Hydrostatic Equilibrium test for Richards Equation

This tutorial shows how to use ClimaLand code to solve Richards equation in a column of soil. We choose boundary conditions of zero flux at the top and bottom of the column, and then run the simulation long enough to see that the system is approaching hydrostatic equilibrium, where the gradient of the pressure head is equal and opposite the gradient of the gravitational head.

The equations are:

$\frac{ ∂ ϑ_l}{∂ t} = ∇ ⋅ K (ϑ_l; ν, ...) ∇h( ϑ_l, z; ν, ...).$


$t$ is the time (s),

$z$ is the location in the vertical (m),

$K$ is the hydraulic conductivity (m/s),

$h$ is the hydraulic head (m),

$ϑ_l$ is the augmented volumetric liquid water fraction,

$ν, ...$ denotes parameters relating to soil type, such as porosity.

We will solve this equation in a 1-d domain with $z ∈ [-5,0]$, and with the following boundary and initial conditions:

$- K ∇h(t, z = 0) = 0 ẑ$

$-K ∇h(t, z = -5) = 0 ẑ$

$ϑ(t = 0, z) = ν-0.001$

$θ_i(t = 0, z) = 0.0.$

where $\nu$ is the porosity.

When solving Richards equation (not a fully integrated energy and hydrology model), the hydraulic conductivity is only a function of liquid moisture content.

Lastly, our formulation of this equation allows for a continuous solution in both saturated and unsaturated areas, following Woodward and Dawson (2000).

Preliminary setup

  • Load external packages
import SciMLBase
using Plots
  • Load CliMA packages and ClimaLand modules
using ClimaCore
import ClimaParams as CP
import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS

using ClimaLand
using ClimaLand.Domains: Column
using ClimaLand.Soil

import ClimaLand
import ClimaLand.Parameters as LP
  • Define the float type desired (Float64 or Float32), and get the parameter set, which holds constants used across CliMA models:
const FT = Float32;
earth_param_set = LP.LandParameters(FT);

Set up the soil model

We want to solve Richards equation alone, without simultaneously solving the heat equation. Because of that, we choose a RichardsModel. Taking a look at the documentation (linked), we see that we need to supply parameters, a domain, boundary conditions, and sources.

First, we define the parameters: porosity \nu, Ksat, the van Genuchten parameters `vgα,vgm,vgn,θ_r`, and the specific storage value for the soil. Note that all values must be given in mks units.

K_sat = FT(0.0443 / (3600 * 100))
S_s = FT(1e-3)
ν = FT(0.495)
vg_α = FT(2.6)
vg_n = FT(2)
hcm = vanGenuchten{FT}(; α = vg_α, n = vg_n);
θ_r = FT(0)
params = Soil.RichardsParameters(;
    ν = ν,
    hydrology_cm = hcm,
    K_sat = K_sat,
    S_s = S_s,
    θ_r = θ_r,

Next, we define the domain. Here, we are considering a 1D domain, discretized using finite difference, with coordinates z:

zmax = FT(0)
zmin = FT(-5)
nelems = 10
soil_domain = Column(; zlim = (zmin, zmax), nelements = nelems);

We also need to specify the boundary conditions. The user must specify two conditions, at the top and at the bottom of the domain. We currently support two broad types of boundary conditions: boundary conditions on the state ϑl = ϑl_BC (MoistureStateBC) or on the flux (WaterFluxBC, FreeDrainage, or RichardsAtmosDrivenFluxBC). Flux boundary conditions are passed as the (scalar) z-component of the flux f, i.e. F⃗ = f ẑ. The flux BC RichardsAtmosDrivenFluxBC is for driving Richards equation with a spatially and temporally varying map of precipitation. FreeDrainage is an option only at the bottom of the domain. Here, we set zero flux boundary conditons. WaterFluxBCs require a function of the cache p and the simulation time t:

surface_flux = Soil.WaterFluxBC((p, t) -> 0.0)
bottom_flux = Soil.WaterFluxBC((p, t) -> 0.0)
boundary_conditions = (; top = surface_flux, bottom = bottom_flux);

Lastly, in this case we don't have any sources, so we pass an empty tuple:

sources = ();

Now we can make the model itself. This contains every piece of information needed to turn the continuous form of Richards equation into a set of ODEs, ready to be passed off to a timestepper.

soil = Soil.RichardsModel{FT}(;
    parameters = params,
    domain = soil_domain,
    boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions,
    sources = sources,

Here we create the explicit and implicit tendencies, which update prognostic variable components that are stepped explicitly and implicitly, respectively. We also create the function which is used to update our Jacobian.

exp_tendency! = make_exp_tendency(soil);
imp_tendency! = ClimaLand.make_imp_tendency(soil);
jacobian! = ClimaLand.make_jacobian(soil);

Set up the simulation

We can now initialize the prognostic and auxiliary variable vectors, and take a peek at what those variables are:

Y, p, coords = initialize(soil);
Y.soil |> propertynames

p.soil |> propertynames

coords |> propertynames
(:surface, :subsurface)

Note that the variables are nested into Y and p in a hierarchical way. Since we have the vectors (composed of ClimaCore Fields handy, we can now set them to the desired initial conditions.

Y.soil.ϑ_l .= FT(0.494);

We choose the initial and final simulation times:

t0 = Float64(0)
tf = Float64(60 * 60 * 24 * 36);

We set the cache values corresponding to the initial conditions of the state Y:

set_initial_cache! = make_set_initial_cache(soil);
set_initial_cache!(p, Y, t0);

Next, we turn to timestepping. As usual, your timestep depends on the problem you are solving, the accuracy of the solution required, and the timestepping algorithm you are using.

dt = Float64(1e3);

Now, we choose the timestepping algorithm we want to use. We'll use the ARS111 algorithm with 1 Newton iteration per timestep; you can also specify a convergence criterion and a maximum number of Newton iterations.

stepper = CTS.ARS111();
ode_algo = CTS.IMEXAlgorithm(
        max_iters = 1,
        update_j = CTS.UpdateEvery(CTS.NewNewtonIteration),

Here we set up the information used for our Jacobian.

jac_kwargs = (; jac_prototype = ImplicitEquationJacobian(Y), Wfact = jacobian!);

And then we can solve the system of equations, using SciMLBase.jl and ClimaTimeSteppers.jl.

prob = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(
        T_exp! = exp_tendency!,
        T_imp! = SciMLBase.ODEFunction(imp_tendency!; jac_kwargs...),
        dss! = ClimaLand.dss!,
    (t0, tf),
sol = SciMLBase.solve(prob, ode_algo; dt = dt, adaptive = false);

Create some plots

We'll plot the moisture content vs depth in the soil, as well as the expected profile of ϑ_l in hydrostatic equilibrium. For ϑ_l values above porosity, the soil is saturated, and the pressure head changes from being equal to the matric potential to the pressure generated by compression of water and the soil matrix. The profile can be solved for analytically by (1) solving for the form that ϑ_l(z) must take in both the saturated and unsaturated zones to satisfy the steady-state requirement with zero flux boundary conditions, (2) requiring that at the interface between saturated and unsaturated zones, the water content equals porosity, and (3) solving for the location of the interface by requiring that the integrated water content at the end matches that at the beginning (yielding an interface location of z≈-0.56m).

t = sol.t ./ (60 * 60 * 24);
ϑ_l = [parent(sol.u[k].soil.ϑ_l) for k in 1:length(t)]
z = parent(coords.subsurface.z)
    label = string("t = ", string(t[1]), "days"),
    xlim = [0.47, 0.501],
    ylabel = "z",
    xlabel = "ϑ_l",
    legend = :bottomleft,
    title = "Equilibrium test",
plot!(ϑ_l[end], z, label = string("t = ", string(t[end]), "days"));
function hydrostatic_equilibrium(z, z_interface)
    ν = 0.495
    S_s = 1e-3
    α = 2.6
    n = 2.0
    m = 0.5
    if z < z_interface
        return -S_s * (z - z_interface) + ν
        return ν * (1 + (α * (z - z_interface))^n)^(-m)
plot!(hydrostatic_equilibrium.(z, -0.56), z, label = "equilibrium solution");

plot!(1e-3 .+ ϑ_l[1], z, label = "porosity");

Save the output:



  • Woodward and Dawson, (2000) SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 37, 701–724

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