow down your code.
It is highly recommended to use post_op_callback
without @testset
, as Test.jl may continue running through code execution, until all of the tests in a given @testset
are complete, and the result will be that you will get the last observed instance of NaN
or Inf