

🌎 Tools for building realistic ocean-only and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations based on Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce.

DOI Documentation Build status


To install from a Julia REPL:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add(url="")

julia> Pkg.instantiate()

Use Pkg.add("url=", rev="main") to install the latest version of ClimaOcean. For more information, see the documentation for Pkg.jl.

Why? What’s the difference between ClimaOcean and Oceananigans?

ClimaOcean is for realistic ocean-only and ocean + sea-ice simulations, in a region of the ocean (“regional”) or covering the whole Earth. Oceananigans is a lower-level package for simulating the dynamics of ocean-flavored fluids that can be used for both idealized problems and, given enough effort, realistic problems as well. While “idealized” problems come in multifarious shapes and sizes, “realistic” problems tend to be more narrowly defined, and require

ClimaOcean leverages Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce to build OceanSeaIceModels capable of meeting these requirements to simulate the dynamics of specific regions of the Earth’s ocean. So if you’re using ClimaOcean, it’s a very good idea to become proficient in Oceananigans as well. Note also that, at least at the moment, ClimaOcean is focused on hydrostatic modeling with Oceananigans’ HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel.

In summary, if you’re interested in realistic, hydrostatic regional or global simulations you may find ClimaOcean useful. Otherwise, you can stick with Oceananigans.