Using atmospheric and radiative drivers
The goal of this is to outline how to set up simulations driven by prescribed forcing data (``drivers"). These are grouped into radiative forcing and atmospheric forcing. We will first cover the types of forcing we support, followed by how to specify the driver structs given the forcing data and how to update the values used during a simulation.
Types of forcing data
We currently support site-level simulations and have two site-level driver types, PrescribedAtmosphere
and PrescribedRadiativeFluxes
The atmosphere driver stores the atmospheric state data as a function of time, including the liquid precipitation rate (m/s), the snow precipitation rate converted into an equivalent rate of liquid water (m/s), the atmopheric pressure (Pa), specific humidity, horizontal wind speed (m/s), temperature (K), CO2 concentration (mol/mol), and the height at which these measurements were taken (currently assumed to be the same value for all variables).
The radiative fluxes driver stores the data required to specify the radiative forcing. We currently support only a single downwelling shortwave and longwave flux (W/m^2). The radiative driver is also where a function which computes the zenith angle for the site is stored.
Both drivers store the start date for the data/simulation. This is the DateTime object which corresponds to the time at which t=0 in the simulation. Additionally, for site-level runs, both drivers store the forcing data as a spline function fit to the data which takes the time t
as an argument, where t
is the simulation time measured in seconds since the start date. The start date should be in UTC.
Note: for coupled runs, corresponding types CoupledAtmosphere
and CoupledRadiativeFluxes
exist. However, these are not defined in ClimaLand, but rather inside of the Clima Coupler repository.
Creating site-level drivers for radiation
First, assume that we have data stored for the longwave and shortwave radiation at a particular site, and that we have read it in to an array, along with the times at which the observations were made and the latitude and longitude of the site.
using Dates
using Insolation # for computing zenith angle given lat, lon, time.
using ClimaLand
import ClimaLand.Parameters as LP
import ClimaParams
Assume the local_datetime array is read in from the data file.
local_datetime = DateTime(2013):Dates.Hour(1):DateTime(2013, 1, 7); # one week, hourly data
Timezone (offset of local time from UTC in hrs)
time_offset = 7;
Site latitude and longitude
lat = 38.7441; # degree
long = -92.2000; # degree
Compute the start date in UTC, and convert local datetime vector into a vector of seconds since the start date
start_date = local_datetime[1] + Dates.Hour(time_offset);
data_dt = 3600.0;
seconds = 0:data_dt:((length(local_datetime) - 1) * data_dt);
Assume the downwelling long and shortwave radiation are read in from the file and are measured at the times in local_datetime. Here, we'll just make them up periodic on daily timescales:
T = @. 298.15 + 5.0 * sin(2π * (seconds - 3600 * 6) / (3600 * 24));
LW_d = 5.67 * 10^(-8) .* T .^ 4;
SW_d = @. max(1400 * sin(2π * (seconds - 3600 * 6) / (3600 * 24)), 0.0);
Next, fit interpolators to the data. These interpolators are what are stored in the driver function. Then we can evaluate the radiative forcing at any simulation time (and not just at times coinciding with measurements). By default, linear interpolation is used.
LW_d = TimeVaryingInput(seconds, LW_d)
SW_d = TimeVaryingInput(seconds, SW_d);
Finally, for many models we also need to specify the function for computing the zenith angle as a function of simulation time. To do so, we use the Insolation
package as follows:
earth_param_set = LP.LandParameters(Float64);
insol_params = earth_param_set.insol_params # parameters of Earth's orbit required to compute the insolation
function zenith_angle(
latitude = lat,
longitude = long,
insol_params = insol_params,
current_datetime = start_date + Dates.Second(round(t)) # Time in UTC
d, δ, η_UTC = (Insolation.helper_instantaneous_zenith_angle(
return Insolation.instantaneous_zenith_angle(
Lastly, we store the interpolators for downwelling fluxes and the zenith angle function in the PrescribedRadiativeFluxes
radiation = ClimaLand.PrescribedRadiativeFluxes(
θs = zenith_angle,
Updating the driver variables during the simulation
The values for LWd, SWd, and zenith angle θ_s are stored in the simulation/model cache p
under the name drivers
. When you initialize
the variables and cache of a model, the cache p
will be returned with memory allocated but all values set to zero:
p = (; drivers = (LW_d = [0.0], SW_d = [0.0], θs = [0.0]));
In order to update them, we can make use of default update functions:
update_radiation! = ClimaLand.make_update_drivers(radiation)
t0 = seconds[1] # midnight local time
update_radiation!(p, t0);
┌ Error: Zenith angle and thermodynamic params must either both be supplied or both not supplied. See doc string for PrescribedRadiativeFluxes
└ @ ClimaLand ~/work/ClimaLand.jl/ClimaLand.jl/src/shared_utilities/drivers.jl:1047
p.drivers = (LW_d = [418.7382685853159], SW_d = [0.0], θs = [0.0])
During a simulation, the drivers are updated in place in p.drivers
via a "callback", which is a function which is called a specified times or when certain criteria are met during a simulation. In general, then, we don't update drivers every timestep, but less frequently. For example, the simulation timestep may be 10 minutes, but we may only update the drivers every three hours:
updateat = collect(seconds[1]:(3600 * 3):seconds[end]);
updatefunc = update_radiation!;
cb = ClimaLand.DriverUpdateCallback(updateat, updatefunc);
This callback must then be provided to the simulation solve
Using ERA5 data
If you wish to force your ClimaLand simulation with ERA5 reanalysis data, there is a helper function which can make this easier than specifying each atmospheric variable as individual TimeVaryingInput
objects, and then making the PrescribedAtmosphere
struct. You first need a local path to the netcdf file with the ERA5 data. This file must have the following variables:
- "tp" Total precipitation as a mass/m^2/hour (accumulated over an hour)
- "sf" Snow precipitation as a mass/m^2/hour (accumulated over an hour)
- "u10n", "v10n", Neutral wind speed components in the horizontal, at 10m, in m/s
- "d2m", Dewpoint temperature at 2m in K
- "t2m", Air temperature at 2m in K
- "sp", Surface pressure in Pa
- "ssrd", Downwelling shortwave radiation in J/m^2/hour (accumulated over an hour)
- "strd", Downwelling longwave radiation J/m^2/hour (accumulated over an hour)
You also need the surface_space
of your simulation (corresponding to the grid being used), the floating point type of the simulation FT
, the ClimaLand earth_param_set
, and the start_date
, which should be a date after the first date in your ERA5 netcdf file and before the last date. Then you can access the atmospheric and radiative drivers like:
atmos, radiation = ClimaLand.prescribed_forcing_era5(era5_ncdata_path,
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