I am a developer, how do I add ClimaDiagnostics.jl
to my package?
This page provides additional documentation on abstractions to use ClimaDiagnostics
. Before reading this page, make sure you are familiar with the terminology. You need to know what a DiagnosticVariable
and a ScheduledDiagnostic
There are two components needed to add support for ClimaDiagnostics.jl
in your package.
- A way to convert users' intentions to a list of
- A call to
, if you have an integrator (if you do not have an integrator read the What if I do not have an integrator? section)
Step 2
Let us assume that scheduled_diagnostics
is the list of ScheduledDiagnostic
s obtained from step 1. (more on this later), and integrator
a SciML
All we need to do to add diagnostics is
import ClimaDiagnostics: IntegratorWithDiagnostics
integrator = IntegratorWithDiagnostics(integrator, scheduled_diagnostics)
Creating an IntegratorWithDiagnostics
results in calling all the diagnostics once. Therefore, the compile and runtime of this function can be significant if you have a large number of diagnostics.
You can learn about what is happening under the hook in the Internals page.
This is pretty much all that you need to know about step 2.
What if I do not have an integrator?
does not assume that you are working with an integrator object, so you can use it in your project even when you hold your simulation fields in other data structures.
s in ClimaDiagnostics
come with a compute!
function with a specific signature compute!(out, state, cache, time)
. This is required because ClimaDiagnostics
calls them by calling compute!(out, integrator.u, integrator.p, integrator.t)
. If you do not have an integrator, all you have to do is create a wrapper that exposes this interface.
For example, you could have fields
, parameters
, and time
, and you could wrap them in a my_integrator = (; u = fields, p = parameters, t = time)
and use the objects in the compute!
function as you like.
The integrator-equivalent object is also used in Schedules
. For time-dependent schedules, integrator.t
is used. For step-dependent schedules (e.g., ClimaDiagnostics.Schedules.EveryStepSchedule
), the step
field is used. If you are using these schedules, do also add step
to your my_integrator
If you do not have an integrator, it is likely that you do not have a callback system either. In this case, you would have to manually call the ClimaDiagnostics.orchestrate_diagnostics
at the end of each of your steps. orchestrate_diagnostics
is the heart of ClimaDiagnostics
: it runs all the calculations are saves the output. Usually, it is added as a callback called at the end of every step. If this is not possible, you should manually call it.
In this case, your interface would probably require you to manually construct the ClimaDiagnostics.DiagnosticsHandler
- Wrap your objects in
my_integrator = (; u = fields, p = parameters, t = time, step = step)
- Manually construct a
from yourClimaDiagnostics.ScheduledDiagnostic
- Manually call a
at the end of each step
Step 1
Step 1 in the recipe to bring ClimaDiagnostics
to your package strongly depends on you.
In this section, I will present a tower of interfaces that you can put in place to make it more convenient for your users. Keep in mind that each layer trades more convenience for less flexibility. So, as you set up your interfaces, I recommend you keep them exposed so that your users can access lower-level functions if they need to.
Level 0: do nothing
At the zero-th level, you let your users work directly with ClimaDiagnostics
. This means that they will have to define their own DiagnosticVariable
s and ScheduledDiagnostic
s. This also requires that your simulation is executed as a julia script.
It is a good idea for your users to be aware of this possibility because it brings enormous power. ScheduledDiagnostic
s can be triggered on arbitrary conditions, and your users could be creative with that. For example, users might want to compute and output a variable var1
when they find that the maximum of variable var2
is greater than a threshold (e.g., for debugging).
Let us see the simplest example to accomplish this
import ClimaDiagnostics: DiagnosticVariable, ScheduledDiagnostic
import ClimaDiagnostics.Writers: DictWriter
myvar = DiagnosticVariable(; compute! = (out, u, p, t) -> u.var1)
myschedule = (integrator) -> maximum(integrator.u.var2) > 10.0
diag = ScheduledDiagnostic(variable = myvar,
compute_schedule_func = myschedule,
output_schedule_func = myschedule,
output_writer = DictWriter())
Now we can go to step 2 and 3 in the previous list and pass [diag]
to the DiagnosticsHandler
Point your users to the documentation of this package for them to learn how to use it in its full power.
Level 1: provide a database of DiagnosticVariable
As a package developer, you know that there is a large collection of variables that several users will be interested in. For example, if you are running an atmospheric simulation, your users will want to be able to look at the air temperature. For this reason, it is a very good (and user-friendly) idea to provide a collection of DiagnosticVariable
s ready to be used. In this section, I sketch how you could go about and implement this.
Your DiagnosticVariable
s database can be represented as a dictionary ALL_DIAGNOSTICS
indexed over the short name of the variable. Then, you could provide adders and accessors.
This might look like the following:
module Diagnostics
import ClimaDiagnostics: DiagnosticVariable
const ALL_DIAGNOSTICS = Dict{String, DiagnosticVariable}()
add_diagnostic_variable!(; short_name,
Add a new variable to the `ALL_DIAGNOSTICS` dictionary (this function mutates the state of
If possible, please follow the naming scheme outline in
Keyword arguments
- `short_name`: Name used to identify the variable in the output files and in the file
names. Short but descriptive. Diagnostics are identified by the short name.
- `long_name`: Name used to identify the variable in the output files.
- `standard_name`: Standard name, as in
- `units`: Physical units of the variable.
- `comments`: More verbose explanation of what the variable is, or comments related to how
it is defined or computed.
- `compute!`: Function that compute the diagnostic variable from the state. It has to take
two arguments: the `integrator`, and a pre-allocated area of memory where to
write the result of the computation. It the no pre-allocated area is
available, a new one will be allocated. To avoid extra allocations, this
function should perform the calculation in-place (i.e., using `.=`).
function add_diagnostic_variable!(;
standard_name = "",
comments = "",
haskey(ALL_DIAGNOSTICS, short_name) && @warn(
"overwriting diagnostic `$short_name` entry containing fields\n" *
field -> "$(getfield(ALL_DIAGNOSTICS[short_name], field))",
# We cannot really compare functions...
filter(field -> field != :compute!, fieldnames(DiagnosticVariable)),
ALL_DIAGNOSTICS[short_name] = DiagnosticVariable(;
Return a `DiagnosticVariable` from its `short_name`, if it exists.
function get_diagnostic_variable(short_name)
haskey(ALL_DIAGNOSTICS, short_name) ||
error("diagnostic $short_name does not exist")
return ALL_DIAGNOSTICS[short_name]
Of course, you should have the fields and comments that are relevant to your package.
Next, as a developer, you will use add_diagnostic_variable!
to populate your database. You can also expose your users to this function so that they can extend their personal database in their simulations.
A simple example of a new variable might look like
# Density (3d)
short_name = "rhoa",
long_name = "Air Density",
standard_name = "air_density",
units = "kg m^-3",
compute! = (out, state, cache, time) -> begin
if isnothing(out)
return state.c.ρ
out .= state.c.ρ
It is a good idea to put safeguards in place to ensure that your users will not be allowed to call diagnostics that do not make sense for the simulation they are running. If your package has a notion of Model
that is stored in p
, you can dispatch over that and return an error. A simple example might be
# Specific Humidity
compute_hus!(out, state, cache, time) =
compute_hus!(out, state, cache, time, cache.atmos.moisture_model)
compute_hus!(out, state, cache, time) =
compute_hus!(out, state, cache, time, cache.model.moisture_model)
compute_hus!(_, _, _, _, model::T) where {T} =
error("Cannot compute hus with $model")
function compute_hus!(
) where {T <: Union{EquilMoistModel, NonEquilMoistModel}}
if isnothing(out)
return state.c.ρq_tot ./ state.c.ρ
out .= state.c.ρq_tot ./ state.c.ρ
short_name = "hus",
long_name = "Specific Humidity",
standard_name = "specific_humidity",
units = "kg kg^-1",
comments = "Mass of all water phases per mass of air",
compute! = compute_hus!,
This relies on dispatching over moisture_model
. If model
is not in Union{EquilMoistModel, NonEquilMoistModel}
, the code returns an informative error.
If you provide a database, users can create their ScheduledDiagnostic
s directly from the DiagnosticVariable
s you provided.
For instance to output the specific humidity every 5 iterations:
import ClimaDiagnostics: ScheduledDiagnostic
import ClimaDiagnostics.Callbacks: DivisorSchedule
import ClimaDiagnostics.Writers: DictWriter
diag = ScheduledDiagnostic(variable = get_diagnostic_variable!("hus"),
output_schedule_func = DivisorSchedule(5),
output_writer = DictWriter())
Alongside with providing the DiagnosticVariable
s, you can also provide convenience functions for standard operations.
For example, you could provide
using ClimaDiagnostics.Callbacks: EveryStepSchedule, EveryDtSchedule
function monthly_average(FT, short_name; output_writer)
period = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * one(FT)
return ScheduledDiagnostic(
variable = get_diagnostic_variable(short_name),
compute_schedule_func = EveryStepSchedule(),
output_schedule_func = EveryDtSchedule(period),
reduction_time_func = (+),
output_writer = output_writer,
pre_output_hook! = average_pre_output_hook!,
Allowing users to just call monthly_average(Float32, "hus", writer)
will probably provided these schedules natively at some point in the future.
Level 2: Provide higher-level interfaces (e.g., YAML)
Finally, you can set in place that parses user input (e.g., from command line or text files) into ScheduledDiagnostics
using the short names in your database. Of course, this interface will be limited to what you expose.
For example, a simple parser that allow users to specify ScheduledDiagnostics
by their short name, accumulation/output period, and their writer might look like the following:
import ClimaDiagnostics: average_pre_output_hook!, HDF5Writer, NetCDFWriter, ScheduledDiagnostic
function parse_yaml(parsed_args, source_space)
# We either get the diagnostics section in the YAML file, or we return an empty list
# (which will result in an empty list being created by the map below)
yaml_diagnostics = get(parsed_args, "diagnostics", [])
# ALLOWED_REDUCTIONS is the collection of reductions we support. The keys are the
# strings that have to be provided in the YAML file. The values are tuples with the
# function that has to be passed to reduction_time_func and the one that has to passed
# to pre_output_hook!
# We make "nothing" a string so that we can accept also the word "nothing", in addition
# to the absence of the value
# NOTE: Everything has to be lowercase in ALLOWED_REDUCTIONS (so that we can match
# "max" and "Max")
"nothing" => (nothing, nothing), # nothing is: just dump the variable
"max" => (max, nothing),
"min" => (min, nothing),
"average" => ((+), average_pre_output_hook!),
output_dir = parsed_args.output_dir
hdf5_writer = HDF5Writer(output_dir)
netcdf_writer = CAD.NetCDFWriter(
writers = (hdf5_writer, netcdf_writer)
# The default writer is HDF5
"nothing" => netcdf_writer,
"h5" => hdf5_writer,
"hdf5" => hdf5_writer,
"nc" => netcdf_writer,
"netcdf" => netcdf_writer,
diagnostics_ragged = map(yaml_diagnostics) do yaml_diag
short_names = yaml_diag["short_name"]
output_name = get(yaml_diag, "output_name", nothing)
map(short_names) do short_name
# Return "nothing" if "reduction_time" is not in the YAML block
# We also normalize everything to lowercase, so that can accept "max" but
# also "Max"
reduction_time_yaml =
lowercase(get(yaml_diag, "reduction_time", "nothing"))
if !haskey(ALLOWED_REDUCTIONS, reduction_time_yaml)
error("reduction $reduction_time_yaml not implemented")
reduction_time_func, pre_output_hook! =
writer_ext = lowercase(get(yaml_diag, "writer", "nothing"))
if !haskey(ALLOWED_WRITERS, writer_ext)
error("writer $writer_ext not implemented")
writer = ALLOWED_WRITERS[writer_ext]
haskey(yaml_diag, "period") ||
error("period keyword required for diagnostics")
period_seconds = FT(time_to_seconds(yaml_diag["period"]))
if isnothing(reduction_time_func)
compute_every = CAD.EveryDtSchedule(period_seconds)
compute_every = CAD.EveryStepSchedule()
variable = get_diagnostic_variable(short_name),
output_schedule_func = CAD.EveryDtSchedule(period_seconds),
compute_schedule_func = compute_every,
reduction_time_func = reduction_time_func,
pre_output_hook! = pre_output_hook!,
output_writer = writer,
# Flatten the array of arrays of diagnostics
diagnostics = vcat(diagnostics_ragged...)
This will be controlled by YAML blocks like
- short_name: ["ta", "va"]
period: 60s
writer: nc
- short_name: ["ua"]
period: 1200s
reduction_time: "average"
It is typically a good idea to add the default diagnostics to the set of YAML-specified ones.