Private types and functions

Documentation for ParameterEstimocean.jl's internal interface.



compute_time_transformation(user_time_transformation, fts)

Compute a time transformation for the field time series fts given user_time_transformation.

By default, if user_time_transformation isa nothing, then we include all time instances except the initial condition.

denormalize!(data, normalization::ZScore)

Given some data that has been normalized as specified by normalization, return the data to its original scale by performing the inverse of the normalize! operation.



FieldTimeSeriesCollector(collected_fields, times;
                         architecture = CPU(),
                         averaging_window = nothing,
                         averaging_stride = nothing)

Return a FieldTimeSeriesCollector for fields of simulation. fields is a NamedTuple of AbstractFields that are to be collected.

                         field_name, time_index, (Nensemble, Nbatch, Nz))

Return an Nensemble × Nbatch × Nz Array of (1, 1, Nz) field_name data, given Nbatch SyntheticObservations objects. The Nbatch × Nz data for field_name is copied Nensemble times to form a 3D Array.


Ensemble Simulations


closure_with_parameters(closure, parameters)

Return a new object where for each (parameter_name, parameter_value) pair in parameters, the value corresponding to the key in closure that matches parameter_name is replaced with parameter_value.


Create a placeholder Closure type that includes a parameter c and a sub-closure with two parameters: a and b. Then construct a closure with values a, b, c = 1, 2, 3.

julia> struct Closure; subclosure; c end

julia> struct ClosureSubModel; a; b end

julia> sub_closure = ClosureSubModel(1, 2)
ClosureSubModel(1, 2)

julia> closure = Closure(sub_closure, 3)
Closure(ClosureSubModel(1, 2), 3)

Providing closure_with_parameters with a named tuple of parameter names and values, and a recursive search in all types and subtypes within closure is done and whenever a parameter is found whose name exists in the named tuple we provided, its value is then replaced with the value provided.

julia> new_parameters = (a = 12, d = 7)
(a = 12, d = 7)

julia> using ParameterEstimocean.Parameters: closure_with_parameters

julia> closure_with_parameters(closure, new_parameters)
Closure(ClosureSubModel(12, 2), 3)
construct_object(specification_dict, parameters; name=nothing, type_parameters=nothing)

construct_object(d::ParameterValue, parameters; name=nothing)

Return a composite type object whose properties are prescribed by the specification_dict dictionary. All parameter values are given the values in specification_dict unless they are included as a parameter name-value pair in the named tuple parameters, in which case the value in parameters is asigned.

The construct_object is recursively called upon every property that is included in specification_dict until a property with a numerical value is reached. The object's constructor name must be included in specification_dict under key :type.


julia> using ParameterEstimocean.Parameters: construct_object, dict_properties, closure_with_parameters

julia> struct Closure; subclosure; c end

julia> struct ClosureSubModel; a; b end

julia> sub_closure = ClosureSubModel(1, 2)
ClosureSubModel(1, 2)

julia> closure = Closure(sub_closure, 3)
Closure(ClosureSubModel(1, 2), 3)

julia> specification_dict = dict_properties(closure)
Dict{Symbol, Any} with 3 entries:
  :type       => Closure
  :c          => 3
  :subclosure => Dict{Symbol, Any}(:a=>1, :b=>2, :type=>ClosureSubModel)

julia> new_closure = construct_object(specification_dict, (a=2.1,))
Closure(ClosureSubModel(2.1, 2), 3)
julia> another_new_closure = construct_object(specification_dict, (b=π, c=2π))
Closure(ClosureSubModel(1, π), 6.283185307179586)

Return a dictionary with all properties of an object and their values, including the object's type name. If any of the object's properties is not a numerical value but instead a composite type, then dict_properties is called recursively on that object's property returning a dictionary with all properties of that composite type. Recursion ends when properties of type ParameterValue are found.

new_closure_ensemble(closures, parameter_ensemble, arch=CPU())

Return a new set of closures in which all closures that have free parameters are updated. Closures with free parameters are expected as AbstractArray of TurbulenceClosures, and this allows new_closure_ensemble to go through all closures in closures and only update the parameters for the any closure that is of type AbstractArray. The architecture (CPU() or GPU()) defines whethere Array or CuArray is returned.

transform_to_unconstrained(Π, Y)

Transform the "constrained" (physical) variate Y into it's unconstrained (normally-distributed) counterpart X through the forward map associated with Π.

If some mapping between $Y$ and the normally-distributed $X$ is defined via

\[Y = g(X).\]

Then transform_to_unconstrained is the inverse $X = g^{-1}(Y)$. The change of variables $g(X)$ determines the distribution Π of Y.


The logarithm of a LogNormal(μ, σ) distributed variate is normally-distributed, such that the forward trasform $f ≡ \exp$,

\[Y = \exp(X),\]

and the inverse trasnform is the natural logarithm $f^{-1} ≡ \log$,

\[\log(Y) = X ∼ 𝒩(μ, σ).\]


Inverse Problems

expand_parameter_ensemble(ip, user_parameter_ensemble::Vector)

Convert parameters user_parameter_ensemble to Vector{<:NamedTuple}, where the elements correspond to ip.free_parameters.

user_parameter_ensemble may represent an ensemble of parameter sets via:

  • user_parameter_ensemble::Vector{<:Vector} (caution: parameters must be ordered correctly!)
  • user_parameter_ensemble::Matrix (caution: parameters must be ordered correctly!)
  • user_parameter_ensemble::Vector{<:NamedTuple}

or a single parameter set if user_parameter_ensemble::Vector{<:Number}.

If length(user_parameter_ensemble) is less the the number of ensemble members in ip.simulation, the last parameter set is copied to fill the parameter set ensemble.

transpose_model_output(collector_grid, time_series_collector, observations)

Transpose a NamedTuple of 4D FieldTimeSeries model output collected by time_series_collector into a Vector of SyntheticObservations for each member of the observation batch.

Return a 1-vector in the case of singleton observations.



eki_objective(eki, θ::AbstractVector, G::AbstractVector; constrained = false)

Given forward map G and parameters θ, return a tuple (Φ₁, Φ₂) of terms in the ensemble Kalman inversion (eki) regularized objective function, where,

Φ = Φ₁ + Φ₂

Φ₁ measures output misfit ½ || Γy^(-¹/₂) * (y .- G(θ)) ||² and Φ₂ measures prior misfit ½ || Γθ^(-¹/₂) * (θ .- μθ) ||², where y is the observation map, G(θ) is the forward map, Γy is the observation noise covariance, Γθ is the prior covariance, and μθ represents the prior means. Note that Γ^(-¹/₂) = inv(sqrt(Γ)).

When keyword argument constrained is provided with true then input θ is assumed to represent constrained parameters.

 find_successful_particles(eki, X, G, Nsample)

Generate Nsample new particles sampled from a multivariate Normal distribution parameterized by the ensemble mean and covariance computed based on the × Nensemble ensemble array θ, under the condition that all Nsample particles produce successful forward map outputs.

G (size(G) = Noutput × Nensemble) is the forward map output produced by θ.

Returns Nθ × Nsample parameter Array and Noutput × Nsample forward map output Array.



eki_update(pseudo_scheme::ConstantConvergence, Xₙ, Gₙ, eki)

Implement an EKI update with an adaptive time step estimated to encourage a prescribed rate of ensemble collapse as measured by the ratio of the ensemble covariance matrix determinants at consecutive iterations.

eki_update(pseudo_scheme::ThresholdedConvergenceRatio, Xₙ, Gₙ, eki; initial_guess=nothing)

Implement an EKI update with an adaptive time step estimated as suggested by Chada, Neil and Tong, Xin "Convergence Aacceleration of Ensemble Kalman Inversion in Nonlinear Settings," Math. Comp. 91 (2022).

eki_update(pseudo_scheme::Kovachki2018, Xₙ, Gₙ, eki)

Implement an EKI update with an adaptive time step estimated as suggested by Kovachki et al. "Ensemble Kalman Inversion: A Derivative-Free Technique For Machine Learning Tasks" (2018).

eki_update(pseudo_scheme::ThresholdedConvergenceRatio, Xₙ, Gₙ, eki; initial_guess=nothing, report=true)

Implement an EKI update with an adaptive time step estimated by finding the first step size in the sequence Δtₖ = Δtₙ₋₁ * (1/2)^k with k = {0, 1, 2, ...} that satisfies |cov(Xₙ₊₁)| / |cov(Xₙ)| > pseudo_scheme.cov_threshold, assuming the determinant ratio is a monotonically increasing function of k. If an initial_guess is provided, Δtₙ₋₁ in the above sequence is replaced with initial_guess. If an initial_guess is not provided, the time step can only decrease or stay the same at future iterations with this time stepping scheme.

trained_gp_predict_function(X, y; standardize_X=true, zscore_limit=nothing, kernel=nothing)

Return a trained Gaussian Process (GP) given inputs X and outputs y.


  • X (AbstractArray): size (N_param, N_train) array of training points.
  • y (Vector): size (N_train,) array of training outputs.

Keyword Arguments

  • standardize_X (Bool): whether to standardize the inputs for GP training and prediction.

  • zscore_limit (Int): specifies the number of standard deviations outside of which all output entries and their corresponding inputs should be removed from the training data in an initial filtering step.

  • kernel (GaussianProcesses.Kernel): kernel to be optimized and used in the GP.


  • predict (Function): a function that maps size-(N_param, N_test) inputs to (μ, Γgp), where μ is an (N_test,) array of corresponding mean predictions and Γgp is the prediction covariance matrix.