Getting Started
For Users
First, download and install Julia by following the instructions at Then, you can install the ClimaLand package by doing:
julia> ] # Enter Package REPL mode
Pkg> add ClimaLand # Install ClimaLand
Pkg> # Go back to Julia REPL mode
Julia> using ClimaLand
A typical land simulation employs several different parameterizations to model the various land-surface processes. Let's start our journet into ClimaLand by looking at one of those.
Let's start with a basic example: compute canopy gross photosynthesis (GPP).
julia> using ClimaLand
julia> @doc ClimaLand.Canopy.compute_GPP
compute_GPP(An::FT, K::FT, LAI::FT, Ω::FT) where {FT} Computes the total canopy photosynthesis (GPP) as a function of the total net carbon assimilation (An), the extinction coefficient (K), leaf area index (LAI) and the clumping index (Ω).
As you can see, our parameterization for GPP is located in the Canopy
Module, and requires four arguments. For example, with An = 5 µmol m⁻² s⁻¹, K = 0.5, LAI = 3 m² m⁻², Ω = 0.7, you can compute GPP like below:
julia> import ClimaLand.Canopy as canopy
julia> canopy.compute_GPP(5.0, 0.5, 3.0, 0.7)
Et voilà!
Note that our package ParamViz allows interactive visualisation of our parameterizations. See examples in the standalone models pages.
ClimaLand structure
ClimaLand contains multiple modules. They are listed below:
julia> using MethodAnalysis, ClimaLand
julia> child_modules(ClimaLand)
13-element Vector{Module}: ClimaLand ClimaLand.Artifacts ClimaLand.Bucket ClimaLand.Canopy ClimaLand.Canopy.PlantHydraulics ClimaLand.Diagnostics ClimaLand.Domains ClimaLand.Parameters ClimaLand.Pond ClimaLand.Snow ClimaLand.Soil ClimaLand.Soil.Biogeochemistry ClimaLand.Soil.Runoff
To explore what modules, functions and types are exported in a particular module, you can use About.jl:
julia> using ClimaLand
julia> using About
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package About not found in current path. - Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("About")` to install the About package.
julia> about(ClimaLand.Soil.Biogeochemistry)
ERROR: UndefVarError: `about` not defined in `Main` Suggestion: check for spelling errors or missing imports.
Where modules are shown in red, functions are shown in blue, and types are shown in yellow.
To see the documentation about a particular module, function or type, you can use ? to go in help mode in the REPL, or @doc
as in Parameterization above.