Forcing functions

"Forcings" are user-defined terms appended to right-hand side of the momentum or tracer evolution equations. In Oceananigans, momentum and tracer forcings are defined via julia functions. Oceananigans includes an interface for implementing forcing functions that depend on spatial coordinates, time, model velocity and tracer fields, and external parameters.

Forcings are added to Oceananigans models by passing a NamedTuple of functions or forcing objects to the forcing keyword argument in IncompressibleModel's constructor. By default, momentum and tracer forcing functions are assumed to be functions of x, y, z, t. A basic example is

u_forcing(x, y, z, t) = exp(z) * cos(x) * sin(t)

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1))
model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, forcing=(u=u_forcing,))


# output
ContinuousForcing{Nothing} at (Face, Cell, Cell)
├── func: u_forcing
├── parameters: nothing
└── field dependencies: ()

More general forcing functions are built via the Forcing constructor described below. Oceananigans also provides a convenience type called Relaxation that specifies "relaxation", or damping terms that restore a field to a target distribution outside of a masked region of space. Relaxation can be used to implement sponge layers near the boundaries of a domain.

The Forcing constructor

The Forcing constructor provides an interface for specifying forcing functions that

  1. Depend on external parameters; and
  2. Depend on model fields at the x, y, z location that forcing is applied; and/or
  3. Require access to discrete model data.

Forcing functions with external parameters

Most forcings involve external, changeable parameters. Here are two examples of forcing_functions that depend on (i) a single scalar parameter s, and (ii) a NamedTuple of parameters, p:

# Forcing that depends on a scalar parameter `s`
u_forcing_func(x, y, z, t, s) = s * z

u_forcing = Forcing(u_forcing_func, parameters=0.1)

# Forcing that depends on a `NamedTuple` of parameters `p`
T_forcing_func(x, y, z, t, p) = - p.μ * exp(z / p.λ) * cos(p.k * x) * sin(p.ω * t)

T_forcing = Forcing(T_forcing_func, parameters=(μ=1, λ=0.5, k=2π, ω=4π))

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1))
model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, forcing=(u=u_forcing, T=T_forcing))


# output
ContinuousForcing{NamedTuple{(:μ, :λ, :k, :ω),Tuple{Int64,Float64,Float64,Float64}}} at (Cell, Cell, Cell)
├── func: T_forcing_func
├── parameters: (μ = 1, λ = 0.5, k = 6.283185307179586, ω = 12.566370614359172)
└── field dependencies: ()

# output
ContinuousForcing{Float64} at (Face, Cell, Cell)
├── func: u_forcing_func
├── parameters: 0.1
└── field dependencies: ()

In this example, the objects passed to the parameters keyword in the construction of u_forcing and T_forcing –- a floating point number for u_forcing, and a NamedTuple of parameters for T_forcing –- are passed on to u_forcing_func and T_forcing_func when they are called during time-stepping. The object passed to parameters is in principle arbitrary. However, if using the GPU, then typeof(parameters) may be restricted by the requirements of GPU-compiliability.

Forcing functions that depend on model fields

Forcing functions may depend on model fields evaluated at the x, y, z where forcing is applied. Here's a somewhat non-sensical example:

# Forcing that depends on the velocity fields `u`, `v`, and `w`
w_forcing_func(x, y, z, t, u, v, w) = - (u^2 + v^2 + w^2) / 2

w_forcing = Forcing(w_forcing_func, field_dependencies=(:u, :v, :w))

# Forcing that depends on salinity `S` and a scalar parameter
S_forcing_func(x, y, z, t, S, μ) = - μ * S

S_forcing = Forcing(S_forcing_func, parameters=0.01, field_dependencies=:S)

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1))
model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, forcing=(w=w_forcing, S=S_forcing))


# output
ContinuousForcing{Nothing} at (Cell, Cell, Face)
├── func: w_forcing_func
├── parameters: nothing
└── field dependencies: (:u, :v, :w)

# output
ContinuousForcing{Float64} at (Cell, Cell, Cell)
├── func: S_forcing_func
├── parameters: 0.01
└── field dependencies: (:S,)

The field_dependencies arguments follow x, y, z, t in the forcing function in the order they are specified in Forcing. If both field_dependencies and parameters are specified, then the field_dependencies arguments follow x, y, z, t, and parameters follow field_dependencies.

Model fields that arise in the arguments of continuous Forcing functions are automatically interpolated to the staggered grid location at which the forcing is applied.

"Discrete form" forcing functions

"Discrete form" forcing functions are either called with the signature

func(i, j, k, grid, clock, model_fields)

or the parameterized form

func(i, j, k, grid, clock, model_fields, parameters)

Discrete form forcing functions can access the entirety of model field data through the argument model_fields. The object model_fields is a NamedTuple whose properties include the velocity fields model_fields.u, model_fields.v, model_fields.w, all fields in model.tracers, and the fields in model.diffusivities. Note that in the special case that a tuple of turbulence closures is provided, the diffusivities associated with closure[i] is accessible via model_fields.diffusivities[i].

Using discrete forcing functions may require understanding the staggered arrangement of velocity fields and tracers in Oceananigans. Here's a slightly non-sensical example in which the vertical derivative of a buoyancy tracer is used as a time-scale for damping the u-velocity field:

# A damping term that depends on a "local average":
local_average(i, j, k, grid, c) = @inbounds (c[i, j, k] + c[i-1, j, k] + c[i+1, j, k] +
                                                          c[i, j-1, k] + c[i, j+1, k] +
                                                          c[i, j, k-1] + c[i, j, k+1]) / 7

b_forcing_func(i, j, k, grid, clock, model_fields) = - local_average(i, j, k, grid, model_fields.b)

b_forcing = Forcing(b_forcing_func, discrete_form=true)

# A term that damps the local velocity field in the presence of stratification
using Oceananigans.Operators: ∂zᵃᵃᶠ, ℑxzᶠᵃᶜ

function u_forcing_func(i, j, k, grid, clock, model_fields, ε)
    # The vertical derivative of buoyancy, interpolated to the u-velocity location:
    N² = ℑxzᶠᵃᶜ(i, j, k, grid, ∂zᵃᵃᶠ, model_fields.b)

    # Set to zero in unstable stratification where N² < 0:
    N² = max(N², zero(typeof(N²)))

    return @inbounds - ε * sqrt(N²) * model_fields.u[i, j, k]

u_forcing = Forcing(u_forcing_func, discrete_form=true, parameters=1e-3)

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1))
model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, tracers=:b, buoyancy=BuoyancyTracer(), forcing=(u=u_forcing, b=b_forcing))


# output
├── func: b_forcing_func
└── parameters: nothing

# output
├── func: u_forcing_func
└── parameters: 0.001

The annotation @inbounds is crucial for performance when accessing array indices of the fields in model_fields.


Relaxation defines a special forcing function that restores a field at a specified rate to a target distribution, within a region uncovered by a masking function. Relaxation is useful for implementing sponge layers, as shown in the second example.

The following code constructs a model in which all components of the velocity field are damped to zero everywhere on a time-scale of 1000 seconds, or ~17 minutes:

damping = Relaxation(rate = 1/1000)

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1)) 
model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, forcing=(u=damping, v=damping, w=damping))


# output
ContinuousForcing{Nothing} at (Cell, Cell, Face)
├── func: Relaxation(rate=0.001, mask=1, target=0)
├── parameters: nothing
└── field dependencies: (:w,)

The constructor for Relaxation accepts the keyword arguments mask, and target, which specify a mask(x, y, z) function that multiplies the forcing, and a target(x, y, z) distribution for the quantity in question. By default, mask uncovered the whole domain and target restores the field in question to 0

We illustrate usage of mask and target by implementing a sponge layer that relaxes velocity fields to zero and restores temperature to a linear gradient in the bottom 1/10th of the domain:

grid = RegularCartesianGrid(size=(1, 1, 1), x=(0, 1), y=(0, 1), z=(-1, 0))

        damping_rate = 1/100 # relax fields on a 100 second time-scale
temperature_gradient = 0.001 # ⁰C m⁻¹
 surface_temperature = 20    # ⁰C (at z=0)

target_temperature = LinearTarget{:z}(intercept=surface_temperature, gradient=temperature_gradient)
       bottom_mask = GaussianMask{:z}(center=-grid.Lz, width=grid.Lz/10)

uvw_sponge = Relaxation(rate=damping_rate, mask=bottom_mask)
  T_sponge = Relaxation(rate=damping_rate, mask=bottom_mask, target=target_temperature)

model = IncompressibleModel(grid=grid, forcing=(u=uvw_sponge, v=uvw_sponge, w=uvw_sponge, T=T_sponge))


# output
ContinuousForcing{Nothing} at (Face, Cell, Cell)
├── func: Relaxation(rate=0.01, mask=exp(-(z + 1.0)^2 / (2 * 0.1^2)), target=0)
├── parameters: nothing
└── field dependencies: (:u,)

# output
ContinuousForcing{Nothing} at (Cell, Cell, Cell)
├── func: Relaxation(rate=0.01, mask=exp(-(z + 1.0)^2 / (2 * 0.1^2)), target=20.0 + 0.001 * z)
├── parameters: nothing
└── field dependencies: (:T,)