Developer's Guide

This doc is meant to guide any beginner developers with organization and common surprises associated with contributing to CloudMicrophysics.jl.

GitHub workflow

We work on branches of the main repository, rather than personal forks. Each branch name should ideally start with your initials, followed by short name relevant to what will be added in that branch. It is considered a good practice to open an issue that describes the planned work before starting the implementation. This allows you to get feedback from other developers and advertise the planned work to the group. When the implemented code is ready for review, create a pull request (PR) on GitHub and tag the issue it is addressing. In the PR you can describe which parts of the relevant issue are solved and what needs to be done to reach that goal. After creating a PR on GitHub, you will find that every following commit & push you make will go through continuous integration (CI) checks:

  • The, ci runs the tests on Ubuntu, Windows and OSX machines using GitHub Actions. The tests include some unit tests and very simple performance tests. It may happen that the tests pass on your local machine, but fail on one of the machines provided in the cloud for the CI. This is especially true for the performance tests, as the execution times may vary a lot depending on the machine. The CI is the source of truth over local tests, and all tests must pass in the CI before code can be merged. See the Tests section below for debugging tips.
  • CloudMicrophysics.jl has a small set of tests that are run on the GPUs using buildkite. They are triggered automatically when trying to merge a PR. If the GPU tests fail, check first for use of any "out of place" functions (for example, @warn will not work on GPU).
  • The Documentation / docbuild builds the documentation. Most common errors in the docbuild are related to missing docstrings, see the Documentation section for hints. This check may fail if the source code itself is not compiling, so please handle the compilation errors first. If the documentation build was successful, the documenter/deploy will display the documentation page based on the PR (click on the details).
  • The JuliaFormatter / format ensures consistent formatting throughout the repository. If this check fails, you can click on details to see which files are not following the formatting rules. You can apply the formatter by running julia .dev/climaformat.jl file_name in the terminal. The formatter might break if the code does not compile, so make sure you handle the compilation errors first.
  • The codecov shows what percentage of source code lines are exercised inside the tests. We strive to keep the test coverage high, but this test is not strictly required to pass before merging a PR.

Once the PR is opened, you can request reviewers to look over and approve your work. To keep things tidy, we want PRs to have few (ideally only one) commit before merging to the main branch. You can squash and rebase multiple commits into one in your favorite editor (VS Code, Vim etc). In case of doubt, see Git tutorials on how to squash and rebase or reach out to other developers in our team. The first couple of times it pays off to create a "backup branch" before starting your rebase, and then comparing afterwards if the rebased and backup branches are identical. If the main branch has been updated after your branch was created, you will need to rebase onto the main branch. To do this, run git rebase origin/main and solve any conflicts manually. This is done more easily if you only have one commit. You can merge the PR if all the tests are passing and the PR branch is up to date with the main branch.

The easiest way to use the new additions in the main branch of CloudMicrophysics.jl from another package is to do a package release. To do that, you need to change the package version in the Project.toml. We do a patch release if the API did not change (for example 0.11.1 -> 0.11.2) and a minor version release if it did (for example 0.11.1 -> 0.12.0). We use the JuliaRegistrator bot to register new versions in the Julia package ecosystem, by commenting @JuliaRegistrator register under the merged PR that changes the package version. You can also use specific branches from the repository, if you are working with commits that were not yet merged into main. See Pkg.jl docs for more details.

New contributions

CloudMicrophysics.jl is a collection of point-wise functions grouped in different modules depending on which aspect of aerosol and cloud microphysics they address.


When adding a new function, decide if a new module is required, or add to the existing one. If the added function will be used in other modules, export the function. Avoid exporting functions that are only used within the module it is defined in or functions that have the same name as a function already in the API. Avoid shortening words or phrases when naming new functions. The name of the function should be self-explanatory yet brief. All functions should have docstrings describing the API, as well as documentation focusing on the scientific aspects of what they do. All functions should have their own unit, performance and GPU tests.

Free Parameters

All free parameters should be stored in ClimaParams. It is usually faster to prototype defining the free parameters locally, and move them to ClimaParams at a last step.


Data used in calibrations and other scripts may be used in the form of artifacts. ClimaArtifactsHelper is used in creating the artifacts. A copy of the data is stored on the Caltech box. More information on the data and where it was sourced from can be found in the file within the artifact folder. An example can be found in the papers > ice_nucleation_2024 > AIDA_data_artifact folder. If making a new artifact, copy the create_AIDA_artifacts.jl file and follow instructions as needed. Remember to update the Artifacts.toml and files as well. All artifacts should have a corresponding calling function.

Notable Files

Other files that may require editing after you make a new function are:

  • CloudMicrophysics.jl (found in src folder) if you need to include a new source file,
  • (found in docs/src folder) if you want to mention the new additions in the main documentation page,
  • make.jl (found in docs folder) if you are adding a new file to the documentation,
  • (found in docs/src folder) if you are adding functions (see $Documentation$ section for more details),
  • runtests.jl (found in test folder) if you are adding new test file for unit tests.


Each new addition to the library should be accompanied by a documentation page summarizing the derivation/assumptions and it's potential uses. If possible, it's really appreciated to also add short code snippets that reproduce results from the literature. Those code snippets are executed every time documentation is build and provide great examples on how different available parameterizations work.

Additionally, each function in the source code is required to have a docstring and should be added to the API documentation page. The docstring formatting is pretty strict: (i) no empty lines between the docstring and the function/module, (ii) docstring starts and ends with a line consisting of three quotation marks, (iii) the second line has the function's name preceded by exactly 4 spaces. Examples can be found in the source files. Be sure to add the function to in the docs folder. Missing docstrings and functions in the API cause the documentation build to break.

To build and work the documentation locally, you can use LiveServer.jl. This will compile the documentation to a local server that is updated whenever you make changes. Alternatively, you can save the documentation to a static webpage: julia --project=docs docs/make.jl. The index page will be saved in docs/build folder.


Unit Tests

Unit tests aim to ensure that parameterizations make physical sense. They can be found in the test folder under files named after corresponding source files. If you create a new function, please also create a new test that checks it. If creating a new file for unit tests, make sure you import Test and any other necessary libraries. There is some boilerplate code needed to create the sets with free parameters based on the default toml file from ClimaParams.

Some possible tests include checking if the returned values agree with values in the literature, if something is smaller/greater at warmer/cooler temperatures, if assertion errors are returned when a function is used outside its valid range of parameters, or if a function is zero at certain input values. In general, writing good tests is difficult and we are always on the lookout for new good candidates. We strive to exercise all functions in some way in tests, so that at minimum we can catch changes in the API.

You can run the tests locally: julia --project=test test/runtests.jl.

Performance Tests

Performance tests check the memory allocations (there should be none) and execution times of some of the functions. They are found in the test folder under a single file named performance_tests.jl.

You can add performance tests for your new functions in the benchmark_test(FT) function. Parameters are listed at the start of the function. Next, add your performance tests under the comment with the file name which your new function is in. This is done by calling bench_press(function_name, (Parameter1, Parameter2), min_time). The last argument is an estimate of the minimum run-time of the function. It may take some trial and error to find a number that will satisfy the ci tests that are run on different operating systems and for different floating-point precision. You can identify which specific performance test is failing on GitHub by clicking on details next to a failed check from one of the ci / ci 1.8.1 checks. Adjust the estimated minimum run-time appropriately.

GPU Tests

Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) tests check that CloudMicrophysics.jl functions are able to run on GPU. They are as simple as checking that a certain input returns a known value. Right now, we do not test the whole library on the GPUs, so the support is limited. GPU tests can be found in the test folder under a single file named gpu_tests.jl. There are two things to add: a kernel for your function and the actual test.

Kernels are added at the top half of the file using @kernel. The naming convention follows test_<function name>_kernel!. Within the kernel, use @inbounds to place any outputs into an output array.

The test itself should be added in the test_gpu(FT) function. The test starts with defining data_length and ends after an @test macro. data_length corresponds to the number of outputs your function has. Add an array for each input required by your function. For example, if you want to test at temperature of 230K, you can add T = ArrayType([FT(230)]). Add a comment of what you are testing and use @test to create your test. The GPU tests are ran twice: for Float64 and Float32. Similar as with performance tests, some trial and error is needed to find good tolerances for both options.