Lid-driven cavity

The lid-driven cavity test problem has been used for a long time as a simple verification test for computational fluid dynamics codes. First described by Odus R. Burggraf (1966), the fluid is contained in a square cavity with Dirchlet boundary conditions on all four sides. The top wall moves with velocity $U = 1$ while the other three walls are stationary. The solution reaches a laminar steady-state whose properties can be compared with a huge amount of existing data. The canonical database is given by U Ghia , K.N Ghia , C.T Shin (1982) who report detailed information on the velocity fields as well as the streamline and vorticity contours at various Reynolds numbers. More accurate data is reported by O. Botella , R. Peyret (1998), E. Erturk , T. C. Corke , C. Gökçöl (2005), and Charles-Henri Bruneau , Mazen Saad (2006).

Below are lid-driven cavity simulation results from Oceananigans.jl compared with U Ghia , K.N Ghia , C.T Shin (1982) for Re = 100, 400, 1000, 3200, 5000, 7500, and 10000.

Re = 100

Re = 400

Re = 1,000

Re = 3,200

Re = 5,000

Re = 7,500

Re = 10,000