Public Documentation
Documentation for ClimaOcean.jl
's public interface.
See the Internals section of the manual for internal package docs covering all submodules.
— Module<!– Title –> <h1 align="center"> ClimaOcean.jl </h1>
<!– description –> <p align="center"> <strong>🌎 A framework for realistic ocean-only and coupled ocean + sea-ice simulations driven by prescribed atmospheres and based on <a href=>Oceananigans</a> and <a href=>ClimaSeaIce</a></strong>. </p>
ClimaOcean is a registered package. To install from a Julia REPL:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("ClimaOcean")
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
Use Pkg.add(url="", rev="main")
to install the latest version of ClimaOcean
. For more information, see the documentation for Pkg.jl
Why? What's the difference between ClimaOcean and Oceananigans?
Oceananigans is a general-purpose library for ocean-flavored fluid dynamics. ClimaOcean implements a framework for driving realistic Oceananigans simulations with prescribed atmospheres, and coupling them to prognostic sea ice simulations.
A core abstraction: ClimaOcean.OceanSeaIceModel
Our system for realistic modeling is anchored by ClimaOcean.OceanSeaIceModel
, which encapsulates the ocean simulation, sea ice simulation, prescribed atmospheric state, and specifies how the three communicate. To illustrate how OceanSeaIceModel
works we set up a simulation on a grid with 10 vertical levels and 1/4-degree horizontal resolution:
using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using Dates, CFTime
import ClimaOcean
arch = GPU()
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(arch,
size = (1440, 560, 10),
halo = (7, 7, 7),
longitude = (0, 360),
latitude = (-70, 70),
z = (-3000, 0))
bathymetry = ClimaOcean.regrid_bathymetry(grid) # builds gridded bathymetry based on ETOPO1
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(bathymetry))
# Build an ocean simulation initialized to the ECCO state estimate on Jan 1, 1993
ocean = ClimaOcean.ocean_simulation(grid)
dates = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1)
set!(ocean.model, T = ClimaOcean.ECCOMetadata(:temperature; dates),
S = ClimaOcean.ECCOMetadata(:salinity; dates))
# Build and run an OceanSeaIceModel (with no sea ice component) forced by JRA55 reanalysis
atmosphere = ClimaOcean.JRA55PrescribedAtmosphere(arch)
coupled_model = ClimaOcean.OceanSeaIceModel(ocean; atmosphere)
simulation = Simulation(coupled_model, Δt=5minutes, stop_time=30days)
The simulation above achieves approximately 8 simulated years per day of wall time on an Nvidia H100 GPU.
Since ocean.model
is an Oceananigans.HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel
, we can leverage Oceananigans
features in our scripts. For example, to plot the surface speed at the end of the simulation we write
u, v, w = ocean.model.velocities
speed = Field(sqrt(u^2 + v^2))
using GLMakie
heatmap(view(speed, :, :, ocean.model.grid.Nz), colorrange=(0, 0.5), colormap=:magma, nan_color=:lightgray)
which produces
Additional features: a utility for ocean_simulation
s and data wrangling
A second core abstraction in ClimaOcean is ocean_simulation
. ocean_simulation
configures an Oceananigans model for realistic simulations including temperature and salinity, the TEOS-10 equation of state, boundary conditions to store computed air-sea fluxes, the automatically-calibrated turbulence closure CATKEVerticalDiffusivity
, and the WENOVectorInvariant
advection scheme for mesoscale-turbulence-resolving simulations.
ClimaOcean also provides convenience features for wrangling datasets of bathymetry, ocean temperature, salinity, ocean velocity fields, and prescribed atmospheric states.
ClimaOcean is built on top of Oceananigans and ClimaSeaIce, so it's important that ClimaOcean users become proficient with Oceananigans. Note that though ClimaOcean is currently focused on hydrostatic modeling with Oceananigans.HydrostaticFreeSurfaceModel
, realistic nonhydrostatic modeling is also within the scope of this package.
— Macro@distribute communicator for i in iterable
Distribute a for
loop among different ranks in communicator
. If communicator
is not provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD
is used.
— Macro@handshake communicator exs...
perform exs
on all ranks in communicator
, but only one rank at a time, where ranks r2 > r1
wait for rank r1
to finish before executing exs
. If communicator
is not provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD
is used.
— Macro@onrank communicator rank exs...
Perform exp
only on rank rank
(0-based index) in communicator
. Other ranks will wait for rank rank
to finish before continuing. The expression is run anyways if MPI in not initialized. If communicator
is not provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD
is used.
— Macro@root communicator exs...
Perform exs
only on rank 0 in communicator, otherwise known as the "root" rank. Other ranks will wait for the root rank to finish before continuing. If communicator
is not provided, MPI.COMM_WORLD
is used.
— MethodMixedLayerDepthField(bm, grid, tracers; difference_criterion=1e-4)
— Typestruct ECCOMetadata{D, V}
Metadata information for an ECCO dataset:
: The name of the dataset.dates
: The dates of the dataset, in anAbstractCFDateTime
: The version of the dataset, could beECCO2Monthly
, orECCO4Monthly
: The directory where the dataset is stored.
— MethodECCOMetadata(name::Symbol;
dates = DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1),
version = ECCO4Monthly(),
dir = download_ECCO_cache)
Construct an ECCOMetadata
object with the specified parameters.
: The name of the metadata.
Keyword Arguments
: The date(s) of the metadata. Note this can either be a single date, representing a snapshot, or a range of dates, representing a time-series. Default:DateTimeProlepticGregorian(1993, 1, 1)
: The data version. Supported versions areECCO2Monthly()
, orECCO4Monthly()
: The directory of the data file. Default:download_ECCO_cache
— TypeECCORestoring(variable_name::Symbol, [ arch_or_grid = CPU(), ];
version = ECCO4Monthly(),
dates = all_ECCO_dates(version),
time_indices_in_memory = 2,
time_indexing = Cyclical(),
mask = 1,
rate = 1,
dir = download_ECCO_cache,
inpainting = NearestNeighborInpainting(Inf),
cache_inpainted_data = true)
Return a forcing term that restores to values stored in an ECCO field time series. The restoring is applied as a forcing on the right hand side of the evolution equations calculated as:
\[F_ψ = r μ (ψ_{ECCO} - ψ)\]
where $μ$ is the mask, $r$ is the restoring rate, $ψ$ is the simulation variable, and $ψ_{ECCO}$ is the ECCO variable that is linearly interpolated in space and time from the ECCO dataset of choice to the simulation grid and time.
: The name of the variable to restore. Choices include::temperature
: Either the architecture of the simulation, or a grid on which the ECCO data is pre-interpolated when loaded. If anarch
itecture is provided, such asarch_or_grid = CPU()
orarch_or_grid = GPU()
, ECCO data are interpolated on-the-fly when the forcing tendency is computed. Default: CPU().
Note that ECCOMetadata
may be provided as the first argument instead of variable_name
. In this case the version
and dates
kwargs (described below) cannot be provided.
Keyword Arguments
: The version of the ECCO dataset. Default:ECCO4Monthly()
: The dates to use for the ECCO dataset. Default:all_ECCO_dates(version)
: The number of time indices to keep in memory. The number is chosen based on a trade-off between increased performance (more indices in memory) and reduced memory footprint (fewer indices in memory). Default: 2.time_indexing
: The time indexing scheme for the field time series.mask
: The mask value. Can be a function of(x, y, z, time)
, an array, or a number.rate
: The restoring rate, i.e., the inverse of the restoring timescale (in s⁻¹).dir
: The directory where the native ECCO data is located. If the data does not exist it will be automatically downloaded. Default:download_ECCO_cache
: inpainting algorithm, seeinpaint_mask!
. Default:NearestNeighborInpainting(Inf)
: Iftrue
, the data is cached to disk after inpainting for later retrieving. Default:true
— MethodLinearlyTaperedPolarMask(; northern = (70, 75),
southern = (-75, -70),
z = (-20, 0))
Build a mask that is linearly tapered in latitude between the northern and southern edges. The mask is constant in depth between the z and equals zero everywhere else. The mask is limited to lie between (0, 1). The mask has the following functional form:
n = 1 / (northern[2] - northern[1]) * (φ - northern[1])
s = 1 / (southern[1] - southern[2]) * (φ - southern[2])
valid_depth = (z[1] < z < z[2])
mask = valid_depth ? clamp(max(n, s), 0, 1) : 0
— MethodECCO_field(metadata::ECCOMetadata;
architecture = CPU(),
inpainting = nothing,
mask = nothing,
horizontal_halo = (7, 7),
cache_inpainted_data = false)
Return a Field
on architecture
described by ECCOMetadata
with horizontal_halo
size. If not nothing
, the inpainting
method is used to fill the cells within the specified mask
. mask
is set to ECCO_mask
for non-nothing inpainting
— FunctionECCO_immersed_grid(metadata, architecture = CPU())
Compute the ImmersedBoundaryGrid
for metadata
with a bottom height field that is defined by the first non-missing value from the bottom up.
— FunctionECCO_mask(architecture = CPU(); minimum_value = Float32(-1e5))
A boolean field where true
represents a missing value in the ECCO dataset.
— Methodregrid_bathymetry(target_grid;
height_above_water = nothing,
minimum_depth = 0,
dir = download_bathymetry_cache,
url = "",
filename = "",
interpolation_passes = 1,
major_basins = 1)
Return bathymetry associated with the NetCDF file at path = joinpath(dir, filename)
regridded onto target_grid
. If path
does not exist, then a download is attempted from joinpath(url, filename)
: grid to interpolate the bathymetry onto.
Keyword Arguments
: limits the maximum height of above-water topography (where $h > 0$) before inetrpolating. Default:nothing
, which implies that the original topography is retained.minimum_depth
: minimum depth for the shallow regions, defined as a positive value.h > - minimum_depth
is considered land. Default: 0.dir
: directory of the bathymetry-containing file. Default:download_bathymetry_cache
: file containing bathymetric data. Must be netCDF with fields:lat
vector of latitude nodeslon
vector of longitude nodesz
matrix of depth values
: regridding/interpolation passes. The bathymetry is interpolated ininterpolation_passes - 1
intermediate steps. The more the interpolation steps the smoother the final bathymetry becomes.Example
Interpolating from a 400 x 200 grid to a 100 x 100 grid in 4 passes involves:
- 400 x 200 → 325 x 175
- 325 x 175 → 250 x 150
- 250 x 150 → 175 x 125
- 175 x 125 → 100 x 100
If coarsening the original grid, linear interpolation in passes is equivalent to applying a smoothing filter, with more passes increasing the strength of the filter. If refining the original grid, additional passes do not help and no intermediate steps are performed.
: Number of "independent major basins", or fluid regions fully encompassed by land, that are retained byremove_minor_basins!
. Basins are removed by order of size: the smallest basins are removed first.major_basins = 1
retains only the largest basin. IfInf
then no basins are removed. Default: 1.
— Methodretrieve_bathymetry(grid, filename; kw...)
Retrieve the bathymetry data from a file or generate it using a grid and save it to a file.
: The grid used to generate the bathymetry data.filename
: The name of the file to read or save the bathymetry
: Additional keyword arguments.
: The retrieved or generated bathymetry data.
If the specified file exists, the function reads the bathymetry data from the file. Otherwise, it generates the bathymetry data using the provided grid and saves it to the file before returning it.