Farquhar Model
This section breaks down the Farquhar model that describes the biochemical process of photosynthesis in plants as environmental conditions change.
The biochemical processes within a leaf determine the rate of photosynthesis, particularly the diffusion of CO$_2$ into the leaf, the assimilation of CO$_2$ during photosynthesis, and the transpiration of water vapor. It takes into account factors such as light intensity, temperature, and CO$_2$ concentration to estimate the rate at which plants convert light energy into chemical energy through photosynthesis.
The net assimilation by a leaf (An) is calculated based on the biochemistry of C3 and C4 photosynthesis to determine potential (unstressed by water availability) leaf-level photosynthesis. This is calculated in terms of two potentially-limiting rates:
An vs. air Temperature (T, °C) and Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR, μmol m⁻² s⁻¹)
An vs. air Temperature (T, °C) and intra-cellular CO2 (ci, ppm)
Rubisco limited rate
\[\begin{equation} a_1(T, c_a, VPD) = \begin{cases} V_{cmax}(T) \frac{(c_i(T, c_a, VPD) - \Gamma^*(T))}{(c_i(T, c_a, VPD) + K_c(T)*(1+o_i/K_o(T)))} & \text{for C3}\\ V_{cmax}(T) & \text{for C4} \end{cases} \end{equation}\]
The dependence on the atmospheric CO$_2$ concentration $c_a$ (mol/mol) and vapor pressure deficit $VPD$ arise in the expression for $c_i$,
\[\begin{align} c_i(T, c_a, VPD) = \max{(c_a(1-1/m(VPD)), \Gamma^*(T)}), \end{align}\]
where and $m$ is the Medlyn factor (see Stomatal Conductance).
We also have
\[ \Gamma^*(T) = \Gamma^*_{25}\exp\left(\Delta H_{\Gamma^*}\frac{T - T_o}{T_o R T}\right),\]
where $\Delta H_{\Gamma^*}$ is the activation energy per mol for $\Gamma^*$.
Light limited rate
\[\begin{equation} a_2 = \begin{cases} J(T, PAR) (c_i - \Gamma^*)/4(c_i + 2 \Gamma^*) & \text{for C3}\\ J(T, PAR) & \text{for C4} \end{cases} \end{equation}\]
where J is the rate of electron transport, which has units of mol photon per m$^2$ per s. It depends on $PAR$ via $APAR$, as described below, and on $T$ via the dependence on $J_{max}$.
J is given by the root of the equation
\[\begin{align} \theta_j J^2 - (I + J_{max}) J + I J_{max} &= 0 \nonumber \\ I &= \frac{\phi}{2} (APAR) \nonumber \\ J_{max}(T) &= V_{cmax}(T)\times e \exp\left(\Delta H_{J_{max}}\frac{T - T_o}{T_o R T}\right),\nonumber \\ J(T, PAR) &= \frac{(I + J_{max} - \sqrt{(I + J_{max})^2 - 4\theta_j I \times J_{max}}}{2\theta_j}, \end{align}\]
where $\phi = 0.6$ and $\theta_j = 0.9$ are the quantum yield of photosystem II and a curvature function (Bonan's book), and $\Delta H_{J_{max}}$ is the energy of activation of $J_{max}$.
The total net carbon assimilation (A$_n$, mol CO$_2$ m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) is given by the weighted sum of C3 and C4 net carbon assimilation fractions following:
\[\begin{align} A_n(T, PAR, VPD, c_a) = \text{max}(0, \text{min}(a_1 \beta, a_2) - R_d) \end{align}\]
where $\beta$ is the moisture stress factor which is related to the mean soil moisture concentration in the root zone and R$_d$ is the leaf dark respiration calculated as
\[\begin{align} R_{d,25}(\psi_l) &= f V_{cmax,25}\beta(\psi_l), \nonumber \\ R_d (T, \psi_l) & = R_{d,25}(\psi_l)\exp\left(\Delta H_{R_{d}}\frac{T - T_o}{T_o R T}\right), \end{align}\]
where $f = 0.015$ is a constant, $\Delta H_{R_d}$ is the energy of activation for $R_d$, and finally Vcmax is calculated as
\[\begin{equation} V_{cmax}(T) = V_{cmax,25} \exp\left(\Delta H_{Vcmax}\frac{T - T_o}{T_o R T}\right)\\ \end{equation}\]
with $V_{cmax,25}$ is a parameter (Vcmax at the reference temperature 25 C), and $\Delta H_{Vcmax} = 65,330 J/mol$.
The moisture stress factor is related to the leaf water potential $\psi_l$ as
\[\begin{align} \beta = \frac{1+ \exp{(s_c \psi_c)}}{1+ \exp{(s_c(\psi_c - \psi_l))}}, \end{align}\]
where $s_c = 4$MPa$^{-1}$, $\psi_c = -2$MPa, and $\psi_l$ is the leaf water potential computed by the plant hydraulics model.
GPP is the total canopy photosynthesis calculated as the integral of leaf-level photosynthesis over the entire canopy leaf area index:
\[\begin{align} GPP(T, PAR, c_a, VPD, \theta_s) = A_n (1 - \exp(-K LAI \Omega))/K. \end{align}\]
This is not currently needed by other components, but is used for offline validation of the model.
We need to supply the following parameters and “drivers"
- $K_{c,25}$ and $K_{o,25}$, $V_{cmax, 25}$, $\Gamma^*_{25},\phi$, $\theta_j$, $o_i$, $s_c$, $\psi_c$
- $\psi_l$, to compute $\beta$
- Temperature $T$, $PAR$, $c_a$, VPD, $\theta_s$.
Output | Symbol | Unit | Range |
Total net carbon assimilation | $A_n$ | μmol CO$_2$ m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ | 0–25 |
Drivers | Symbol | Unit | Range |
Photosynthetically Active Radiation | PAR | μmol m⁻² s⁻¹ | 0–1500 |
Temperature | $T$ | °C | 0–50 |
Parameters | Symbol | Unit | Range |
Moisture stress | $β$ | - | 0-1 |
Leaf Area Index | LAI | m² m⁻² | 1–10 |
$CO_2$ concentration | $c_a$ | ppm | 300e–500 |
Vapor pressure deficit | VPD | kPa | 1-10 |
Constants | Symbol | Unit | Value |
Zenith angle | $θ_s$ | rad | 0.6 |
Leaf angle distribution | $l_d$ | - | 0.5 |
Canopy reflectance | $ρ_{leaf}$ | - | 0.1 |
Clumping index | $Ω$ | - | 0.69 |
$CO_2$ compensation at 25°C | Γ$^*_{25}$ | mol/mol | 4.275e-5 |
Energy of activation for $Γ^*$ | $ΔH_{Γ^*}$ | J/mol | 37830 |
Standard temperature | $T_o$ | K | 298.15 |
Universal gas constant | $R$ | J/mol | 8.314 |
The maximum rate of carboxylation of Rubisco | $V_{cmax25}$ | mol CO$_2$ m$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ | 5e-5 |
Energy of activation for $J_max$ | $ΔH_{J_max}$ | J/mol | 43540 |
Curvature parameter, a fitting constant to compute $J$ | $θ_j$ | - | 0.9 |
The quantum yied of photosystem II | $\phi$ | - | 0.6 |
Energy of activation for $V_{cmax}$ | $ΔH_{V_{cmax}}$ | J/mol | 58520 |
Slope parameter for stomatal conductance models | $g_1$ | - | 141 |
Michaelis Menten constant for $CO_2$ and at 25°C | $K_{c25}$ | mol/mol | 4.049e-4 |
Energy of activation for $CO_2$ | $ΔH_{K_c}$ | J/mol | 79430 |
Michaelis Menten constant for $O_2$ at 25 °C | $K_{o25}$ | mmol/mol | 0.2874 |
Energy of activation for $O_2$ | $ΔH_{K_o}$ | J/mol | 36380 |
Intercellular $O_2$ concentration | $o_i$ | mol/mol | 0.209 |
Constant factor appearing the dark respiration term | $f$ | - | 0.015 |
Energy of activation for $R_d$ | $ΔH_{R_d}$ | J/mol | 43390 |