
Canopy Model Structs

 CanopyModel{FT, AR, RM, PM, SM, PHM, EM, SM, A, R, S, PS, D} <: AbstractExpModel{FT}

The model struct for the canopy, which contains

  • the canopy model domain (a point for site-level simulations, or

an extended surface (plane/spherical surface) for regional or global simulations.

  • subcomponent model type for radiative transfer. This is of type


  • subcomponent model type for photosynthesis. This is of type

AbstractPhotosynthesisModel, and currently only the FarquharModel is supported.

  • subcomponent model type for stomatal conductance. This is of type

AbstractStomatalConductanceModel and currently only the MedlynModel is supported

  • subcomponent model type for plant hydraulics. This is of type

AbstractPlantHydraulicsModel and currently only a version which prognostically solves Richards equation in the plant is available.

  • subcomponent model type for canopy energy. This is of type

AbstractCanopyEnergyModel and currently we support a version where the canopy temperature is prescribed, and one where it is solved for prognostically.

  • subcomponent model type for canopy SIF. prognostically.
  • canopy model parameters, which include parameters that are shared

between canopy model components or those needed to compute boundary fluxes.

  • The atmospheric conditions, which are either prescribed

(of type PrescribedAtmosphere) or computed via a coupled simulation (of type CoupledAtmosphere).

  • The radiative flux conditions, which are either prescribed

(of type PrescribedRadiativeFluxes) or computed via a coupled simulation (of type CoupledRadiativeFluxes).

  • The soil conditions, which are either prescribed (of type PrecribedSoil, for

running the canopy model in standalone mode), or prognostic (of type PrognosticSoil, for running integrated soil+canopy models)

Note that the canopy height is specified as part of the PlantHydraulicsModel, along with the area indices of the leaves, roots, and stems. Eventually, when plant biomass becomes a prognostic variable (by integrating with a carbon model), some parameters specified here will be treated differently.

  • autotrophic_respiration: Autotrophic respiration model, a canopy component model

  • radiative_transfer: Radiative transfer model, a canopy component model

  • photosynthesis: Photosynthesis model, a canopy component model

  • conductance: Stomatal conductance model, a canopy component model

  • hydraulics: Plant hydraulics model, a canopy component model

  • energy: Energy balance model, a canopy component model

  • sif: SIF model, a canopy component model

  • atmos: Atmospheric forcing: prescribed or coupled

  • radiation: Radiative forcing: prescribed or coupled

  • soil_driver: Soil pressure: prescribed or prognostic

  • parameters: Shared canopy parameters between component models

  • domain: Canopy model domain

SharedCanopyParameters{FT <: AbstractFloat, PSE}

A place to store shared parameters that are required by multiple canopy components.

  • z_0m: Roughness length for momentum (m)

  • z_0b: Roughness length for scalars (m)

  • earth_param_set: Earth param set


Canopy Model Fluxes

DiagnosticTranspiration{FT} <: AbstractTranspiration{FT}

A concrete type used for dispatch in the case where transpiration is computed diagnostically, as a function of prognostic variables and parameters, and stored in p during the update_aux! step.


Canopy Model Soil Drivers

 PrescribedSoil <: AbstractSoilDriver

A container for holding prescribed soil parameters needed by the canopy model when running the canopy in standalone mode, including the soil pressure, surface temperature, and albedo.

  • root_depths: The depth of the root tips, in meters

  • ψ: Prescribed soil potential (m) in the root zone a function of time

  • T: Prescribed soil surface temperature (K) as a function of time

  • α_PAR: Soil albedo for PAR

  • α_NIR: Soil albedo for NIR

  • ϵ: Soil emissivity
