The AbstractModel framework allows users to define land component models (e.g. for snow, soil, vegetation, carbon...) which can be run in standalone mode, or as part of a land surface model with many components. In order to achieve this flexibility, we require a standard interface, which is what AbstractModels provide. The interface is designed to work with an external package for the time-stepping of ODEs, ClimaTimesteppers.jl, with ClimaCore.jl, for the spatial discretization of PDEs, and with ClimaLand.jl, for designing and running multi-component land surface models. For a developer of a new land model component, using AbstractModels as shown below is the first step towards building a model which can be run in standalone or with other components in an integrated land surface model.

This tutorial introduces some of the functionality of the AbstractModel interface functions and types. We demonstrate how to use a Model <: AbstractModel structure to define a set of equations, and explain a few core methods which must be defined for your Model type in order to run a simulation.

General setup

We assume you are solving a system of the form of a set of PDEs or ODEs. Additional algebraic equations can be accomodated as well, but only in addition to variables advanced using differential equations.

Spatially discretized PDEs reduce to a system of ODEs, so we can assume an ODE system in what follows without a loss of generality. When using AbstractModels, you should use ClimaCore to discretize your PDE, as applicable.

Your model defines a system of equations of the following form:

$\frac{d \vec{Y}}{d t} = \vec{f}(\vec{Y}, \vec{x}, t; \mbox{params} \ldots)$

The variables that are stepped forward via a differential equation are referred to as prognostic variables, and are stored in $\vec{Y}$. Generically, we will speak of the functions $\vec{f}$ as tendencies; these can be functions of the prognostic state, of space $\vec{x}$, and of time $t$, as well as of other parameters. Note that quantities such as boundary conditions, source terms, etc, will appear within these tendency functions

The cache ("auxiliary variables")

There are typically quantities, which depend on the state vector $\vec{Y}$, location, time, and other parameters, which are expensive to compute, needed multiple times in the tendency computation, or require "a lot" of memory to store (e.g., most variables in global runs). Allocating memory "on-the-fly" is typically time-consuming. In these cases, it is far better to compute a quantity once and store in a variable where memory has been pre-allocated. The location where memory is allocated is called the model cache.

Denoting the cache as $\vec{p}$, your equations may be rewritten as:

$\frac{d \vec{Y}}{d t} = \vec{f}(\vec{Y}, \vec{p}, \vec{x}, t; \mbox{params} \ldots)$

$\vec{p}(\vec{x}, t) = \vec{g}(\vec{Y}, \vec{x}, t; \mbox{params} \ldots)$

The variables $\vec{p}$ at the current timestep are functions of the prognostic state, space, time, and parameters. These variables are referred to as auxiliary variables (or cache variables). Their main purpose is for storing the value of a quantity in a pre-allocated spot in memory, to avoid computing something expensive many times per time-step, or to avoid allocating memory each timestep. From a mathematical point of view, they represent intermediate quantities computed in each tendency. A model purely consisting of algebraic equations, with no prognostic variables, is not supported ($\vec{Y}$ cannot be zero dimensional).

In order to define this set of equations, in a manner which is consistent with the AbstractModel interface (used by ClimaLand.jl) and time-stepping algorithms (OrdinaryDiffEq.jl for the present), the following must be provided.

The Model

All ClimaLand component models are concrete instances of AbstractModels. The reason for grouping them in such a way is because they all have shared required functionality, as we will see, and can make use of common default behavior.

The model structure holds all of the information needed to create the full right hand side function, including parameters (which can be functions of space and time), boundary conditions, and physical equations.

The purpose of our AbstractModel interface is that it allows you to run land component models in standalone mode and in an LSM mode without a change in interface.

As a simple demonstration of use, we'll build a model now which solves Richards Equation assuming a prescribed flux at the surface, and zero flux at the bottom of the column.

Note that some model equations are stiff and require a very small timestep if stepped explicitly in time. Some model equations are amenable to "imex" timestepping, where some tendency functions are stepped implicitly, and some are stepped explicitly. Tagging a tendency function as "explicit" or "implicit" hardcodes something about the timestepping, and as such, conflates the idea of the model (which defines the equations) and the independent idea of a simulation (which solves the equations). However, we decided we did not need to support the flexibility of solving any set of equations in any way, as we are focused on land surface modeling in particular. In this example, we will tag the tendency as an explicitly time-stepped tendency. A follow-on tutorial will explain how to define an implicit tendency and tendency Jacobian.

Let's first import some needed packages.

import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS
using SciMLBase
using Plots
using ClimaCore
using ClimaLand

Import the functions we are extending for our model:

import ClimaLand:

The model should contain everything you need to create the tendency function. In this case, that is some parameters, the surface flux boundary value, the floating point precision, and the domain of the model (single column, global run, etc..).

struct RichardsTutorialModel{FT, D} <: AbstractModel{FT}
    "van Genuchten model parameters"
    "Porosity [unitless]"
    "Residual water fraction [unitless]"
    "Saturated hydraulic conductiity [m/s]"
    "Surface flux, used as boundary condition [m/s]"
    "Domain of the model"

For reasons that will be clear momentarily, let's also define the name of the model: = :soil;

Explicit tendency

Here is where we need to specify the equations of motion. The prognostic variables for Richards equation consist of the volumetric water content at each location in the domain, θ. The differential equations are:

$\frac{\partial ϑ_l}{\partial t} = - ∇⋅[-K(θ) ∇(ψ(θ)+z)],$

where K(θ) is the hydraulic conductivity, and ψ(θ) is the matric potential. We now create the function which makes the compute_exp_tendency! function:

function ClimaLand.make_compute_exp_tendency(model::RichardsTutorialModel)
    function compute_exp_tendency!(dY, Y, p, t)
        gradc2f = ClimaCore.Operators.GradientC2F()
        interpc2f = ClimaCore.Operators.InterpolateC2F()
        FT = FTfromY(Y)
        divf2c = ClimaCore.Operators.DivergenceF2C(
            top = ClimaCore.Operators.SetValue(
            bottom = ClimaCore.Operators.SetValue(

        @. dY.soil.θ =
            -(divf2c(-interpc2f(p.soil.K) * gradc2f(p.soil.ψ + p.soil.z)))
    return compute_exp_tendency!

A couple of notes: the vector $\vec{dY}$ contains the evaluation of the tendency function for each variable in $\vec{Y}$. It is updated in place (so no extra allocations are needed). Note that Y is not a simple array. It is a ClimaCore FieldVector, which allow us to impose some organizational structure on the state while still behaving like arrays in some ways. We use the symbol returned by name(model) to create the naming hierarchy in Y, dY, p. This is useful for multi-component models.

The arguments of compute_exp_tendency! are generic for any time-stepping algorithm. The compute_exp_tendency! function is only created once. If there are time-varying forcing terms appearing, for example, the forcing functions must be stored in model and passed in that way.

The prognostic state vector $\vec{Y}$ and cache $\vec{p}$

We have given the state vector $\vec{Y}$ a particular structure, and don't expect the user to build this themselves. In order to have the structure Y (and p) correctly created, the model developer needs to define the names of the prognostic and auxiliary variables, as well as their types (often a floating point scalar), and where in the domain they are defined. For example, the volumetric water content is a scalar (type FT), with name θ, and it is defined throughout the subsurface of the domain.

ClimaLand.prognostic_vars(::RichardsTutorialModel) = (:θ,);
ClimaLand.prognostic_types(::RichardsTutorialModel{FT}) where {FT} = (FT,);
ClimaLand.prognostic_domain_names(::RichardsTutorialModel) = (:subsurface,);

The auxiliary variables for this model are the hydraulic conductivity, matric potential, boundary fluxes, and heights of each level in the domain. All of these are scalars, and some are defined throughout the soil volume, or subsurface, while some are defined only on a surface (at the top or bottom of the domain).

ClimaLand.auxiliary_vars(::RichardsTutorialModel) =
    (:K, :ψ, :top_flux, :bottom_flux, :z)
ClimaLand.auxiliary_types(::RichardsTutorialModel{FT}) where {FT} =
    (FT, FT, FT, FT, FT);
ClimaLand.auxiliary_domain_names(::RichardsTutorialModel) =
    (:subsurface, :subsurface, :surface, :surface, :subsurface);

Updating the cache

We next need to define how we update the auxiliary variables. These are split between two functions, update_aux!, and update_boundary_fluxes!. For standalone component models, these could be combined into a single function, and indeed they could also be part of the tendency function itself.

function ClimaLand.make_update_aux(model::RichardsTutorialModel)
    function update_aux!(p, Y, t)
        p.soil.z .=
            ClimaCore.Fields.coordinate_field( # technically this does not need to update each step
        @. p.soil.K = ClimaLand.Soil.hydraulic_conductivity(
            ClimaLand.Soil.effective_saturation(model.ν, Y.soil.θ, model.θ_r),
        @. p.soil.ψ = ClimaLand.Soil.matric_potential(
            ClimaLand.Soil.effective_saturation(model.ν, Y.soil.θ, model.θ_r),
    return update_aux!

function ClimaLand.make_update_boundary_fluxes(model::RichardsTutorialModel)
    function update_boundary_fluxes!(p, Y, t)
        FT = ClimaLand.FTfromY(Y)
        p.soil.top_flux .= model.F_sfc
        p.soil.bottom_flux .= FT(0)
    return update_boundary_fluxes!

The default tendency function in ClimaLand for any AbstractModel carries out the following:

function make_exp_tendency(model::AbstractModel)
    update_aux! = make_update_aux(model)
    update_boundary_fluxes! = make_update_boundary_fluxes(model)
    compute_exp_tendency! = make_compute_exp_tendency(model)
    function exp_tendency!(dY,Y,p,t)
    return exp_tendency!

Therefore, each time we need the tendency, we first update auxiliary variables, then update boundary fluxes, and then compute the tendency itself.

Why do we do this? It would be straightforward, and arguably a lot simpler, to update the cache p within compute_exp_tendency!itself. The reason why we introduce these other functions is because we want to be able to combine standalone "component" models, like this one, with others, to create land surface models. For example, if we would like to run a land surface model with the soil and the canopy, the canopy auxiliary variables (e.g. interception of water and snow, transmitted radiation) affect the boundary fluxes of the soil. In this case, we must update auxiliary variables for all components, before computing boundary conditions and tendency functions. Please see the (LSM tutorial) for further explanation.

More complex cases might require the evaluation of external data. For this, use the TimeVaryingInput interface. You can wrap functions, 1D/2D data in TimeVaryingInput to obtain an object that know how to evaluate that data on the model time (e.g., by performing linear interpolation). Then, in your model, you can just call evaluate!(destination, itp, time) to evaluate the itp on the given time and write the result to dest (typically a Field). With this common interface, you do not have to worry about the detail of the underlying data.

Running a simulation

Create a model instance.

FT = Float32
vGmodel = ClimaLand.Soil.vanGenuchten{FT}(; α = 2.3f0, n = 2.0f0)
Ksat = FT(4.0e-7)
ν = 0.5f0
θ_r = 0.0f0
F_sfc = FT(-3.0e-8)
domain = ClimaLand.Domains.Column(; zlim = (-1.0f0, 0.0f0), nelements = 10)
soil = RichardsTutorialModel{Float32, typeof(domain)}(

Create the initial state structure, using the default method. This step creates the vector Y and cache p, but initializes them with zeros.

Y, p, cds = initialize(soil);

Note that Y has the structure we planned on in our compute_exp_tendency! function, for x,

1-blocked 10-element ClimaCore.Fields.FieldVector{Float32, @NamedTuple{θ::ClimaCore.Fields.Field{ClimaCore.DataLayouts.VF{Float32, 10, Matrix{Float32}}, ClimaCore.Spaces.FiniteDifferenceSpace{ClimaCore.Grids.FiniteDifferenceGrid{ClimaCore.Topologies.IntervalTopology{ClimaComms.SingletonCommsContext{ClimaComms.CPUSingleThreaded}, ClimaCore.Meshes.IntervalMesh{ClimaCore.Domains.IntervalDomain{ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}}, LinRange{ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}, Int64}}, @NamedTuple{bottom::Int64, top::Int64}}, ClimaCore.Geometry.CartesianGlobalGeometry, ClimaCore.DataLayouts.VF{ClimaCore.Geometry.LocalGeometry{(3,), ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}, Float32, StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{1, 1, Float32, 1}}, 10, Matrix{Float32}}, ClimaCore.DataLayouts.VF{ClimaCore.Geometry.LocalGeometry{(3,), ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}, Float32, StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{1, 1, Float32, 1}}, 11, Matrix{Float32}}}, ClimaCore.Grids.CellCenter}}}}:

The same is true for p:

(K = Float32-valued Field:
  Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ψ = Float32-valued Field:
  Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], top_flux = Float32-valued Field:
  Float32[0.0], bottom_flux = Float32-valued Field:
  Float32[0.0], z = Float32-valued Field:
  Float32[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Here we now update Y in place with initial conditions of our choosing.

Y.soil.θ = 0.25f0;

Set initial cache variable values, and inspect values:

set_initial_cache! = make_set_initial_cache(soil);
set_initial_cache!(p, Y, 0.0);
@show p.soil.K

@show p.soil.ψ

@show p.soil.top_flux
Float32-valued Field:

Next up is to create the exp_tendency! function:

exp_tendency! = make_exp_tendency(soil);

Running the simulation

Set the initial and end times, timestep:

t0 = 0.0;
tf = 7 * 24 * 3600.0;
dt = 1800.0;

Select the timestepping algorithm we want to use from CTS.jl.

timestepper = CTS.RK4()
ode_algo = CTS.ExplicitAlgorithm(timestepper)
ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXAlgorithm{ClimaTimeSteppers.Unconstrained, ClimaTimeSteppers.RK4, ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXTableau{ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}}, Nothing}(ClimaTimeSteppers.Unconstrained(), ClimaTimeSteppers.RK4(), ClimaTimeSteppers.IMEXTableau{ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}, ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}}(ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}([0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0]), ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}([0.16666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333, 0.3333333333333333, 0.16666666666666666]), ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}([0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0]), ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4, 4), (true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true), StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{4, 4, Float64, 16}}([0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0]), ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (false, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}([0.16666666666666666, 0.3333333333333333, 0.3333333333333333, 0.16666666666666666]), ClimaTimeSteppers.SparseCoeffs{(4,), (true, false, false, false), StaticArraysCore.SVector{4, Float64}}([0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0])), nothing)

SciMLBase problem statement using CTS.jl internals:

prob = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(
    CTS.ClimaODEFunction(T_exp! = exp_tendency!),
    (t0, tf),

Solve command:

sol = SciMLBase.solve(prob, ode_algo; dt = dt, saveat = dt);

The solution is stored in sol.u[k].soil.θ, where k ranges over the number of timesteps.

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