Julia artifacts are pieces of data that can be distributed alongside a package. Julia artifacts were developed to distribute application binaries (e.g., compiled libraries). In CliMA
, we use them to distribute data required to perform our simulations (e.g., input data).
The ClimaArtifacts
module extends the Julia artifact system to solve two issues:
- Ensuring that artifacts can be gracefully acquired by parallel runs;
- Tagging artifacts that are accessed during a simulation.
We will examine these two problems below. In the meantime, this entire documentation page can be summarized in a one short directive for package developers:
Instead of accessing artifacts with ArtifactWrappers.jl or using Julia artifacts directly, use the
macro instead.
Also, keep in mind that
Julia artifacts are always entire folders, never single files!
Julia artifacts and MPI
Package developers can specify one of two modes for any given artifact: greedy (default) or lazy download. Artifact that are not marked as lazy
are automatically downloaded by Julia when the package is instantiated. On the other hand, lazy
artifacts are downloaded the first time they are accessed.
CliMA packages can distribute tens of artifacts that are relevant for very different types of simulations, and it is a good idea to mark artifacts as lazy
unless they are strictly required for the operation of the package (e.g., the orbital parameters in Insolation.jl).
Lazy artifacts are incompatible with MPI. In parallel runs, each process tries to download the same file, resulting in a race condition and corrupted files (not to mention tens of processing pinging the same server at the same time). ClimaArtifacts
implements a new macro, @clima_artifact
, to solve this problem.
is a near drop-in replacement for the @artifact_str
Julia macro.
For greedy artifacts and non-MPI runs, it is possible to simply call @clima_artifact(artifact_name)
. This will return the path of the artifact folder. This macro will fail for lazy artifacts. In that case, one has to also pass the ClimaComms.jl context
. The context is required because @clima_artifact
needs to synchronize different MPI processes.
This extension is loaded when loading
Assume socrates
is a lazy artifact, we can access the socrates
artifact folder as in
using ClimaUtilities.ClimaArtifacts
# If the artifact is lazy, we also need LazyArtifacts
using LazyArtifacts
import ClimaComms
# When loading ClimaComms, a Julia extension for ClimaUtilities will be loaded
my_mpi_context = ClimaComms.context()
socrates_path_folder = @clima_artifact("socrates", context)
The @clima_artifact
macro is executed at parse time when the argument is a literal string (e.g., @clima_artifact("socrates")
), and at runtime when it is a variable @clima_artifact(artifact_name)
is a positional argument, not a keyword one. Calling @clima_artifact("socrates"; context)
will fail. (This is due to how Julia macros handle keyword arguments)
Tagging artifacts
A full climate simulation requires lots of external input data. Most of this data comes from scientific experiments that have to be properly acknowledged. ClimaArtifacts
allows users to know what artifacts were used in a given simulation. As long as artifacts are being accessed with @clima_artifacts
, the ClimaArtifacts
keeps track of what is being used. The set of artifacts accessed can be obtained with ClimaArtifacts.accessed_artifacts
using ClimaUtilities.ClimaArtifacts
art1 = @clima_artifact("socrates")
art2 = @clima_artifact("zeno")
# Set(["socrates", "zeno"])
— Macro@clima_artifact(artifact_name, context = nothing)
Return the path of the given artifact name. The path is always a folder (Julia artifacts can contain multiple files).
This macro plays nicely with MPI contexts and lazily downloaded artifacts. This is achieved by ensuring that only one process downloads the file, while the other wait until the file is fully downloaded.
Passing the context is required only for lazy artifacts.
— Functionaccessed_artifacts()
Return a set with the names of the artifacts accessed using the @clima_artifact macro.