Mode-1 internal wave reflection
This example simulates the propagation of a mode-1 internal wave using the ClimateMachine.Ocean
subcomponent to solve the hydrostatic Boussinesq equations.
First we ClimateMachine.init()
using ClimateMachine
Domain setup
We formulate a non-dimension problem in a Cartesian domain with oceanic anisotropy,
using ClimateMachine.CartesianDomains
domain = RectangularDomain(
Ne = (32, 1, 4),
Np = 4,
x = (-128, 128),
y = (-128, 128),
z = (-1, 0),
periodicity = (false, false, false),
Np = 4, Ne = (x = 32, y = 1, z = 4)
L = (x = 256.0, y = 256.0, z = 1.0)
We choose parameters appropriate for a hydrostatic internal wave,
Non-dimensional internal wave parameters
f = 1 # Coriolis
N = 10 # Buoyancy frequency
Note that the validity of the hydrostatic approximation requires small aspect ratio motions with $k / m \\ll 1$. The hydrostatic dispersion relation for inertia-gravity waves then implies that
λ = 8 # horizontal wave-length
k = 2π / λ # horizontal wavenumber
m = π
ω² = f^2 + N^2 * k^2 / m^2 # and
ω = √(ω²)
Internal wave initial condition
We impose modest gravitational acceleration to render time-stepping feasible,
using CLIMAParameters: AbstractEarthParameterSet, Planet
struct NonDimensionalParameters <: AbstractEarthParameterSet end
Planet.grav(::NonDimensionalParameters) = 256.0
we'd like to use θ
as a buoyancy variable, which requires setting the thermal expansion coefficient $αᵀ$ to
g = Planet.grav(NonDimensionalParameters())
αᵀ = 1 / g
We then use the "polarization relations" for vertically-standing, horizontally- propagating hydrostatic internal waves to initialze two wave packets. The hydrostatic polarization relations require
\[\begin{gather} (∂_t^2 + f^2) u = - ∂_x ∂_t p ∂_t v = - f u b = ∂_z p \end{gather}\]
Thus given $p = \cos (k x - ω t) \cos (m z)$, we find
δ = domain.L.x / 15
a(x) = 1e-6 * exp(-x^2 / 2 * δ^2)
ũ(x, z, t) = +a(x) * ω * sin(k * x - ω * t) * cos(m * z)
ṽ(x, z, t) = -a(x) * f * cos(k * x - ω * t) * cos(m * z)
θ̃(x, z, t) = -a(x) * m / k * (ω^2 - f^2) * sin(k * x - ω * t) * sin(m * z)
uᵢ(x, y, z) = ũ(x, z, 0)
vᵢ(x, y, z) = ṽ(x, z, 0)
θᵢ(x, y, z) = θ̃(x, z, 0) + N^2 * z
using ClimateMachine.Ocean.OceanProblems: InitialConditions
initial_conditions = InitialConditions(u = uᵢ, v = vᵢ, θ = θᵢ)
ClimateMachine.Ocean.OceanProblems.InitialConditions{typeof(Main.##382.uᵢ),typeof(Main.##382.vᵢ),typeof(Main.##382.θᵢ),typeof(ClimateMachine.Ocean.OceanProblems.resting)}(Main.##382.uᵢ, Main.##382.vᵢ, Main.##382.θᵢ, ClimateMachine.Ocean.OceanProblems.resting)
Model configuration
We choose a time-step that resolves the gravity wave phase speed,
time_step = 0.005 # close to Δx / c = 0.5 * 1/16, where Δx is nominal resolution
and build a model with a smidgeon of viscosity and diffusion,
using ClimateMachine.Ocean: HydrostaticBoussinesqSuperModel
model = HydrostaticBoussinesqSuperModel(
domain = domain,
time_step = time_step,
initial_conditions = initial_conditions,
parameters = NonDimensionalParameters(),
turbulence_closure = (νʰ = 1e-6, νᶻ = 1e-6, κʰ = 1e-6, κᶻ = 1e-6),
coriolis = (f₀ = f, β = 0),
buoyancy = (αᵀ = αᵀ,),
boundary_tags = ((1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)),
┌ Info: Initializing
└ @ ClimateMachine /central/scratch/climaci/climatemachine-docs/1430/climatemachine-docs/src/Driver/solver_configs.jl:185
Fetching data for an animation
To animate the ClimateMachine.Ocean
solution, we assemble and cache the horizontal velocity $u$ at periodic intervals:
using ClimateMachine.Ocean: current_time
using ClimateMachine.CartesianFields: assemble
using ClimateMachine.GenericCallbacks: EveryXSimulationTime
fetched_states = []
fetch_every = 0.2 * 2π / ω # time
data_fetcher = EveryXSimulationTime(fetch_every) do
u = assemble(model.fields.u.elements),
θ = assemble(model.fields.θ.elements),
η = assemble(model.fields.η.elements),
time = current_time(model),
return nothing
ClimateMachine.GenericCallbacks.EveryXSimulationTime(Main.##382.var"#1#2"(), 0.46670328817831874, 0)
We also build a callback to log the progress of our simulation,
using Printf
using ClimateMachine.GenericCallbacks: EveryXSimulationSteps
using ClimateMachine.Ocean: current_time, current_step, Δt
print_every = 100 # iterations
wall_clock = [time_ns()]
tiny_progress_printer = EveryXSimulationSteps(print_every) do
"Steps: %d, time: %.2f, Δt: %.2f, max(|u|): %.2e, elapsed time: %.2f secs",
maximum(abs, model.fields.u),
1e-9 * (time_ns() - wall_clock[1])
wall_clock[1] = time_ns()
ClimateMachine.GenericCallbacks.EveryXSimulationSteps(Main.##382.var"#3#4"(), 100, 0)
Running the simulation and animating the results
We're ready to launch.
model.solver_configuration.timeend = 6 * 2π / ω
# model.solver.dt = 0.05 # make this work
@info """ Simulating a hydrostatic Gaussian wave packet with parameters
f (Coriolis parameter): $f
N (buoyancy frequency): $N
Internal wave frequency: $(abs(ω))
Surface wave frequency: $(k * sqrt(g * domain.L.z))
Surface wave group velocity: $(sqrt(g * domain.L.z))
Internal wave group velocity: $(N^2 * k / (ω * m))
Domain width: $(domain.L.x)
Domain height: $(domain.L.z)
result = ClimateMachine.invoke!(
user_callbacks = [tiny_progress_printer, data_fetcher],
Animating the result
We first analye the results to generate plotting limits and contour levels
ηmax = maximum([maximum(abs, state.η.data) for state in fetched_states])
umax = maximum([maximum(abs, for state in fetched_states])
ηlim = (-ηmax, ηmax)
ulim = (-umax, umax)
ulevels = range(ulim[1], ulim[2], length = 31)
and then animate both fields in a loop,
using Plots
animation = @animate for (i, state) in enumerate(fetched_states)
@info "Plotting frame $i of $(length(fetched_states))..."
η_plot = plot(
state.u.x[:, 1, 1],
state.η.data[:, 1, 1],
ylim = ηlim,
label = nothing,
title = @sprintf("η at t = %.2f", state.time),
u_plot = contourf(
state.u.x[:, 1, 1],
state.u.z[1, 1, :],
clamp.([:, 1, :], ulim[1], ulim[2])';
aspectratio = 64,
linewidth = 0,
xlim = domain.x,
ylim = domain.z,
xlabel = "x",
ylabel = "z",
color = :balance,
colorbar = false,
clim = ulim,
levels = ulevels,
title = @sprintf("u at t = %.2f", state.time),
layout = Plots.grid(2, 1, heights = (0.3, 0.7)),
link = :x,
size = (600, 300),
gif(animation, "internal_wave.mp4", fps = 5) # hide
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