Running the ClimateMachine

The ClimateMachine is composed of three models for the Earth system, a dynamical core, and a number of other components. These are put together to set up a simulation by a driver, for example the Held-Suarez atmospheric GCM, or the Rising Bubble atmospheric LES. The driver specifies:

  • the dimensions and resolution of the simulation domain,
  • the duration of the simulation,
  • boundary conditions,
  • source terms,
  • a reference state,
  • the turbulence model,
  • the moisture model,
  • diagnostics of interest,
  • initial conditions,
  • etc.

Additionally, the driver chooses the time integrator to be used to run the simulation and may specify the Courant number used to compute the timestep.

Thus, running the ClimateMachine requires a driver. For example, the Held-Suarez atmospheric GCM is run with:

$ julia --project experiments/AtmosGCM/heldsuarez.jl

Command line arguments

All drivers accept some common command line options. For example:

$ julia --project experiments/AtmosGCM/heldsuarez.jl --help
usage: experiments/AtmosGCM/heldsuarez.jl [--disable-gpu]
                        [--show-updates <interval>]
                        [--diagnostics <interval>] [--vtk <interval>]
                        [--monitor-timestep-duration <interval>]
                        [--monitor-courant-numbers <interval>]
                        [--checkpoint <interval>]
                        [--checkpoint-keep-all] [--checkpoint-at-end]
                        [--checkpoint-dir <path>]
                        [--restart-from-num <number>]
                        [--log-level <level>] [--output-dir <path>]
                        [--integration-testing] [-h]

Climate Machine: an Earth System Model that automatically learns from data

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --disable-gpu         do not use the GPU
  --show-updates <interval>
                        interval at which to show simulation updates
                        (default: "60secs")
  --diagnostics <interval>
                        interval at which to collect diagnostics
                        (default: "never")
  --vtk <interval>      interval at which to output VTK (default:
  --monitor-timestep-duration <interval>
                        interval in time-steps at which to output
                        wall-clock time per time-step (default:
  --monitor-courant-numbers <interval>
                        interval at which to output acoustic,
                        advective, and diffusive Courant numbers
                        (default: "never")
  --checkpoint <interval>
                        interval at which to create a checkpoint
                        (default: "never")
                        keep all checkpoints (instead of just the most
  --checkpoint-at-end   create a checkpoint at the end of the
  --checkpoint-dir <path>
                        the directory in which to store checkpoints
                        (default: "checkpoint")
  --restart-from-num <number>
                        checkpoint number from which to restart (in
                        <checkpoint-dir>) (type: Int64, default: -1)
  --fix-rng-seed        set RNG seed to a fixed value for
  --log-level <level>   set the log level to one of
                        debug/info/warn/error (default: "info")
  --output-dir <path>   directory for output data (default: "output")
                        enable integration testing

Any <interval> unless otherwise stated may be specified as:
    - 2hours or 10mins or 30secs => wall-clock time
    - 9.5smonths or 3.3sdays or 1.5shours => simulation time
    - 1000steps => simulation steps
    - never => disable
    - default => use experiment specified interval (only for diagnostics at

There may also be driver-specific command line arguments.

Environment variables

Currently, the ClimateMachine only looks at one environment variable – CLIMATEMACHINE_GPU, which if set to false, disables GPU use.

Running with MPI

Use MPI to start a distributed run of the ClimateMachine. For example:

mpiexec -np 4 julia --project experiments/AtmosGCM/heldsuarez.jl

will run the Held-Suarez experiment with four MPI ranks. If you are running on a cluster, you would use this command within a SLURM batch script (or the equivalent) that allocates four tasks. On a stand-alone machine, MPI will likely require that you have at least four cores.

Note that unless GPU use is disabled as above, each ClimateMachine process will use GPU acceleration. If there are insufficient GPUs (four in the example above), the ClimateMachine processes will share the GPU resources available.