Performance benchmarks

The performance benchmarking scripts in the benchmarks directory of the git repository can be run to benchmark Oceananigans.jl on your machine. They use TimerOutputs.jl to nicely format the benchmark results.

Static ocean

This is a benchmark of a simple "static ocean" configuration. The time stepping and Poisson solver still takes the same amount of time whether the ocean is static or active, so it is quite indicative of actual performance. It tests the performance of a bare-bones horizontally-periodic model with topology = (Periodic, Periodic, Bounded).

Oceananigans v0.34.0 (DEVELOPMENT BRANCH)
Julia Version 1.4.2
Commit 44fa15b150* (2020-05-23 18:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4214 CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

        Static ocean benchmarks                Time                   Allocations      
                                       ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
           Tot / % measured:                 291s / 29.6%           27.7GiB / 0.50%    

 Section                       ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
  16× 16× 16  [CPU, Float32]       10   15.6ms  0.02%  1.56ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  16× 16× 16  [CPU, Float64]       10   16.9ms  0.02%  1.69ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  16× 16× 16  [GPU, Float32]       10   53.4ms  0.06%  5.34ms   11.5MiB  8.14%  1.15MiB
  16× 16× 16  [GPU, Float64]       10   69.7ms  0.08%  6.97ms   11.5MiB  8.14%  1.15MiB
  32× 32× 32  [CPU, Float32]       10   54.6ms  0.06%  5.46ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  32× 32× 32  [CPU, Float64]       10   57.1ms  0.07%  5.71ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  32× 32× 32  [GPU, Float32]       10   57.5ms  0.07%  5.75ms   11.6MiB  8.15%  1.16MiB
  32× 32× 32  [GPU, Float64]       10   75.0ms  0.09%  7.50ms   11.6MiB  8.16%  1.16MiB
  64× 64× 64  [CPU, Float32]       10    424ms  0.49%  42.4ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  64× 64× 64  [CPU, Float64]       10    425ms  0.49%  42.5ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
  64× 64× 64  [GPU, Float32]       10   61.7ms  0.07%  6.17ms   11.6MiB  8.16%  1.16MiB
  64× 64× 64  [GPU, Float64]       10   82.4ms  0.10%  8.24ms   11.6MiB  8.17%  1.16MiB
 128×128×128  [CPU, Float32]       10    3.67s  4.26%   367ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
 128×128×128  [CPU, Float64]       10    3.64s  4.23%   364ms   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
 128×128×128  [GPU, Float32]       10   74.8ms  0.09%  7.48ms   11.6MiB  8.16%  1.16MiB
 128×128×128  [GPU, Float64]       10   94.0ms  0.11%  9.40ms   11.6MiB  8.17%  1.16MiB
 256×256×256  [CPU, Float32]       10    38.5s  44.8%   3.85s   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
 256×256×256  [CPU, Float64]       10    37.9s  44.1%   3.79s   2.61MiB  1.84%   267KiB
 256×256×256  [GPU, Float32]       10    350ms  0.41%  35.0ms   11.6MiB  8.18%  1.16MiB
 256×256×256  [GPU, Float64]       10    352ms  0.41%  35.2ms   11.6MiB  8.17%  1.16MiB

CPU Float64 -> Float32 speedup:
 16× 16× 16 : 1.084
 32× 32× 32 : 1.046
 64× 64× 64 : 1.000
128×128×128 : 0.993
256×256×256 : 0.986

GPU Float64 -> Float32 speedup:
 16× 16× 16 : 1.304
 32× 32× 32 : 1.303
 64× 64× 64 : 1.335
128×128×128 : 1.257
256×256×256 : 1.004

CPU -> GPU speedup:
 16× 16× 16  [Float32]: 0.291
 16× 16× 16  [Float64]: 0.242
 32× 32× 32  [Float32]: 0.949
 32× 32× 32  [Float64]: 0.762
 64× 64× 64  [Float32]: 6.876
 64× 64× 64  [Float64]: 5.152
128×128×128  [Float32]: 49.036
128×128×128  [Float64]: 38.730
256×256×256  [Float32]: 109.868
256×256×256  [Float64]: 107.863


This benchmark tests the channel model (topology = (Periodic, Bounded, Bounded)) configuration which can be slower due to the use of a more complicated algorithm (involving 2D cosine transforms) for the pressure solver in the current version of Oceananigans.

Oceananigans v0.34.0 (DEVELOPMENT BRANCH)
Julia Version 1.4.2
Commit 44fa15b150* (2020-05-23 18:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4214 CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

           Channel benchmarks                  Time                   Allocations      
                                       ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
           Tot / % measured:                 453s / 19.5%           26.3GiB / 0.48%    

 Section                       ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
  32× 32× 32  [CPU, Float32]       10   58.5ms  0.07%  5.85ms   2.84MiB  2.22%   291KiB
  32× 32× 32  [CPU, Float64]       10   60.8ms  0.07%  6.08ms   2.85MiB  2.22%   291KiB
  32× 32× 32  [GPU, Float32]       10   68.7ms  0.08%  6.87ms   12.6MiB  9.85%  1.26MiB
  32× 32× 32  [GPU, Float64]       10   88.2ms  0.10%  8.82ms   12.6MiB  9.85%  1.26MiB
  64× 64× 64  [CPU, Float32]       10    459ms  0.52%  45.9ms   2.84MiB  2.22%   291KiB
  64× 64× 64  [CPU, Float64]       10    442ms  0.50%  44.2ms   2.85MiB  2.22%   291KiB
  64× 64× 64  [GPU, Float32]       10   91.0ms  0.10%  9.10ms   12.8MiB  10.0%  1.28MiB
  64× 64× 64  [GPU, Float64]       10    108ms  0.12%  10.8ms   12.8MiB  10.0%  1.28MiB
 128×128×128  [CPU, Float32]       10    3.87s  4.38%   387ms   2.84MiB  2.22%   291KiB
 128×128×128  [CPU, Float64]       10    3.92s  4.44%   392ms   2.85MiB  2.22%   291KiB
 128×128×128  [GPU, Float32]       10    145ms  0.16%  14.5ms   13.2MiB  10.3%  1.32MiB
 128×128×128  [GPU, Float64]       10    163ms  0.18%  16.3ms   13.2MiB  10.3%  1.32MiB
 256×256×256  [CPU, Float32]       10    38.6s  43.6%   3.86s   2.85MiB  2.22%   292KiB
 256×256×256  [CPU, Float64]       10    38.7s  43.8%   3.87s   2.85MiB  2.22%   292KiB
 256×256×256  [GPU, Float32]       10    805ms  0.91%  80.5ms   14.0MiB  10.9%  1.40MiB
 256×256×256  [GPU, Float64]       10    805ms  0.91%  80.5ms   14.0MiB  10.9%  1.40MiB

CPU Float64 -> Float32 speedup:
 32× 32× 32 : 1.040
 64× 64× 64 : 0.963
128×128×128 : 1.015
256×256×256 : 1.004

GPU Float64 -> Float32 speedup:
 32× 32× 32 : 1.283
 64× 64× 64 : 1.188
128×128×128 : 1.120
256×256×256 : 0.999

CPU -> GPU speedup:
 32× 32× 32  [Float32]: 0.851
 32× 32× 32  [Float64]: 0.689
 64× 64× 64  [Float32]: 5.044
 64× 64× 64  [Float64]: 4.088
128×128×128  [Float32]: 26.602
128×128×128  [Float64]: 24.097
256×256×256  [Float32]: 47.891
256×256×256  [Float64]: 48.116


This benchmark tests the performance impacts of running with various amounts of active and passive tracers.

Oceananigans v0.34.0 (DEVELOPMENT BRANCH)
Julia Version 1.4.2
Commit 44fa15b150* (2020-05-23 18:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4214 CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

                      Tracer benchmarks                             Time                   Allocations      
                                                            ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
                      Tot / % measured:                           168s / 1.29%           18.6GiB / 0.77%    

 Section                                            ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
  32× 32× 32 0 active +  0 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   42.4ms  1.96%  4.24ms   1.89MiB  1.29%   194KiB
  32× 32× 32 0 active +  1 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   48.3ms  2.23%  4.83ms   2.17MiB  1.49%   223KiB
  32× 32× 32 0 active +  2 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   53.5ms  2.46%  5.35ms   2.61MiB  1.78%   267KiB
  32× 32× 32 1 active +  0 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   48.9ms  2.25%  4.89ms   2.17MiB  1.49%   223KiB
  32× 32× 32 2 active +  0 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   56.0ms  2.58%  5.60ms   2.61MiB  1.78%   267KiB
  32× 32× 32 2 active +  3 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   77.0ms  3.55%  7.70ms   3.73MiB  2.55%   382KiB
  32× 32× 32 2 active +  5 passive [CPU, Float64]       10   90.4ms  4.16%  9.04ms   4.46MiB  3.05%   457KiB
  32× 32× 32 2 active + 10 passive [CPU, Float64]       10    127ms  5.86%  12.7ms   6.36MiB  4.35%   651KiB
 256×256×128 0 active +  0 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    146ms  6.75%  14.6ms   8.48MiB  5.80%   868KiB
 256×256×128 0 active +  1 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    162ms  7.45%  16.2ms   9.92MiB  6.78%  0.99MiB
 256×256×128 0 active +  2 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    174ms  8.03%  17.4ms   11.6MiB  7.92%  1.16MiB
 256×256×128 1 active +  0 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    160ms  7.39%  16.0ms   9.90MiB  6.77%  0.99MiB
 256×256×128 2 active +  0 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    177ms  8.18%  17.7ms   11.6MiB  7.93%  1.16MiB
 256×256×128 2 active +  3 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    222ms  10.2%  22.2ms   17.0MiB  11.6%  1.70MiB
 256×256×128 2 active +  5 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    255ms  11.8%  25.5ms   20.6MiB  14.1%  2.06MiB
 256×256×128 2 active + 10 passive [GPU, Float64]       10    328ms  15.1%  32.8ms   31.3MiB  21.4%  3.13MiB

Turbulence closures

This benchmark tests the performance impacts of various turbulent diffusivity closures and large eddy simulation (LES) models.

Oceananigans v0.34.0 (DEVELOPMENT BRANCH)
Julia Version 1.4.2
Commit 44fa15b150* (2020-05-23 18:35 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
  CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4214 CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-8.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)

                         Turbulence closure benchmarks                                Time                   Allocations      
                                                                              ──────────────────────   ───────────────────────
                               Tot / % measured:                                    257s / 34.3%           25.0GiB / 0.47%    

 Section                                                              ncalls     time   %tot     avg     alloc   %tot      avg
  32× 32× 32 AnisotropicDiffusivity [CPU, Float64]                        10   52.0ms  0.06%  5.20ms   2.62MiB  2.16%   268KiB
  32× 32× 32 AnisotropicDiffusivity [GPU, Float64]                        10   52.3ms  0.06%  5.23ms   11.6MiB  9.60%  1.16MiB
  32× 32× 32 IsotropicDiffusivity [CPU, Float64]                          10   52.7ms  0.06%  5.27ms   2.61MiB  2.15%   267KiB
  32× 32× 32 IsotropicDiffusivity [GPU, Float64]                          10   49.7ms  0.06%  4.97ms   11.6MiB  9.55%  1.16MiB
  32× 32× 32 SmagorinskyLilly [CPU, Float64]                              10   88.3ms  0.10%  8.83ms   2.73MiB  2.25%   280KiB
  32× 32× 32 SmagorinskyLilly [GPU, Float64]                              10   57.1ms  0.06%  5.71ms   12.5MiB  10.3%  1.25MiB
  32× 32× 32 VerstappenAnisotropicMinimumDissipation [CPU, Float64]       10   85.8ms  0.10%  8.58ms   2.93MiB  2.42%   300KiB
  32× 32× 32 VerstappenAnisotropicMinimumDissipation [GPU, Float64]       10   67.6ms  0.08%  6.76ms   14.0MiB  11.5%  1.40MiB
 256×256×128 AnisotropicDiffusivity [CPU, Float64]                        10    16.7s  19.0%   1.67s   2.62MiB  2.16%   268KiB
 256×256×128 AnisotropicDiffusivity [GPU, Float64]                        10    180ms  0.21%  18.0ms   11.7MiB  9.62%  1.17MiB
 256×256×128 IsotropicDiffusivity [CPU, Float64]                          10    16.5s  18.7%   1.65s   2.61MiB  2.15%   267KiB
 256×256×128 IsotropicDiffusivity [GPU, Float64]                          10    179ms  0.20%  17.9ms   11.6MiB  9.59%  1.16MiB
 256×256×128 SmagorinskyLilly [CPU, Float64]                              10    27.4s  31.1%   2.74s   2.73MiB  2.26%   280KiB
 256×256×128 SmagorinskyLilly [GPU, Float64]                              10    268ms  0.30%  26.8ms   12.5MiB  10.3%  1.25MiB
 256×256×128 VerstappenAnisotropicMinimumDissipation [CPU, Float64]       10    26.0s  29.5%   2.60s   2.93MiB  2.42%   300KiB
 256×256×128 VerstappenAnisotropicMinimumDissipation [GPU, Float64]       10    289ms  0.33%  28.9ms   14.0MiB  11.6%  1.40MiB