Available diagnostic variables
Autogenerate table of available diagnostics:
│ Short name │ Long name │ Units │ Comments │ Standard name │
│ airp │ Air pressure │ Pa │ The air pressure. │ air_pressure │
│ an │ Leaf Net │ mol CO2 │ Net photosynthesis (carbon │ leaf_net_photos │
│ │ Photosynthesis │ m^-2 │ assimilation) of a leaf, │ ynthesis │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ computed for example by the │ │
│ │ │ │ Farquhar model. │ │
│ anir │ Absorbed Near │ mol │ The amount of near infrared │ absorbed_near_i │
│ │ Infrared │ photons │ radiation absorbed by the │ nfrared_radiati │
│ │ Radiation │ m^-2 │ canopy. │ on │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ apar │ Absorbed │ mol │ The amount of │ absorbed_photos │
│ │ Photosynthetica │ photons │ photosynthetically active │ ynthetically_ac │
│ │ lly Active │ m^-2 │ radiation absorbed by the leaf. │ tive_radiation │
│ │ Radiation │ s^-1 │ The rest if reflected or │ │
│ │ │ │ transmitted. │ │
│ clhf │ Canopy Latent │ W m^-2 │ The energy used for canopy │ canopy_latent_h │
│ │ Heat Flux │ │ transpiration. │ eat_flux │
│ cshf │ Canopy │ W m^-2 │ The energy used for canopy │ canopy_sensible │
│ │ Sensible Heat │ │ temperature change. │ _heat_flux │
│ │ Flux │ │ │ │
│ ct │ Canopy │ K │ Canopy temperature. │ canopy_temperat │
│ │ Temperature │ │ │ ure │
│ er │ Ecosystem │ mol CO2 │ Total respiration flux out of │ ecosystem │
│ │ Respiration │ m^-2 │ the surface. │ respiration │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ et │ Evapotranspirat │ kg m^-2 │ Total flux of water mass out of │ evapotranspirat │
│ │ ion │ s^-1 │ the surface. │ ion │
│ far │ Root flux per │ m s^-1 │ Flux of water volume per m^2 of │ root_flux_per_g │
│ │ ground area │ │ root per second, multiplied by │ round_area │
│ │ │ │ the area index (root │ │
│ │ │ │ area/ground area). │ │
│ ghf │ Ground Heat │ W m^-2 │ Transfer of heat between the │ ground_heat_flu │
│ │ Flux │ │ surface and deeper soil layers. │ x │
│ gpp │ Gross Primary │ mol CO2 │ Net photosynthesis (carbon │ gross_primary_p │
│ │ Productivity │ m^-2 │ assimilation) of the canopy. │ roductivity │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ This is equivalent to leaf net │ │
│ │ │ │ assimilation scaled to the │ │
│ │ │ │ canopy level. │ │
│ gs │ Stomatal │ mol H2O │ The conductance of leaves. This │ stomatal_conduc │
│ │ Conductance │ m^-2 │ depends on stomatal opening. It │ tance │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ varies with factors such as │ │
│ │ │ │ soil moisture or atmospheric │ │
│ │ │ │ water demand. │ │
│ hr │ Heterotrophic │ mol │ The CO2 efflux at the soil │ heterotrophic_r │
│ │ Respiration │ m^-2 │ surface due to microbial │ espiration │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ decomposition of soil organic │ │
│ │ │ │ matter. This is not necessarily │ │
│ │ │ │ equal to CO2 production by │ │
│ │ │ │ microbes, as co2 diffusion │ │
│ │ │ │ through the soil pores takes │ │
│ │ │ │ time. │ │
│ infil │ Infiltration │ m s^-1 │ The flux of liquid water volume │ infiltration │
│ │ │ │ into the soil (m^3 of water per │ │
│ │ │ │ m^2 of ground per second). │ │
│ iwc │ Integrated │ m │ The integrated water content to │ soil_1m_water_c │
│ │ Soil Water │ │ a depth of 1m │ ontent │
│ │ Content in │ │ │ │
│ │ first 1m │ │ │ │
│ lai │ Leaf area Index │ m^2 m^-2 │ The area index of leaves, │ leaf_area_index │
│ │ │ │ expressed in surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ leaves per surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ ground. │ │
│ lhf │ Latent Heat │ W m^-2 │ Exchange of energy at the │ latent_heat_flu │
│ │ Flux │ │ land-atmosphere interface due │ x │
│ │ │ │ to water evaporation or │ │
│ │ │ │ sublimation. │ │
│ lwd │ Down Longwave │ W m^-2 │ The downwelling longwave │ down_longwave_r │
│ │ Radiation │ │ radiation at the surface. │ adiation │
│ lwn │ Net Longwave │ W m^-2 │ The net (down minus up) │ net_longwave_ra │
│ │ Radiation │ │ longwave radiation at the │ diation │
│ │ │ │ surface. │ │
│ lwp │ Leaf Water │ m │ The water potential of a leaf. │ leaf_water_pote │
│ │ Potential │ │ │ ntial │
│ lwu │ Longwave │ W m^-2 │ Upwelling longwave radiation. │ longwave_radiat │
│ │ Radiation Up │ │ │ ion_up │
│ msf │ Moisture │ │ Sensitivity of plants │ moisture_stress │
│ │ Stress Factor │ │ conductance to soil water │ _factor │
│ │ │ │ content. Unitless │ │
│ nir │ Near Infrared │ mol │ The amount of near infrared │ near_infrared_r │
│ │ Radiation │ photons │ radiation reaching the canopy. │ adiation │
│ │ │ m^-2 │ │ │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ par │ Photosynthetica │ mol │ The subset of total radiation │ photosynthetica │
│ │ lly Active │ photons │ that activates photosynthesis │ lly_active_radi │
│ │ Radiation │ m^-2 │ reaching the canopy. │ ation │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ qsfc │ Surface │ │ Ratio of water vapor mass to │ surface_specifi │
│ │ Specific │ │ total moist air parcel mass. │ c_humidity │
│ │ Humidity │ │ │ │
│ ra │ Autotrophic │ mol CO2 │ The canopy autotrophic │ autotrophic_res │
│ │ Respiration │ m^-2 │ respiration, the sum of leaves, │ piration │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ stems and roots respiration. │ │
│ rae │ Aerodynamic │ m s^-1 │ Effiency of turbulent transport │ aerodynamic_res │
│ │ Resistance │ │ controlling the land-atmosphere │ istance │
│ │ │ │ exchange of sensible and latent │ │
│ │ │ │ heat. │ │
│ rai │ Root area Index │ m^2 m^-2 │ The area index of roots, │ root_area_index │
│ │ │ │ expressed in surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ roots per surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ ground. │ │
│ rain │ Rainfall │ m s^-1 │ Precipitation of liquid water │ rainfall │
│ │ │ │ volume (m^3 of water per m^2 of │ │
│ │ │ │ ground per second). │ │
│ rd │ Leaf │ mol CO2 │ Leaf respiration, called dark │ leaf_dark_respi │
│ │ Respiration │ m^-2 │ respiration because usually │ ration │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ measured in the abscence of │ │
│ │ │ │ radiation. │ │
│ rhosfc │ Surface Air │ kg m^−3 │ Density of air at the │ surface_air_den │
│ │ Density │ │ land-atmosphere interface. │ sity │
│ rn │ Net Radiation │ W m^-2 │ Difference between downwelling │ net_radiation │
│ │ │ │ and upwelling shortwave and │ │
│ │ │ │ longwave radiation at the land │ │
│ │ │ │ surface. │ │
│ rnir │ Reflected Near │ mol │ The amount of near infrared │ reflected_near_ │
│ │ Infrared │ photons │ radiation reflected by the │ infrared_radiat │
│ │ Radiation │ m^-2 │ canopy. │ ion │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ rpar │ Reflected │ mol │ The amount of │ reflected_photo │
│ │ Photosynthetica │ photons │ photosynthetically active │ synthetically_a │
│ │ lly Active │ m^-2 │ radiation reflected by leaves. │ ctive_radiation │
│ │ Radiation │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ sai │ Stem area Index │ m^2 m^-2 │ The area index of stems, │ stem_area_index │
│ │ │ │ expressed in surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ stems per surface area of │ │
│ │ │ │ ground. │ │
│ salb │ Soil Albedo │ │ The mean of PAR and NIR albedo, │ surface albedo │
│ │ │ │ which are calculated as │ │
│ │ │ │ α_soil_band = α_band_dry * (1 - │ │
│ │ │ │ S_e) + α_band_wet * S_e. │ │
│ scd │ Soil CO2 │ m^2 s^-1 │ The diffusivity of CO2 in the │ soil_co2_diffus │
│ │ Diffusivity │ │ porous phase of the soil. │ ivity │
│ │ │ │ Depends on soil texture, │ │
│ │ │ │ moisture, and temperature. │ │
│ │ │ │ (depth resolved) │ │
│ scms │ Soil CO2 │ kg C │ The production of CO2 by │ soil_co2_microb │
│ │ Microbial │ m^-3 │ microbes in the soil. Vary by │ ial_source │
│ │ Source │ s^-1 │ layers of soil depth. (depth │ │
│ │ │ │ resolved) │ │
│ sco2 │ Soil CO2 │ kg C m^3 │ Concentration of CO2 in the │ soil_co2 │
│ │ │ │ porous air space of the soil. │ │
│ │ │ │ (depth resolved) │ │
│ shc │ Soil Hydraulic │ m s^-1 │ Soil hydraulic conductivity. │ soil_hydraulic_ │
│ │ Conductivity │ │ (depth resolved) │ conductivity │
│ shf │ Sensible Heat │ W m^-2 │ Exchange of energy at the │ sensible_heat_f │
│ │ Flux │ │ land-atmosphere interface due │ lux │
│ │ │ │ to temperature difference. │ │
│ si │ Soil Ice │ m^3 m^-3 │ The volume of soil ice per │ soil_ice │
│ │ │ │ volume of soil. (depth resolved) │ │
│ sie │ Soil Internal │ W m^-2 │ The energy per volume of soil. │ soil_internal_e │
│ │ Energy │ │ (depth resolved) │ nergy │
│ sif │ Solar Induced │ W m^-2 │ The fluorescence of leaves │ solar_induced_f │
│ │ Fluorescence │ │ induced by solar radiation at │ luorescence │
│ │ │ │ 755nm. This quantity is │ │
│ │ │ │ correlated with photosynthesis │ │
│ │ │ │ activity. │ │
│ snd │ Snow depth │ m │ The snow depth │ snow_depth │
│ snow │ Snowfall │ m s^-1 │ The precipitation of snow in │ snowfall │
│ │ │ │ liquid water volume (m^3 of │ │
│ │ │ │ water per m^2 of ground per │ │
│ │ │ │ second). │ │
│ soc │ Soil organic │ kg C │ Mass of organic carbon per │ soil_organic_ca │
│ │ carbon │ m^-3 │ volume of soil. (depth resolved) │ rbon │
│ soillhf │ Soil Latent │ W m^-2 │ Soil latent heat flux, the │ soil_Latent_Hea │
│ │ Heat Flux │ │ amount of liquid water │ t_Flux │
│ │ │ │ evaporated by the soil, │ │
│ │ │ │ expressed in energy units (W │ │
│ │ │ │ m^-2). │ │
│ soilrn │ Soil Net │ W m^-2 │ Net radiation at the soil │ soil_net_radiat │
│ │ Radiation │ │ surface. │ ion │
│ soilshf │ Soil Sensible │ W m^-2 │ Soil sensible heat flux, the │ soil_sensible_H │
│ │ Heat Flux │ │ amount of energy exchanged │ eat_Flux │
│ │ │ │ between the soil and atmosphere │ │
│ │ │ │ to change the temperature of │ │
│ │ │ │ the soil. │ │
│ sr │ Surface Runoff │ m s^-1 │ Water runoff at the surface, │ surface_runoff │
│ │ │ │ this is the water flowing │ │
│ │ │ │ horizontally above the ground. │ │
│ ssfc │ Snow Water │ m │ Snow at the soil surface, │ snow_water_equi │
│ │ Equivalent │ │ expressed in water equivalent. │ valent │
│ ssr │ Subsurface │ m s^-1 │ Water runoff from below the │ subsurface_runo │
│ │ Runoff │ │ surface │ ff │
│ stc │ Soil Thermal │ W m^-1 │ Soil thermal conductivity. │ soil_thermal_co │
│ │ Conductivity │ K^-1 │ (depth resolved) │ nductivity │
│ swa │ Shortwave │ │ The fraction of downwelling │ sw_albedo │
│ │ Albedo │ │ shortwave radiation reflected │ │
│ │ │ │ by the land surface. │ │
│ swc │ Soil Water │ m^3 m^-3 │ The volume of soil water per │ soil_water_cont │
│ │ Content │ │ volume of soil. (depth resolved) │ ent │
│ swd │ Short Longwave │ W m^-2 │ The downwelling shortwave │ short_longwave_ │
│ │ Radiation │ │ radiation at the surface. │ radiation │
│ swe │ Snow water │ m │ The height of liquid water if │ snow_water_equi │
│ │ equivalent │ │ all snow melted │ valent │
│ swn │ Net Shortwave │ W m^-2 │ The net (down minus up) │ net_shortwave_r │
│ │ Radiation │ │ shortwave radiation at the │ adiation │
│ │ │ │ surface. │ │
│ swp │ Soil Water │ Pa │ Soil water potential. (depth │ soil_water_pote │
│ │ Potential │ │ resolved) │ ntial │
│ swu │ Shortwave │ W m^-2 │ Upwelling shortwave radiation │ shortwave_radia │
│ │ Radiation Up │ │ │ tion_up │
│ tnir │ Transmitted │ mol │ The amount of near infrared │ transmitted_nea │
│ │ Near Infrared │ photons │ radiation transmitted by the │ r_infrared_radi │
│ │ Radiation │ m^-2 │ canopy. │ ation │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ │ │
│ tpar │ Transmitted │ mol │ The amount of │ transmitted_pho │
│ │ Photosynthetica │ photons │ photosynthetically active │ tosynthetically │
│ │ lly Active │ m^-2 │ radiation transmitted by leaves. │ _active_radiati │
│ │ Radiation │ s^-1 │ │ on │
│ trans │ Canopy │ m s^-1 │ The water evaporated from the │ canopy_transpir │
│ │ Transpiration │ │ canopy due to leaf │ ation │
│ │ │ │ transpiration (flux of water │ │
│ │ │ │ volume, m^3 of water per m^2 of │ │
│ │ │ │ ground). │ │
│ tsfc │ Bucket Surface │ K │ Temperature of the bucket-land │ surface_tempera │
│ │ Temperature │ │ surface. │ ture │
│ tsoil │ Soil │ K │ Soil temperature at multiple │ soil_temperatur │
│ │ temperature │ │ soil depth. (depth resolved) │ e │
│ vcmax25 │ Vcmax25 │ mol CO2 │ The parameter vcmax at 25 │ vcmax25 │
│ │ │ m^-2 │ degree celsius. Important for │ │
│ │ │ s^-1 │ the Farquhar model of leaf │ │
│ │ │ │ photosynthesis. │ │
│ vflux │ Liquid water │ m s^-1 │ Flux of water from the land │ vapor_flux │
│ │ evaporation │ │ surface to the atmosphere. │ │
│ │ │ │ E.g., evaporation or │ │
│ │ │ │ sublimation. │ │
│ ws │ Wind Speed │ m s^-1 │ The average wind speed. │ wind_speed │
│ wsfc │ Surface Water │ m │ Water at the soil surface. │ surface_water_c │
│ │ Content │ │ │ ontent │
│ wsoil │ subsurface │ m │ Soil water content. │ subsurface_wate │
│ │ Water Storage │ │ │ r_storage │