
When solving the partial differential equations describing the storage of water, ice, and energy in soil, boundary conditions must be set for the soil liquid water and energy. The tutorial on boundary conditions for the soil model describes the various boundary condition options we currently support. Many of these are suitable for use when replicating laboratory experiments or other standalone soil settings - for example, a particular experiment may fix the temperature or water content at the top of a soil column. However, when we wish to model the soil interacting with the atmosphere, in standalone or integrated models, the particular boundary condition we use is one that computes the sensible, latent, and radiative fluxes in addition to evaporation and sublimation; this option is called the AtmosDrivenFluxBC. This boundary condition type includes the atmospheric and radiative forcings, the runoff parameterization, and finally, a Tuple which indicates which components of the land are present. The last argument is what we will describe here. For more information on how to supply the prescribed forcing data, please see the tutorial linked here.

Adjusting the boundary conditions for the soil model when run as part of an integrated land model

The presence of other land components (a canopy, snow) affects the boundary conditions of the soil and changes them relative to what they would be if only bare soil was interacting with the atmosphere. For example, the canopy and snow absorb radiation that might otherwise be absorbed by the soil, the canopy intercepts precipitation, and the snow can melt and contribute to soil infiltration. Because of this, we need a way to indicate to the soil model that the boundary conditions must be computed in a different way. In all cases, the same AtmosDrivenFluxBC is used with the exception of the field prognostic_land_components, which is a Tuple of the symbols associated with each component in the land model. For example, if you are simulating the soil model in standalone mode, you would set

prognostic_land_components = (:soil,)

top_soil_boundary_condition = ClimaLand.Soil.AtmosDrivenFluxBC(atmos_forcing, radiative_forcing, runoff_parameterization, prognostic_land_components)

while, if you are simulating both a prognostic canopy and soil model, you would set

prognostic_land_components = (:canopy, :soil)

top_soil_boundary_condition = ClimaLand.Soil.AtmosDrivenFluxBC(atmos_forcing, radiative_forcing, runoff_parameterization, prognostic_land_components)

Note that the land components are always in alphabetical order, and the symbols associated with each land model component are always the same as the name of that component, i.e., = :snow = :canopy = :soilco2 = :soil

Currently, the only supported options are: (:soil,), (:canopy, :soil, :soilco2), (:snow, :soil).

How it works

When the soil model updates the boundary conditions, it calls the function soil_boundary_fluxes!(bc, ClimaLand.TopBoundary(), soil_model, Δz_top, Y, p, t), where bc is the boundary condition being used at the top of the domain. This function has multiple methods depending on the boundary condition type typeof(bc). When that type is AtmosDrivenFluxBC, the function then calls soil_boundary_fluxes!(bc, Val(bc.prognostic_land_components), soil, Y, p, t). Again multiple dispatch is used, this time to compute the fluxes correctly according to the value of the prognostic_land_components, i.e., based on which components are present.

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