

This module adds support for defining and manipulating Fields that represent matrices. Specifically, it adds the BandMatrixRow type, which can be used to store the entries of a band matrix. A Field of BandMatrixRows on a FiniteDifferenceSpace can be interpreted as a band matrix by vertically concatenating the BandMatrixRows. Similarly, a Field of BandMatrixRows on an ExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace can be interpreted as a collection of band matrices, one for each column of the Field. Such Fields are called ColumnwiseBandMatrixFields, and this module adds the following functionality for them:

  • Constructors, e.g., matrix_field = @. BidiagonalMatrixRow(field1, field2)
  • Linear combinations, e.g., @. 3 * matrix_field1 + matrix_field2 / 3
  • Matrix-vector multiplication, e.g., @. matrix_field ⋅ field
  • Matrix-matrix multiplication, e.g., @. matrix_field1 ⋅ matrix_field2
  • Compatibility with LinearAlgebra.I, e.g., @. matrix_field = (4I,) or @. matrix_field - (4I,)
  • Integration with RecursiveApply, e.g., the entries of matrix_field can be Tuples or NamedTuples instead of single values, which allows matrix_field to represent multiple band matrices at the same time
  • Integration with Operators, e.g., the matrix_field that gets applied to the argument of any FiniteDifferenceOperator op can be obtained using the FiniteDifferenceOperator operator_matrix(op)
  • Conversions to native array types, e.g., field2arrays(matrix_field) can convert each column of matrix_field into a BandedMatrix from BandedMatrices.jl
  • Custom printing, e.g., matrix_field gets displayed as a BandedMatrix, specifically, as the BandedMatrix that corresponds to its first column

This module also adds support for defining and manipulating sparse block matrices of Fields. Specifically, it adds the FieldMatrix type, which is a dictionary that maps pairs of FieldNames to ColumnwiseBandMatrixFields or multiples of LinearAlgebra.I. This comes with the following functionality:

  • Addition and subtraction, e.g., @. field_matrix1 + field_matrix2
  • Matrix-vector multiplication, e.g., @. field_matrix * field_vector
  • Matrix-matrix multiplication, e.g., @. field_matrix1 * field_matrix2
  • Integration with RecursiveApply, e.g., the entries of field_matrix can be specified either as matrix Fields of Tuples or NamedTuples, or as separate matrix Fields of single values
  • The ability to solve linear equations using FieldMatrixSolver, which is a generalization of ldiv! that is designed to optimize solver performance

Matrix Field Element Type


Stores the nonzero entries in a row of a band matrix, starting with the lowest diagonal, which has index ld. Supported operations include accessing the entry on the diagonal with index d by calling row[d], taking linear combinations with other band matrix rows (and with LinearAlgebra.I), and checking for equality with other band matrix rows (and with LinearAlgebra.I). There are several aliases for commonly used subtypes of BandMatrixRow:

  • DiagonalMatrixRow(entry_1)
  • BidiagonalMatrixRow(entry_1, entry_2)
  • TridiagonalMatrixRow(entry_1, entry_2, entry_3)
  • QuaddiagonalMatrixRow(entry_1, entry_2, entry_3, entry_4)
  • PentadiagonalMatrixRow(entry_1, entry_2, entry_3, entry_4, entry_5)

Matrix Field Multiplication


An operator that multiplies a ColumnwiseBandMatrixField by another Field, i.e., matrix-vector or matrix-matrix multiplication. The symbol is an alias for MultiplyColumnwiseBandMatrixField().

What follows is a derivation of the algorithm used by this operator with single-column Fields. For Fields on multiple columns, the same computation is done for each column.

In this derivation, we will use $M_1$ and $M_2$ to denote two ColumnwiseBandMatrixFields, and we will use $V$ to denote a regular (vector-like) Field. For both $M_1$ and $M_2$, we will use the array-like index notation $M[row, col]$ to denote $M[row][col-row]$, i.e., the entry in the BandMatrixRow $M[row]$ located on the diagonal with index $col - row$. We will also use outer_indices$($space$)$ to denote the tuple $($left_idx$($space$),$right_idx$($space$))$.

1. Matrix-Vector Multiplication

From the definition of matrix-vector multiplication,

\[(M_1 ⋅ V)[i] = \sum_k M_1[i, k] * V[k].\]

To establish bounds on the values of $k$, let us define the following values:

  • $li_1, ri_1 ={}$outer_indices$($column_axes$(M_1))$
  • $ld_1, ud_1 ={}$outer_diagonals$($eltype$(M_1))$

Since $M_1[i, k]$ is only well-defined if $k$ is a valid column index and $k - i$ is a valid diagonal index, we know that

\[li_1 \leq k \leq ri_1 \quad \text{and} \quad ld_1 \leq k - i \leq ud_1.\]

Combining these into a single inequality gives us

\[\text{max}(li_1, i + ld_1) \leq k \leq \text{min}(ri_1, i + ud_1).\]

So, we can rewrite the expression for $(M_1 ⋅ V)[i]$ as

\[(M_1 ⋅ V)[i] = \sum_{k\ =\ \text{max}(li_1, i + ld_1)}^{\text{min}(ri_1, i + ud_1)} M_1[i, k] * V[k].\]

If we replace the variable $k$ with $d = k - i$ and switch from array-like indexing to Field indexing, we find that

\[(M_1 ⋅ V)[i] = \sum_{d\ =\ \text{max}(li_1 - i, ld_1)}^{\text{min}(ri_1 - i, ud_1)} M_1[i][d] * V[i + d].\]

1.1 Interior vs. Boundary Indices

Now, suppose that the row index $i$ is such that

\[li_1 - ld_1 \leq i \leq ri_1 - ud_1.\]

If this is the case, then the bounds on $d$ can be simplified to

\[\text{max}(li_1 - i, ld_1) = ld_1 \quad \text{and} \quad \text{min}(ri_1 - i, ud_1) = ud_1.\]

The expression for $(M_1 ⋅ V)[i]$ then becomes

\[(M_1 ⋅ V)[i] = \sum_{d = ld_1}^{ud_1} M_1[i][d] * V[i + d].\]

The values of $i$ in this range are considered to be in the "interior" of the operator, while those not in this range (for which we cannot make the above simplification) are considered to be on the "boundary".

2. Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

From the definition of matrix-matrix multiplication,

\[(M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i, j] = \sum_k M_1[i, k] * M_2[k, j].\]

To establish bounds on the values of $j$ and $k$, let us define the following values:

  • $li_1, ri_1 ={}$outer_indices$($column_axes$(M_1))$
  • $ld_1, ud_1 ={}$outer_diagonals$($eltype$(M_1))$
  • $li_2, ri_2 ={}$outer_indices$($column_axes$(M_2))$
  • $ld_2, ud_2 ={}$outer_diagonals$($eltype$(M_2))$

In addition, let $ld_{prod}$ and $ud_{prod}$ denote the outer diagonal indices of the product matrix $M_1 ⋅ M_2$. We will derive the values of $ld_{prod}$ and $ud_{prod}$ in the last section.

Since $M_1[i, k]$ is only well-defined if $k$ is a valid column index and $k - i$ is a valid diagonal index, we know that

\[li_1 \leq k \leq ri_1 \quad \text{and} \quad ld_1 \leq k - i \leq ud_1.\]

Since $M_2[k, j]$ is only well-defined if $j$ is a valid column index and $j - k$ is a valid diagonal index, we also know that

\[li_2 \leq j \leq ri_2 \quad \text{and} \quad ld_2 \leq j - k \leq ud_2.\]

Finally, $(M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i, j]$ is only well-defined if $j - i$ is a valid diagonal index, so

\[ld_{prod} \leq j - i \leq ud_{prod}.\]

These inequalities can be combined to obtain

\[\begin{gather*} \text{max}(li_2, i + ld_{prod}) \leq j \leq \text{min}(ri_2, i + ud_{prod}) \\ \text{and} \\ \text{max}(li_1, i + ld_1, j - ud_2) \leq k \leq \text{min}(ri_1, i + ud_1, j - ld_2). \end{gather*}\]

So, we can rewrite the expression for $(M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i, j]$ as

\[\begin{gather*} (M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i, j] = \sum_{ k\ =\ \text{max}(li_1, i + ld_1, j - ud_2) }^{\text{min}(ri_1, i + ud_1, j - ld_2)} M_1[i, k] * M_2[k, j], \text{ where} \\[0.5em] \text{max}(li_2, i + ld_{prod}) \leq j \leq \text{min}(ri_2, i + ud_{prod}). \end{gather*}\]

If we replace the variable $k$ with $d = k - i$, replace the variable $j$ with $d_{prod} = j - i$, and switch from array-like indexing to Field indexing, we find that

\[\begin{gather*} (M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i][d_{prod}] = \sum_{ d\ =\ \text{max}(li_1 - i, ld_1, d_{prod} - ud_2) }^{\text{min}(ri_1 - i, ud_1, d_{prod} - ld_2)} M_1[i][d] * M_2[i + d][d_{prod} - d], \text{ where} \\[0.5em] \text{max}(li_2 - i, ld_{prod}) \leq d_{prod} \leq \text{min}(ri_2 - i, ud_{prod}). \end{gather*}\]

2.1 Interior vs. Boundary Indices

Now, suppose that the row index $i$ is such that

\[\text{max}(li_1 - ld_1, li_2 - ld_{prod}) \leq i \leq \text{min}(ri_1 - ud_1, ri_2 - ud_{prod}).\]

If this is the case, then the bounds on $d_{prod}$ can be simplified to

\[\text{max}(li_2 - i, ld_{prod}) = ld_{prod} \quad \text{and} \quad \text{min}(ri_2 - i, ud_{prod}) = ud_{prod}.\]

Similarly, the bounds on $d$ can be simplified using the fact that

\[\text{max}(li_1 - i, ld_1) = ld_1 \quad \text{and} \quad \text{min}(ri_1 - i, ud_1) = ud_1.\]

The expression for $(M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i][d_{prod}]$ then becomes

\[\begin{gather*} (M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i][d_{prod}] = \sum_{ d\ =\ \text{max}(ld_1, d_{prod} - ud_2) }^{\text{min}(ud_1, d_{prod} - ld_2)} M_1[i][d] * M_2[i + d][d_{prod} - d], \text{ where} \\[0.5em] ld_{prod} \leq d_{prod} \leq ud_{prod}. \end{gather*}\]

The values of $i$ in this range are considered to be in the "interior" of the operator, while those not in this range (for which we cannot make these simplifications) are considered to be on the "boundary".

2.2 $ld_{prod}$ and $ud_{prod}$

We only need to compute $(M_1 ⋅ M_2)[i][d_{prod}]$ for values of $d_{prod}$ that correspond to a nonempty sum in the interior, i.e, those for which

\[\text{max}(ld_1, d_{prod} - ud_2) \leq \text{min}(ud_1, d_{prod} - ld_2).\]

This can be broken down into the four inequalities

\[ld_1 \leq ud_1, \qquad ld_1 \leq d_{prod} - ld_2, \qquad d_{prod} - ud_2 \leq ud_1, \quad \text{and} \quad d_{prod} - ud_2 \leq d_{prod} - ld_2.\]

By definition, $ld_1 \leq ud_1$ and $ld_2 \leq ud_2$, so the first and last inequality are always true. Rearranging the remaining two inequalities tells us that

\[ld_1 + ld_2 \leq d_{prod} \leq ud_1 + ud_2.\]

In other words, the outer diagonal indices of $M_1 ⋅ M_2$ are

\[ld_{prod} = ld_1 + ld_2 \quad \text{and} \quad ud_{prod} = ud_1 + ud_2.\]

This means that we can express the bounds on the interior values of $i$ as

\[\text{max}(li_1, li_2 - ld_2) - ld_1 \leq i \leq \text{min}(ri_1, ri_2 - ud_2) - ud_1.\]


Operator Matrices


Constructs a new operator (or operator-like object) that generates the matrix applied by op to its final argument. If op_matrix = operator_matrix(op), we can use the following identities:

  • When op takes one argument, @. op(arg) == @. op_matrix() ⋅ arg.
  • When op takes multiple arguments, @. op(args..., arg) == @. op_matrix(args...) ⋅ arg.

When op takes more than one argument, operator_matrix(op) constructs a FiniteDifferenceOperator that generates the operator matrix. When op only takes one argument, it instead constructs an AbstractLazyOperator, which is internally converted into a FiniteDifferenceOperator when used in a broadcast expression. Implementing op_matrix as a lazy operator allows us to add an argument to the expression op_matrix.(), and we then use this argument to infer the space and element type of the operator matrix.

As an example, the InterpolateF2C() operator on a space with $n$ cell centers applies an $n \times (n + 1)$ bidiagonal matrix:

\[\textrm{interp}(arg) = \begin{bmatrix} 0.5 & 0.5 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0.5 & 0.5 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0.5 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0.5 & 0.5 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0.5 & 0.5 \end{bmatrix} ⋅ arg\]

The GradientF2C() operator applies a similar matrix, but with different entries:

\[\textrm{grad}(arg) = \begin{bmatrix} -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -\textbf{e}^3 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 \end{bmatrix} ⋅ arg\]

The unit vector $\textbf{e}^3$, which can also be thought of as the differential along the third coordinate axis ($\textrm{d}\xi^3$), is implemented as a Geometry.Covariant3Vector(1).

Not all operators have well-defined operator matrices. For example, the operator GradientC2F(; bottom = SetGradient(grad_b), top = SetGradient(grad_t)) applies an affine transformation:

\[\textrm{grad}(arg) = \begin{bmatrix} grad_b \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ grad_t \end{bmatrix} + \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} ⋅ arg\]

However, this simplifies to a linear transformation when $grad_b$ and $grad_t$ are both 0:

\[\textrm{grad}(arg) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & \textbf{e}^3 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & -\textbf{e}^3 & \textbf{e}^3 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix} ⋅ arg\]

In general, when op has nonzero boundary conditions that make it apply an affine transformation, operator_matrix(op) will print out a warning and zero out the boundary conditions before computing the operator matrix.

In addition to affine transformations, there are also some operators that apply nonlinear transformations to their arguments; that is, transformations which cannot be accurately approximated without using more terms of the form

\[\textrm{op}(\textbf{0}) + \textrm{op}'(\textbf{0}) ⋅ arg + \textrm{op}''(\textbf{0}) ⋅ arg ⋅ arg + \ldots.\]

When op is such an operator, operator_matrix(op) will throw an error. In the future, we may want to modify operator_matrix(op) so that it will instead return $\textrm{op}'(\textbf{0})$, where $\textbf{0} ={}$zero.(arg).


Vectors and Matrices of Fields

$@docs FieldNameDict identity_field_matrix field_vector_view concrete_field_vector$

Linear Solvers


Description of how to solve an equation of the form A * x = b for x, where A is a FieldMatrix and where x and b are both FieldVectors. Different algorithms can be nested inside each other, enabling the construction of specialized linear solvers that fully utilize the sparsity pattern of A.


Every subtype of FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm must implement methods for the following functions:

FieldMatrixSolver(alg, A, b)

Combination of a FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm alg and the cache it requires to solve the equation A * x = b for x. The values of A and b that get passed to this constructor should be similar to the ones that get passed to field_matrix_solve! in order to ensure that the cache gets allocated correctly.

FieldMatrixWithSolver(A, b, [alg])

A wrapper that combines a FieldMatrix A with a FieldMatrixSolver that can be used to solve the equation A * x = b for x, where x and b are both FieldVectors. Similar to a LinearAlgebra.Factorization, this wrapper can be passed to ldiv!, whereas a regular FieldMatrix cannot be passed to ldiv!.

By default, the FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm alg is set to a BlockDiagonalSolve, so a custom alg must be specified when A is not a block diagonal matrix.


A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm for a block diagonal matrix:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & \mathbf{0} & \mathbf{0} & \cdots & \mathbf{0} \\ \mathbf{0} & A_{22} & \mathbf{0} & \cdots & \mathbf{0} \\ \mathbf{0} & \mathbf{0} & A_{33} & \cdots & \mathbf{0} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \mathbf{0} & \mathbf{0} & \mathbf{0} & \cdots & A_{NN} \end{bmatrix}\]

This algorithm solves the N block equations Aₙₙ * xₙ = bₙ in sequence (though we might want to parallelize it in the future).

If Aₙₙ is a diagonal matrix, the equation Aₙₙ * xₙ = bₙ is solved by making a single pass over the data, setting each xₙ[i] to inv(Aₙₙ[i, i]) * bₙ[i].

Otherwise, the equation Aₙₙ * xₙ = bₙ is solved using Gaussian elimination (without pivoting), which makes two passes over the data. This is currently only implemented for tri-diagonal and penta-diagonal matrices Aₙₙ. In Gaussian elimination, Aₙₙ is effectively factorized into the product Lₙ * Dₙ * Uₙ, where Dₙ is a diagonal matrix, and where Lₙ and Uₙ are unit lower and upper triangular matrices, respectively. The first pass multiplies both sides of the equation by inv(Lₙ * Dₙ), replacing Aₙₙ with Uₙ and bₙ with Uₙxₙ, which is referred to as putting Aₙₙ into "reduced row echelon form". The second pass solves Uₙ * xₙ = Uₙxₙ for xₙ with a unit upper triangular matrix solver, which is referred to as "back substitution". These operations can become numerically unstable when Aₙₙ has entries with large disparities in magnitude, but avoiding this would require swapping the rows of Aₙₙ (i.e., replacing Dₙ with a partial pivoting matrix).

BlockLowerTriangularSolve(names₁...; [alg₁], [alg₂])

A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm for a 2×2 block lower triangular matrix:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & \mathbf{0} \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix}\]

The FieldNames in names₁ correspond to the subscript , while all other FieldNames correspond to the subscript . This algorithm has 2 steps:

  1. Solve A₁₁ * x₁ = b₁ for x₁ using the algorithm alg₁, which is set to a BlockDiagonalSolve by default.
  2. Solve A₂₂ * x₂ = b₂ - A₂₁ * x₁ for x₂ using the algorithm alg₂, which is also set to a BlockDiagonalSolve by default.
BlockArrowheadSolve(names₁...; [alg₂])

A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm for a 2×2 block arrowhead matrix:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & A_{12} \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix}, \quad \text{where } A_{11} \text{ is a diagonal matrix}\]

The FieldNames in names₁ correspond to the subscript , while all other FieldNames correspond to the subscript . This algorithm has only 1 step:

  1. Solve (A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂) * x₂ = b₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * b₁ for x₂ using the algorithm alg₂, which is set to a BlockDiagonalSolve by default, and set x₁ to inv(A₁₁) * (b₁ - A₁₂ * x₂).

Since A₁₁ is a diagonal matrix, inv(A₁₁) is easy to compute, which means that the Schur complement of A₁₁ in A, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂, as well as the vectors b₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * b₁ and inv(A₁₁) * (b₁ - A₁₂ * x₂), are also easy to compute.

This algorithm is equivalent to block Gaussian elimination with all operations inlined into a single step.

SchurComplementReductionSolve(names₁...; [alg₁], alg₂)

A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm for any 2×2 block matrix:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & A_{12} \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix}\]

The FieldNames in names₁ correspond to the subscript , while all other FieldNames correspond to the subscript . This algorithm has 3 steps:

  1. Solve A₁₁ * x₁′ = b₁ for x₁′ using the algorithm alg₁, which is set to a BlockDiagonalSolve by default.
  2. Solve (A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂) * x₂ = b₂ - A₂₁ * x₁′ for x₂ using the algorithm alg₂.
  3. Solve A₁₁ * x₁ = b₁ - A₁₂ * x₂ for x₁ using the algorithm alg₁.

Since A₁₁ is not necessarily a diagonal matrix, inv(A₁₁) will generally be a dense matrix, which means that the Schur complement of A₁₁ in A, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂, cannot be computed efficiently. So, alg₂ must be set to a LazyFieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm, which can evaluate the matrix-vector product (A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂) * x₂ without actually computing the Schur complement matrix. This involves representing the Schur complement matrix by a LazySchurComplement, which uses alg₁ to invert A₁₁ when computing the matrix-vector product.

This algorithm is equivalent to block Gaussian elimination, where steps 1 and 2 put A into reduced row echelon form, and step 3 performs back substitution. For more information on this algorithm, see Section 5 of Numerical solution of saddle point problems.


A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm that does not require A to be a FieldMatrix, i.e., a "matrix-free" algorithm. Internally, a FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm (for example, SchurComplementReductionSolve) might run a LazyFieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm on a "lazy" representation of a FieldMatrix (like a LazySchurComplement).

The only operations used by a LazyFieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm that depend on A are lazy_mul and, when required, lazy_preconditioner. These and other lazy operations are used to minimize the number of calls to Base.materialize!, since each call comes with a small performance penalty.

StationaryIterativeSolve(; [kwargs...])

A LazyFieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm that solves A * x = b by setting x to some initial value x[0] (usually just the zero vector, $\mathbf{0}$) and then iteratively updating it to

\[x[n] = x[n - 1] + \textrm{inv}(P) * (b - A * x[n - 1]).\]

The matrix P is called a "left preconditioner" for A. In general, this algorithm converges more quickly when P is a close approximation of A, although more complicated approximations often come with a performance penalty.


Let x' denote the value of x for which A * x = b. Replacing b with A * x' in the formula for x[n] tells us that

\[x[n] = x' + (I - \textrm{inv}(P) * A) * (x[n - 1] - x').\]

In other words, the error on iteration n, x[n] - x', can be expressed in terms of the error on the previous iteration, x[n - 1] - x', as

\[x[n] - x' = (I - \textrm{inv}(P) * A) * (x[n - 1] - x').\]

By induction, this means that the error on iteration n is

\[x[n] - x' = (I - \textrm{inv}(P) * A)^n * (x[0] - x').\]

If we pick some norm $||\cdot||$, we find that the norm of the error is bounded by

\[||x[n] - x'|| ≤ ||(I - \textrm{inv}(P) * A)^n|| * ||x[0] - x'||.\]

For any matrix $M$, the spectral radius of $M$ is defined as

\[\rho(M) = \max\{|λ| : λ \text{ is an eigenvalue of } M\}.\]

The spectral radius has the property that

\[||M^n|| \sim \rho(M)^n, \quad \text{i.e.,} \quad \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{||M^n||}{\rho(M)^n} = 1.\]

So, as the value of n increases, the norm of the error becomes bounded by

\[||x[n] - x'|| \leq \rho(I - \textrm{inv}(P) * A)^n * ||x[0] - x'||.\]

This indicates that x[n] will converge to x' (i.e., that the norm of the error will converge to 0) when ρ(I - inv(P) * A) < 1, and that the convergence rate is roughly bounded by ρ(I - inv(P) * A) for large values of n. More precisely, it can be shown that x[n] will converge to x' if and only if ρ(I - inv(P) * A) < 1. In practice, though, the convergence eventually stops due to the limits of floating point precision.

Also, if we assume that x[n] ≈ x', we can use the formula for x[n] to approximate the error on the previous iteration as

\[x[n - 1] - x' ≈ x[n - 1] - x[n] = \textrm{inv}(P) * (A * x[n - 1] - b).\]


This algorithm has support for 2 debugging message group names, which can be passed to the environment variable JULIA_DEBUG:

  • error_norm: prints ||x[n] - x'||₂ on every iteration, approximating the error x[n] - x' as described above
  • spectral_radius: prints ρ(I - inv(P) * A), approximating this value with the eigsolve function from KrylovKit.jl

Because the eigsolve function is not compatible with CUDA, debugging the spectral radius is currently not possible on GPUs.

Keyword Arguments

There are 4 values that can be included in kwargs...:

  • P_alg = nothing: a PreconditionerAlgorithm that specifies how to compute P and solve P * x = b for x, or nothing if preconditioning is not required (in which case P is effectively set to one(A))
  • n_iters = 1: the number of iterations
  • correlated_solves = false: whether to set x[0] to a value of x that was generated during an earlier call to field_matrix_solve!, instead of setting it to $\mathbf{0}$ (it is always set to $\mathbf{0}$ on the first call to field_matrix_solve!)
  • eigsolve_kwargs = (;): keyword arguments for the eigsolve function that can be used to tune its accuracy and speed (only applicable when debugging the spectral radius)
  • debug = nothing: keyword argument for printing debug information to @debug. By default, debug is set to true if "error_norm" or "spectral_radius" is in ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"], which must be set by users.
ApproximateBlockArrowheadIterativeSolve(names₁...; [P_alg₁], [alg₁], [alg₂], [kwargs...])

Shorthand for constructing a SchurComplementReductionSolve whose alg₂ is set to a StationaryIterativeSolve with a BlockArrowheadSchurComplementPreconditioner. The keyword argument alg₁ is passed to the constructor for SchurComplementReductionSolve, the keyword arguments P_alg₁ and alg₂ are passed to the constructor for BlockArrowheadSchurComplementPreconditioner, and all other keyword arguments are passed to the constructor for StationaryIterativeSolve.

This algorithm is somewhat similar to a StationaryIterativeSolve with a BlockArrowheadPreconditioner, but it usually converges much more quickly, i.e., the spectral radius of its iteration matrix (I - inv(P) * A) tends to be significantly smaller. Roughly speaking, this is because it runs the iterative solver on an equation with fewer variables (the Schur complement equation, (A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂) * x₂ = b₂′), which means that, on each iteration, it accumulates less error due to coupling between variables. However, even though it converges more quickly, its iterations take longer because they involve using alg₁ to invert A₁₁. So, when only a few iterations are needed, a StationaryIterativeSolve with a BlockArrowheadPreconditioner might be more performant.

This algorithm is an example of a "segregated" solve, in contrast to the alternative "coupled" solve. In the context of computational fluid dynamics, this algorithm can also be viewed as a "SIMPLE" (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure-Linked Equations) scheme. For more information, see Sections 4, 5, and 10 of Numerical solution of saddle point problems.




Description of how to approximate a FieldMatrix or something similar like a LazySchurComplement with a preconditioner P for which P * x = b is easy to solve for x. If P is a diagonal matrix, then x can be computed as @. inv(P) * b; otherwise, the PreconditionerAlgorithm must specify a FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm that can be used to solve P * x = b for x.


Every subtype of PreconditionerAlgorithm must implement methods for the following functions:

BlockArrowheadPreconditioner(names₁...; [P_alg₁], [alg₂])

A PreconditionerAlgorithm for a 2×2 block matrix:

\[A = \begin{bmatrix} A_{11} & A_{12} \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix}\]

The FieldNames in names₁ correspond to the subscript , while all other FieldNames correspond to the subscript . The preconditioner P is set to the following matrix:

\[P = \begin{bmatrix} P_{11} & A_{12} \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix}, \quad \text{where } P_{11} \text{ is a diagonal matrix}\]

The internal preconditioner P₁₁ is generated by the PreconditionerAlgorithm P_alg₁, which is set to a MainDiagonalPreconditioner by default. The Schur complement of P₁₁ in P, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(P₁₁) * A₁₂, is inverted using the FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm alg₂, which is set to a BlockDiagonalSolve by default.

BlockArrowheadSchurComplementPreconditioner(; [P_alg₁], [alg₂])

A PreconditionerAlgorithm that is equivalent to a BlockArrowheadPreconditioner, but only applied to the Schur complement of A₁₁ in A, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂, which is represented by a LazySchurComplement. Specifically, the preconditioner this generates is the Schur complement of P₁₁ in P, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(P₁₁) * A₁₂, where P₁₁ is generated by P_alg₁. Unlike the BlockArrowheadPreconditioner constructor, this constructor does not require names₁ because the block structure of A can be inferred from the LazySchurComplement.

WeightedPreconditioner(M, unweighted_P_alg)

A PreconditionerAlgorithm that sets P to M * P′, where M is a diagonal FieldMatrix and P′ is the preconditioner generated by unweighted_P_alg. When the entries of M are larger than 1, this is called "relaxation" or "damping"; when the entries are smaller than 1, this is called "extrapolation".



matrix_shape(matrix_field, [matrix_space])

Returns the matrix shape for a matrix field defined on the matrix_space. By default, matrix_space is set to axes(matrix_field).

When the matrixspace is a finite difference space (extruded or otherwise): the shape is either Square(), FaceToCenter(), or CenterToFace(), depending on whether the diagonal indices of `matrixfieldareInts orPlusHalfs and whethermatrix_space` is on cell centers or cell faces.

When the matrix_space is a spectral element or point space: only a Square() shape is supported.

column_axes(matrix_field, [matrix_space])

Returns the space that corresponds to the columns of matrix_field, i.e., the axes of the Fields by which matrix_field can be multiplied. The matrix_space, on the other hand, is the space that corresponds to the rows of matrix_field. By default, matrix_space is set to axes(matrix_field).


Supertype for "lazy operators", i.e., operators that can be called without any arguments by users, as long as they appear in broadcast expressions that contain at least one Field. If lazy_op is an AbstractLazyOperator, the expression lazy_op.() will internally be translated to non_lazy_op.(fields...), as long as it appears in a broadcast expression with at least one Field. This translation is done by the function replace_lazy_operator(space, lazy_op), which must be implemented by every subtype of AbstractLazyOperator.

replace_lazy_operator(space, lazy_op)

Generates an instance of Base.AbstractBroadcasted that corresponds to the expression lazy_op.(), where the broadcast in which this expression appears is being evaluated on the given space. Note that the staggering (CellCenter or CellFace) of this space depends on the specifics of the broadcast and is not predetermined.


A singleton type that represents a chain of getproperty calls, which can be used to access a property or sub-property of an object x using the function get_field(x, name). The entire object x can also be accessed with the empty FieldName().


Shorthand for constructing a FieldName. Some examples include

  • name = @name(), in which case get_field(x, name) returns x
  • name = @name(a), in which case get_field(x, name) returns x.a
  • name = @name(a.b.c), in which case get_field(x, name) returns x.a.b.c
  • name = @name(a.b.c.:(1).d), in which case get_field(x, name) returns x.a.b.c.:(1).d

This macro is preferred over the FieldName constructor because it checks whether expr is a syntactically valid chain of getproperty calls before calling the constructor.


Tree of FieldNames that can be used to access x with get_field(x, name). Check whether a name is valid by calling is_valid_name(name, tree), and extract the children of name by calling child_names(name, tree).

FieldNameSet{T}(values, [name_tree])

An AbstractSet that contains values of type T, which serves as an analogue of a KeySet for a FieldNameDict. There are two subtypes of FieldNameSet:

  • FieldVectorKeys, for which T is set to FieldName
  • FieldMatrixKeys, for which T is set to Tuple{FieldName, FieldName}; each tuple of type T represents a pair of row-column indices

Since FieldNames are singleton types, the result of almost any FieldNameSet operation can be inferred during compilation. So, with the exception of map, foreach, and set_string, functions of FieldNameSets do not have any performance cost at runtime (as long as their arguments are inferrable).

Unlike other AbstractSets, FieldNameSet has special behavior for overlapping values. For example, the FieldNames @name(a.b) and @name(a.b.c) overlap, so any set operation needs to first decompose @name(a.b) into its child values before combining it with @name(a.b.c). In order to support this (and also to support the ability to compute set complements), FieldNameSet stores a FieldNameTree name_tree, which it uses to infer child values. If name_tree is not specified, it gets set to nothing by default, which causes some FieldNameSet operations to become disabled. For binary operations like union or setdiff, only one set needs to specify a name_tree; if two sets both specify a name_tree, the name_trees must be identical.

lazy_mul(A, args...)

Constructs a lazy FieldMatrix that represents the product @. *(A, args...). This involves regular broadcasting when A is a FieldMatrix, but it has more complex behavior for other objects like the LazySchurComplement.

LazySchurComplement(A₁₁, A₁₂, A₂₁, A₂₂, [alg₁, cache₁, A₁₂_x₂, invA₁₁_A₁₂_x₂])

An analogue of a FieldMatrix that represents the Schur complement of A₁₁ in A, A₂₂ - A₂₁ * inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂. Since inv(A₁₁) will generally be a dense matrix, it would not be efficient to directly compute the Schur complement. So, this object only supports the "lazy" functions lazy_mul, which allows it to be multiplied by the vector x₂, and lazy_preconditioner, which allows it to be approximated with a FieldMatrix.

The values alg₁, cache₁, A₁₂_x₂, and invA₁₁_A₁₂_x₂ need to be specified in order for lazy_mul to be able to compute inv(A₁₁) * A₁₂ * x₂. When a LazySchurComplement is not passed to lazy_mul, these values can be omitted.


A FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm that can be used to solve P * x = b for x, where P is the preconditioner generated by the PreconditionerAlgorithm P_alg. If P_alg is nothing instead of a PreconditionerAlgorithm, or if P is a diagonal matrix (and no solver is required to invert it), this returns nothing.

lazy_preconditioner(P_alg, A)

Constructs a lazy FieldMatrix (or a concrete one when possible) that approximates A according to the PreconditionerAlgorithm P_alg. If P_alg is nothing instead of a PreconditionerAlgorithm, this returns one(A).

check_preconditioner(P_alg, P_cache, A, b)

Checks that P is compatible with b in the equation P * x = b, where P is the preconditioner generated by the PreconditionerAlgorithm P_alg for A. If P_alg requires a FieldMatrixSolverAlgorithm alg to solve the equation, this also calls check_field_matrix_solver on alg.

apply_preconditioner(P_alg, P_cache, P, lazy_b)

Constructs a lazy FieldMatrix (or a concrete one when possible) that represents the product @. inv(P) * b. Here, lazy_b is a (possibly lazy) FieldVectorView that represents b.




Converts a field defined on a FiniteDifferenceSpace into either a Vector or a BandedMatrix, depending on whether the elements of the field are single values or BandMatrixRows. This involves copying the data stored in the field. Because BandedMatrix does not currently support operations with CuArrays, all GPU data is copied to the CPU.


Converts a field defined on a FiniteDifferenceSpace or on an ExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace into a collection of arrays, each of which corresponds to a column of the field. This is done by calling column_field2array on each of the field's columns.
