ClimaLand.jl Documentation (v0.15.8)


ClimaLand is the Land model of the Climate Modeling Alliance (CliMA) Earth System Model, which also contains other components (atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice).

ClimaLand can be run coupled (or "online") with these other components via ClimaCoupler, or it can be run as a standalone, via prescribed meteorological data ("offline").

ClimaLand library, described in this documentation, is written in the Julia programming language. It aims to be fast and have a clear syntax. ClimaLand can run on CPU or GPU, it has a modular design, and is flexible in many ways. This documentation will expand on each of these elements.

Documentation for Users and Developers

ClimaLand has documentation for both users and developers. The documentation for users is aimed at scientists who wants to run simulations using ClimaLand, whereas the documentation for developers is aimed at contributors of the ClimaLand code library. As such, users can skip reading the docs for developers, and vice-versa.

Physical units

Note that CliMA, in all its repositories, uses Standard Units, reminded below

QuantityUnit NameSI SymbolSI Unit Equivalent
LengthMeterm1 m
MassKilogramkg1 kg
TimeSeconds1 s
TemperatureKelvinK1 K
Amount of SubstanceMolemol1 mol
EnergyJouleJ1 J = 1 N·m
PowerWattW1 W = 1 J/s
PressurePascalPa1 Pa = 1 N/m²
FrequencyHertzHz1 Hz = 1 s⁻¹