Introduction to the Canopy Model

This tutorial shows how to instantiate and run a simulation of the canopy biophysics model in ClimaLSM. A CanopyModel including all component models is initialized, then an example simulation is run. The initial conditions, atmospheric and radiative flux conditions, and canopy properties are set up to match those observed at the US-MOz flux tower, a flux tower located within an oak-hickory forest in Ozark, Missouri, USA. See Wang et al. 2021 for details on the site and canopy parameters.

The canopy biophysics model in ClimaLSM combines a photosynthesis model with a canopy radiative transfer scheme, plant hydraulics model, and stomatal conductance model, placing them under either prescribed or simulated (as in a full Earth System Model) atmospheric and radiative flux conditions.

ClimaLSM supports either Beer-Lambert law or a Two-Stream model for radiative transfer. For this tutorial, we will use the Beer-Lambert law, in which the intensity of light absorbed is a negative exponential function of depth in the canopy and an exinction coefficient determined by optical depth.

The model of photosynthesis in CliMA LSM is the Farquar Model in which GPP is calculated based on C3 and C4 photosynthesis, which determines potential leaf-level photosynthesis.

The plant hydraulics model in ClimaLSM solves for the water content within bulk root-stem-canopy system using Richards equation discretized into an arbitrary number of layers. The water content is related to the water potential using a retention curve relationship, and the water potential is used to simulate the effect moisture stress has on transpiration and GPP.

Preliminary Setup

Load External Packages:

import SciMLBase
using Plots
using Statistics
using Dates
using Insolation

Load CliMA Packages and ClimaLSM Modules:

using ClimaCore
import CLIMAParameters as CP
import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS
using ClimaLSM
using ClimaLSM.Domains: Point
using ClimaLSM.Canopy
using ClimaLSM.Canopy.PlantHydraulics
import ClimaLSM
import ClimaLSM.Parameters as LSMP
include(joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaLSM), "parameters", "create_parameters.jl"));

Define the floating point precision desired (64 or 32 bit), and get the parameter set holding constants used across CliMA Models:

const FT = Float64;
earth_param_set = create_lsm_parameters(FT);

Setup the Canopy Model

We want to simulate a vegetative canopy in standalone mode, without coupling the canopy to atmospheric or soil physics models, so we choose a CanopyModel. From the linked documentation, we can see that we need to provide shared parameters, a domain, a radiative transfer model, photosynthesis model, plant hydraulics model, stomatal conductance model, and atmospheric and radiative flux conditions which may be either prescribed or simulated.

First, define the parameters of the model domain. These values are needed by some of the component models. Here we are performing a 1-dimensional simulation in a Point domain and will use single stem and leaf compartments, but for 2D simulations, the parameters of the domain would change.

land_domain = Point(; z_sfc = FT(0.0))

n_stem = Int64(1)
n_leaf = Int64(1)
h_stem = FT(9)
h_leaf = FT(9.5)
compartment_midpoints = [h_stem / 2, h_stem + h_leaf / 2]
compartment_surfaces = [FT(0), h_stem, h_stem + h_leaf];

We will be using prescribed atmospheric and radiative flux drivers from the US-MOz tower observations, which we read in here. We are using prescribed atmospheric and radiative flux conditions, but it is also possible to couple the simulation with atmospheric and/or radiative flux models.


Populate the SharedCanopyParameters struct, which holds the parameters shared between all different components of the canopy model.

z0_m = FT(2)
z0_b = FT(0.2)

shared_params = SharedCanopyParameters{FT, typeof(earth_param_set)}(

For this canopy, we are running in standalone mode, which means we need to use a prescribed soil driver, defined as follows:

ψ_soil0 = FT(0.0)

soil_driver = PrescribedSoil(
    root_depths = FT.(-Array(10:-1:1.0) ./ 10.0 * 2.0 .+ 0.2 / 2.0),
    ψ_soil = t -> eltype(t)(ψ_soil0),
    soil_α_PAR = FT(0.2),
    soil_α_NIR = FT(0.4),

Now, setup the canopy model by component. Provide arguments to each component, beginning with radiative transfer:

rt_params = TwoStreamParameters{FT}(;
    ld = FT(0.5),
    α_PAR_leaf = FT(0.1),
    α_NIR_leaf = FT(0.45),
    τ_PAR_leaf = FT(0.05),
    τ_NIR_leaf = FT(0.25),
    Ω = FT(0.69),
    λ_γ_PAR = FT(5e-7),
    λ_γ_NIR = FT(1.65e-6),
    n_layers = UInt64(20),

rt_model = TwoStreamModel{FT}(rt_params);

Arguments for conductance model:

cond_params = MedlynConductanceParameters{FT}(;
    g1 = FT(141),
    Drel = FT(1.6),
    g0 = FT(1e-4),

stomatal_model = MedlynConductanceModel{FT}(cond_params);

Arguments for photosynthesis model:

photo_params = FarquharParameters{FT}(
    oi = FT(0.209),
    ϕ = FT(0.6),
    θj = FT(0.9),
    f = FT(0.015),
    sc = FT(5e-6),
    pc = FT(-2e5),
    Vcmax25 = FT(5e-5),
    Γstar25 = FT(4.275e-5),
    Kc25 = FT(4.049e-4),
    Ko25 = FT(0.2874),
    To = FT(298.15),
    ΔHkc = FT(79430),
    ΔHko = FT(36380),
    ΔHVcmax = FT(58520),
    ΔHΓstar = FT(37830),
    ΔHJmax = FT(43540),
    ΔHRd = FT(46390),

photosynthesis_model = FarquharModel{FT}(photo_params);

Arguments for plant hydraulics model are more complicated.

Begin by providing general plant parameters. For the area indices of the canopy, we choose a PrescribedSiteAreaIndex, which supports LAI as a function of time, with RAI and SAI as constant.

LAI = 4.2
LAIfunction = (t) -> eltype(t)(LAI)
SAI = FT(0.00242)
f_root_to_shoot = FT(3.5)
RAI = (SAI + LAI) * f_root_to_shoot
ai_parameterization = PrescribedSiteAreaIndex{FT}(LAIfunction, SAI, RAI)
rooting_depth = FT(1.0);

Define the root distribution function p(z):

function root_distribution(z::T; rooting_depth = rooting_depth) where {T}
    return T(1.0 / rooting_depth) * exp(z / T(rooting_depth))

Create the component conductivity and retention models of the hydraulics model. In ClimaLSM, a Weibull parameterization is used for the conductivity as a function of potential, and a linear retention curve is used.

K_sat_plant = FT(1.8e-8)
ψ63 = FT(-4 / 0.0098)
Weibull_param = FT(4)
a = FT(0.05 * 0.0098)

conductivity_model =
    PlantHydraulics.Weibull{FT}(K_sat_plant, ψ63, Weibull_param)

retention_model = PlantHydraulics.LinearRetentionCurve{FT}(a);

Use these values to populate the parameters of the PlantHydraulics model:

ν = FT(0.7)
S_s = FT(1e-2 * 0.0098)

plant_hydraulics_ps = PlantHydraulics.PlantHydraulicsParameters(;
    ai_parameterization = ai_parameterization,
    ν = ν,
    S_s = S_s,
    root_distribution = root_distribution,
    conductivity_model = conductivity_model,
    retention_model = retention_model,

Define the remaining variables required for the plant hydraulics model.

plant_hydraulics = PlantHydraulics.PlantHydraulicsModel{FT}(;
    parameters = plant_hydraulics_ps,
    n_stem = n_stem,
    n_leaf = n_leaf,
    compartment_surfaces = compartment_surfaces,
    compartment_midpoints = compartment_midpoints,

Now, instantiate the canopy model, using the atmospheric and radiative drivers included from the external file, as well as the soil driver we instantiated above. This contains every piece of information needed to generate the set of ODEs modeling the canopy biophysics, ready to be passed off to a timestepper.

canopy = ClimaLSM.Canopy.CanopyModel{FT}(;
    parameters = shared_params,
    domain = land_domain,
    radiative_transfer = rt_model,
    photosynthesis = photosynthesis_model,
    conductance = stomatal_model,
    hydraulics = plant_hydraulics,
    soil_driver = soil_driver,
    atmos = atmos,
    radiation = radiation,

Initialize the state vectors and obtain the model coordinates, then get the explicit time stepping tendency that updates auxiliary and prognostic variables that are stepped explicitly.

Y, p, coords = ClimaLSM.initialize(canopy)
exp_tendency! = make_exp_tendency(canopy);

Provide initial conditions for the canopy hydraulics model

ψ_stem_0 = FT(-1e5 / 9800)
ψ_leaf_0 = FT(-2e5 / 9800)

S_l_ini =
        [ψ_stem_0, ψ_leaf_0],

for i in 1:2
    Y.canopy.hydraulics.ϑ_l.:($i) .= augmented_liquid_fraction.(ν, S_l_ini[i])

Select a time range to perform time stepping over, and a dt. Also create the saveat Array to contain the data from the model at each time step. As usual, the timestep depends on the problem you are solving, the accuracy of the solution required, and the timestepping algorithm you are using.

t0 = FT(0)
N_days = 365
tf = t0 + FT(3600 * 24 * N_days)
dt = FT(225);

Initialize the auxiliary variables for the canopy using the initial conditions and initial time.

set_initial_aux_state! = make_set_initial_aux_state(canopy)
set_initial_aux_state!(p, Y, t0);

Allocate the struct which stores the saved auxiliary state and create the callback which saves it at each element in saveat.

n = 16
saveat = Array(t0:(n * dt):tf)

sv = (;
    t = Array{FT}(undef, length(saveat)),
    saveval = Array{NamedTuple}(undef, length(saveat)),
cb = ClimaLSM.NonInterpSavingCallback(sv, saveat);

Select a timestepping algorithm and setup the ODE problem.

timestepper = CTS.RK4();
ode_algo = CTS.ExplicitAlgorithm(timestepper)

prob = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(
    CTS.ClimaODEFunction(T_exp! = exp_tendency!, dss! = ClimaLSM.dss!),
    (t0, tf),

Now, we can solve the problem and store the model data in the saveat array, using SciMLBase.jl and ClimaTimeSteppers.jl.

sol = SciMLBase.solve(prob, ode_algo; dt = dt, callback = cb, saveat = saveat);

Create some plots

We can now plot the data produced in the simulation. For example, GPP:

daily = sol.t ./ 3600 ./ 24
model_GPP = [
    parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.photosynthesis.GPP)[1] for
    k in 1:length(sv.saveval)

plt1 = Plots.plot(size = (600, 700));
    model_GPP .* 1e6,
    label = "Model",
    xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
    xlabel = "days",
    ylabel = "GPP [μmol/mol]",

Transpiration plot:

T = [
    parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.conductance.transpiration)[1] for
    k in 1:length(sv.saveval)
T = T .* (1e3 * 24 * 3600)

plt2 = Plots.plot(size = (500, 700));
    label = "Model",
    xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
    xlabel = "days",
    ylabel = "Vapor Flux [mm/day]",

Show the two plots together:

Plots.plot(plt1, plt2, layout = (2, 1));

Save the output:


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