Meshing Stuff


Topologies encode the connectivity of the elements, spatial domain interval and MPI communication.


BoxElementTopology{dim, T} <: AbstractTopology{dim}

The local topology of a larger MPI-distributed topology, represented by dim-dimensional box elements.

This contains the necessary information for the connectivity elements of the elements on the local process, along with "ghost" elements from neighbouring processes.


  • mpicomm

    MPI communicator for communicating with neighbouring processes.

  • elems

    Range of element indices

  • realelems

    Range of real (aka nonghost) element indices

  • ghostelems

    Range of ghost element indices

  • ghostfaces

    Ghost element to face is received; ghostfaces[f,ge] == true if face f of ghost element ge is received.

  • sendelems

    Array of send element indices

  • sendfaces

    Send element to face is sent; sendfaces[f,se] == true if face f of send element se is sent.

  • interiorelems

    Array of real elements that do not have a ghost element as a neighbor.

  • exteriorelems

    Array of real elements that have at least on ghost element as a neighbor.

    Note that this is different from sendelems because sendelems duplicates elements that need to be sent to multiple neighboring processes.

  • elemtocoord

    Element to vertex coordinates; elemtocoord[d,i,e] is the dth coordinate of corner i of element e


    currently coordinates always are of size 3 for (x1, x2, x3)

  • elemtoelem

    Element to neighboring element; elemtoelem[f,e] is the number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoelem[f,e] == e.

  • elemtoface

    Element to neighboring element face; elemtoface[f,e] is the face number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoface[f,e] == f."

  • elemtoordr

    element to neighboring element order; elemtoordr[f,e] is the ordering number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoordr[f,e] == 1.

  • elemtobndy

    Element to boundary number; elemtobndy[f,e] is the boundary number of face f of element e. If there is a neighboring element then elemtobndy[f,e] == 0.

  • nabrtorank

    List of the MPI ranks for the neighboring processes

  • nabrtorecv

    Range in ghost elements to receive for each neighbor

  • nabrtosend

    Range in sendelems to send for each neighbor

  • origsendorder

    original order in partitioning

  • hasboundary

    boolean for whether or not this topology has a boundary


Apply single-exponential stretching: A > 0 will increase the density of points at the lower boundary, A < 0 will increase the density at the upper boundary.


  • "Handbook of Grid Generation" J. F. Thompson, B. K. Soni, N. P. Weatherill (Editors) RCR Press 1999, §3.6.1 Single-Exponential Function


BrickTopology{dim, T}(mpicomm, elemrange; boundary, periodicity)

Generate a brick mesh topology with coordinates given by the tuple elemrange and the periodic dimensions given by the periodicity tuple.

The elements of the brick are partitioned equally across the MPI ranks based on a space-filling curve.

By default boundary faces will be marked with a one and other faces with a zero. Specific boundary numbers can also be passed for each face of the brick in boundary. This will mark the nonperiodic brick faces with the given boundary number.


We can build a 3 by 2 element two-dimensional mesh that is periodic in the $x2$-direction with

using ClimateMachine.Topologies
using MPI
topology = BrickTopology(MPI.COMM_SELF, (2:5,4:6);

This returns the mesh structure for


         6-  +-----+-----+-----+
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  3  |  4  |  5  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         5-  +-----+-----+-----+
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  1  |  2  |  6  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         4-  +-----+-----+-----+
          +--|-----|-----|-----|--> x1
             2     3     4     5

For example, the (dimension by number of corners by number of elements) array elemtocoord gives the coordinates of the corners of each element.

julia> topology.elemtocoord
2×4×6 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 2  3  2  3
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 2] =
 3  4  3  4
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 3] =
 2  3  2  3
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 4] =
 3  4  3  4
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 5] =
 4  5  4  5
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 6] =
 4  5  4  5
 4  4  5  5

Note that the corners are listed in Cartesian order.

The (number of faces by number of elements) array elemtobndy gives the boundary number for each face of each element. A zero will be given for connected faces.

julia> topology.elemtobndy
4×6 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0  1  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  2  2
 0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0

Note that the faces are listed in Cartesian order.

StackedBrickTopology{dim, T}(mpicomm, elemrange; boundary, periodicity)

Generate a stacked brick mesh topology with coordinates given by the tuple elemrange and the periodic dimensions given by the periodicity tuple.

The elements are stacked such that the elements associated with range elemrange[dim] are contiguous in the element ordering.

The elements of the brick are partitioned equally across the MPI ranks based on a space-filling curve. Further, stacks are not split at MPI boundaries.

By default boundary faces will be marked with a one and other faces with a zero. Specific boundary numbers can also be passed for each face of the brick in boundary. This will mark the nonperiodic brick faces with the given boundary number.


We can build a 3 by 2 element two-dimensional mesh that is periodic in the $x2$-direction with

using ClimateMachine.Topologies
using MPI
topology = StackedBrickTopology(MPI.COMM_SELF, (2:5,4:6);

This returns the mesh structure stacked in the $x2$-direction for


         6-  +-----+-----+-----+
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  2  |  4  |  6  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         5-  +-----+-----+-----+
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  1  |  3  |  5  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         4-  +-----+-----+-----+
          +--|-----|-----|-----|--> x1
             2     3     4     5

For example, the (dimension by number of corners by number of elements) array elemtocoord gives the coordinates of the corners of each element.

julia> topology.elemtocoord
2×4×6 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 2  3  2  3
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 2] =
 2  3  2  3
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 3] =
 3  4  3  4
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 4] =
 3  4  3  4
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 5] =
 4  5  4  5
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 6] =
 4  5  4  5
 5  5  6  6

Note that the corners are listed in Cartesian order.

The (number of faces by number of elements) array elemtobndy gives the boundary number for each face of each element. A zero will be given for connected faces.

julia> topology.elemtobndy
4×6 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0  1  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  2  2
 0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0

Note that the faces are listed in Cartesian order.

CubedShellTopology(mpicomm, Nelem, T) <: AbstractTopology{dim}

Generate a cubed shell mesh with the number of elements along each dimension of the cubes being Nelem. This topology actual creates a cube mesh, and the warping should be done after the grid is created using the cubedshellwarp function. The coordinates of the points will be of type T.

The elements of the shell are partitioned equally across the MPI ranks based on a space-filling curve.

Note that this topology is logically 2-D but embedded in a 3-D space


We can build a cubed shell mesh with 10 elements on each cube, total elements is 10 * 10 * 6 = 600, with

using ClimateMachine.Topologies
using MPI
topology = CubedShellTopology(MPI.COMM_SELF, 10, Float64)

# Typically the warping would be done after the grid is created, but the cell
# corners could be warped with...

# Shell radius = 1
x1, x2, x3 = ntuple(j->topology.elemtocoord[j, :, :], 3)
for n = 1:length(x1)
   x1[n], x2[n], x3[n] = Topologies.cubedshellwarp(x1[n], x2[n], x3[n])

# Shell radius = 10
x1, x2, x3 = ntuple(j->topology.elemtocoord[j, :, :], 3)
for n = 1:length(x1)
  x1[n], x2[n], x3[n] = Topologies.cubedshellwarp(x1[n], x2[n], x3[n], 10)

StackedCubedSphereTopology(mpicomm, Nhorz, Rrange; boundary=(1,1)) <: AbstractTopology{3}

Generate a stacked cubed sphere topology with Nhorz by Nhorz cells for each horizontal face and Rrange is the radius edges of the stacked elements. This topology actual creates a cube mesh, and the warping should be done after the grid is created using the cubedshellwarp function. The coordinates of the points will be of type eltype(Rrange). The inner boundary condition type is boundary[1] and the outer boundary condition type is boundary[2].

The elements are stacked such that the vertical elements are contiguous in the element ordering.

The elements of the brick are partitioned equally across the MPI ranks based on a space-filling curve. Further, stacks are not split at MPI boundaries.


We can build a cubed sphere mesh with 10 x 10 x 5 elements on each cube, total elements is 10 * 10 * 5 * 6 = 3000, with

using ClimateMachine.Topologies
using MPI
Nhorz = 10
Nstack = 5
Rrange = Float64.(accumulate(+,1:Nstack+1))
topology = StackedCubedSphereTopology(MPI.COMM_SELF, Nhorz, Rrange)

x1, x2, x3 = ntuple(j->reshape(topology.elemtocoord[j, :, :],
                            2, 2, 2, length(topology.elems)), 3)
for n = 1:length(x1)
   x1[n], x2[n], x3[n] = Topologies.cubedshellwarp(x1[n], x2[n], x3[n])

Note that the faces are listed in Cartesian order.



cubedshellmesh(T, Ne; part=1, numparts=1)

Generate a cubed mesh with each of the "cubes" has an Ne X Ne grid of elements.

The mesh can optionally be partitioned into numparts and this returns partition part. This is a simple Cartesian partition and further partitioning (e.g, based on a space-filling curve) should be done before the mesh is used for computation.

This mesh returns the cubed spehere in a flatten fashion for the vertex values, and a remapping is needed to embed the mesh in a 3-D space.

The mesh structures for the cubes is as follows:

4Ne-           +-------+
   |           |       |
   |           |   6   |
   |           |       |
3Ne-           +-------+
   |           |       |
   |           |   5   |
   |           |       |
2Ne-           +-------+
   |           |       |
   |           |   4   |
   |           |       |
 Ne-   +-------+-------+-------+
   |   |       |       |       |
   |   |   1   |   2   |   3   |
   |   |       |       |       |
  0-   +-------+-------+-------+
   +---|-------|-------|------|-> x1
       0      Ne      2Ne    3Ne
cubedshellwarp(a, b, c, R = max(abs(a), abs(b), abs(c)))

Given points (a, b, c) on the surface of a cube, warp the points out to a spherical shell of radius R based on the equiangular gnomonic grid proposed by Ronchi, Iacono, Paolucci (1996)

  title={The ``cubed sphere'': a new method for the solution of partial
         differential equations in spherical geometry},
  author={Ronchi, C. and Iacono, R. and Paolucci, P. S.},
  journal={Journal of Computational Physics},
grid1d(a, b[, stretch::AbstractGridStretching]; elemsize, nelem)

Discretize the 1D interval [a,b] into elements. Exactly one of the following keyword arguments must be provided:

  • elemsize: the average element size, or
  • nelem: the number of elements.

The optional stretch argument allows stretching, otherwise the element sizes will be uniform.

Returns either a range object or a vector containing the element boundaries.




The local geometry at a nodal point.


LocalGeometry(polynomial::Val, vgeo::AbstractArray{T}, n::Integer, e::Integer)

Extracts a LocalGeometry object from the vgeo array at node n in element e.


  • polynomial

    Polynomial interpolant: currently this is assumed to be Val{polyorder}, but this may change in future.

  • coord

    Cartesian coordinates

  • invJ

    Jacobian from Cartesian to element coordinates: invJ[i,j] is $∂ξ_i/∂x_j$


The metric tensor of the discretisation resolution. Given a unit vector u in Cartesian coordinates and M = resolutionmetric(g), sqrt(u'*M*u) is the degree-of-freedom density in the direction of u.


Brick Mesh

partition(comm::MPI.Comm, elemtovert, elemtocoord, elemtobndy,

This function takes in a mesh (as returned for example by brickmesh) and returns a Hilbert curve based partitioned mesh.

brickmesh(x, periodic; part=1, numparts=1; boundary)

Generate a brick mesh with coordinates given by the tuple x and the periodic dimensions given by the periodic tuple.

The brick can optionally be partitioned into numparts and this returns partition part. This is a simple Cartesian partition and further partitioning (e.g, based on a space-filling curve) should be done before the mesh is used for computation.

By default boundary faces will be marked with a one and other faces with a zero. Specific boundary numbers can also be passed for each face of the brick in boundary. This will mark the nonperiodic brick faces with the given boundary number.


We can build a 3 by 2 element two-dimensional mesh that is periodic in the $x_2$-direction with

julia> (elemtovert, elemtocoord, elemtobndy, faceconnections) =
        brickmesh((2:5,4:6), (false,true); boundary=((1,2), (3,4)));

This returns the mesh structure for


         6-  9----10----11----12
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  4  |  5  |  6  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         5-  5-----6-----7-----8
          |  |     |     |     |
          |  |  1  |  2  |  3  |
          |  |     |     |     |
         4-  1-----2-----3-----4
          +--|-----|-----|-----|--> x_1
             2     3     4     5

The (number of corners by number of elements) array elemtovert gives the global vertex number for the corners of each element.

julia> elemtovert
4×6 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  2  3   5   6   7
 2  3  4   6   7   8
 5  6  7   9  10  11
 6  7  8  10  11  12

Note that the vertices are listed in Cartesian order.

The (dimension by number of corners by number of elements) array elemtocoord gives the coordinates of the corners of each element.

julia> elemtocoord
2×4×6 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 2  3  2  3
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 2] =
 3  4  3  4
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 3] =
 4  5  4  5
 4  4  5  5

[:, :, 4] =
 2  3  2  3
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 5] =
 3  4  3  4
 5  5  6  6

[:, :, 6] =
 4  5  4  5
 5  5  6  6

The (number of faces by number of elements) array elemtobndy gives the boundary number for each face of each element. A zero will be given for connected faces.

julia> elemtobndy
4×6 Array{Int64,2}:
 1  0  0  1  0  0
 0  0  2  0  0  2
 0  0  0  0  0  0
 0  0  0  0  0  0

Note that the faces are listed in Cartesian order.

Finally, the periodic face connections are given in faceconnections which is a list of arrays, one for each connection. Each array in the list is given in the format [e, f, vs...] where

  • e is the element number;
  • f is the face number; and
  • vs is the global vertices that face associated with.

I the example

julia> faceconnections
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
 [4, 4, 1, 2]
 [5, 4, 2, 3]
 [6, 4, 3, 4]

we see that face 4 of element 5 is associated with vertices [2 3] (the vertices for face 1 of element 2).

connectmesh(comm::MPI.Comm, elemtovert, elemtocoord, elemtobndy,

This function takes in a mesh (as returned for example by brickmesh) and returns a connected mesh. This returns a NamedTuple of:

  • elems the range of element indices
  • realelems the range of real (aka nonghost) element indices
  • ghostelems the range of ghost element indices
  • ghostfaces ghost element to face is received; ghostfaces[f,ge] == true if face f of ghost element ge is received.
  • sendelems an array of send element indices
  • sendfaces send element to face is sent; sendfaces[f,se] == true if face f of send element se is sent.
  • elemtocoord element to vertex coordinates; elemtocoord[d,i,e] is the dth coordinate of corner i of element e
  • elemtoelem element to neighboring element; elemtoelem[f,e] is the number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoelem[f,e] == e.
  • elemtoface element to neighboring element face; elemtoface[f,e] is the face number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoface[f,e] == f.
  • elemtoordr element to neighboring element order; elemtoordr[f,e] is the ordering number of the element neighboring element e across face f. If there is no neighboring element then elemtoordr[f,e] == 1.
  • elemtobndy element to bounday number; elemtobndy[f,e] is the boundary number of face f of element e. If there is a neighboring element then elemtobndy[f,e] == 0.
  • nabrtorank a list of the MPI ranks for the neighboring processes
  • nabrtorecv a range in ghost elements to receive for each neighbor
  • nabrtosend a range in sendelems to send for each neighbor
mappings(N, elemtoelem, elemtoface, elemtoordr)

This function takes in a polynomial order N and parts of a mesh (as returned from connectmesh) and returns index mappings for the element surface flux computation. The returned Tuple contains:

  • vmap⁻ an array of linear indices into the volume degrees of freedom where vmap⁻[:,f,e] are the degrees of freedom indices for face f of element e.

  • vmap⁺ an array of linear indices into the volume degrees of freedom where vmap⁺[:,f,e] are the degrees of freedom indices for the face neighboring face f of element e.


commmapping(N, commelems, commfaces, nabrtocomm)

This function takes in a polynomial order N and parts of a mesh (as returned from connectmesh such as sendelems, sendfaces, and nabrtosend) and returns index mappings for the element surface flux parallel communcation. The returned Tuple contains:

  • vmapC an array of linear indices into the volume degrees of freedom to be communicated.

  • nabrtovmapC a range in vmapC to communicate with each neighbor.

centroidtocode(comm::MPI.Comm, elemtocorner; coortocode, CT)

Returns a code for each element based on its centroid.

These element codes can be used to determine a linear ordering for the partition function.

The communicator comm is used to calculate the bounding box for representing the centroids in coordinates of type CT, defaulting to CT=UInt64. These integer coordinates are converted to a code using the function coortocode, which defaults to hilbertcode.

The array containing the element corner coordinates, elemtocorner, is used to compute the centroids. elemtocorner is a dimension by number of corners by number of elements array.



Grids specify the approximation within each element, and any necessary warping.

min_node_distance(::AbstractGrid, direction::Direction=EveryDirection() )

Returns an approximation of the minimum node distance in physical space.


Returns an approximation of the minimum node distance in physical space along the reference coordinate directions. The direction controls which reference directions are considered.

DiscontinuousSpectralElementGrid(topology; FloatType, DeviceArray,
                                 meshwarp = (x...)->identity(x))

Generate a discontinuous spectral element (tensor product, Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto) grid/mesh from a topology, where the order of the elements is given by polynomialorder. DeviceArray gives the array type used to store the data (CuArray or Array), and the coordinate points will be of FloatType.

The optional meshwarp function allows the coordinate points to be warped after the mesh is created; the mesh degrees of freedom are orginally assigned using a trilinear blend of the element corner locations.



There are methods used to cleanup state vectors.

BoydVandevenFilter(grid, Nc=0, s=32)

Returns the spectral filter using the logorithmic error function of the form:

\[σ(η) = 1/2 erfc(2*sqrt(s)*χ(η)*(abs(η)-0.5))\]

whenever s ≤ i ≤ N, and 1 otherwise. The function χ(η) is defined as

\[χ(η) = sqrt(-log(1-4*(abs(η)-0.5)^2)/(4*(abs(η)-0.5)^2))\]

if x != 0.5 and 1 otherwise. Here, s is the filter order, the filter starts with polynomial order Nc, and alpha is a parameter controlling the smallest value of the filter function.


title={The erfc-log filter and the asymptotics of the Euler and Vandeven sequence accelerations},
author={Boyd, JP},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spectral and High Order Methods},
organization={Houston Math. J}
ExponentialFilter(grid, Nc=0, s=32, α=-log(eps(eltype(grid))))

Returns the spectral filter with the filter function

\[σ(η) = xp(-α η^s)\]

where s is the filter order (must be even), the filter starts with polynomial order Nc, and alpha is a parameter controlling the smallest value of the filter function.


Returns the truncation and mass aware rescaling nonnegativity preservation filter. The details of this filter are described in

  author = {Light, Devin and Durran, Dale},
  title = {Preserving Nonnegativity in Discontinuous Galerkin
           Approximations to Scalar Transport via Truncation and Mass
           Aware Rescaling (TMAR)},
  journal = {Monthly Weather Review},
  volume = {144},
  number = {12},
  pages = {4771-4786},
  year = {2016},
  doi = {10.1175/MWR-D-16-0220.1},

Note this needs to be used with a restrictive time step or a flux correction to ensure that grid integral is conserved.


This filter can be applied to the 3rd and 4th fields of an MPIStateArray Q with the code

Filters.apply!(Q, (3, 4), grid, TMARFilter())

where grid is the associated DiscontinuousSpectralElementGrid.




    FT <: AbstractFloat,CuArrays
    UI8AD <: AbstractArray{UInt8, 2},
    UI16VD <: AbstractVector{UInt16},
    I32V <: AbstractVector{Int32},
} <: InterpolationTopology

This interpolation data structure and the corresponding functions works for a brick, where stretching/compression happens only along the x1, x2 & x3 axis. Here x1 = X1(ξ1), x2 = X2(ξ2) and x3 = X3(ξ3).


  • Nel

    Number of elements

  • Np

    Total number of interpolation points

  • Npl

    Total number of interpolation points on local process

  • poly_order

    Polynomial order of spectral element approximation

  • xbnd

    Domain bounds in x1, x2 and x3 directions

  • x1g

    Interpolation grid in x1 direction

  • x2g

    Interpolation grid in x2 direction

  • x3g

    Interpolation grid in x3 direction

  • ξ1

    Unique ξ1 coordinates of interpolation points within each spectral element

  • ξ2

    Unique ξ2 coordinates of interpolation points within each spectral element

  • ξ3

    Unique ξ3 coordinates of interpolation points within each spectral element

  • flg

    Flags when ξ1/ξ2/ξ3 interpolation point matches with a GLL point

  • fac

    Normalization factor

  • x1i

    x1 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on the local process

  • x2i

    x2 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on the local process

  • x3i

    x3 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on the local process

  • offset

    Offsets for each element

  • m1_r

    GLL points

  • m1_w

    GLL weights

  • wb

    Barycentric weights

  • Np_all

    Number of interpolation points on each of the processes

  • x1i_all

    x1 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0

  • x2i_all

    x2 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0

  • x3i_all

    x3 interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0


) where FT <: AbstractFloat

This interpolation structure and the corresponding functions works for a brick, where stretching/compression happens only along the x1, x2 & x3 axis. Here x1 = X1(ξ1), x2 = X2(ξ2) and x3 = X3(ξ3).

Arguments for the inner constructor

  • grid: DiscontinousSpectralElementGrid
  • xbnd: Domain boundaries in x1, x2 and x3 directions
  • xres: Resolution of the interpolation grid in x1, x2 and x3 directions
FT <: AbstractFloat,
T <: Int,
FTV <: AbstractVector{FT},
FTVD <: AbstractVector{FT},
TVD <: AbstractVector{T},
UI8AD <: AbstractArray{UInt8, 2},
UI16VD <: AbstractVector{UInt16},
I32V <: AbstractVector{Int32},
} <: InterpolationTopology

This interpolation structure and the corresponding functions works for a cubed sphere topology. The data is interpolated along a lat/long/rad grid.

-90⁰ ≤ lat ≤ 90⁰

-180⁰ ≤ long ≤ 180⁰

Rᵢ ≤ r ≤ Rₒ


  • Nel

    Number of elements

  • Np

    Number of interpolation points

  • Npl

    Number of interpolation points on local process

  • poly_order

    Polynomial order of spectral element approximation

  • n_rad

    Number of interpolation points in radial direction

  • n_lat

    Number of interpolation points in lat direction

  • n_long

    Number of interpolation points in long direction

  • rad_grd

    Interpolation grid in radial direction

  • lat_grd

    Interpolation grid in lat direction

  • long_grd

    Interpolation grid in long direction

  • ξ1

    Device array containing ξ1 coordinates of interpolation points within each element

  • ξ2

    Device array containing ξ2 coordinates of interpolation points within each element

  • ξ3

    Device array containing ξ3 coordinates of interpolation points within each element

  • flg

    flags when ξ1/ξ2/ξ3 interpolation point matches with a GLL point

  • fac

    Normalization factor

  • radi

    Radial coordinates of interpolation points withing each element

  • lati

    Latitude coordinates of interpolation points withing each element

  • longi

    Longitude coordinates of interpolation points withing each element

  • offset

    Offsets for each element

  • m1_r

    GLL points

  • m1_w

    GLL weights

  • wb

    Barycentric weights

  • Np_all

    Number of interpolation points on each of the processes

  • radi_all

    Radial interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0

  • lati_all

    Latitude interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0

  • longi_all

    Longitude interpolation grid index of interpolation points within each element on all processes stored only on proc 0


InterpolationCubedSphere(grid::DiscontinuousSpectralElementGrid, vert_range::AbstractArray{FT}, nhor::Int, lat_res::FT, long_res::FT, rad_res::FT) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}

This interpolation structure and the corresponding functions works for a cubed sphere topology. The data is interpolated along a lat/long/rad grid.

-90⁰ ≤ lat ≤ 90⁰

-180⁰ ≤ long ≤ 180⁰

Rᵢ ≤ r ≤ Rₒ

Arguments for the inner constructor

  • grid: DiscontinousSpectralElementGrid
  • vert_range: Vertex range along the radial coordinate
  • lat_res: Resolution of the interpolation grid along the latitude coordinate in radians
  • long_res: Resolution of the interpolation grid along the longitude coordinate in radians
  • rad_res: Resolution of the interpolation grid along the radial coordinate


) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}

This interpolation function works for a brick, where stretching/compression happens only along the x1, x2 & x3 axis. Here x1 = X1(ξ1), x2 = X2(ξ2) and x3 = X3(ξ3)


  • intrp_brck: Initialized InterpolationBrick structure
  • sv: State Array consisting of various variables on the discontinuous Galerkin grid
  • v: Interpolated variables
                          v::AbstractArray{FT}) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}

This interpolation function works for cubed spherical shell geometry.


  • intrp_cs: Initialized cubed sphere structure
  • sv: Array consisting of various variables on the discontinuous Galerkin grid
  • v: Array consisting of variables on the interpolated grid
                          uvwi::Tuple{Int,Int,Int}) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}

This function projects the velocity field along unit vectors in radial, lat and long directions for cubed spherical shell geometry.


  • intrp_cs: Initialized cubed sphere structure
  • v: Array consisting of x1, x2 and x3 components of the vector field
  • uvwi: Tuple providing the column numbers for x1, x2 and x3 components of vector field in the array. These columns will be replaced with projected vector fields along unit vectors in long, lat and rad directions.
                                fiv::AbstractArray{FT,4}) where {FT <: AbstractFloat}

This interpolation function gathers interpolated data onto process # 0.


  • intrp: Initialized interpolation topology structure
  • iv: Interpolated variables on local process
  • fiv: Full interpolated variables accumulated on process # 0