Remapping to regular grids

ClimaCore horizontal domains are spectral elements. Points are not distributed uniformly within an element, and elements are also not necessarily organized in a simple way. For these reasons, remapping to regular grids becomes a fundamental operations when inspecting the simulation output. In this section, we describe the remappers currently available in ClimaCore.

Broadly speaking, we can classify remappers in two categories: conservative, and non-conservative. Conservative remappers preserve areas (and masses) when interpolating from the spectral grid to Cartesian ones. Conservative remappers are non-local operations (meaning that they require communication between different elements) and are more expensive, so they are typically reserved to operations where physical conservation is important (e.g., exchange between component models in a coupled simulation). On the other hand, non-conservative remappers are local to an element and faster to evaluate, which makes them suitable to operations like diagnostics and plotting, where having perfect physical conservation is not as important.

Non-conservative remapping

Non-conservative remappers are fast and do not require communication, but they are not as accurate as conservative remappers, especially with large elements with sharp gradients. These remappers are better suited for diagnostics and plots.

The main non-conservative remapper currently implemented utilizes a Lagrange interpolation with the barycentric formula in [Berrut2004], equation (3.2), for the horizontal interpolation. Vertical interpolation is linear except in the boundary elements where it is 0th order.

Quick start

Assuming you have a ClimaCore Field with name field, the simplest way to interpolate onto a uniform grid is with

julia> import ClimaCore.Remapping
julia> Remapping.interpolate(field)

This will return an Array (or a CuArray) with the field interpolated on some uniform grid that is automatically determined based on the Space of the given field. To obtain such coordinates, you can call the Remapping.default_target_hcoords and Remapping.default_target_zcoords functions. These functions return an Array with the coordinates over which interpolation will occur. These arrays are of type Geometry.Points.

ClimaCore.Remapping.interpolate allocates new output arrays. As such, it is not suitable for performance-critical applications. ClimaCore.Remapping.interpolate! performs interpolation in-place. When using the in-place version, thedestination has to have the same array type as the device in use (e.g.,CuArrayfor CUDA runs) and has to benothingfor non-root processes. For performance-critical applications, it is preferable to aClimaCore.Remapping.Remapper` and use it directly (see next Section).


Given field, a Field defined on a cubed sphere.

By default, a target uniform grid is chosen (with resolution hresolution and vresolution), so remapping is

interpolated_array = interpolate(field, hcoords, zcoords)

Coordinates can be specified:

longpts = range(-180.0, 180.0, 21)
latpts = range(-80.0, 80.0, 21)
zpts = range(0.0, 1000.0, 21)

hcoords = [Geometry.LatLongPoint(lat, long) for long in longpts, lat in latpts]
zcoords = [Geometry.ZPoint(z) for z in zpts]

interpolated_array = interpolate(field, hcoords, zcoords)

The output is defined on the Cartesian product of hcoords with zcoords.

If the default target coordinates are being used, it is possible to broadcast ClimaCore.Geometry.components to extract them as a vector of tuples (and then broadcast getindex to extract the respective coordinates as vectors).

The Remapper object

A Remapping.Remapper is an object that is tied to a specified Space and can interpolate scalar Fields defined on that space onto a predefined target grid. The grid does not have to be regular, but it has to be defined as a Cartesian product between some horizontal and vertical coordinates (meaning, for each horizontal point, there is a fixed column of vertical coordinates).

Let us create our first remapper, assuming we have space defined on the surface of the sphere

import ClimaCore.Geometry: LatLongPoint, ZPoint
import ClimaCore.Remapping: Remapper

hcoords = [Geometry.LatLongPoint(lat, long) for long in -180.:180., lat in -90.:90.]
remapper = Remapper(space, target_hcoords)

This remapper object knows can interpolate Fields defined on space with the same interpolate and interpolate! functions.

import ClimaCore.Fields: coordinate_field
import ClimaCore.Remapping: interpolate, interpolate!

example_field = coordinate_field(space)
interpolated_array = interpolate(remapper, example_field)

# Interpolate in place
interpolate!(interpolated_array, remapper, example_field)

Multiple fields defined on the same space can be interpolate at the same time

example_field2 = cosd.(example_field)
interpolated_arrays = interpolate(remapper, [example_field, example_field2])

When interpolating multiple fields, greater performance can be achieved by creating the Remapper with a larger internal buffer to store intermediate values for interpolation. Effectively, this controls how many fields can be remapped simultaneously in interpolate. When more fields than buffer_length are passed, the remapper will batch the work in sizes of buffer_length. The optimal number of fields passed is the buffer_length of the remapper. If more fields are passed, the remapper will batch work with size up to its buffer_length.


Given field1,field2, two Field defined on a cubed sphere.

longpts = range(-180.0, 180.0, 21)
latpts = range(-80.0, 80.0, 21)
zpts = range(0.0, 1000.0, 21)

hcoords = [Geometry.LatLongPoint(lat, long) for long in longpts, lat in latpts]
zcoords = [Geometry.ZPoint(z) for z in zpts]

space = axes(field1)

remapper = Remapper(space, hcoords, zcoords)

int1 = interpolate(remapper, field1)
int2 = interpolate(remapper, field2)

# Or
int12 = interpolate(remapper, [field1, field2])
# With int1 = int12[1, :, :, :]

Conservative remapping with TempestRemap

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