Lookup tables

LookUpLW{FT, IA3D, FTA4D, BND, P, R, LMNR} <: AbstractLookUp

Longwave lookup tables, used to compute optical properties.


  • idx_h2o: vmr array index for h2o

  • p_ref_tropo: Reference pressure separating upper and lower atmosphere

  • p_ref_min: minimum pressure supported by RRTMGP lookup tables

  • key_species: major absorbing species in each band (2, n_atmos_layers, n_bnd)

  • kmajor: major absorption coefficient (n_η, n_p_ref + 1, n_t_ref, n_gpt)

  • planck: lookup data for Planck source calculations

  • band_data: band data

  • ref_points: reference temperatures, pressures and volume mixing ratios

  • minor_lower: lookup data for minor gases in the lower atmosphere

  • minor_upper: lookup data for minor gases in the upper atmosphere

LookUpSW{FT, IA3D, FTA1D, FTA3D, FTA4D, BND, R, LMNR} <: AbstractLookUp

Shortwave lookup tables, used to compute optical properties.


  • idx_h2o: vmr array index for h2o

  • p_ref_tropo: Reference pressure separating upper and lower atmosphere

  • p_ref_min: minimum pressure supported by RRTMGP lookup tables

  • solar_src_tot: total solar irradiation

  • key_species: major absorbing species in each band (2, n_atmos_layers, n_bnd)

  • kmajor: major absorption coefficient (n_η, n_p_ref + 1, n_t_ref, n_gpt)

  • band_data: band data

  • ref_points: reference temperatures, pressures and volume mixing ratios

  • rayl_lower: Rayleigh absorption coefficient for lower atmosphere (n_η, n_t_ref, n_gpt)

  • rayl_upper: Rayleigh absorption coefficient for upper atmosphere (n_η, n_t_ref, n_gpt)

  • solar_src_scaled: relative solar source contribution from each g-point (n_gpt)

  • minor_lower: lookup data for minor gases in the lower atmosphere

  • minor_upper: lookup data for minor gases in the upper atmosphere

LookUpCld{D, B, L, I, W} <: AbstractLookUp

Lookup table for cloud optics.

This struct stores the lookup tables for determing extinction coeffient, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter g as a function of effective radius. We compute the optical depth tau (=exintinction coeff * condensed water path) and the products taussa and taussa*g for liquid and ice cloud separately. These are used to determine the optical properties of ice and water cloud together.


  • dims: nband, nrghice, nsize_liq, nsize_ice, pair

  • bounds: particle size lower and upper bounds and factor for LUT interpolation for liquid and ice particles

  • liqdata: liquid extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and symmetry paramter (3*nsize_liq, nbnd)

  • icedata: ice extinction coefficient, single scattering albedo and symmetry paramter (3*nsize_ice, nbnd, nrghice)

  • bnd_lims_wn: beginning and ending wavenumber for each band (2, nband) cm⁻¹

LookUpAerosolMerra{D, D1, D2, D3, D4, W} <: AbstractLookUp

Merra lookup table for aersols.

This struct stores the lookup tables for determing extinction coeffient, single-scattering albedo, and asymmetry parameter g as a function of aerosol particle size, relative humidity and band. Data is provided for dust, sea salt, sulfate, black carbon (hydrophobic and hydrophilic) and organic carbon (hydrophobic and hydrophilic).


  • dims: nband, nval, nbin, nrh, pair

  • size_bin_limits: beginning and ending limit for each MERRA aerosol size bin (microns)

  • rh_levels: relative humidity levels for MERRA hydrophilic aerosols

  • dust: dust (nval, nbin, nband)

  • sea_salt: sea salt (nval, nrh, nbin, nband)

  • sulfate: sulfate (nval, nrh, nband)

  • black_carbon_rh: black carbon - hydrophilic (nval, nhr, nband)

  • black_carbon: black carbon - hydrophobic (nval, nband)

  • organic_carbon_rh: organic carbon - hydrophilic (nval, nhr, nband)

  • organic_carbon: organic carbon - hydrophobic (nval, nband)

  • bnd_lims_wn: beginning and ending wavenumber for each band (2, nband) cm⁻¹

  • iband_550nm: Band number index corresponding to 550 nm
