Command line arguments
Command line arguments
│ flag │ type │ help msg │
│ job_id │ Any │ A unique job identifier (currently only supported in flame graphs) │
│ case │ Any │ Case to run │
│ sgs │ String │ │
│ quad_type │ String │ │
│ entr │ String │ │
│ ml_entr │ String │ │
│ entr_dim_scale │ String │ │
│ detr_dim_scale │ String │ │
│ nn_ent_biases │ Bool │ │
│ stoch_entr │ String │ │
│ t_max │ Float64 │ │
│ adapt_dt │ Bool │ │
│ dt │ Float64 │ │
│ dt_max │ Float64 │ │
│ calibrate_io │ Bool │ │
│ stretch_grid │ Bool │ │
│ skip_io │ Bool │ │
│ skip_post_proc │ Bool │ │
│ skip_tests │ Bool │ │
│ broken_tests │ Bool │ │
│ suffix │ String │ │
│ n_up │ Int64 │ │
│ moisture_model │ String │ Cloud condensate formation model [`equilibrium` (default), `nonequilibrium`] │
│ precipitation_model │ String │ Precipitation model [`None` (default), `cutoff` or `clima_1m`] │
│ rain_formation_scheme │ String │ Rain autoconversion and accretion scheme [`clima_1m_default` (default) , `KK2000`, `B1994`, `TC1980`, `LD2004`] │
│ prescribed_Nd │ Float64 │ Prescribed cloud droplet number concentration. Valid when rain_formation_scheme is `KK2000`, `B1994`, `TC1980` or `LD2004`] │
│ precip_fraction_model │ String │ Assumed (constant with height) precipitation fraction [`prescribed` (default), `cloud_cover`] │
│ prescribed_precip_frac_value │ Float64 │ Value of the precipitation fraction, if prescribed. │
│ precip_fraction_limiter │ Float64 │ Minimum precipitation fraction, if diagnostic. │
│ thermo_covariance_model │ String │ The type of equation for the sgs covariance [`prognostic`, `diagnostic` (default)] │
│ float_type │ String │ │
│ config │ String │ Spatial configuration [`sphere`, `column` (default)] │
│ set_src_seed │ Bool │ Set random seeds for reproducible results per column │
│ test_duals │ Bool │ Test that we can use Duals through ∑tendencies to ForwardDiff through the model │
│ trunc_field_type_print │ Bool │ Set to `true` to truncate printing of ClimaCore `Field` types │
│ acnv_scaling │ Float64 │ Coefficient multiplying the autoconversion rate. Default = 1 │
│ accr_scaling │ Float64 │ Coefficient multiplying the accretion rate. Default = 1 │
│ evap_scaling │ Float64 │ Coefficient multiplying the evaporation rate. Default = 1 │
│ depsub_scaling │ Float64 │ Coefficient multiplying the deposition sublimation rate. Default = 1 │
│ melt_scaling │ Float64 │ Coefficient multiplying the melting rate. Default = 1 │