ClimaLand folder structure

ClimaLand home directory has 6 main folders:

  • docs: contains files to generate the documentation website.
  • experiments: contains simple runs of ClimaLand models. Most of these experiments is run as part of our CI.
  • src: contains the code of ClimaLand models.
  • ext: contains a package extension for Neural Snow and an extension with constructors for model parameters
  • lib: contains two packages that extend ClimaLand functionality: ClimaLandSimulations and ClimaLandDashboards
  • test: contains unit tests, which are meant to ensure small pieces of ClimaLand source code work as intended before merging pull requests.

and 3 GitHub actions folders. GitHub actions are .yml files that define workflows that are run at each pull request.

  • .buildkite: contains a script building outputs such as figures from experiments and tests folders. These runs are carried out as part of CI and must run without error in order to merge a PR.
  • .dev: contains useful tools for developers, such as a format checker for Julia (which is run as part of CI and must pass before a PR can be merged into main).
  • .github: contains various scripts, for example, this documentation website is built each time a change is push to ClimaLand.

as well as 9 files:

  • .gitignore: commonly used git file, contains files, files type, and folders that should be ignored by git.
  • LICENSE: License file of ClimaLand, you can read it to learn about legal practice regarding use of ClimaLand open source code.
  • Project.toml: The Julia programming language requires a Project.toml file to create an environment, which specify dependencies of a project as well as its version, name, authors and a unique identifier number (uuid). Every Julia registered package has a Project.toml file.
  • This markdown file contains the info that you can read on ClimaLand GitHub web page
  • logo.svg and logo-white.svg: The logos used in the README
  • Artifacts.toml: This file contains Pkg artifacts declarations
  • Release notes file with descriptions of new features and changes in each release and main
  • NOTICE: This contains the copyright and states what the project is licensed under

/docs folder

Julia packages are recommended to have a /docs folder that builds a standardised documentation following the official documentation generator for Julia: Documenter.jl.

The folder /docs contains:

  • a /src folder: It is recommended to put your markdown pages inside this folder. Each markdown file (.md extension text file) is a page accessible through the menu of the documentation. For example, docs/src/ contains the text you can read on the documentation "contribution guide" menu. The path to this .md file and the name of the menu is set in the docs/make.jl file.
  • a make.jl file: This Julia file contains your documentation website structure. Running this file will build your website pages, you can run it locally, but it is commonly built remotely via .github/workflows/docs.yml to generate the github static page hosted on the gh-pages branch.

Note: the documentation can have submenu. For example, APIs have submenu ClimaLand which has many submenu... This structure is built in our current framework via a file docs/list_of_apis.jl in that example, which is then included in docs/make.jl.

/experiments folder

The experiments folder contains four folders. It contains a folder for integrated models and a folder for standalone models. These two folders are meant to provide users with simple examples of ClimaLand runs. The files contains meteorological inputs (such as precipitation), values for every parameters, and the domains and timestepper are specified.

For example, /experiments/integrated/fluxnet/ contains:

  • data_tools.jl: Provides utilities for running fluxnet site experiments
  • fluxnet_domain.jl: Sets up the domain to run Clima Land on a fluxtower site
  • fluxnet_simulation.jl: Contains the site-generic time variables for running ClimaLand on

fluxtower sites

  • pull_MODIS.jl: provides methods for interacting with the MODIS REST API at a site
  • metdriversFLUXNET.jl: Construct the drivers. This script includes pull_MODIS.jl

defined by plant functional types instead of fully site-specific parameters.

  • plot_utils.jl: Plotting utilities for the integrated fluxnet site experiments
  • ozark_pft.jl: Runs the Ozark site (US-MOz) using plant parameters. Running this script

will include all of the above scripts.

  • run_fluxnet.jl: Sets up integrated models and runs fluxnet expirement on a given site.

Running this script will include all of the above scripts, except ozark_pft.jl

and folders for four fluxnet sites. For example /experiments/integrated/fluxnet/US-MOz contains:

  • US-MOz_parameters.jl: Contains site-specific model parameters for running Clima Land on the Ozark

fluxtower site

  • US-MOz_simulation.jl: Contains simulation variables for running Clima Land on the US-MOz

fluxtower site

The experiments folder also contains a benchmarks folder and a long_runs folder. These contain experiments that are run as part of CI on the Caltech cluster. benchmarks is ran to ensure the model runs in a similar amount of time after changes are made. long_runs create outputs that can be checked for validity.

/src folder

The /src folder contains the source code of ClimaLand models. It contains 4 folders:

  • sharedutilities: This is a core folder that defines functions and data structures used across all modules and models types of ClimaLand. For example, `sharedutilities/models.jldefines and export the functionmakeupdateauxwhich will be used to create a function which updates the auxiliary parameters, stored in the vectorp,sharedutilities/boundaryconditions.jl` defines functions for setting boundary condition for PDE domains, etc.
  • standalone: This folder contains standalone models, which are submodels that can be run independently of each other. This is an important aspect of ClimaLand code design: to maximize modularity, sub-models can be run alone, and many different methods of the same sub-model can be defined via Julia multiple dispatch. The standalone folder is independent from the integrated folder.
  • integrated: This folder contains integrated models. It assembles standalone models together, as one would assemble pieces of a puzzle. Thanks to the modularity of ClimaLand design, many configuration of LSM can be assembled in integrated models. The same functions (update_aux!, exp_tendency!, etc.) can be used for standalone and integrated models, and an can be stepped in the same way.
  • diagnostics: This folder contains diagnostics methods for different

ClimaLand models. The diagnostics contains metadata such as where diagnostics variables are stored in those models, what is there names (short, long, standard) and physical units, with additional comment

As well as two files:

  • ClimaLand.jl: This file is the main Julia module of ClimaLand.jl repository. It contains all functions defined in /src in a nested way, for example ClimaLand.X, ClimaLand.Soil.X, ClimaLand.Canopy.X, etc. When a Julia user install and uses ClimaLand via ]add ClimaLand, using ClimaLand, they are loading those functions, and are ready to use ClimaLand codebase.
  • Artifacts.jl: Contains functions that return the path of the given artifact name in the current context

/lib folder

This folder contains a subfolder, /ClimaLandSimulations, which contains a library of methods to easily and conveniently run ClimaLand at a variety of sites and globally. There are 3 subfolders:

  • experiments: This folder contains scripts to run ClimaLand at a fluxnet site using ClimaLandSimulations
  • src: Contains source code for the ClimaLandSimulations package. There are 3 subfolders and

1 file.

  • Dashboards: Contains scripts to create dashboards for running simulations at fluxnet sites

  • Fluxnet: Contains scripts to setup a ClimaLand simulation at a fluxnet site

  • utilities: Contains utilities used in setup of ClimaLand simulation at a fluxnet sites

  • test: Contains tests for the ClimaLandSimulations package

/ext folder

This folder has one subfolder, /neural_snow, which contains tools to create the neural network for snow and process its data. There are also two files

  • CreateParametersExt.jl: An extension for ClimaLand that contains constructors for model


  • NeuralSnowExt.jl: Contains all functions in /neural_snow

/test folder

The /test folder contains a test suite that can be run with make test. It contains 4 subfolders:

  • diagnostics: This folder contains tests for ClimaLand.Diagnostics
  • integrated: This folder contains tests for the integrated LSMs
  • sharedutilities: This folder tests ClimaLand utilities. It contains four files and a subfolder, `implicittimestepping`, which contains tests for Richards and full soil model implicit timestepping tests
  • standalone: This contains 5 subfolders, Bucket, Snow, Soil, SurfaceWater, and Vegetation. These contain tests for each of the respective standalone models.

/test also contains 3 files:

  • aqua.jl: Contains code quality assurance tests tha use Aqua.jl
  • Project.toml: Specifies dependencies needed for testing
  • runtests.jl: When test is ran from the package manager, this file is ran. It can also be

manually ran using the test environment. This file runs all the other test scripts.