
A fast and friendly incompressible fluid flow solver in Julia that can be run in 1-3 dimensions on CPUs and GPUs.

Oceananigans.jl is a fast and friendly incompressible fluid flow solver written in Julia that can be run in 1-3 dimensions on CPUs and GPUs. It simulates the rotating Boussinesq equations in rectangular domains with some special features for fluids stratified by both temperature and salinity (oceans!) –- but can also be used without rotation, stratification, with arbitrary tracers, and arbitrary user-defined forcing functions.

We strive for a user interface that makes Oceananigans.jl as friendly and intuitive to use as possible, allowing users to focus on the science. Internally, we have attempted to write the underlying algorithm so that the code runs as fast as possible for the configuration chosen by the user –- from simple two-dimensional setups to complex three-dimensional simulations –- and so that as much code as possible is shared between the CPU and GPU algorithms.

Installation instructions

You can install the latest version of Oceananigans using the built-in package manager (accessed by pressing ] in the Julia command prompt) to add the package and instantiate/build all dependencies

(v1.1) pkg> add Oceananigans
(v1.1) pkg> instantiate

We recommend installing Oceananigans with the built-in Julia package manager, because this installs a stable, tagged release. Oceananigans.jl can be updated to the latest tagged release from the package manager by typing

(v1.1) pkg> update Oceananigans

At this time, updating should be done with care, as Oceananigans is under rapid development and breaking changes to the user API occur often. But if anything does happen, please open an issue!

Note: Oceananigans requires at least Julia v1.1 to run correctly.

Getting help

If you are interested in using Oceananigans.jl or are trying to figure out how to use it, please feel free to ask us questions and get in touch! Check out the examples and open an issue if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.