Coupling the CliMA Canopy and Soil Hydraulics Models
In the previous tutorial
, we demonstrated how to run the canopy model in standalone mode using prescribed values for the inputs of soil hydraulics into the canopy hydraulics model. However, ClimaLSM has the built-in capacity to couple the canopy model with a soil physics model and timestep the two simulations together to model a canopy-soil system. This tutorial demonstrates how to setup and run a coupled simulation, again using initial conditions, atmospheric and radiative flux conditions, and canopy properties observed at the US-MOz flux tower, a flux tower located within an oak-hickory forest in Ozark, Missouri, USA. See Wang et al. 2021 for details on the site and parameters.
In ClimaLSM, the coupling of the canopy and soil models is done by pairing the inputs and outputs which between the two models so that they match. For example, the root extraction of the canopy hydraulics model, which acts as a boundary flux for the plant system, is paired with a source term for root extraction in the soil model, so that the flux of water from the soil into the roots is equal and factored into both models. This pairing is done automatically in the constructor for a SoilCanopyModel
so that a user needs only specify the necessary arguments for each of the component models, and the two models will automatically be paired into a coupled simulation.
Preliminary Setup
Load External Packages:
import SciMLBase
using Plots
using Statistics
using Dates
using Insolation
Load CliMA Packages and ClimaLSM Modules:
using ClimaCore
import CLIMAParameters as CP
import ClimaTimeSteppers as CTS
using ClimaLSM
using ClimaLSM.Domains: LSMSingleColumnDomain
using ClimaLSM.Soil
using ClimaLSM.Canopy
using ClimaLSM.Canopy.PlantHydraulics
import ClimaLSM
import ClimaLSM.Parameters as LSMP
include(joinpath(pkgdir(ClimaLSM), "parameters", "create_parameters.jl"));
Define the floating point precision desired (64 or 32 bit), and get the parameter set holding constants used across CliMA Models:
const FT = Float64;
earth_param_set = create_lsm_parameters(FT);
- We will be using prescribed atmospheric and radiative drivers from the US-MOz tower, which we read in here. We are using prescribed atmospheric and radiative flux conditions, but it is also possible to couple the simulation with atmospheric and radiative flux models. We also
read in the observed LAI and let that vary in time in a prescribed manner.
Setup the Coupled Canopy and Soil Physics Model
We want to simulate the canopy-soil system together, so the model type SoilCanopyModel
is chosen. From the linked documentation, we see that we need to provide the soil model type and arguments as well as the canopy model component types, component arguments, and the canopy model arguments, so we first need to initialize all of these.
Setup the domain for the model:
nelements = 10
zmin = FT(-2)
zmax = FT(0)
land_domain =
LSMSingleColumnDomain(; zlim = (zmin, zmax), nelements = nelements);
For our soil model, we will choose the EnergyHydrology
and set up all the necessary arguments. See the tutorial on the model for a more detailed explanation of the soil model.
We will be using prescribed atmospheric and radiative drivers from the US-MOz tower. We are using prescribed atmospheric and radiative flux conditions, but it is also possible to couple the simulation with atmospheric and radiative flux models.
Define the parameters for the soil model and provide them to the model parameters struct:
Soil parameters
soil_ν = FT(0.5) # m3/m3
soil_K_sat = FT(4e-7) # m/s
soil_S_s = FT(1e-3) # 1/m
soil_vg_n = FT(2.05) # unitless
soil_vg_α = FT(0.04) # inverse meters
θ_r = FT(0.067); # m3/m3
Soil heat transfer parameters
ν_ss_quartz = FT(0.1)
ν_ss_om = FT(0.1)
ν_ss_gravel = FT(0.0);
κ_quartz = FT(7.7) # W/m/K
κ_minerals = FT(2.5) # W/m/K
κ_om = FT(0.25) # W/m/K
κ_liq = FT(0.57) # W/m/K
κ_ice = FT(2.29) # W/m/K
κ_air = FT(0.025); #W/m/K
ρp = FT(2700); # kg/m^3
κ_solid = Soil.κ_solid(ν_ss_om, ν_ss_quartz, κ_om, κ_quartz, κ_minerals)
κ_dry = Soil.κ_dry(ρp, soil_ν, κ_solid, κ_air)
κ_sat_frozen = Soil.κ_sat_frozen(κ_solid, soil_ν, κ_ice)
κ_sat_unfrozen = Soil.κ_sat_unfrozen(κ_solid, soil_ν, κ_liq);
ρc_ds = FT((1 - soil_ν) * 4e6); # J/m^3/K
z_0m_soil = FT(0.1)
z_0b_soil = FT(0.1)
soil_ϵ = FT(0.98)
soil_α_PAR = FT(0.2)
soil_α_NIR = FT(0.4)
soil_domain = land_domain.subsurface
soil_ps = Soil.EnergyHydrologyParameters{FT}(;
κ_dry = κ_dry,
κ_sat_frozen = κ_sat_frozen,
κ_sat_unfrozen = κ_sat_unfrozen,
ρc_ds = ρc_ds,
ν = soil_ν,
ν_ss_om = ν_ss_om,
ν_ss_quartz = ν_ss_quartz,
ν_ss_gravel = ν_ss_gravel,
hydrology_cm = vanGenuchten(; α = soil_vg_α, n = soil_vg_n),
K_sat = soil_K_sat,
S_s = soil_S_s,
θ_r = θ_r,
earth_param_set = earth_param_set,
z_0m = z_0m_soil,
z_0b = z_0b_soil,
emissivity = soil_ϵ,
PAR_albedo = soil_α_PAR,
NIR_albedo = soil_α_NIR,
soil_args = (domain = soil_domain, parameters = soil_ps)
soil_model_type = Soil.EnergyHydrology{FT}
Next we need to set up the CanopyModel
. For more details on the specifics of this model see the previous tutorial.
Begin by declaring the component types of the canopy model. Unlike in the previous tutorial, collect the arguments to each component into tuples and do not instantiate the component models yet. The constructor for the SoilPlantHydrologyModel will use these arguments and internally instatiate the component CanopyModel and RichardsModel instances. This is done so that the constructor may enforce consistency constraints between the two models, and this must be done internally from the constructor.
canopy_component_types = (;
radiative_transfer = Canopy.TwoStreamModel{FT},
photosynthesis = Canopy.FarquharModel{FT},
conductance = Canopy.MedlynConductanceModel{FT},
hydraulics = Canopy.PlantHydraulicsModel{FT},
Then provide arguments to the canopy radiative transfer, stomatal conductance, and photosynthesis models as was done in the previous tutorial.
radiative_transfer_args = (;
parameters = TwoStreamParameters{FT}(;
ld = FT(0.5),
α_PAR_leaf = FT(0.1),
α_NIR_leaf = FT(0.45),
τ_PAR_leaf = FT(0.05),
τ_NIR_leaf = FT(0.25),
Ω = FT(0.69),
λ_γ_PAR = FT(5e-7),
λ_γ_NIR = FT(1.65e-6),
n_layers = UInt64(20),
conductance_args = (;
parameters = MedlynConductanceParameters{FT}(;
g1 = FT(141),
Drel = FT(1.6),
g0 = FT(1e-4),
photosynthesis_args = (;
parameters = FarquharParameters{FT}(
oi = FT(0.209),
ϕ = FT(0.6),
θj = FT(0.9),
f = FT(0.015),
sc = FT(5e-6),
pc = FT(-2e5),
Vcmax25 = FT(5e-5),
Γstar25 = FT(4.275e-5),
Kc25 = FT(4.049e-4),
Ko25 = FT(0.2874),
To = FT(298.15),
ΔHkc = FT(79430),
ΔHko = FT(36380),
ΔHVcmax = FT(58520),
ΔHΓstar = FT(37830),
ΔHJmax = FT(43540),
ΔHRd = FT(46390),
f_root_to_shoot = FT(3.5)
SAI = FT(0.00242)
maxLAI = FT(4.2)
K_sat_plant = 1.8e-8
RAI = (SAI + maxLAI) * f_root_to_shoot;
Note: LAIfunction was determined from data in the script we included above.
ai_parameterization = PrescribedSiteAreaIndex{FT}(LAIfunction, SAI, RAI)
function root_distribution(z::T; rooting_depth = FT(1.0)) where {T}
return T(1.0 / rooting_depth) * exp(z / T(rooting_depth)) # 1/m
ψ63 = FT(-4 / 0.0098)
Weibull_param = FT(4)
a = FT(0.05 * 0.0098)
conductivity_model =
PlantHydraulics.Weibull{FT}(K_sat_plant, ψ63, Weibull_param)
retention_model = PlantHydraulics.LinearRetentionCurve{FT}(a)
plant_ν = FT(0.7)
plant_S_s = FT(1e-2 * 0.0098)
plant_hydraulics_ps = PlantHydraulics.PlantHydraulicsParameters(;
ai_parameterization = ai_parameterization,
ν = plant_ν,
S_s = plant_S_s,
root_distribution = root_distribution,
conductivity_model = conductivity_model,
retention_model = retention_model,
n_stem = Int64(1)
n_leaf = Int64(1)
h_stem = FT(9)
h_leaf = FT(9.5)
compartment_midpoints = [h_stem / 2, h_stem + h_leaf / 2]
compartment_surfaces = [zmax, h_stem, h_stem + h_leaf]
plant_hydraulics_args = (
parameters = plant_hydraulics_ps,
n_stem = n_stem,
n_leaf = n_leaf,
compartment_midpoints = compartment_midpoints,
compartment_surfaces = compartment_surfaces,
We may now collect all of the canopy component argument tuples into one arguments tuple for the canopy component models.
canopy_component_args = (;
radiative_transfer = radiative_transfer_args,
photosynthesis = photosynthesis_args,
conductance = conductance_args,
hydraulics = plant_hydraulics_args,
We also need to provide the shared parameter struct to the canopy.
z0_m = FT(2)
z0_b = FT(0.2)
shared_params = SharedCanopyParameters{FT, typeof(earth_param_set)}(
canopy_model_args = (; parameters = shared_params, domain = land_domain.surface);
We may now instantiate the integrated plant and soil model. In this example, we will compute transpiration diagnostically, and work with prescribed atmospheric and radiative flux conditions from the observations at the Ozark site as was done in the previous tutorial.
land_input = (atmos = atmos, radiation = radiation)
land = SoilCanopyModel{FT}(;
land_args = land_input,
soil_model_type = soil_model_type,
soil_args = soil_args,
canopy_component_types = canopy_component_types,
canopy_component_args = canopy_component_args,
canopy_model_args = canopy_model_args,
Now we can initialize the state vectors and model coordinates, and initialize the explicit/implicit tendencies as usual. The Richard's equation time stepping is done implicitly, while the canopy model may be explicitly stepped, so we use an IMEX (implicit-explicit) scheme for the combined model.
Y, p, coords = initialize(land);
exp_tendency! = make_exp_tendency(land);
We need to provide initial conditions for the soil and canopy hydraulics models:
Y.soil.ϑ_l = FT(0.4)
Y.soil.θ_i = FT(0.0)
T_0 = FT(288.7)
ρc_s =
volumetric_heat_capacity.(Y.soil.ϑ_l, Y.soil.θ_i, Ref(land.soil.parameters))
Y.soil.ρe_int =
ψ_stem_0 = FT(-1e5 / 9800)
ψ_leaf_0 = FT(-2e5 / 9800)
S_l_ini =
[ψ_stem_0, ψ_leaf_0],
for i in 1:2
Y.canopy.hydraulics.ϑ_l.:($i) .=
augmented_liquid_fraction.(plant_ν, S_l_ini[i])
Now set the initial conditions for the auxiliary variables for the combined soil and plant model.
t0 = FT(0)
set_initial_aux_state! = make_set_initial_aux_state(land)
set_initial_aux_state!(p, Y, t0);
Select the timestepper and solvers needed for the specific problem. Specify the time range and dt value over which to perform the simulation.
t0 = FT(150 * 3600 * 24)# start mid year
N_days = 100
tf = t0 + FT(3600 * 24 * N_days)
dt = FT(30)
n = 120
saveat = Array(t0:(n * dt):tf)
timestepper = CTS.RK4()
ode_algo = CTS.ExplicitAlgorithm(timestepper);
And now perform the simulation as always.
sv = (;
t = Array{FT}(undef, length(saveat)),
saveval = Array{ClimaCore.Fields.NamedTuple}(undef, length(saveat)),
cb = ClimaLSM.NonInterpSavingCallback(sv, saveat)
prob = SciMLBase.ODEProblem(
CTS.ClimaODEFunction(T_exp! = exp_tendency!),
(t0, tf),
sol = SciMLBase.solve(
dt = dt,
callback = cb,
adaptive = false,
saveat = saveat,
Now that we have both a soil and canopy model incorporated together, we will show how to plot some model data demonstrating the time series produced from each of these models. As before, we may plot the GPP of the system as well as transpiration showing fluxes in the canopy.
daily = sol.t ./ 3600 ./ 24
model_GPP = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.photosynthesis.GPP)[1] for
k in 1:length(sv.saveval)
plt1 = Plots.plot(size = (600, 700));
model_GPP .* 1e6,
label = "Model",
xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
xlabel = "days",
ylabel = "GPP [μmol/mol]",
Transpiration plot:
T = [
parent(sv.saveval[k].canopy.conductance.transpiration)[1] for
k in 1:length(sv.saveval)
T = T .* (1e3 * 24 * 3600)
plt2 = Plots.plot(size = (500, 700));
label = "Model",
xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
xlabel = "days",
ylabel = "Vapor Flux [mm/day]",
Show the two plots together:
Plots.plot(plt1, plt2, layout = (2, 1));
Save the output:
Now, we will plot the augmented volumetric liquid water fraction at different depths in the soil over the course of the simulation.
plt1 = Plots.plot(size = (500, 700));
ϑ_l_10 = [parent(sol.u[k].soil.ϑ_l)[end] for k in 1:1:length(sol.t)]
plt1 = Plots.plot(
label = "10 cm",
xlabel = "Days",
ylabel = "SWC [m/m]",
xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
size = (500, 700),
margins =,
color = "blue",
[parent(sol.u[k].soil.ϑ_l)[end - 1] for k in 1:1:length(sol.t)],
label = "20cm",
color = "red",
[parent(sol.u[k].soil.ϑ_l)[end - 2] for k in 1:1:length(sol.t)],
label = "30cm",
color = "purple",
Save the output:
And now to demonstrate the coupling of the soil and canopy models we will plot the water fluxes from the soil up into the plant hydraulic system:
root_stem_flux = [
sum(sv.saveval[k].root_extraction) .* (1e3 * 3600 * 24) for
k in 1:length(sol.t)
plt1 = Plots.plot(
label = "soil-root-stem water flux",
ylabel = "Water flux[mm/day]",
xlim = [minimum(daily), maximum(daily)],
size = (500, 700),
margins =,
And save the output
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