
Thank you for considering contributing to the ClimateMachine! We encourage Pull Requests (PRs). Please do not hesitate to ask as questions if you're unsure about how to help.

What to contribute?

  • The easiest way to contribute is by running the ClimateMachine, identifying problems and opening issues.

  • You can tackle an existing issue. We have a list of good first issues.

  • Write an example or tutorial.

  • Improve documentation or comments if you found something hard to use.

  • Implement a new feature if you need it to use the ClimateMachine.

Using git

If you are unfamiliar with git and version control, the following guides will be helpful:

We provide a brief guide here.


First make sure git knows your name and email address:

$ git config --global "A. Climate Developer"
$ git config --global ""

Forks and branches

Create your own fork of the ClimateMachine on GitHub and check out your copy:

$ git clone<username>/ClimateMachine.jl.git
$ cd ClimateMachine.jl
$ git remote add upstream

Now you have two remote repositories – origin, which is your fork of the ClimateMachine, and upstream, which is the main ClimateMachine.jl repository.

Create a branch for your feature; this will hold your contribution:

$ git checkout -b <branchname>

Develop your feature

Follow the Coding conventions we use. Make sure you add tests for your code in test/ and appropriate documentation in the code and/or in docs/.

When your PR is ready for review, clean up your commit history by squashing and make sure your code is current with ClimateMachine master by rebasing.

Squash and rebase

Use git rebase (not git merge) to sync your work:

$ git fetch upstream
$ git rebase upstream/master

You might find it easier to squash your commits first.

Continuous integration

It's time to click the button to open your PR! Fill out the template and provide a clear summary of what your PR does. When a PR is created or updated, a set of automated tests are run on the PR in our continuous integration (CI) system.

A ClimateMachine developer will look at your PR and provide feedback!

Unit testing

Currently a number of checks are run per commit for a given PR.

  • JuliaFormatter checks if the PR is formatted with .dev/climaformat.jl.
  • Documentation rebuilds the documentation for the PR and checks if the docs are consistent and generate valid output.
  • Unit Tests run subsets of the unit tests defined in tests/, using Pkg.test(). The tests are run in parallel to ensure that they finish in a reasonable time. The tests only run the latest commit for a PR, branch and will kill any stale jobs on push. These tests are only run on linux (Ubuntu LTS).

Unit tests are run against every new commit for a given PR, the status of the unit-tests are not checked during the merge process but act as a sanity check for developers and reviewers. Depending on the content changed in the PR, some CI checks that are not necessary will be skipped. For example doc only changes do not require the unit tests to be run.

The merge process

We use bors to manage merging PR's in the the ClimateMachine repo. If you're a collaborator and have the necessary permissions, you can type bors try in a comment on a PR to have integration test suite run on that PR, or bors r+ to try and merge the code. Bors ensures that all integration tests for a given PR always pass before merging into master.

Integration testing

Currently a number of checks are run during integration testing before being merged into master.

  • JuliaFormatter checks if the PR is formatted with .dev/climaformat.jl.
  • Documentation checks that the documentation correctly builds for the merged PR.
  • OS Unit Tests checks that ClimateMachine.jl package unit tests can pass on every OS supported with a pre-compiled system image (Linux, macOS, Windows).
  • ClimateMachine-CI computationally expensive integration testing on CPU and GPU hardware using HPC cluster resources.

Integration tests are run when triggered by a reviewer through bors. Integration tests are more computationally heavyweight than unit-tests and can exercise tests using accelerator hardware (GPUs).

Currently HPC cluster integration tests are run using the Buildkite CI service. Tests are parallelized and run as individual Slurm batch jobs on the HPC cluster and defined in .buildkite/pipeline.yml.

An example integration test definition is outlined below:

  - label: "gpu_soil_test_bc"
    key: "gpu_soil_test_bc"
      - "mpiexec julia --color=yes --project test/Land/Model/test_bc.jl "
      config: gpu
      queue: central
      slurm_ntasks: 1
      slurm_gres: "gpu:1"
  • label / key: unique test defintion strings
  • command(s): list of one or more bash commands to run.
  • agent block:
    • config: Defines cpu or gpu test environments.
    • queue: HPC queue to submit the job (default central).
    • slurm_: All slurm_ definitions are passed through as slurm batch job cli options. Ex. for the above the slurm_ntasks: 1 is eqv. to --ntasks=1. Flags are defined with an empty value.

Contributing Documentation

Documentation is written in Julia-flavored markdown and generated from two sources:


And Literate.jl tutorials:


To locally build the documentation you need to create a new docs project to build and install the documentation related dependencies:

julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
julia --project=docs docs/make.jl

The makefile script will generate the appropriate markdown files and static html from both the docs/src and tutorials/ directories, saving the output in docs/src/generated.

How to generate a literate tutorial file

To create a tutorial using ClimateMachine, please use Literate.jl, and consult the Literate documentation for questions. For now, all literate tutorials are held in the tutorials directory.

With Literate, all comments turn into markdown text and any Julia code is read and run as if it is in the Julia REPL. As a small caveat to this, you might need to suppress the output of certain commands. For example, if you define and run the following function

function f()
    return x = [i * i for i in 1:10]

x = f()

The entire list will be output, while


does not (because of the ;).

To show plots, you may do something like the following:

using Plots

Please consider writing the comments in your tutorial as if they are meant to be read as an article explaining the topic the tutorial is meant to explain. If there are any specific nuances to writing Literate documentation for ClimateMachine, please let us know!

Speeding up the documentation build process

Building the tutorials can take a long time so there is an environment variable switch to toggle on / off building the tutorials (true deafult):

CLIMATEMACHINE_DOCS_GENERATE_TUTORIALS=false julia --project=docs/ docs/make.jl