Setting up a Coupled Simulation

For more information about the bucket model, please see the bucket model tutorial.

This tutorial shows how to set up a simulation for a coupled simulation. More detail for coupled runs can be found in the ClimaCoupler.jl documentation. In preparation for understanding this tutorial, we recommend also reading the intro to multi-component models tutorial as well as being familiar with multiple dispatch programming in Julia.


Recall that in order to drive the system in standalone mode, the user must provide prescribed functions of time for the water volume flux in precipitation, for the net downward shortwave and longwave radiative energy fluxes, for the atmospheric temperature T_a, wind speed u_a (m/s), specific humidity q_a, and air density ρ_a (kg/m^3) at a reference height h_a (m).

Turbulent surface fluxes are computed by the bucket model at each step of the simulation, using the land surface properties as well as the prescribed atmospheric properties, according to Monin-Obukhov theory. These fluxes, as well as the net radiation, are stored in the auxiliary state of the bucket model: p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.lhf, p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.shf, p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.vapor_flux, p.bucket.R_n, where they are accessible when boundary conditions are required in the ODE functions (right hand side) of the prognostic equations. Similarily, the precipitation rates are provided from prescribed conditions and stored in p.drivers.P_liq, p.drivers.P_snow.

In a coupled simulation, this changes. The coupler computes turbulent surface fluxes based on information (prognostic state, parameters) passed to it by both the atmosphere and land models. Net radiation is computed within the atmosphere model, using the prognostic land surface temperature and the land surface albedo, and passed back to the land model via the coupler. These details are important, but from the point of view of the land model, we only need to know that the coupler accesses land model variables to compute fluxes, and that the coupler passes these fluxes back to the land model.

In our current setup, "passed back to the land model via the coupler" means that the coupler accesses the auxiliary state of the land model and modifies it, at each step in the simulation, so that it holds the current net radiation, precipitation, and turbulent surface fluxes (p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes, p.bucket.R_n, p.drivers.P_liq, p.drivers.P_snow). These quantities are then still available in the ODE functions of the prognostic equations for the bucket model, as in the standalone case.

In order for the land model to be able to run both in standalone mode, and a coupled mode, within a single interface, we make use of multiple dispatch.

Turbulent Surface Fluxes and Radiation

Let's review how turbulent surface fluxes and radiation are computed by the land model. The user first creates the prescribed atmosphere and prescribed radiation drivers. In pseudo code, this might look something like:

prescribed_atmos = PrescribedAtmosphere{FT}(*driver data passed in here*)
prescribed_radiation = PrescribedRadiativeFluxes{FT}(*driver data passed in here*)

These are stored in the BucketModel object, along with BucketParameters. In order to compute turbulent surface fluxes, we call turbulent_fluxes, with arguments including prescribed_atmos. Since this argument is of the type PrescribedAtmosphere, the method of turbulent_fluxes which is executed is one which computes the turbulent surface fluxes using MOST. We have a similar function for net_radiation and which computes the net radiation based on the prescribed downwelling radiative fluxes, stored in an argument prescribed_radiation, which is of type PrescribedRadiation.

In the coupled case, we want different behavior. We have defined new coupled types to use instead of the "prescribed" types:

struct CoupledAtmosphere{FT} <: AbstractAtmosphericDrivers{FT} end
struct CoupledRadiativeFluxes{FT} <: AbstractRadiativeDrivers{FT} end

Then, we have defined a new method for turbulent_fluxes and net_radiation which dispatch for these types, and simply return the fluxes that the coupler has updated p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes and p.bucket.R_n with. In pseudo code:

function ClimaLand.turbulent_fluxes(
   return (
        lhf = p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.lhf,
        shf = p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.shf,
        vapor_flux = p.bucket.turbulent_fluxes.vapor_flux,


function ClimaLand.net_radiation(
    return p.bucket.R_n

These methods simply returns the values stored in the auxiliary state p. Importantly, these functions are called by the bucket model each time step after the coupler has already computed these values (or extracted them from another model) and modifed p!

Surface air density

Within the right hand side/ODE function calls for the bucket model, we need both the surface air density (for computing specific humidity at the surface). In standalone runs, we call the function surface_air_density, When the atmos type is PrescribedAtmosphere, this function uses the atmospheric state and surface temperature to estimate the surface air density assuming an ideal gas and hydrostatic balance and by extrapolating from the air density at the lowest level of the atmosphere.

In the coupled case, we need to extend these functions with a CoupledAtmosphere method:

function ClimaLand.surface_air_density(
    return p.bucket.ρ_sfc

Again, this functions is called in the ODE function of the bucket model after the coupler has updated the values of p with the correct values at that timestep.

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