Atmospheric Model

Atmosphere Conservation Equations


\[\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot ({\rho \vec{u}})= S(\chi, ...).\]

Momentum (flux form):

\[\frac{\partial \rho \vec{u}}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot ({\rho \vec{u} \otimes \vec{u} + pI})= \nabla \cdot (\rho \tau) - \rho g + F_{B}(...).\]

Potential temperature:

\[\frac{\partial \rho \theta}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\rho \theta \vec{u}) = \nabla \cdot (\kappa \rho \nabla \theta).\]

Total Energy (possibly replace potential temperature equation with total energy conservation):

\[\frac{\partial \rho e_{tot}}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot ((\rho e_{tot} + p )\vec{u}) = \nabla \cdot (\kappa \rho \nabla h_{tot}),\]

where $h_{tot}$ is the total specific enthalpy given by internal and potential energy contributions.

Tracer transport:

\[\frac{\partial \rho \chi}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot (\rho \chi \vec{u}) = \nabla \cdot (\kappa \rho \nabla \chi) + S(\chi, ...).\]

Diffusion (Constant Viscosity): The simplest model to represent diffusive processes is a constant-viscosity model, with prescribed kinematic viscosity $\nu$ such that the stress tensor can be modelled by

\[\rho\tau = -2\rho\nu\nabla u.\]

Smagorinsky Closure: The Smagorinsky closure is an eddy-viscosity model that captures the effect of energy transfer to the smallest scales of motion in the flow.

\[\begin{aligned} \rho\tau &= -2\rho\nu\vec{S}, \\ \vec{S} &= \frac{1}{2}((\nabla u) + (\nabla u)^{T}), \\ \nu &= (C_{s}\Delta_{x,y,z})^2\sqrt{2S_{ij}S_{ij}}. \end{aligned}\]

with $\Delta_{x,y,z}$ the grid lengthscale (sometimes approximated as a geometric average $\Delta = (\Delta_x\Delta_y\Delta_z)^{1/3}$), $\nu$ is a spatially varying kinematic viscosity that depends on the local shear, $\vec{S}$ the symmetric rate-of-strain tensor, $\tau$ the diffusive momentum flux tensor. In stratified flows, we can apply a correction to the eddy viscosity to account for buoyancy effects. Thermal diffusivities are related to the modelled eddy-viscosity through the turbulent Prandtl number which takes a typical value of $Pr_{t}= 1/3$ such that $\kappa_{2} = \nu/Pr_{t}$.

Tendencies for fourth-order hyperdiffusion are included in the rhs! construction, but the coefficient $\kappa_{4}$ is $0$ in this demonstrative case. Hyperdiffusive tendencies are typically included as a scale-selective diffusion mechanism for high-frequency noise (e.g. stabilization in GCMs).

Consider components of the viscous stress tensor in three dimensions:

\[\begin{aligned} \tau_{xx} = 2\nu \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}, \\ \tau_{yy} = 2\nu \frac{\partial v}{\partial y}, \\ \tau_{zz} = 2\nu \frac{\partial w}{\partial z}, \\ \tau_{xy} = \nu \Big(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + \frac{\partial v}{\partial x}\Big), \\ \tau_{xz} = \nu \Big(\frac{\partial u}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial w}{\partial x}\Big), \\ \tau_{yz} = \nu \Big(\frac{\partial v}{\partial z} + \frac{\partial w}{\partial y}\Big). \end{aligned}\]

Assume terms in the $y$-direction are neglected (2-dimensional simplicfication). The contributions to the momentum equation are then given by:

\[\begin{aligned} (\rho u): \partial_{x} (\rho \tau_{xx}) + \partial_{z}(\rho\tau_{xz}) &= \partial_x \Big(2\nu \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\Big) + \partial_z\Big(\nu \frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\Big) + \partial_z\Big(\nu \frac{\partial w}{\partial x}\Big), \\ (\rho w): \partial_{x} (\rho \tau_{zx})+ \partial_{z}(\rho\tau_{zz}) &= \partial_x\Big(\nu \frac{\partial u}{\partial z}\Big) + \partial_x\Big(\nu \frac{\partial w}{\partial x}\Big) + \partial_z\Big(2\nu\frac{\partial w}{\partial z} \Big). \\ \end{aligned}\]

Which can be interpreted as, for horizontal-momentum:

  1. Horizontal divergence of vertical gradients of cell-centered variables $u$
  2. Vertical divergence of vertical gradients of cell-centered variables $u$
  3. Vertical divergence of horizontal gradients of cell-face variables $w$

and for vertical-momentum, as:

  1. Horizontal divergence of vertical gradients of cell-centered variables $u$
  2. Horizontal divergence of horizontal gradients of cell-face variables $w$
  3. Vertical divergence of vertical gradients of cell-face variables $w$.

Model Code

push!(LOAD_PATH, joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "..", ".."))

import LinearAlgebra
import SciMLBase
import StaticArrays

import ClimaCore as CC
import ClimaCore.Geometry: ⊗
import ClimaComms

Load coupled simulation code


# set up function space
function hvspace_2D(xlim = (-π, π), zlim = (0, 4π), helem = 20, velem = 20, npoly = 1)
    FT = Float64
    vertdomain = CC.Domains.IntervalDomain(
        boundary_names = (:bottom, :top),
    context = ClimaComms.context()
    vertmesh = CC.Meshes.IntervalMesh(vertdomain, nelems = velem)
    if pkgversion(CC) >= v"0.14.10"
        device = ClimaComms.device(context)
        vert_center_space = CC.Spaces.CenterFiniteDifferenceSpace(device, vertmesh)
        vert_center_space = CC.Spaces.CenterFiniteDifferenceSpace(vertmesh)

    horzdomain =
        CC.Domains.IntervalDomain(CC.Geometry.XPoint{FT}(xlim[1]), CC.Geometry.XPoint{FT}(xlim[2]), periodic = true)
    horzmesh = CC.Meshes.IntervalMesh(horzdomain; nelems = helem)
    horztopology = CC.Topologies.IntervalTopology(horzmesh)

    quad = CC.Spaces.Quadratures.GLL{npoly + 1}()
    horzspace = CC.Spaces.SpectralElementSpace1D(horztopology, quad)

    hv_center_space = CC.Spaces.ExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(horzspace, vert_center_space)
    hv_face_space = CC.Spaces.FaceExtrudedFiniteDifferenceSpace(hv_center_space)
    return (hv_center_space, hv_face_space)

function pressure(ρθ)
    if ρθ >= 0
        return MSLP * (R_d * ρθ / MSLP)^γ
        return NaN

Φ(z) = grav * z

abstract type BCtag end
struct ZeroFlux <: BCtag end

bc_divF2C_bottom!(::ZeroFlux, dY, Y, p, t) = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0))
bc_divF2C_top!(::ZeroFlux, dY, Y, p, t) = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0))

function init_sea_breeze_2d(x, z)
    θ₀ = atm_T_ini
    cp_d = C_p
    cv_d = C_v
    p₀ = MSLP
    g = grav
    γ = cp_d / cv_d
    z_c = 100.0
    θ_b = atm_T_ini
    θ_p = z < z_c ? rand() - 0.5 : 0.0 # potential temperature perturbation
    θ = θ_b + θ_p # potential temperature
    π_exn = 1.0 - g * z / cp_d / θ # exner function
    T = π_exn * θ # temperature
    p = p₀ * π_exn^(cp_d / R_d) # pressure
    ρ = p / R_d / T # density
    ρθ = ρ * θ # potential temperature density
    return (ρ = ρ, ρθ = ρθ, ρuₕ = ρ * CC.Geometry.UVector(0.0))

function atm_rhs!(dY, Y, params, t)
    ρw = Y.ρw
    Yc = Y.Yc
    dYc = dY.Yc
    dρw = dY.ρw

    center_coords = CC.Fields.coordinate_field(axes(Yc))

    # spectral horizontal operators
    hdiv = CC.Operators.Divergence()
    hgrad = CC.Operators.Gradient()
    hwdiv = CC.Operators.WeakDivergence()
    hwgrad = CC.Operators.WeakGradient()

    # vertical FD operators with BC's
    vdivf2c = CC.Operators.DivergenceF2C(
        bottom = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
        top = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
    vvdivc2f = CC.Operators.DivergenceC2F(
        bottom = CC.Operators.SetDivergence(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
        top = CC.Operators.SetDivergence(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
    uvdivf2c = CC.Operators.DivergenceF2C(
        bottom = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0) ⊗ CC.Geometry.UVector(0.0)),
        top = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0) ⊗ CC.Geometry.UVector(0.0)),
    If = CC.Operators.InterpolateC2F(bottom = CC.Operators.Extrapolate(), top = CC.Operators.Extrapolate())
    Ic = CC.Operators.InterpolateF2C()
    ∂ = CC.Operators.DivergenceF2C(
        bottom = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
        top = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
    ∂f = CC.Operators.GradientC2F()
    ∂c = CC.Operators.GradientF2C()
    B = CC.Operators.SetBoundaryOperator(
        bottom = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),
        top = CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector(0.0)),

    ∇_z_ρθ = CC.Operators.DivergenceF2C(
        bottom = bc_divF2C_bottom!(params.bc.ρθ.bottom, dY, Y, params, t),
        top = bc_divF2C_top!(params.bc.ρθ.top, dY, Y, params, t),

    uₕ = @. Yc.ρuₕ / Yc.ρ
    w = @. ρw / If(Yc.ρ)
    wc = @. Ic(ρw) / Yc.ρ
    p = @. pressure(Yc.ρθ)
    θ = @. Yc.ρθ / Yc.ρ
    Yfρ = @. If(Yc.ρ)

    # 1) compute hyperviscosity coefficients
    @. dYc.ρθ = hwdiv(hgrad(θ))
    @. dYc.ρuₕ = hwdiv(hgrad(uₕ))
    @. dρw = hwdiv(hgrad(w))

    κ₄ = 0.0 # m^4/s
    @. dYc.ρθ = -κ₄ * hwdiv(Yc.ρ * hgrad(dYc.ρθ))
    @. dYc.ρuₕ = -κ₄ * hwdiv(Yc.ρ * hgrad(dYc.ρuₕ))
    @. dρw = -κ₄ * hwdiv(Yfρ * hgrad(dρw))

    # density
    @. dYc.ρ = -∂(ρw)
    @. dYc.ρ -= hdiv(Yc.ρuₕ)

    # potential temperature
    @. dYc.ρθ += -(∇_z_ρθ(ρw * If(Yc.ρθ / Yc.ρ)))
    @. dYc.ρθ -= hdiv(uₕ * Yc.ρθ)

    # horizontal momentum
    Ih = Ref(CC.Geometry.Axis2Tensor((CC.Geometry.UAxis(), CC.Geometry.UAxis()), StaticArrays.@SMatrix [1.0]))
    @. dYc.ρuₕ += -uvdivf2c(ρw ⊗ If(uₕ))
    @. dYc.ρuₕ -= hdiv(Yc.ρuₕ ⊗ uₕ + p * Ih)

    # vertical momentum
    @. dρw += B(
        CC.Geometry.transform(CC.Geometry.WAxis(), -(∂f(p)) - If(Yc.ρ) * ∂f(Φ(center_coords.z))) - vvdivc2f(Ic(ρw ⊗ w)),
    uₕf = @. If(Yc.ρuₕ / Yc.ρ) # requires boundary conditions
    @. dρw -= hdiv(uₕf ⊗ ρw)

    κ₂ = 5.0 # m^2/s
    #  1a) horizontal div of horizontal grad of horiz momentun
    @. dYc.ρuₕ += hwdiv(κ₂ * (Yc.ρ * hgrad(Yc.ρuₕ / Yc.ρ)))
    #  1b) vertical div of vertical grad of horiz momentun
    @. dYc.ρuₕ += uvdivf2c(κ₂ * (Yfρ * ∂f(Yc.ρuₕ / Yc.ρ)))

    #  1c) horizontal div of horizontal grad of vert momentum
    @. dρw += hwdiv(κ₂ * (Yfρ * hgrad(ρw / Yfρ)))
    #  1d) vertical div of vertical grad of vert momentun
    @. dρw += vvdivc2f(κ₂ * (Yc.ρ * ∂c(ρw / Yfρ)))

    #  2a) horizontal div of horizontal grad of potential temperature
    @. dYc.ρθ += hwdiv(κ₂ * (Yc.ρ * hgrad(Yc.ρθ / Yc.ρ)))
    #  2b) vertical div of vertial grad of potential temperature
    @. dYc.ρθ += ∇_z_ρθ(κ₂ * (Yfρ * ∂f(Yc.ρθ / Yc.ρ)))

    return dY

# init simulation
function atm_init(; xmin = -500, xmax = 500, zmin = 0, zmax = 1000, npoly = 3, helem = 20, velem = 20, bc = nothing)

    # construct domain spaces
    hv_center_space, hv_face_space = hvspace_2D((xmin, xmax), (zmin, zmax), helem, velem, npoly) # [m]
    center_coords = CC.Fields.coordinate_field(hv_center_space)
    face_coords = CC.Fields.coordinate_field(hv_face_space)
    domain = (hv_center_space = hv_center_space, hv_face_space = hv_face_space)

    # initialize prognostic variables
    Yc = map(center_coords) do coord
        sea_breeze = init_sea_breeze_2d(coord.x, coord.z)

    ρw = map(face_coords) do coord

    Y = CC.Fields.FieldVector(Yc = Yc, ρw = ρw)

    # select boundary conditions
    if bc === nothing
        bc = (
            ρθ = (bottom = CoupledFlux(), top = ZeroFlux()),
            ρu = nothing, # for now BCs are hard coded, except for ρθ

    return Y, bc, domain

Coupled Atmos Wrappers

# Atmos Simulation - later to live in ClimaAtmos
struct AtmosSim <: AbstractAtmosSim

function AtmosSim(Y_init, t_start, dt, t_end, timestepper, p, saveat, callbacks = CallbackSet())
    ode_algo = CTS.ExplicitAlgorithm(timestepper)
    ode_function = CTS.ClimaODEFunction(T_exp! = atm_rhs!)

    problem = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(ode_function, Y_init, (t_start, t_end), p)
    atm_integ = SciMLBase.init(
        dt = dt,
        saveat = saveat,
        adaptive = false,
        progress = true,
        progress_message = (dt, u, params, t) -> t,
        callback = callbacks,

    return AtmosSim(atm_integ)

function coupler_push!(coupler::CouplerState, atmos::AtmosSim)
    coupler_put!(coupler, :F_sfc, atmos.integrator.u.F_sfc, atmos)

function coupler_pull!(atmos::AtmosSim, coupler::CouplerState)
    # reset flux accumulator
    atmos.integrator.u.F_sfc .= 0.0 # reset surface flux to be accumulated

    T_sfc_ocean = coupler_get(coupler, :T_sfc_ocean, atmos)
    T_sfc_land = coupler_get(coupler, :T_sfc_land, atmos)
    atmos.integrator.p.T_sfc .= T_sfc_land .+ T_sfc_ocean

Coupled Boundary Conditions

The standalone atmosphere model uses two boundary condition methods in its tendency: bc_divF2C_bottom! and bc_divF2C_top!. Since the bottom boundary is coupled, bc_divF2C_bottom! must be altered when running in coupled mode to properly calculate and accumulate the boundary flux from the ocean and land components.

To solve this, a CoupledFlux boundary tag is set for the bottom boundary during initialization. Then, a new method of bc_divF2C_bottom! is written to dispatch on the CoupledFlux boundary tag. This method can then compute the flux appropriately.

struct CoupledFlux <: BCtag end
function bc_divF2C_bottom!(::CoupledFlux, dY, Y, p, t)
    # flux calculation
    Yc = Y.Yc
    uₕ = Yc.ρuₕ ./ Yc.ρ
    ρw = Y.ρw
    If2c = CC.Operators.InterpolateF2C()
    Ic2f = CC.Operators.InterpolateC2F(bottom = CC.Operators.Extrapolate(), top = CC.Operators.Extrapolate())
    w = If2c.(ρw) ./ Yc.ρ
    cuv = @. CC.Geometry.UWVector(uₕ)
    windspeed = @. LinearAlgebra.norm(cuv)
    windspeed_boundary = CC.Fields.level(windspeed, 1)
    θ_boundary = CC.Fields.level(Yc.ρθ ./ Yc.ρ, 1)
    ρ_boundary = CC.Fields.level(Yc.ρ, 1)

    # build atmos face fields on surface boundary space to enable broadcasting
    windspeed_boundary = CC.Fields.Field(CC.Fields.field_values(windspeed_boundary), axes(p.T_sfc))
    θ_boundary = CC.Fields.Field(CC.Fields.field_values(θ_boundary), axes(p.T_sfc))
    ρ_boundary = CC.Fields.Field(CC.Fields.field_values(ρ_boundary), axes(p.T_sfc))

    λ = @. p.cpl_p.C_p * p.cpl_p.C_H * ρ_boundary * windspeed_boundary
    dθ = @. θ_boundary - p.T_sfc
    heat_flux = @. -λ * dθ
    @. dY.F_sfc += heat_flux # accumulation

    return CC.Operators.SetValue(CC.Geometry.WVector.(heat_flux))

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