Gauss Newton Kalman Inversion
What Is It and What Does It Do?
Gauss Netwon Kalman Inversion (GNKI) (Chada et al., 2021, Chen & Oliver, 2013), also known as the Iterative Ensemble Kalman Filter with Statistical Linearization, is a derivative-free ensemble optimizaton method based on the Gauss Newton optimization update and the Iterative Extended Kalman Filter (IExKF) (Jazwinski, 1970). In the linear case and continuous limit, GNKI recovers the true posterior mean and covariance. Empirically, GNKI performs well as an optimization algorithm in the nonlinear case.
Problem Formulation
The data $y$ and parameter vector $\theta$ are assumed to be related according to:
\[\tag{1} y = \mathcal{G}(\theta) + \eta \,,\]
where $\mathcal{G}: \mathbb{R}^p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ denotes the forward map, $y \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the vector of observations, and $\eta$ is the observational noise, which is assumed to be drawn from a $d$-dimensional Gaussian with distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, \Gamma_y)$. The objective of the inverse problem is to compute the unknown parameters $\theta$ given the observations $y$, the known forward map $\mathcal{G}$, and noise characteristics $\eta$ of the process.
GNKI relies on minimizing a loss function that includes regularization. The user must specify a Gaussian prior with distribution $\mathcal{N}(m, \Gamma_{\theta})$. See Prior distributions to see how one can apply flexible constraints while maintaining Gaussian priors.
The optimal parameters $\theta^*$ given relation (1) minimize the loss
\[\mathcal{L}(\theta, y) = \langle \mathcal{G}(\theta) - y \, , \, \Gamma_y^{-1} \left ( \mathcal{G}(\theta) - y \right ) \rangle + \langle m - \theta \, , \, \Gamma_{\theta}^{-1} \left ( m - \theta \right ) \rangle,\]
where $m$ is the prior mean and $\Gamma_{\theta}$ is the prior covariance.
GNKI updates the $j$-th ensemble member at the $n$-th iteration by directly approximating the Jacobian with statistics from the ensemble.
First, the ensemble covariance matrices are computed:
\[\begin{aligned} &\mathcal{G}_n^{(j)} = \mathcal{G}(\theta_n^{(j)}) \qquad \bar{\mathcal{G}}_n = \dfrac{1}{J}\sum_{k=1}^J\mathcal{G}_n^{(k)} \\ & C^{\theta \mathcal{G}}_n = \dfrac{1}{J - 1}\sum_{k=1}^{J} (\theta_n^{(k)} - \bar{\theta}_n )(\mathcal{G}_n^{(k)} - \bar{\mathcal{G}}_n)^T \\ & C^{\theta \theta}_n = \dfrac{1}{J - 1} \sum_{k=1}^{J} (\theta_n^{(k)} - \bar{\theta}_n )(\theta_n^{(k)} - \bar{\theta}_n )^T. \end{aligned}\]
Using the ensemble covariance matrices, the update equation from $n$ to $n+1$ under GNKI is
\[\begin{aligned} & \theta_{n+1}^{(j)} = \theta_n^{(j)} + \alpha \left\{ K_n\left(y_n^{(j)} - \mathcal{G}(\theta_n^{(j)})\right) + \left(I - K_n G_n\right)\left(m_n^{(j)} - \theta_n^{(j)}\right) \right\} \\ & \\ & K_n = \Gamma_{\theta} G_n^T \left(G_n \Gamma_{\theta} G_n^T + \Gamma_{y}\right)^{-1} \\ & G_n = \left(C^{\theta \mathcal{G}}_n\right)^T \left(C^{\theta \theta}_n\right)^{-1}, \end{aligned}\]
where $y_n^{(j)} \sim \mathcal{N}(y, 2\alpha^{-1}\Gamma_y)$ and $m_n^{(j)} \sim \mathcal{N}(m, 2\alpha^{-1}\Gamma_{\theta})$.
Creating the EKI Object
We first build a prior distribution (for details of the construction see here). Then we build our EKP object with
using EnsembleKalmanProcesses
gnkiobj = EnsembleKalmanProcess(args..., GaussNewtonInversion(prior); kwargs...)
For general EKP object creation requirements see Creating the EKI object. To make updates using the inversion algorithm see Updating the Ensemble.