The AbstractModel tutorial describes how a user can run simulations of a physical system governed by differential equations. In this framework, the user must define a model type for their problem, which contains all of the information required to set up the system of equations. By extending the methods for make_compute_exp_tendency(model), prognostic_variables(model), etc, the information stored in the model is used to make the system of equations. Given initial conditions, these equations can then be stepped forward in time using the time-stepper of your choice. Note that a model requiring implicit timestepping would instead use an AbstractImExModel framework.

The benefit of this framework is that it can be used for both individual components of an LSM (soil, snow, rivers, canopy biophysics, carbon...) as well as the LSM itself. Here we explain how a simple two component model can be set up using this software interface.

We'll first demonstrate how to set up two components in standalone mode, before spending time explaining the LSM setup. In our example, we have a component which accounts for soil hydrology via the Richardson-Richards (RR) equation. Our second component is a surface water model without lateral flow (standing water, as in a pond). For more details on these models, and how they were set up, please feel free to look at the source code here and here. This tutorial focuses on using the AbstractModels framework to set up the equations, rather than on running simulations.

First, let's load the required modules:

using ClimaLand
using ClimaLand.Domains: Column, obtain_surface_domain
using ClimaLand.Soil
using ClimaLand.Pond

FT = Float32;

The individual component models I - Soil Hydrology

The RR equation for the volumetric water content of soil is given by

$\frac{\partial ϑ}{\partial t} = -∇ ⋅ (-K∇(ψ+z)) + S(x,y,z, t)$

In order to solve this, one must specify:

  • boundary conditions,
  • relevant parameters (closure models for K and ψ),
  • a domain and a spatial discretization scheme,
  • additional source terms S, if applicable,
  • a time-stepping algorithm,
  • initial conditions.

We make the distinction between the spatially discretized equations (for which you need parameters, boundary conditions, source terms, and domain/ discretization scheme information in order to write down and evaluate), and the simulation you want to run (for which you need the equations, initial conditions, a time span, and a time-stepping scheme in order to specify completely).

Here, we'll focus on what you need to write the equations. This information is stored in the model structure itself, so that we can call make_exp_tendency(model) and get back a function which computes the time derivative of the prognostic variables, which the ODE timestepper needs to advance the state forward in time.

For the RR equation, we can create this as follows. First, we specify parameters:

ν = FT(0.495);
K_sat = FT(0.0443 / 3600 / 100); # m/s
S_s = FT(1e-3); #inverse meters
vg_n = FT(2.0);
vg_α = FT(2.6); # inverse meters
hcm = vanGenuchten{FT}(; α = vg_α, n = vg_n);
θ_r = FT(0);
soil_ps = Soil.RichardsParameters(;
    ν = ν,
    hydrology_cm = hcm,
    K_sat = K_sat,
    S_s = S_s,
    θ_r = θ_r,

Next, let's define the spatial domain and discretization:

zmax = FT(0);
zmin = FT(-1);
nelems = 20;
soil_domain = Column(; zlim = (zmin, zmax), nelements = nelems);

And boundary conditions and source terms (none currently):

top_flux_bc = WaterFluxBC((p, t) -> 0.0);
bot_flux_bc = WaterFluxBC((p, t) -> 0.0);
sources = ()
boundary_fluxes = (; top = top_flux_bc, bottom = bot_flux_bc)
(top = ClimaLand.Soil.WaterFluxBC{Main.var"##549".var"#1#2"}(Main.var"##549".var"#1#2"()), bottom = ClimaLand.Soil.WaterFluxBC{Main.var"##549".var"#3#4"}(Main.var"##549".var"#3#4"()))

With this information, we can make our model:

soil = Soil.RichardsModel{FT}(;
    parameters = soil_ps,
    domain = soil_domain,
    boundary_conditions = boundary_fluxes,
    sources = sources,

We also can create the soil prognostic and auxiliary ClimaCore.Field.FieldVectors using the default method for initialize,

Y_soil, p_soil, coords_soil = initialize(soil);

and we can set up the tendency function using the default as well,

soil_ode! = make_exp_tendency(soil);

which computes, for the column domain,

$-\frac{∂ }{∂z} (-K\frac{∂(ψ+z)}{∂ z})$

for each value of ϑ on the mesh of our soil_domain.

Note that the soil model does includes hydraulic K, pressure head ψ, and the boundary fluxes at the top and bottom of the domain in the auxiliary vector. These are updated first in each call to soil_ode!, as follows:

function soil_ode!(dY, Y, p, t)
         update_aux!(p,Y,t) # updates p.soil.K, p.soil.ψ in place
         update_boundary_fluxes!(p,Y,t) # updates p.soil.top_bc, p.soil.bottom_bc in place
         compute_exp_tendency!(dY, Y, p, t) # computes the divergence of the Darcy flux, updates dY in place.

It is crucial the the cache p is correctly updated before the tendency is computed. The default method for make_exp_tendency creates the update_aux! and update_boundary_fluxes! functions, given the model, and evaluates them before computing the tendency, so we do not need to define that for the soil model.

Note also that we have defined methods make_compute_exp_tendency, make_update_aux, and make_update_boundary_fluxes, which only take the model as argument, and which return the functions compute_exp_tendency!, update_aux!, and update_boundary_fluxes!. Please see the API documentation or source code for more information.

Lastly, the coordinates returned by initialize contain the z-coordinates of the centers of the finite difference layers used for spatial discretization of the PDE.

The individual component models II - Surface Water

The pond model has a single variable, the pond height η, which satisfies the ODE:

$\frac{∂ η}{∂ t} = -(P - I) = R,$

where P is the precipitation, I the infiltration into the soil, and R is the runoff. Note that P, I < 0 indicates flow in the -ẑ direction.

To write down the pond equations, we need to specify

  • P
  • I

which are akin to boundary fluxes. In standalone mode, one would need to pass in prescribed functions of time and store them inside our pond model, since again, the pond model structure must contain everything needed to make the tendency function:

precipitation(t) = t < 20 ? -1e-5 : 0.0 # m/s

infiltration(t) = -(1e-6) #m/s
pond_model =
    Pond.PondModel{FT}(; runoff = PrescribedRunoff(precipitation, infiltration));

Here, PrescribedRunoff is the structure holding the prescribed driving functions for P and I.

Again we can initialize the state vector and auxiliary vectors:

Y_pond, p_pond, coords_pond = initialize(pond_model);

We can make the tendency function in the same way, for stepping the state forward in time:

pond_ode! = make_exp_tendency(pond_model);

The pond_ode! function works in the same way as for the soil model:

function pond_ode!(dY, Y, p, t)
         update_aux!(p,Y,t) # falls back to default; does nothing
         update_boundary_fluxes!(p,Y,t)  # p.surface_water.runoff in place
         compute_exp_tendency!(dY, Y, p, t)

An LSM with pond and soil:

The LSM model must contain everything needed to write down the joint system of equations

$\frac{\partial \eta}{\partial t} = -(P(t) - I(ϑ, η, P)) = R,$

$\frac{\partial ϑ}{\partial t} = -∇ ⋅ (-K∇(ψ+z)) + S$

$-K ∇(ψ+z)|_{z = zmax} ⋅ ẑ = I(ϑ, η, P)$

$-K ∇(ψ+z)|_{z = zmin} ⋅ ẑ = 0.0.$

These two components interact via the infiltration term I. Infiltration is a boundary condition for the soil, and affects the source term for the surface water equation. Infiltration depends on precipitation, the soil moisture state, and the pond height.

As in the standalone cases, defining our model requires specifying

  • parameters,
  • domains, discretizations
  • precipitation,
  • boundary conditions,
  • sources in the soil equation, if any.

First, let's make our single column domain.

lsm_domain = Column(; zlim = (zmin, zmax), nelements = nelems);

Let's now collect the needed arguments for the soil model. The pond model only has one argument, the runoff model, but that will be set internally. Similarily, the boundary conditions of the soil model will be set internally to be consisent with the equations of the pond-soil model - see below for detail.

soil_args = (parameters = soil_ps, domain = lsm_domain, sources = ());
surface_water_args = NamedTuple();

Atmospheric drivers don't "belong" to either component alone:

land_args = (precip = precipitation,);
land = LandHydrology{FT}(;
    land_args = land_args,
    soil_model_type = Soil.RichardsModel{FT},
    soil_args = soil_args,
    surface_water_model_type = Pond.PondModel{FT},
    surface_water_args = surface_water_args,

Here, LandHydrology is a type of AbstractModel which has a surface water model (Pond or otherwise) and a soil model (RR, or perhaps otherwise).

Now, note that we did not specify the infiltration function, like we did in standalone pond mode, nor did we specify boundary conditions for the soil model, nor did we specify the pond model domain. Yet, before we stressed that the model needs to have everything required to write down and evaluate the time derivative of the ODEs. So, how does this work?

Here, the LSM model constructor is given the information needed to make both the soil model and the pond model. Then, it is like running the pond and soil model in standalone mode, in series, except we have defined methods internally for computing the boundary condition and pond source term correctly, based on I, instead of using prescribed values passed in. The LSM constructor creates the correct boundary_fluxes object for the soil model, and the correct infiltration object for the pond model under the hood.

To advance the state of the joint system (ϑ, η) from time t to time t+Δt, we must compute the infiltration at t. This value is stored in p.soil_infiltration. In pseudo code, we have:

function make_update_aux(land)
         soil_update_aux! = make_update_aux(land.soil)
         surface_update_aux! = make_update_aux(land.surface_water)
         function update_aux!(p,Y,t)
                  surface_update_aux!(p,Y,t) # does nothing to `p`
                  soil_update_aux!(p,Y,t) # updates p.soil.K and p.soil.ψ
         return update_aux!
function make_update_boundary_fluxes(land)
         update_soil_bf! = make_update_boundary_fluxes(land.soil)
         update_pond_bf! = make_update_boundary_fluxes(land.surface_water)
         function update_boundary_fluxes!(p,Y,t)
                  p.soil_infiltration = compute_infiltration(Y,p, t)
                  update_soil_bf!(p,Y,t) # updates p.soil.top_bc using p.soil_infiltration
                  update_pond_bf!(p,Y,t) # updates p.surface_water.runoff using p.soil_infiltration
         return update_boundary_fluxes!

and similarily for the compute_exp_tendency! functions:

function make_compute_exp_tendency(land)
         soil_compute_exp_tendency! = make_update_aux(land.soil)
         surface_compute_exp_tendency! = make_update_aux(land.surface_water)
         function compute_exp_tendency!(dY,Y,p,t)
                  surface_compute_exp_tendency!(dY,Y,p, t), # computes dY.surface.η
                  soil_compute_exp_tendency!(dY,Y,p,t) # computes dY.soil.ϑ
         return compute_exp_tendency!

The exp_tendency! for the land model is then again just

function exp_tendency!(dY, Y, p, t)
         compute_exp_tendency!(dY, Y, p, t)

In the above, we showed explicitly what occurs by hardcoding the compute_exp_tendency!, update_aux! with names for soil and surface_water. In reality, this is done by looping over the components of the land model, meaning that we can use the same code internally for land models with different components.

A similar composition occurs for initializing the state itself: Calling initialize(land) does four things:

  • initialize(land.soil)
  • initialize(land.surface_water)
  • initializes additional auxiliary variables, like p.soil_infiltration
  • append these into Y, p, and coords:
Y, p, coords = initialize(land);

We have volumetric liquid water fraction:


and surface height of the pond:


as well as auxiliary variables for the soil:

(:K, :ψ, :top_bc, :top_bc_wvec, :bottom_bc, :bottom_bc_wvec)

and the runoff for surface water:


and the additional variable required in the LSM is stored here as well:

(:soil_infiltration, :soil, :surface_water)

and finally, coordinates - useful for visualization of solutions:

ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}-valued Field:
  z: Float32[-0.975, -0.925, -0.875, -0.825, -0.775, -0.725, -0.675, -0.625, -0.575, -0.525, -0.475, -0.425, -0.375, -0.325, -0.275, -0.225, -0.175, -0.125, -0.075, -0.025]

and the coordinates of the surface variables:

ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}-valued Field:
  z: Float32[0.0]

And we can make the tendency function as before:

land_ode! = make_exp_tendency(land);

Next up would be to set initial conditions, choose a timestepping scheme, and run your simulation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Some advantages to our interface design are as follows:

  • a developer only needs to learn a few concepts (compute_exp_tendency!, prognostic vs. aux variables, update_aux!/update_boundary_fluxes!, initialize, domains) to make a model which can be run in standalone or work with other components.
  • likewise, a user only needs to learn one interface to run all models, regardless of if they are standalone components or LSMs with multiple components.
  • the exp_tendency!is completely seperate from the timestepping scheme used, so any scheme can be used (with the exception of mixed implicit/explicit schemes, which we can't handle yet).
  • although we wrote it here in a $hardwired$ fashion for surface water and soil, the update_aux!, compute_exp_tendency! methods for LSM models generalize to any number and mix of components. One just needs to write a new model type (e.g. BiophysicsModel <: AbstractModel for a vegetation and carbon component model) and the appropriate make_update_boundary_var methods for that model.
  • the order in which the components are treated in the tendency or in update aux does not matter. What matters is that (1) auxiliary/cache variables are updated prior to calling update_boundary_fluxes!, and that (2) update_boundary_fluxes! is called prior to evaluating the tendency.
  • the code is also modular in terms of swapping out a simple component model for a more complex version.

Possible disadvantages to our interface design:

  • Even in standalone model, variables are accessed in a nested way: Y.soil, p.soil, etc, which is excessive.
  • To accomodate the fact that some components involve PDEs, a developer for purely ODE based component does need to at least handle ClimaCore.Field.FieldVectors.
  • standalone models need to play by the rules of AbstractModels, and LSMs need to play by the rules of ClimaLand.jl.
  • we need to define multiple update cache functions in order to handle dependencies between cache variables of one component model and boundary fluxes of another.

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