Getting started

This guide shows how to call a function from CloudMicrophysics.jl package. Please consult our README for the CloudMicrophysics.jl installation instructions.

In this guide will call the accretion function that parameterizes the growth of rain drops through collisions with cloud droples. Check the API documentation and the parameterization documentation for more details.

We start by defining the single precision floating point type that will be used in the computations. We import the Microphysics2M module in which the accretion function is defined and the Parameters module in which we store the default values of free parameters.

FT = Float32

import CloudMicrophysics.Microphysics2M as CM2
import CloudMicrophysics.Parameters as CMP

We grab the parameters needed by the accretion function from the parameters module and define the example input values. Note that both the free parameters and the input values are of the same floating point type. All values are defined in base SI units.

const SB2006 = CMP.SB2006(FT)
qₗ = FT(1e-3)  # Cloud liquid water specific humidity
qᵣ = FT(5e-4)  # Rain water specific humidity
ρₐ = FT(1)     # Air density
Nₗ = FT(1e8)   # Cloud droplet number concentration

Finally, we call accretion, which will return the accretion rates for cloud and rain water specific humidities, as well as cloud and rain water number concentrations.

(; dq_rai_dt, dq_liq_dt, dN_rai_dt, dN_liq_dt) =
    CM2.accretion(SB2006, qₗ, qᵣ, ρₐ, Nₗ)
@info("Accretion rates: ", dq_rai_dt, dq_liq_dt, dN_rai_dt, dN_liq_dt)
┌ Info: Accretion rates:
│   dq_rai_dt = 2.9036f-6
│   dq_liq_dt = -2.9036f-6
│   dN_rai_dt = 0.0f0
└   dN_liq_dt = -290359.97f0

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