Oceananigans simulates the dynamics of ocean-flavored fluids by solving equations that conserve momentum, mass, and energy on a grid of finite volumes or "cells". The first decision we make when setting up a simulation is: on what grid are we going to run our simulation? The "grid" captures the
- The geometry of the physical domain;
- The way that domain is divided into a mesh of finite volumes;
- The machine architecture (CPU, GPU, lots of CPUs or lots of GPUs); and
- The precision of floating point numbers (double precision or single precision).
We start by making a simple grid that divides a three-dimensional rectangular domain – "a box" – into evenly-spaced cells,
using Oceananigans
grid = RectilinearGrid(topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Bounded),
size = (16, 8, 4),
x = (0, 64),
y = (0, 32),
z = (0, 8))
# output
16×8×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Periodic, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo
├── Periodic x ∈ [0.0, 64.0) regularly spaced with Δx=4.0
├── Periodic y ∈ [0.0, 32.0) regularly spaced with Δy=4.0
└── Bounded z ∈ [0.0, 8.0] regularly spaced with Δz=2.0
This simple grid
- Has a domain that's "periodic" in $x, y$, but bounded in $z$.
- Has
cells inx
cells iny
, and4
cells inz
. That means there are $16 \times 8 \times 4 = 512$ cells in all. - Has an
dimension that spans fromx=0
, tox=64
. Andy
, andz
. - Has cells that are all the same size, dividing the box in 512 that each has dimension $4 \times 4 \times 2$. Note that length units are whatever is used to construct the grid, so it's up to the user to make sure that all inputs use consistent units.
In building our first grid, we did not specify whether it should be constructed on the CPU
or [
GPU](@ref). As a result, the grid was constructed by default on the CPU. Next we build a grid on the _GPU_ that's two-dimensional in
x, z
and has variably-spaced cell interfaces in the
architecture = GPU()
z_faces = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
grid = RectilinearGrid(architecture,
topology = (Periodic, Flat, Bounded),
size = (10, 4),
x = (0, 20),
z = z_faces)
# output
10×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CUDAGPU with 3×0×3 halo
├── Periodic x ∈ [0.0, 20.0) regularly spaced with Δx=2.0
├── Flat y
└── Bounded z ∈ [0.0, 10.0] variably spaced with min(Δz)=1.0, max(Δz)=4.0
To run the above example and create a grid on the GPU, either an Nvidia or Metal GPU has to be available. For more information about CUDA, see the CUDA.jl
The $y$-dimension is "missing" because it's marked Flat
in topology = (Periodic, Flat, Bounded)
. So nothing varies in $y$: y
-derivatives are 0. Also, the keyword argument (or "kwarg" for short) that specifies the $y$-domains may be omitted, and size
has only two elements rather than 3 as in the first example. In the stretched cell interfaces specified by z_interfaces
, the number of vertical cell interfaces is Nz + 1 = length(z_interfaces) = 5
, where Nz = 4
is the number of cells in the vertical.
A bit later in this tutorial, we'll give examples that illustrate how to build a grid thats Distributed
across multiple CPUs and GPUs.
Grid types: squares, shells, and mountains
The shape of the physical domain determines what grid type should be used:
can be fashioned into lines, rectangles and boxes.LatitudeLongitudeGrid
represents sectors of thin spherical shells, with cells bounded by lines of constant latitude and longitude.OrthogonalSphericalShellGrid
represents sectors of thin spherical shells divided with mesh lines that intersect at right angles (thus, orthogonal) but are otherwise arbitrary.
See the auxiliary module OrthogonalSphericalShellGrids.jl
for recipes that implement some useful OrthogonalSphericalShellGrid
, including the "tripolar" grid.
For example, to make a LatitudeLongitudeGrid
that wraps around the sphere, extends for 60 degrees latitude on either side of the equator, and also has 5 vertical levels down to 1000 meters, we write
architecture = CPU()
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(architecture,
size = (180, 10, 5),
longitude = (-180, 180),
latitude = (-60, 60),
z = (-1000, 0))
# output
180×10×5 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── longitude: Periodic λ ∈ [-180.0, 180.0) regularly spaced with Δλ=2.0
├── latitude: Bounded φ ∈ [-60.0, 60.0] regularly spaced with Δφ=12.0
└── z: Bounded z ∈ [-1000.0, 0.0] regularly spaced with Δz=200.0
The main difference between the syntax for LatitudeLongitudeGrid
versus that for the RectilinearGrid
are the names of the horizontal coordinates: LatitudeLongitudeGrid
has longitude
and latitude
where RectilinearGrid
has x
and y
Every grid is associated with an "extrinsic" coordinate system: RectilinearGrid
uses a Cartesian coordinate system, while LatitudeLongitudeGrid
and OrthogonalSphericalShellGrid
use the geographic coordinates (λ, φ, z)
, where λ
is longitude, φ
is latitude, and z
is height. Additionally, OrthogonalSphericalShellGrid
has an "intrinsic" coordinate system associated with the orientation of its finite volumes (which, in general, are not aligned with geographic coordinates). To type λ
or φ
at the REPL, write either \lambda
(for λ
) or \varphi
(for φ
) and then press <TAB>
If topology
is not provided for LatitudeLongitudeGrid
, then we try to infer it: if the longitude
spans 360 degrees, the default x
-topology is Periodic
; if longitude
spans less than 360 degrees x
-topology is Bounded
. For example,
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(size = (60, 10, 5),
longitude = (0, 60),
latitude = (-60, 60),
z = (-1000, 0))
# output
60×10×5 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── longitude: Bounded λ ∈ [0.0, 60.0] regularly spaced with Δλ=1.0
├── latitude: Bounded φ ∈ [-60.0, 60.0] regularly spaced with Δφ=12.0
└── z: Bounded z ∈ [-1000.0, 0.0] regularly spaced with Δz=200.0
is Bounded
by default, because longitude = (0, 60)
It's still possible to use topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded)
if longitude
doesn't have 360 degrees. But neither latitude
nor z
may be Periodic
with LatitudeLongitudeGrid
Bathymetry, topography, and other irregularities
Irregular or "complex" domains are represented with ImmersedBoundaryGrid
, which combines one of the above underlying grids with a type of immersed boundary. The immersed boundaries we support currently are
, which fits a one- or two-dimensional bottom height to the underlying grid, so the active part of the domain is above the bottom height.PartialCellBottom
, which is similar toGridFittedBottom
, except that the height of the bottommost cell is changed to conform to bottom height, limited to prevent the bottom cells from becoming too thin.GridFittedBoundary
, which fits a three-dimensional mask to the grid.
To build an ImmersedBoundaryGrid
, we start by building one of the three underlying grids, and then embedding a boundary into that underlying grid.
using Oceananigans.Units
grid = RectilinearGrid(topology = (Bounded, Bounded, Bounded),
size = (20, 20, 20),
x = (-5kilometers, 5kilometers),
y = (-5kilometers, 5kilometers),
z = (0, 1kilometer))
# Height and width
H = 100meters
W = 1kilometer
mountain(x, y) = H * exp(-(x^2 + y^2) / 2W^2)
mountain_grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(mountain))
# output
20×20×20 ImmersedBoundaryGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo:
├── immersed_boundary: GridFittedBottom(mean(z)=4.5, min(z)=0.0, max(z)=100.0)
├── underlying_grid: 20×20×20 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo
├── Bounded x ∈ [-5000.0, 5000.0] regularly spaced with Δx=500.0
├── Bounded y ∈ [-5000.0, 5000.0] regularly spaced with Δy=500.0
└── Bounded z ∈ [0.0, 1000.0] regularly spaced with Δz=50.0
Yep, that's a Gaussian mountain:
using CairoMakie
h = mountain_grid.immersed_boundary.bottom_height
fig = Figure(size=(600, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[2, 1], xlabel="x (m)", ylabel="y (m)", aspect=1)
hm = heatmap!(ax, h)
Colorbar(fig[1, 1], hm, vertical=false, label="Bottom height (m)")
Once more with feeling
In summary, making a grid requires
- The machine architecture, or whether data is stored on the CPU, GPU, or distributed across multiple devices or nodes.
- Information about the domain geometry. Domains can take a variety of shapes, including
- lines (one-dimensional),
- rectangles (two-dimensional),
- boxes (three-dimensional),
- sectors of a thin spherical shells (two- or three-dimensional).
, which means that the dimension circles back onto itself: information leaving the left side of the domain re-enters on the right.Bounded
, which means that the two sides of the dimension are either impenetrable (solid walls), or "open", representing a specified external state.Flat
, which means nothing can vary in that dimension, reducing the overall dimensionality of the grid.
- Defining the number of cells that divide each dimension. The number of cells, with or without explicit specification of the cell interfaces, determines the spatial resolution of the grid.
- The representation of floating point numbers, which can be single-precision (
) or double precision (Float64
Let's dive into each of these options in more detail.
Specifying the machine architecture
The positional argument CPU()
or GPU()
, specifies the "architecture" of the simulation. By using architecture = GPU()
, any fields constructed on grid
store their data on an Nvidia GPU
, if one is available. By default, the grid will be constructed on the CPU
if this argument is omitted. So, for example,
grid = RectilinearGrid(size=3, z=(0, 1), topology=(Flat, Flat, Bounded))
cpu_grid = RectilinearGrid(CPU(), size=3, z=(0, 1), topology=(Flat, Flat, Bounded))
grid == cpu_grid
# output
To use more than one CPU, we use the Distributed
child_architecture = CPU()
architecture = Distributed(child_architecture)
# output
[ Info: MPI has not been initialized, so we are calling MPI.Init().
Distributed{CPU} across 1 rank:
├── local_rank: 0 of 0-0
└── local_index: [1, 1, 1]
which allows us to distributed computations across either CPUs or GPUs. In this case, we didn't launch julia
on multiple nodes using MPI, so we're only "distributed" across 1 node. <!– For more, see Distributed grids. –> More details on Distributed grids in a separate section.
Specifying the topology for each dimension
The keyword argument topology
determines if the grid is one-, two-, or three-dimensional (the current case), and additionally specifies the nature of each dimension. topology
is always a Tuple
with three elements (a 3-Tuple
). For RectilinearGrid
, the three elements correspond to $(x, y, z)$ and indicate whether the respective direction is Periodic
, Bounded
, or Flat
. A few more examples are,
topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Periodic) # triply periodic
topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Bounded) # periodic in x, y, bounded in z
topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded) # periodic in x, but bounded in y, z (a "channel")
topology = (Bounded, Bounded, Bounded) # bounded in x, y, z (a closed box)
topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Flat) # two-dimensional, doubly-periodic in x, y (a torus)
topology = (Periodic, Flat, Flat) # one-dimensional, periodic in x (a line)
topology = (Flat, Flat, Bounded) # one-dimensional and bounded in z (a single column)
Specifying the size of the grid
The size
is a Tuple
that specifes the number of grid points in each direction. The number of tuple elements corresponds to the number of dimensions that are not Flat
The halo size
An additional keyword argument halo
allows us to set the number of "halo cells" that surround the core "interior" grid. The default is 3 for each non-flat coordinate. But we can change the halo size, for example,
big_halo_grid = RectilinearGrid(topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Flat),
size = (32, 16),
halo = (7, 7),
x = (0, 2π),
y = (0, π))
# output
32×16×1 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Periodic, Flat} on CPU with 7×7×0 halo
├── Periodic x ∈ [-6.90805e-17, 6.28319) regularly spaced with Δx=0.19635
├── Periodic y ∈ [-1.07194e-16, 3.14159) regularly spaced with Δy=0.19635
└── Flat z
The halo
size has to be set for certain advection schemes that require more halo points than the default 3
in every direction. Note that both size
and halo
are 2-Tuple
s, rather than the 3-Tuple
that would be required for a three-dimensional grid, or the single number that would be used for a one-dimensional grid.
The dimensions: x, y, z
for RectilinearGrid
, or latitude, longitude, z
for LatitudeLongitudeGrid
These keyword arguments specify the extent and location of the finite volume cells that divide up the three dimensions of the grid. For RectilinearGrid
, the dimensions are called x
, y
, and z
, whereas for LatitudeLongitudeGrid
the dimensions are called latitude
, longitude
, and z
. The type of each keyword argument determines how the dimension is divided up:
- Tuples that specify only the end points indicate that the dimension should be divided into equally-spaced cells. For example,
x = (0, 64)
withsize = (16, 8, 4)
means that thex
-dimension is divided into 16 cells, where the first or leftmost cell interface is located atx = 0
and the last or rightmost cell interface is located atx = 64
. The width of each cell isΔx=4.0
. - Vectors and functions alternatively give the location of each cell interface, and thereby may be used to build grids that are divided into cells of varying width.
A complicated example: three-dimensional RectilinearGrid
with variable spacing via functions
Next we build a grid that is both Bounded
and stretched in both the y
and z
directions. The purpose of the stretching is to increase grid resolution near the boundaries. We'll do this by using functions to specify the keyword arguments y
and z
Nx = Ny = 64
Nz = 32
Lx = Ly = 1e4
Lz = 1e3
# Note that j varies from 1 to Ny
chebychev_spaced_y_faces(j) = Ly * (1 - cos(π * (j - 1) / Ny)) / 2
# Note that k varies from 1 to Nz
chebychev_spaced_z_faces(k) = - Lz * (1 + cos(π * (k - 1) / Nz)) / 2
grid = RectilinearGrid(size = (Nx, Ny, Nz),
topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded),
x = (0, Lx),
y = chebychev_spaced_y_faces,
z = chebychev_spaced_z_faces)
# output
64×64×32 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo
├── Periodic x ∈ [0.0, 10000.0) regularly spaced with Δx=156.25
├── Bounded y ∈ [0.0, 10000.0] variably spaced with min(Δy)=6.02272, max(Δy)=245.338
└── Bounded z ∈ [-1000.0, -0.0] variably spaced with min(Δz)=2.40764, max(Δz)=49.0086
We can easily visualize the spacings of $y$ and $z$ directions. We can use, e.g., ynodes
and yspacings
to extract the positions and spacings of the nodes from the grid.
yc = ynodes(grid, Center())
zc = znodes(grid, Center())
yf = ynodes(grid, Face())
zf = znodes(grid, Face())
Δy = yspacings(grid, Center())
Δz = zspacings(grid, Center())
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size=(1200, 1200))
axy = Axis(fig[1, 1], title="y-grid")
lines!(axy, [0, Ly], [0, 0], color=:gray)
scatter!(axy, yf, 0 * yf, marker=:vline, color=:gray, markersize=20)
scatter!(axy, yc, 0 * yc)
axΔy = Axis(fig[2, 1]; xlabel = "y (m)", ylabel = "y-spacing (m)")
scatter!(axΔy, yc, Δy)
hidespines!(axΔy, :t, :r)
axz = Axis(fig[3, 1], title="z-grid")
lines!(axz, [-Lz, 0], [0, 0], color=:gray)
scatter!(axz, zf, 0 * zf, marker=:vline, color=:gray, markersize=20)
scatter!(axz, zc, 0 * zc)
axΔz = Axis(fig[4, 1]; xlabel = "z (m)", ylabel = "z-spacing (m)")
scatter!(axΔz, zc, Δz)
hidespines!(axΔz, :t, :r)
rowsize!(fig.layout, 1, Relative(0.1))
rowsize!(fig.layout, 3, Relative(0.1))
Inspecting LatitudeLongitudeGrid
cell spacings
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(size = (1, 44),
longitude = (0, 1),
latitude = (0, 88),
topology = (Bounded, Bounded, Flat))
Δx = xspacings(grid, Center(), Center())
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size=(600, 400))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Zonal spacing on 2 degree grid (km)", ylabel="Latitude (degrees)")
scatter!(ax, Δx / 1e3)
with variable spacing
The syntax for building a grid with variably-spaced cells is the same as for RectilinearGrid
. In our next example, we use a function to build a Mercator grid with a spacing of 2 degrees at the equator,
# Mercator scale factor
scale_factor(φ) = 1 / cosd(φ)
# Compute cell interfaces with Mercator spacing
m = 2 # spacing at the equator in degrees
function latitude_faces(j)
if j == 1 # equator
return 0
else # crudely estimate the location of the jth face
φ₋ = latitude_faces(j-1)
φ′ = φ₋ + m * scale_factor(φ₋) / 2
return φ₋ + m * scale_factor(φ′)
Lx = 360
Nx = Int(Lx / m)
Ny = findfirst(latitude_faces.(1:Nx) .> 90) - 2
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(size = (Nx, Ny),
longitude = (0, Lx),
latitude = latitude_faces,
topology = (Bounded, Bounded, Flat))
# output
180×28×1 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Bounded, Bounded, Flat} on CPU with 3×3×0 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── longitude: Bounded λ ∈ [0.0, 360.0] regularly spaced with Δλ=2.0
├── latitude: Bounded φ ∈ [0.0, 77.2679] variably spaced with min(Δφ)=2.0003, max(Δφ)=6.95319
└── z: Flat z
We've also illustrated the construction of a grid that is Flat
in the vertical direction. Now let's plot the metrics for this grid,
φ = φnodes(grid, Center())
Δx = xspacings(grid, Center(), Center())[1, 1:Ny]
Δy = yspacings(grid, Center(), Center())[1, 1:Ny]
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure(size=(800, 400), title="Spacings on a Mercator grid")
axx = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="Zonal spacing (km)", ylabel="Latitude (degrees)")
scatter!(axx, Δx / 1e3, φ)
axy = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel="Meridional spacing (km)")
scatter!(axy, Δy / 1e3, φ)
hidespines!(axx, :t, :r)
hidespines!(axy, :t, :l, :r)
hideydecorations!(axy, grid=false)
Single-precision RectilinearGrid
To build a grid whose fields are represented with single-precision floating point values, we specify the float_type
argument along with the (optional) architecture
architecture = CPU()
float_type = Float32
grid = RectilinearGrid(architecture, float_type,
topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Bounded),
size = (16, 8, 4),
x = (0, 64),
y = (0, 32),
z = (0, 8))
# output
16×8×4 RectilinearGrid{Float32, Periodic, Periodic, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo
├── Periodic x ∈ [0.0, 64.0) regularly spaced with Δx=4.0
├── Periodic y ∈ [0.0, 32.0) regularly spaced with Δy=4.0
└── Bounded z ∈ [0.0, 8.0] regularly spaced with Δz=2.0
Single precision should be used with care. Users interested in performing single-precision simulations should get in touch via Discussions, and should subject their work to extensive testing and validation.
For more examples see RectilinearGrid
and LatitudeLongitudeGrid