Autotrophic Respiration
— TypeAutotrophicRespirationParameters{FT<:AbstractFloat}
The required parameters for the autrophic respiration model, which is based off of the JULES model. Clark, D. B., et al. "The Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), model description–Part 2: carbon fluxes and vegetation dynamics." Geoscientific Model Development 4.3 (2011): 701-722.
: Vcmax25 to N factor (mol CO2 m-2 s-1 kg C (kg C)-1)ηsl
: Live stem wood coefficient (kg C m-3)σl
: Specific leaf density (kg C m-2 [leaf])μr
: Ratio root nitrogen to top leaf nitrogen (-), typical value 1.0μs
: Ratio stem nitrogen to top leaf nitrogen (-), typical value 0.1Rel
: Relative contribution or Rgrowth (-)
— Functionnitrogen_content(
ne::FT, # Mean leaf nitrogen concentration (kg N (kg C)-1)
Vcmax25::FT, #
LAI::FT, # Leaf area index
ηsl::FT, # live stem wood coefficient (kg C m-3)
h::FT, # canopy height (m)
σl::FT # Specific leaf density (kg C m-2 [leaf])
μr::FT, # Ratio root nitrogen to top leaf nitrogen (-), typical value 1.0
μs::FT, # Ratio stem nitrogen to top leaf nitrogen (-), typical value 0.1
) where {FT}
Computes the nitrogen content of leafs (Nl), roots (Nr) and stems (Ns).
— Functionplant_respiration_maintenance(
Rd::FT, # Dark respiration
β::FT, # Soil moisture factor
Nl::FT, # Nitrogen content of leafs
Nr::FT, # Nitrogen content of roots
Ns::FT, # Nitrogen content of stems
) where {FT}
Computes plant maintenance respiration as a function of dark respiration (Rd), the nitrogen content of leafs (Nl), roots (Nr) and stems (Ns), and the soil moisture factor (β).
— Functionplant_respiration_growth(
Rel::FT, # Factor of relative contribution
An::FT, # Net photosynthesis
Rpm::FT # Plant maintenance respiration
) where {FT}
Computes plant growth respiration as a function of net photosynthesis (An), plant maintenance respiration (Rpm), and a relative contribution factor, Rel.