Operations and averaging
s are more than mere vessels for data. They come equipped with a powerful infrastructure for assembling expression trees that represent arithmetic and discrete calculus operations. We also supply a system for computing reductions (averages, integrals, and cumulative integrals) of Field
s. This infrastructure can be used to construct initial conditions, set up diagnostic calculations that are performed and saved to disk while a simulation runs, and also for post-processing.
We start by constructing a CenterField
on a simple grid,
using Oceananigans
grid = RectilinearGrid(topology = (Periodic, Flat, Bounded),
size = (4, 4),
x = (0, 2π),
z = (-4, 0))
c = CenterField(grid)
periodic_but_decaying(x, z) = sin(x) * exp(z)
set!(c, periodic_but_decaying)
# output
4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
├── boundary conditions: FieldBoundaryConditions
│ └── west: Periodic, east: Periodic, south: Nothing, north: Nothing, bottom: ZeroFlux, top: ZeroFlux, immersed: ZeroFlux
└── data: 10×1×10 OffsetArray(::Array{Float64, 3}, -2:7, 1:1, -2:7) with eltype Float64 with indices -2:7×1:1×-2:7
└── max=0.428882, min=-0.428882, mean=1.04083e-17
An AbstractOperation
(or operation for short) differs from a Field
in that only represents a computation. Unlike Field
s, AbstractOperation
s do not have any data, and are associated only with minimal memory allocation. AbstractOperations
are generated by inflicting Field
s with ordinary arithmetic expressions,
two_c = 2 * c
# output
BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
* at (Center, Center, Center)
├── 2
└── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
and even by chaining expressions together, which may themselves include AbstractOperations
quadratic = c^2 + two_c + 1
# output
BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
+ at (Center, Center, Center)
├── + at (Center, Center, Center)
│ ├── ^ at (Center, Center, Center)
│ │ ├── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
│ │ └── 2
│ └── * at (Center, Center, Center)
│ ├── 2
│ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
└── 1
Like Field
s, AbstractOperations
have a location and a grid. In addition to BinaryOperation
s like the kind above, UnaryOperation
s and MultiaryOperation
s are also supported,
cos_c = cos(c)
# output
UnaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
cos at (Center, Center, Center) via identity
└── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
four_c = c + c + c + c
# output
MultiaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
+ at (Center, Center, Center)
├── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
├── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
├── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
└── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
, BinaryOperation
and MultiaryOperation
all have both an "operator", and between 1 and many. Last, and definitely not least, the fourth flavor of AbstractOperation
represents a derivative,
dx_c = ∂x(c)
# output
Derivative at (Face, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
∂xᶠᶜᶜ at (Face, Center, Center) via identity
└── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
The $x$-derivative of c
is computed by invoking the function ∂xᶠᶜᶜ
, where the superscript ᶠᶜᶜ
indicates that the result of this function is located at (Face, Center, Center)
. This convention is used throughout Oceananigans
source code. A third superscripted letter ᵃ
stands for "any" location and applies to operators that are location-agnostic in the given direction.
Like Field
s, AbstractOperations
are evaluated by indexing,
@show c[1, 1, 1]
@show quadratic[1, 1, 1]
# output
c[1, 1, 1] = 0.02135277459201165
quadratic[1, 1, 1] = 1.0431614901668005
Also like Field
s, AbstractOperation
s have a location. For example,
using Oceananigans: location
@show location(c)
@show location(dx_c)
# output
location(c) = (Center, Center, Center)
location(dx_c) = (Face, Center, Center)
Notice that the location of dx_c
is shifted in x
relative to c
. Likewise, y
-derivatives are shifted in y
and z
-derivatives are shifted in z
Locations and interpolation
Reconstruction of Field
s from one location to another is intrinsic to arithmetic on the staggered grid. Consider the magnitude of the gradient of c
∇c² = ∂x(c)^2 + ∂z(c)^2
# output
BinaryOperation at (Face, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
+ at (Face, Center, Center)
├── ^ at (Face, Center, Center)
│ ├── ∂xᶠᶜᶜ at (Face, Center, Center) via identity
│ │ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
│ └── 2
└── ^ at (Center, Center, Face)
├── ∂zᶜᶜᶠ at (Center, Center, Face) via identity
│ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
└── 2
Because ∂x(c)^2
is located at (Face, Center, Center)
and ∂z(c)^2
is located at (Center, Center, Face)
, a decision has to be made to compute ∇c²
. By default, AbstractOperations
are reconstructed at the location of the first object in the expression. So
∇c²_ccf = ∂z(c)^2 + ∂x(c)^2
# output
BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Face)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
+ at (Center, Center, Face)
├── ^ at (Center, Center, Face)
│ ├── ∂zᶜᶜᶠ at (Center, Center, Face) via identity
│ │ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
│ └── 2
└── ^ at (Face, Center, Center)
├── ∂xᶠᶜᶜ at (Face, Center, Center) via identity
│ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
└── 2
ends up at (Center, Center, Face)
. To control the location of an operation we use the macro @at
∇c²_ccc = @at (Center, Center, Center) ∂x(c)^2 + ∂z(c)^2
# output
BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center)
├── grid: 4×1×4 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Periodic, Flat, Bounded} on CPU with 3×0×3 halo
└── tree:
+ at (Center, Center, Center)
├── ^ at (Center, Center, Center)
│ ├── ∂xᶠᶜᶜ at (Center, Center, Center) via ℑxᶜᵃᵃ
│ │ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
│ └── 2
└── ^ at (Center, Center, Center)
├── ∂zᶜᶜᶠ at (Center, Center, Center) via ℑzᵃᵃᶜ
│ └── 4×1×4 Field{Center, Center, Center} on RectilinearGrid on CPU
└── 2
Averages and integrals
An operation that reduces one or more dimensions of a field is called a Reduction
; some reductions include Average
, Integral
, and CumulativeIntegral
Let's demonstrate now how we can compute the average or the integral of a field over the grid or over some part of the grid. We start by creating a latitude-longitude grid that only goes up to 30 degrees latitude. Conveniently, with this latitude extent that grid covers half the total area of the sphere, i.e., 2π * grid.radius^2
Let's try to estimate this area using Integral
operation. We create a Field, we fill it with ones and we integrate it over the whole grid. We use a CenterField
for the example below, but all location combinations work similarly.
using Oceananigans
grid = LatitudeLongitudeGrid(size=(60, 10, 5),
latitude = (-30, 30),
longitude = (0, 360),
z = (-1000, 0))
c = CenterField(grid)
set!(c, 1)
∫c = Field(Integral(c, dims=(1, 2)))
# output
1×1×5 Field{Nothing, Nothing, Center} reduced over dims = (1, 2) on LatitudeLongitudeGrid on CPU
├── data: OffsetArrays.OffsetArray{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}}, size: (1, 1, 5)
├── grid: 60×10×5 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── operand: Integral of BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center) over dims (1, 2)
├── status: time=0.0
└── data: 1×1×11 OffsetArray(::Array{Float64, 3}, 1:1, 1:1, -2:8) with eltype Float64 with indices 1:1×1:1×-2:8
└── max=0.0, min=0.0, mean=0.0
A few remarks: note that the ∫c
has locations Nothing, Nothing, Center
; this is because we have integrated in the first two dimensions and thus it's reduced over dims = (1, 2)
. Further note that ∫c
is full of zeros; its max, min, and mean values are all 0. No computation has been done yet. To compute ∫c
, we call compute!
# output
1×1×5 Field{Nothing, Nothing, Center} reduced over dims = (1, 2) on LatitudeLongitudeGrid on CPU
├── data: OffsetArrays.OffsetArray{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}}, size: (1, 1, 5)
├── grid: 60×10×5 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── operand: Integral of BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center) over dims (1, 2)
├── status: time=0.0
└── data: 1×1×11 OffsetArray(::Array{Float64, 3}, 1:1, 1:1, -2:8) with eltype Float64 with indices 1:1×1:1×-2:8
└── max=2.55032e14, min=2.55032e14, mean=2.55032e14
Above we see that the max, min and mean of the field are all the same. Let's check that these values are what we expect:
∫c[1, 1, 1] ≈ 2π * grid.radius^2 # area of spherical zone with |φ| ≤ 30ᵒ
# output
We can further have conditional reduced operations. Let's compute the above integral but only for North hemisphere.
First we need to define a condition which is a function with arguments (i, j, k, grid, field)
that returns true or false. In this example we use Oceananigans.Grids.φnode
to check whether the latitude is within the range we'd like.
using Oceananigans.Grids: φnode
cond(i, j, k, grid, c) = φnode(j, grid, Center()) ≥ 0
conditional_∫c = Field(Integral(c, dims=(1, 2), condition=cond)) # integrate only when condition is true
# output
1×1×5 Field{Nothing, Nothing, Center} reduced over dims = (1, 2) on LatitudeLongitudeGrid on CPU
├── data: OffsetArrays.OffsetArray{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}}, size: (1, 1, 5)
├── grid: 60×10×5 LatitudeLongitudeGrid{Float64, Periodic, Bounded, Bounded} on CPU with 3×3×3 halo and with precomputed metrics
├── operand: Integral of ConditionalOperation of BinaryOperation at (Center, Center, Center) with condition cond (generic function with 1 method) over dims (1, 2)
├── status: time=0.0
└── data: 1×1×11 OffsetArray(::Array{Float64, 3}, 1:1, 1:1, -2:8) with eltype Float64 with indices 1:1×1:1×-2:8
└── max=0.0, min=0.0, mean=0.0
Above we have attached a condition to the operand. Now the operand is applied only when the condition is true. Let's compute and see if we get 1/4 of the area of the sphere
conditional_∫c[1, 1, 1] ≈ π * grid.radius^2 # area of spherical zone with 0ᵒ ≤ φ ≤ 30ᵒ
# output
Another way to do the above is to provide the condition
keyword argument with an array of booleans.
cond_array = trues(size(grid))
cond_array[:, 1:5, :] .= false # set the first half of the latitude range to false
conditional_∫c = Field(Integral(c, dims=(1, 2), condition=cond_array))
conditional_∫c[1, 1, 1] ≈ π * grid.radius^2 # area of spherical zone with 0ᵒ ≤ φ ≤ 30ᵒ
# output