Public Documentation
Documentation for ClimaOceanBiogeochemistry.jl
's public interface.
See the Internals section of the manual for internal package docs covering all submodules.
— TypeCarbonChemistryCoefficients(Θᶜ, Sᴬ, Δpᵦₐᵣ, params)
Return dissociation coefficients necessary to solve for the distribution of carbonate species.
— MethodCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=0, a₁=0, a₂=0, a₃=0, a₄=0, a₅=0, b₀=0, b₁=0, b₂=0, b₃=0, c₀=0, c₁=0, c₂=0, d₀=0, d₁=0, k₀=0, k₁=0, k₂=0, p₀=0, v₀=0, v₁=0, v₂=0, v₃=0)
Create a CarbonCoefficientParameters
object with the specified coefficients.
: Coefficients for thea
parameters (default is 0).b₀
: Coefficients for theb
parameters (default is 0).c₀
: Coefficients for thec
parameters (default is 0).d₀
: Coefficients for thed
parameters (default is 0).k₀
: Coefficients for thek
parameters (default is 0).p₀
: Coefficient for thep
parameter (default is 0).v₀
: Coefficients for thev
parameters (default is 0).
- A
object with the specified coefficients.
— MethodCarbonSolverParameters(Δₕ₊::Real=1e-8, H⁺ᵗʰʳᵉˢʰ::Real=1, Iᴴ⁺ₘₐₓ::Real=100)
Create a CarbonSolverParameters
object with the specified parameters.
: A real number representing the increment for the hydrogen ion concentration. Default is1e-8
: A real number representing the threshold for the hydrogen ion concentration. Default is1
: A real number representing the maximum number of iterations for the solver. Default is100
- A
object with the specified parameters.
— MethodCarbonSystemParameters(kwargs...)
This function initializes and returns a CarbonSystemParameters
object with various carbon coefficient parameters. The parameters are used in carbon system calculations and are initialized with default values, which can be overridden by passing keyword arguments.
: Keyword arguments for various carbon coefficient parameters.
Keyword Arguments
: Default isCarbonSolverParameters()
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=1.0, a₁=-0.001005)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=0.019924)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=0.000416, a₁=35.0, a₂=1.0)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=0.02127, a₁=40.078, a₂=1.80655)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=6.8e-5, a₁=35.0)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=0.1400, a₁=96.062, a₂=1.80655)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-162.8301, a₁=218.2968, a₂=90.9241, a₃=-1.47696, b₀=0.025695, b₁=-0.025225, b₂=0.0049867)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-1636.75, a₁=-12.0408, a₂=-0.0327957, a₃=3.16528e-5, b₀=57.7, b₁=-0.118, p₀=1.01325)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-60.2409, a₁=93.4517, a₂=23.3585, b₀=0.023517, b₁=-0.023656, b₂=0.0047036)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=2.83655, a₁=-2307.1266, a₂=-1.5529413, b₀=-0.20760841, b₁=-4.0484, b₂=0.08468345, b₃=-0.00654208, v₀=-25.5, v₁=-0.151, v₂=0.1271, k₀=-3.08e-3, k₁=-0.578e-3, k₂=0.0877e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-9.226508, a₁=-3351.6106, a₂=-0.2005743, b₀=-0.106901773, b₁=-23.9722, b₂=0.1130822, b₃=-0.00846934, v₀=-15.82, v₁=0.321, v₂=-0.0219, k₀=1.13e-3, k₁=-0.314e-3, k₂=-0.1475e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=2.18867, a₁=-2275.0360, a₂=-1.468591, b₀=-0.138681, b₁=-9.33291, b₂=0.0726483, b₃=-0.00574938, v₀=-25.5, v₁=-0.151, v₂=0.1271, k₀=-3.08e-3, k₁=-0.578e-3, k₂=0.0877e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-0.84226, a₁=-3741.1288, a₂=-1.437139, b₀=-0.128417, b₁=-24.41239, b₂=0.1195308, b₃=-0.00912840, v₀=-15.82, v₁=0.321, v₂=-0.0219, k₀=1.13e-3, k₁=-0.314e-3, k₂=-0.1475e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=61.2172, a₁=-3633.86, a₂=-9.67770, b₀=0.011555, b₁=-0.0001152, v₀=-25.5, v₁=-0.151, v₂=0.1271, k₀=-3.08e-3, k₁=-0.578e-3, k₂=0.0877e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-25.9290, a₁=-471.78, a₂=3.16967, b₀=0.01781, b₁=-0.0001122, v₀=-15.82, v₁=0.321, v₂=-0.0219, k₀=1.13e-3, k₁=-0.314e-3, k₂=-0.1475e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-8966.90, a₁=-2890.53, a₂=-77.942, a₃=1.728, a₄=-0.0996, b₀=148.0248, b₁=137.1942, b₂=1.62142, c₀=-24.4344, c₁=-25.085, c₂=-0.2474, d₀=0.053105, v₀=-29.48, v₁=0.295, v₂=0.1622, v₃=-0.002608, k₀=-2.84e-3, k₁=0.354e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=148.9802, a₁=-13847.26, a₂=-23.6521, b₀=-5.977, b₁=118.67, b₂=1.0495, c₀=-0.01615, v₀=-20.02, v₁=0.1119, v₂=-0.1409E-02, k₀=-5.13e-3, k₁=0.0794e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=115.54, a₁=-4576.752, a₂=-18.453, b₀=0.69171, b₁=-106.736, b₂=-0.01844, b₃=-0.65643, v₀=-14.51, v₁=0.1211, v₂=-0.321E-03, k₀=-2.67e-3, k₁=0.0427e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=172.1033, a₁=-8814.715, a₂=-27.927, b₀=1.3566, b₁=-160.340, b₂=-0.05778, b₃=0.37335, v₀=-23.12, v₁=0.1758, v₂=-0.002647, k₀=-5.15e-3, k₁=0.09e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-18.126, a₁=-3070.75, a₂=2.81197, a₃=17.27039, a₄=-0.09984, a₅=-44.99486, v₀=-26.57, v₁=0.2020, v₂=-3.042e-3, k₀=-4.08e-3, k₁=0.0714e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=117.40, a₁=-8904.2, a₂=-19.334, b₀=3.5913, b₁=-458.79, b₂=-1.5998, b₃=188.74, c₀=0.07871, c₁=-12.1652, v₀=-29.48, v₁=0.0, v₂=0.1622, v₃=-0.002608, k₀=-2.84e-3, k₁=0.354e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=225.838, a₁=-13275.3, a₂=-34.6435, a₃=0.3449, a₄=-0.0274, v₀=-14.80, v₁=0.0020, v₂=-0.400E-03, k₀=2.89e-3, k₁=0.054e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-0.25444, a₁=-6285.33, a₂=0.0001635, b₀=0.46532, b₁=-123.7184, b₂=-0.01992, b₃=3.17556, v₀=-26.43, v₁=0.0889, v₂=-0.905E-03, k₀=-5.03E-03, k₁=0.0814E-03)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=12.641, a₁=-1590.2, a₂=-1.525, v₀=-9.78, v₁=-0.0090, v₂=-0.942E-03, k₀=-3.91e-3, k₁=0.054e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-9.68, a₁=874.0, a₂=0.111, v₀=-9.78, v₁=-0.0090, v₂=-0.942E-3, k₀=-3.91e-3, k₁=0.054e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=141.328, a₁=-4276.1, a₂=-23.093, b₀=324.57, b₁=-13856., b₂=-47.986, c₀=-771.54, c₁=35474., c₂=114.723, d₀=-2698., d₁=1776., v₀=-18.03, v₁=0.0466, v₂=0.316E-03, k₀=-4.53e-3, k₁=0.0900e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-171.9065, a₁=-0.077993, a₂=2839.319, a₃=71.595, b₀=-0.77712, b₁=0.0028426, b₂=178.34, c₀=-0.07711, d₀=0.0041249, v₀=-48.76, v₁=0.5304, k₀=-11.76e-3, k₁=0.3692e-3)
: Default isCarbonCoefficientParameters(a₀=-171.945, a₁=-0.077993, a₂=2903.293, a₃=71.595, b₀=-0.068393, b₁=0.0017276, b₂=88.135, c₀=-0.10018, d₀=0.0059415, v₀=-48.76, v₁=0.5304, v₂=2.8, k₀=-11.76e-3, k₁=0.3692e-3)
: An object containing all the initialized carbon coefficient parameters.
— MethodUniversalRobustCarbonSystem(
pH :: Real = 8.0,
pCO₂ᵃᵗᵐ :: Real = 280.0e-6,
Θ :: Real = 25.0,
Sᴬ :: Real = 35.0,
Δpᵦₐᵣ :: Real = 0.0,
Cᵀ :: Real = 2050.0e-6,
Aᵀ :: Real = 2350.0e-6,
Pᵀ :: Real = 1.0e-6,
Siᵀ :: Real = 15.0e-6,
Uses the Munhoven (2013) SolveSAPHE package to solve the distribution of carbon species. Returns a CarbonSystem object.
The function takes the following keyword arguments:
- pH: The pH of the seawater
- pCO₂ᵃᵗᵐ: The atmospheric partial pressure of CO₂
- Θ: The temperature of the seawater
- Sᴬ: The salinity of the seawater
- Δpᵦₐᵣ: The applied pressure factor
- Cᵀ: The total carbon concentration in seawater
- Aᵀ: The total alkalinity of seawater
- Pᵀ: The total phosphate concentration in seawater
- Siᵀ: The total silicate concentration in seawater
- NH₄ᵀ: The total ammonium concentration in seawater
- H₂Sᵀ: The total hydrogen sulfide concentration in seawater
- kwargs: Alternative solver options or dissociation coefficients to be passed to the CarbonSystemParameters constructor.
The function returns a CarbonSystem object.
- Munhoven, G. (2013).
— MethodAlkalinityCorrectionCarbonSystem(
Θ :: FT = 25.0,
Sᴬ :: FT = 35.0,
Δpᵦₐᵣ :: FT = 0.0,
Cᵀ :: FT = 2050.0e-6,
Aᵀ :: FT = 2350.0e-6,
Pᵀ :: FT = 1.0e-6,
Siᵀ :: FT = 15.0e-6,
pH :: FT = 8.0,
pCO₂ᵃᵗᵐ :: FT = 280.0e-6,
Uses the Follows et al (2006) method to solve the distribution of carbon species
— MethodDirectCubicCarbonSystem(
Θ :: FT = 25.0,
Sᴬ :: FT = 35.0,
Δpᵦₐᵣ :: FT = 0.0,
Cᵀ :: FT = 2050.0e-6,
Aᵀ :: FT = 2350.0e-6,
pH :: FT = 8.0,
pCO₂ᵃᵗᵐ :: FT = 280.0e-6,
DirectCubicCarbonSolver solves a cubic equation in terms of [H⁺]; Not for serious use, but as a placeholder and for testing purposes