
This module provides the file paths for loading the lookup tables and input data for the tests. These artifacts are obtained from These artifacts are obtained from "Pincus, R., Mlawer, E. J., Delamere, J., Iacono, M. J., & Pernak, R. (2023). RRTMGP data (Version 1.7) Data set

get_lookup_filename(optics_type::Symbol, λ::Symbol)

This function generates the file names for lookup table files, for a given optics type, for the shortwave and longwave solvers.

  • :gas, :cloud and :aerosol optics types are supported for the longwave and shortwave solvers.
    • The :gas option provides the file that is used to load either the LookUpLW or LookUpSW struct in LookUpTables.jl.
    • The :cloud option provides the file that is used to load the LookUpCld struct in LookUpTables.jl.
    • The :aerosol option provides the file that is used to load the LookUpAerosolMerra struct in LookUpTables.jl.
  • :lw (longwave) and :sw (shortwave) wavelength types are supported.

These artifacts are obtained from "Pincus, R., Mlawer, E. J., Delamere, J., Iacono, M. J., & Pernak, R. (2023). RRTMGP data (Version 1.7) [Data set]."

get_input_filename(problemtype::Symbol, λ::Symbol)

This function generates the file names for input files for tests for a given problem type and wavelength type. :gas, and :gas_clouds and :gas_clouds_aerosols problem types are supported. :lw (longwave) and :sw (shortwave) wavelength types are supported.

This file provides data for loading the AtmosphericState struct, the provides the atmospheric conditions for computing optical properties.

  • The :gas option is used for the clear sky test.
  • The :gas_clouds option is used for the all sky test.
  • The :gas_clouds_aerosols option is used for the all sky with aerosols test.

While these are primarily intended for the tests, some of this input data is also used in ClimaAtmos.jl and is therefore provided here for user's convenience.

These artifacts are obtained from "Pincus, R., Mlawer, E. J., Delamere, J., Iacono, M. J., & Pernak, R. (2023). RRTMGP data (Version 1.7) [Data set]."
